Sanitary Book Bhatt

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MON 4g ENGINEERING (WASTEWATER ENGINEERING) POETICS MONTES ncaa ny OM C0 20 LALO PCOS Bement ie Sere td Environmental us "Scanned with CamScanner 1.10. Suitable sewerage system for Nepal QUANTITY OF SEWAGE.. 24 22, 2.3. 24. 25: 26. ee. 28. 29. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS. 3.4 BE CT e ST) Historical background... Important terms and definitions. ‘ Importance of wastewater and solid waste management Wastewater and solid waste management. Systems of sanitation... Objectives of sewage disposal. Classification of water carriage system (Sewerage systems)... Comparison of separate and combined System... Selection of sewerage system ® Sanitary sewage or dry weather flow (DWE)... Source of sanitary sewage... Factor affecting quantity of sanitary sewage. Determination of quantity of sanitary sewage .. Strom water or wet weather flow (WWF)... Factors affecting storm water... Determination of quantity of storm water... Time of concentration. Time Area Graph.. Design criteria of sewers. 3.1.4 Specific Gravity of Wastewater. 3.1.2 Design Period. 3.1.3 Maximum velocity (Non-scoring or limiting velocity) 3.1.4 Minimum velocity 3.4.5 Self cleaning velocity 3.1.6 Sewer size rang 3.1.7. Sewer gradient.. ‘Scanned with CamScanner 43.1.8 Hydraubc formula for design —— ‘i swers running el 3.1.9 Hydraufe elements for ere Jor crcuar Sewersrunning with pati 3.1.10 Hydraule elements mnof separate and combined syste. al ow. ce Sewer materials Types of sewer materials. Panning of sewer. Z jon or laying of sewer ushing Tank ase and cll raps 5.3. Biological chat Sampling of ‘Scanned with CamScanner puns. SA) Introduction Historical background cally humon civilizations were estoblihed near to woter sources. The historical foon was os ‘omeyonce of sewage 10 0 natural body of water without ony treatment where i wos orlly dilted. In 3750 BC the sewer arch ot Nippur in India was contnucied. Aa inverted Latine ‘system, along with glass covered clay pipes was vzed forthe first time in Greece, Wis =o ing condition after about 3000 years. n 26th century BC the sewer in Tell Asior in roa wos ted. The cies of Harappa and Mohan Jodade of the Indvs valley cvlization constructed Implex networks of bri-lined sewage drals around 2600 BC with ovtdoor fish toilets commecied lic tank sludge a i ‘ Is network. The urbon areas of the Indus valley cviization provided public and private baths. tank . Bie Gewage was disposed through underground drains but with prectely laid bricks. Sophisticated sis Noe eae a eee vet sem wh amar rexel wos esobiied indi voey ction id Waste Meragemen ¥ Crcinage systems, dais from bores were comneced to wider pubic ci. his basic system remained In place with litle postive change, until the 16th century. In 16% century “John Horington invented the first fluh tolet os a device for Queen Elizabeth I that released ses into cesspools, Despite this innovation, most of cities did not have 0 sewerage system before he Industrial era ond they were relying on neorby rivers or occosioncl rain to wash away the age from the streets. The prevailing system was sufficient for he needs of early cites with few ceypants. However, the tremendous growh of cities during the industrial revolution lead Yo over 1d streets, which Increased the probability of ovibreok of disease. Britain was the frst country to industrialize, It ako experienced the terrible consequences of ep 4 sed urbanization. Britain was the first country to construct a modern sewerage system 10 msonitory conditions dve Increased urbanization. In 1762, chemical precipi and in 9 1882 aeration wos carried out in Britain. In 1895, Britain collected methone gas from septic tons. the early 19th century, the Thames river of Britain was completely converted 3 an open sewer, ding to frequent outbreaks of cholera epidemics, The civil engineer Jozeph Bazolgete, cted modern sewerage system for London in the middle of 19th century. He designed on Waste wate Engineering 1 Scanned with CamScanner vr rtreom of the popu shar diverted waste fo aoe awe = parts of the highly Indust feces JJera and typhoid. As