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diálogo n2 inglés

Vicente garrido-chilean medic cirujan.

Nicole torres – conductora de la radio.

Rocío rivera – argentina enfermería.

Christian galea canadiense quiropráctico.

Anaceii Barraza Perú terapeuta física.

Good morning today we have four health guests.

What are their names and what country are they from?.

My name is Vicente Garrido, and I am from Chile.

My name is Rocio Ramirez, I come from Argentina.

My name is christian galea and I come from Canada.

My name is Anaceli Barraza, and I am from Peru.

Where do you work and what is your job?

I work in the hospital of Talca in the pediatric emergency and sometimes in
the adult one, I start at 7 am and finish at 8 pm.

I work at the Talca hospital from 2 pm until 10 pm, as a surgeon, I diagnose
and treat different diseases through surgical interventions, scheduled or
I work in a public hospital from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. as a chiropractor.
My function is to treat muscular and skeletal problems.

I work in physical therapy at the Talca hospital from 8 am to 4 pm, and I
give council to users who have problems in their movement or function.

Are they satisfied with their work, and why?

Yes, I am satisfied, because I like my work environment and I love being
able to help people's health.

I really like my work I am quite satisfied, since it allows me to help people.

I am fascinated by my work because it is what has called my attention
since I was a child and I have always had the support of my family.

If I am satisfied with my work I do it is help people who need it and I have
always wanted that.

We are grateful that you attended our morning Q&A program, I hope you
are doing very well. Thank you very much

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