111-2 高二觀餐英B2 學習單-Handling Phone Calls

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樹德家商 111 學年度第二學期 觀光餐旅英語會話課程學習成果紀錄

班級 / 姓名 班級______ 姓名_____________ 單元主題 L2 Handling Phone Calls

學號 學號_____________ 指導老師
產出時程 □期初 □期中 □ 期末 完成方式 □個人 □小組
Part One :Complete the form accroding to the message.
Ms. Tyler called at 11:15 a.m. She hopes Mr. Wu in Room 603 can return her call ASAP. She has something
important to tell him. Her number: 0987-879-489

Message Form

Time/ Date

To _____________ in Room __________________


Contact Number


Message Taker :

Part Two: You pick up the phone and the customer wants to call another department. Which button
should you press? Please circle it.


★心得與省思 ★師長回饋

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