cities grew in Sesh ot coer ses poh elie 19h end 20h conten, tod seweroge #73 extensive undergroun i late 19th centary sewerant inodequote to prevent water-borne die Selon pubic heath concerns wor increased, I tronispal sanitation programs, mony ces com Gaeare such 0s typhoid ond cholera. tr inthe late 1850s in Chicago end 3 Stes ve iesin 1884 ond wed contact bedl ae ee plont using chemical precipitation a USA in 1906, ln 1908 First es were bul The fist sewerage system the United States he fs They wae a "1 +e of the period was Williom Lindley. Lindley began he a for the rapidly growing city of Frankfurt in ee rom po hd fal om 8 Se ped n Came 9H a ce vane re wa sewage reemert chlorine os disinfectant i> constructed in USA. Sees canaae ar eer. se bacone Nigh aes otempted fo neat the sewage before rea ere ycamans ne ear 20% come. Sento cr Gocnered cite pe pov 1912 1.2.Important terms and definitions Sanitary engineering: I is the branch of public heath engineering which deal with all Gipect of management of waste (iguid;slidge and solid) stcting from their coll Eten, tremporation, treatment and elsposal ond preserve environment ond Sanitation: Sonttion generally refers to the provision of fecities and service for the diporc! of human excreto/srine end maintains hygienic condition by collection! 5 sold worte ab @ general term ured to idlcate what is rejected or left out os worthless (quid, solid, or semi solid form and further divided into Refuse: It condition. It may be «) Garbage: Grboge ‘is ergnie ond putretyng potion of dry refit lke, d Rubbish: Geverlly nit indedes bot combustible ond noncombustible di cxchdlng preying moter: ond ices tn eed sled wastes from oes cnd ofr bulng te broken funiure, cordboord, pst texte, robber, B papers, glass, can, ferrous items ete Sullage or grey water: Sullage is termed to indicate waste water from bathroom, wothing places and wash bosias etc It does nat create bad small due to less pr organic components Enveonmentl Engng Sewoge/Waste water: Waste water & calecve term wed for oll kids of Bq wastes produced from the community such ex suloge, dachorge from fet, urinal, groundwater, som water, saxfoce water, iditol wastewater et. ond futher vided int flowing comegaries. ‘Storm water: In sanitary engineering rain water inthe localty & known os storm water fond ts not so harmful + Sanitary sewoge: Wastewater derived from residerticl building ond industri! ‘establishment is known ox sonitery sewoge. iti extremely foul in note. may be lassie ox domestic sewage and industrial sewage. ‘+ Domestic sewage: I incdes sewage from lavatory basin, urinal, woter dasets of ‘residential building, offices, theaters and other insitons Gnd contins humon excrete ‘ond urine heece foul in nature. + Industrial sewage: lt indudes wastewater obtohed from the industicl ond) ‘commercial extoblshments which may conta objectionable organic compound, xe chemical, heavy metals ete. which needs complicated trectment or per their ctents cond concentrations ‘+ Combined sewage: Its combination af santary sewoge ond storm water. Raw sewage: Its untreated sewage, Weak sewage: Sewoge containing lex: omeunt of anpended solid impurities Fresh sewage: Its recently produced sewoo, ‘+ Septic sewage: Sewage is undergsing treatment process. + ‘Sub soll water: Its ground woter that con enter into the sewer through leckage ond Dry weather low: Iti the nomal flow of sewage dicag dry seciors, Wet weather flow: I isthe normal flow of sewage during rainy secsons 7 Sewer Iti an underground condhit or droi through wich sewage fs caried 19.0 polt of dichorge or dsposol. tis further desifted eccorcing to camection. Separate sewer It cores oly domestic and indueril sewage. ‘Strom water sewer: It cories oly torm or rain wate from the commenity Combined sewer It corres both domestic ond industrial os well 2 storm water. [Main sewer or trunk sewer It received sewage from number of branch er sob main sewer cond conveying sewage 1 treatment pent > Sub main or branched sewer: recuves sewage from mimber of lotrel sewer ond livers it fo the main sewer. Lateral or street sewer: It receives sewage from individool howe throegh howe sewer” ‘nd