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Stock holders Report review

The company's financial statements and footnotes provide insight into its financial
and position. Let's take a closer look at each of the key financial statements and
footnotes of.

1. Balance Sheet: The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the company's financial
position at a particular point in time. It shows the company's assets, liabilities, and
shareholders' equity. In 2022, Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s total assets were $495,384
million, while its total liabilities were $23,024 million, and shareholders' equity was
$472,360 million. The company's investments and cash equivalents accounted for a
significant portion of its assets, while its insurance and other operating businesses
accounted for the remainder. The balance sheet also shows the changes in the
company's financial position over time.

2. Income Statement: The income statement shows the company's revenues,

expenses,and net income or loss over a specific period. In 2022, Berkshire Hathaway
Inc. reported total revenues of -$22,908 million and net income of -$22,819 million. The
company's insurance businesses generated a significant portion of its revenues, while
its other businesses, including manufacturing, retail, and energy, contributed to the
remainder. The income statement also shows the changes in the company's financial
performance over time.

3. Cash Flow Statement: The cash flow statement shows the company's cash inflows
and outflows over a specific period. It provides insight into the company's operating,
investing, and financing activities. In 2022, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. generated cash
flows from operating activities of $8,462 million, netted a cash flow of -$17,996 million
from investing activities. Finalizing the year with a cash equivalent to $2,777 million The
cash flow statement also shows the company's changes in cash and cash equivalents
over time.

4. Footnotes: The footnotes to the financial statements provide additional information

about the company's financial position and performance. In Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s
footnotes, there is detailed information about the company's investments, including the
fair value of its investments, the industries and companies it invests in, and the
performance of its investments over time. They also provide information about the
company's insurance operations, including premiums, earned, losses incurred, and
reserves for losses.

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