delivers it fog branch or sub main sewer House sewer: It receives sewage from howe sewer and delivers It lateral sewer Outfall sewer: I sewage from the collecting system ond treatment plan oto the point of final disposal Intercepting sewer: It collec the sewoge from a number of main or conveys ito treatment plant orto the point of nal disposal, COverfiow sewer: Is built for corryng the exces flow of sewage copadity of existing sewer. | Scanned with CamScanner 4 sewer consraced lower ee er a rortation, pumping of liquid, waste) pe Sewerage: Te Ye severe 3 We To eee owen onan ond enim excreta vcore be hliled dtng memegenen of sod wate, sewage of waste ~oie= | carrying sewage by woter co 8 Night sit do cote io of o sewer of din of Renal oe The waste should not pole the lond, water ond ox © Inver: The lowest pert j ftshoud rot be occmslble to dudren or howe hold pets coled ive ion of 0 sewer o drain oF ume shoud not give rise to odo misonce. "Sono Isto not polite or contaminating dking water ‘and solid waste management 1 et ts use operon oe ee cr besos produces wastewater ond sod 1p shoud not be accessible 1 mae nd to ~ comity covtamincte the of, lend ond I shod not polite or contaninate the woter of | eas: 2 Seay of the recehing water will be degrade water spl. boting beach or srecme — oracet e a (oer W,Svae beac the industries. sub sol water moy inftrate In to the itrtion inereaves the quontity of sewoge ‘of sewage. Position of sewer Ground water infiltration: Ground water oF through the leoky joints, broken pipes ete nfl flvation (leakage from sewer) decreases the quantity Neon wate Joble decides ifilroion or exfilration, The vont, depen Sr serer jit, workmanship, sizeof sewer, length of ewer through infiltration El Imateril of sewer, sol properties ond position. Unouthorized comections not registered ia municipal stronce of storm water can Jage fs generally taken 0s 70 ~ 90% (80% wostewater/water fat ‘supplied to the town/cily. The rate of sontary sewage prodics fa per day (Ipcd) The rate of flow of sanitary sewage dose not re fhe seosons or month of the year, with the days of the week, and wit 1 season, the average rate of flow of sanitary sewage Is usualy’ "Dally variation depend: on the general habits of people and more luced on Saturdays, Sundays ond holidays due to more comfortable: ;p 3 To obtain average sanitary sewage, multiph poptlation, iris sage, multiply forecasted population, rate of water supply and water / waste water ratio (0.8 If not provided) ae bar sgl dl p 4 To obtain peak sanitary sewage (Peck DWF) mul ae ‘| multiply everage sanitary sewage by tii Scanned with CamScanner Mathematically, Design quantity of soritary sewage (Qe) Pe x Woste woter/ water rotie x population x rate 1 rainfall intensity and duration Is more, qvontty of storm 1 the rainfall tokes place very slowly even though i continues for the whole day, the quantity of storm water available wil be loss, 7. itil state of the catchment: f catchment i dry from long time due to draught, there is more ‘nfitration ond quantity of storm water will be less Incase of saturation of moistre content due to regular rainfall soil cannot accept more water and quantity of runoff wil be high. 8. Climatic conditions: Climatic factor that effect evaporation ako offect quantity of runoff. ‘Atmospheric pressure, wind and humility affects evaporation. If these foctor are in favorable water supply Where, peak factor (P) = 2-4 ond itary sewage for @ town having design y = 80% of sopplied water reaches to sewer Wustrative Example 2.1% Determine qvont Solution |] {or more evoperation quonty of storm waters len Total qua sasbaecceat ermal teed 9. Time required forthe flow to reach the sewer: If ine required fr flow to reach the sewer otal ers tina more, the losses due 10 evaporation as well o infirtion wll be more end quontty sf . ty of sanitary sewage = 80% of total amount of water supply ‘ averge quantity of sanitary sews storm water wil be less, averge quantity of sanitary sewage(Qayerge) = 08KLEML = 144MLD Maximum quantity of sanitary sewage (Qmae) = PFX Qaverage 2.7. Determination of quantity of storm water. 25K144 = 36MLD {sanitary Storm woter or runoff con be collated by subtracting losses due to evopersiion, absorption, transpiration, percolation ete. from totel rainfall. tis diffiait to find out the loses due to eveporotion, absorption, terspcaton ond percolation ete. as there are several factors offec the wontty of storm water. Following methods are used fo estate af ont of sanitary sewage. ©. tional method ond b. Empirical Method : both of above methods, the quent of storm water is © function of the oreo, the intensity of feinfall andthe co-efficient of rent, ©. Rational method Quantity of storm water from an area can be determined by the rational method. The method ives 0 reasonable estimate up o a maximum area of 400 ha. Assumptions and limitations of rational method Following are assumptions and limitation of retionel methods *reciptation is uniform over the entire basin and doesnot Vary with Hime or space, ‘Storm duration is equal to the time of concentration. ‘The time of concentration I relatively shor and independent of storm Ifensy, ‘The basin ore increases roughly In proportion to iereases in length, ‘he runoff cosfiient does not vary with storm intemity or ontecedent sol mois, Runoff is dominated by overland flow. - Basin storage effects are negligible. ‘The minimum duration to be used for computation of rainfall intensity is 10 minutes | ‘time of concentration computed for the drainage area is less than If utes, th ‘minutes should be adopted for rainfall intensity computations. Although rational method has several ssumptions ond itation, this met determine the quantity of storm water. The rational formula, ay 2.5.Strom water or wet weather flow (WWF) Storm water 1 of runoff available from roof, yords, pavements ond open spaces dud toinfal. When rainfall takes pl notes or percolates in to the ground, a pai evaporated in the atmosphere ond the remaining port overflows os storm water, ls source precipitation and its quoniy ie very lorge ax compared to sanitary sewage. © part of it 2.6.Factors affecting storm water 7 ve The quantity of runoff or storm water flow depends upon following factors. Area of catchment: Quantity of storm water is directly propertional to catchment area fi winere runof s contributing for flow. Greater the catchment area grecter will be the ar of storm water and vice versa ness/porosity of catchments area: Compacted or harder surface yield more ru jan soft and rough surfaces. In soft and rough surlaces, infiratien rate will be more the ypacied surface. Nature of the scil and the degree of porosity also affect quantity, Water. If soil hos high poresityinftation will be high end quantity of storm wat shape of the caichment area: As slope increases more runoff will take place, steep arecs contribute more quantity of storm water than flat areas, Tmpervious area: I catchment area Is comp: will be high if extent of imps of several type of oreas, quant ervious area Is high ond viee versa ‘uartity of storm water I a oS eeeeceene( 2.0) Scanned with CamScanner Impermeability factor or coefficient of runoff the ground dees not reach the sewer line, Al o Py ever: rnetf The runff or storm w 5 of ground surface at porosity, wetness, gt Cian of tes ploce. Therefore, the tte rola “quant of reef reaching the sewer ond i eal ‘hat ovatabe inthe form af reff is known roof surfaces. Kuichling’s and Frushing's impermeal mn purpose this factor or runoff coefficient should is wihwreemened ons ented 0 nero tack pavements wi une Macadam roads ‘Graveled roads and wal ~ Parks. aes. 2 dpe and characor of sab508 Unpaved sutacesralroats.y vacant ples {Wooded areaores! depends on surtace slope and character of subsoil Hist censety populates cr but up parton a ety Toble 2.4: Frushling's impermeabilty factors otTocally ascioeey bao = SOR atched anc SOX Goached houses area wih cetched houses 0.45055 urban areas wih 20 0 60% paring and widely detached houses _[ 0.35 oy comnts of various types of surfaces for which different than overall runoff coefficient In rational formule. GS 085 075 085 ilasvative Exempla 2 Determine overage runoff coef fiden! ond average perviouness factor ofthe entice catchment given bellow. The catchment surface area and correspending runoff coefficients are provided below. Types of area ‘Area(inha) | Runoff coeticient Commercial and industria 50 08: Residential with hgh densi 100 06 Residential wih low density 0 of Gardens and Open Spates @ 02 Solution Average runoff coefficent can be collated by following exprestion Average Runoff Coefficient ¢ = S&Aiteaxtexty 2 7 Titty ‘Average perviousness factor Intensity of rainfall Roinfallitensty can be estimated from rafal record of the oreo. However, ralfll intensity depends upon frequency and duration of the storm, Tere ore several emplial formas 10 colire ‘einfall Intery. However, in all of these formas rclfal ntensty 1s inversely Proportional te duration af rainfal (). ©. The empirical formula given by Brith Mistry of Hecih given by ZETG (for storm durations of 5:20 jp) nn (23) ! 1028 [for storm durations of 20-100 min) 110 Where, |= rainfall intensity fn rom/he = 1 = duration star minutes or tne of concentration b. General formula 25a ares (2.4) iG a ‘afl intent inn /hr + = duration storm in minutes or time of concentration 1 2.6 =consant af According 1 US Ministry of Heath vales ofthe corsa are 4 ‘Duration of storm: ‘Value ofa | Value of b admins || 2070 00 TNE Ys ‘Scanned with CamScanner ship ovo 7080 cio 10% eof od PEIN, son loes end garde wih nn cafe ot vibe he nna fon et rea? slain Tetl Blt up oreo (A) seo ong roof ond pavements) Ae ening lawns ond gardens (A) rt coffin fr roof ond pavements (i) of coon fo laws nd gardens (C3) ala fol ee cfc canbe coleated by following expression XA, DBXAA+02%.64 032440128 at 1 from gen cider area by rational frm is Runoff fom given catchment area (Q) Wiexpeced he oer x 30% ate of vocal Yo" Bt yo “He Ya be he ne 8 6% oh ‘Scanned with CamScanner Tit dt Ast At A 04x02 +07 x 015-+02%03 41 02415 +034 0154 Wet weather flow or storm flow trough given Calcultion of the quantity of sewage for vonity of sewoge for combined system ‘ombined flow = dry weather flow + Quonity ef sewage for portlly separate ‘term wore fem yards cod roof =O:114 Quomty of sewage for portly separate storm woter fom yards and roof =10.2246,11 Determine the deugn dichorge for separate and population of 45000 reldng over on ore of 20) coefficient = 045; time of concentration= 30 minute, Solution separate system tal quantity of water supph = (45000 x 150) itre/day 078 m/s 16173% of water upped oppears os rewoge, hen ‘Average sewage discharge or DWF = (0.75 x 0078) ™"/, = qosasm I, let peek foie = 3 peautm sewage dichag¢(Q sen) = (8x 00585)""/, = 0.17551) Hence desindichrge for separcie ystems 0.1755 ie For combined system ‘Scanned with CamScanner Tine fen Tht ne te fr wate Ti fifo Then oie Terr tat onannen iam 1s a ti otha esi raion at enh er hee per thc oe bing inane tm tn tof ec hl a coneetin eoreeee Illustrative Exomple 27, [Wows otsurace | rare] Rona |FaesanaWeosnaea 00 Celeste the quantity of stm water W tine of entry 20 mines Gnd Solution Overoll rot coetfient can be collated by flowing expr GM + CXL + GS XAL+ CU Ayt GX A A+ AAs + Ay tg Ay OAS x 0.1402 x0. + 15% 015 + 0.25 02-4085 x 02 +09 x 0.25 014014015 +02+02+025 Forte inf enentrtin 30 mines aie of «ond b re 1016 ond 20 respecvaly a _ 1016 Intensity of rainfall = f= = IONS = 90.39 sam py ent 6 ~ 30-429 = 20-32 mm/h Putin the vale of C, lord Ain retional ferrule, he GIA _ 045 x2032x 20 360 Quantity of storm water strom ‘Scanned with CamScanner he catchment area of o city 30 minutes) and C{4Ominutes). If time of concent im flow. Assume overage runoff coefient 0. seer onion 20 imtes volue ofa ond b ore 762, ond TO respectively. a 16 = ensity of rainfall een 284 fhe CIA _ 0.7 %25.4X45 = Garon = 366 360 As worm A stops after 20 mines that fess then tine: of hea ca rot conribte storm water af the ame fine moxin tow tom tom A= 222 1. ABmt/se For storm 8 Duration of son For storm duration 30 minutes value of Intensity of rainfall=! = <5 = 75475 CIA _0,7x 203245 Geerom = 369 28 ‘ss tm A cops after 30 minds thot eet equal fine of concatation, Therefore, ‘area contribute storm water at the some time. os Feorstorm Darton of torn 40 mite For tom durtion 40 mines vole of «ond b ore 1014 and 20 respectively. a 1016 Intensity of rainfall =1 = 725 = Goo = 1693 mfr inn x th THEI, “strom 360 360 ‘As torn A sopsofer 40 mines tat snore thon tine of concerto, Therefor Grea cote sor wale a fe sone tn fie ine of creer Som hs = 1:78m3/see L48m"/sec “low Thus ts proved that hw storm having rain fall dation equal ta tine of concentration ~ moximum flow than other storm. ‘Scanned with CamScanner sco 50 ha. The cotdiment sxfoce and coresponding rnott coefficients ee rainfall is 40. mm/hour. 1 ce et nomen emi tnt Ais “ ams [sane [votcotce| ic 045 a0 015 090 | aie 20 year he bull op oreo ll be 50% of the total By cs “isunor! 20% oreo of vocnt plots. What willbe the storm water dlscarge at pres “cron reo of Paton Manipal S0he hovng average rnoff eefisent lvian of city is 50 people/ha, rate of water supply Is $0 Iped and — «1 son calle the qvonty of sewage for SiScpwicte stem 8) combined system portly Seperate sytem Asume peak factor 3 and 75% of water supplied reaches fo swe Duternine the design dicharge for separate ond combined system of «small 16 120ipcd; Runoff coeffclent = 05; Hime oF concentrate The catchment are of @ city is 40 hectores with averoge runoff coefiient 015: Cale quontty of storm water f time of entry is 20 minutes and time of flow is TOminutes Determine design flow for combined sewer for @ town having area $0 B population ofthe town s 100 persons /hectore. The average flow ls 100 lter/eapita/day peak dicharge s one and half times more than average flow. There Is rainfall equlval 15 mmin 24 hours. Assume 75% of rafoll converts os runoff. The catchment oreo of a city Is 40 hectares. This cy I subjected by three stoms A rminutes|, B (30 minutes) ond C[4Sminutes. If time of concentration i» 30 minutes, find Wh storm will produce maximum flow. Assume overage runoff eoeHficent 0.6, 000 Scanned with CamScanner 1d for design perlad of 30 years, whichis fai revision is made in designing ct cen tse Se aol ema cee nit ‘Availity of funds period. Mostly seweroge projets ore designe ase ond difculty in exporsion Anticipated rate of pepution 70 sats induding industrial and commercial growth =a Life of the moter, sructues end equipment = ase considered fer diferent components of sewerage scheme, Full development = = 40 te 50 yeors 15020 years — +510 10 years b. 4. Hyer erstronts f the systems designed ond F ing design period Lateral less han |S. diameter Bb Tank ormoinsewers Treomer Us 4.1.3 Meximum velocity (Non-scoring or limiting velocity) the sewer cannot be inereoted up to any iil Yelocty is inereased sce of o sewer pipe gets scoured: die 10. ‘continuous abrasion ¢ sree du wlth preset in sewone ond wil bo make Sewer surface ough: Ts wl Seen. eto, necessary tlm the maximum velecy lathe awe pipe: coer nd iccny witminly depend upon the material of he sewer. The maxinon ‘nhich scour oF obtasion of sewer tokes ploce is known as non-scouring or limiting’ el ‘general design, maximum velocity should not greater thon 3 m/s. However, more harder mat cee hove nore limitng velecty or non scouring velocity. Non-scouring velocity ako depend the hpe of ier natetal of erin or sewer. Table bellow provides nonscoung The velocty In smooth interior sure “ferent sewer material. ‘able 3.1. Non-seouring velocity for different sewer materials Materials of sewers [ Maximum tinting velocity mvsee Castivon 3545) art chara oei12 Bick sewer pipe 1525 ‘lone wou sewer pe 3045 Conereo sewer pipe 2430 | Mave te and otazes treks 455 3.14 Minimum velocity The minimum velocity in the sewer should be oble fo get he sot cleaning velocity. Agaly, for sere which designed to flow ol fl the siting problem may are Is recommended the AGAR be 0.6 n/n ond 1b cummed hort tre coy done sth would be flushed out dring the peck flow. oe ‘Scanned with CamScanner Fanaa ne _. nomen seers omt nate mon, rin Oa aa ee ens ying cope, hl ahetish Se er nner tar aie WAL be ob pet 15 20°25, 30,60 cnt ‘ced of lorger size Olio. recanmerd mmoitenance, and Nepal sof Sin However, sewers may cn 3.1.7 Sewer gradient 4 for tne sewer ore be Fresca arcleced os per ite contin. The mnimim grace should be wc that self sere h ecewed ond he moxsrum gradient should be wch that the veloc doesnot excea The nexezuringvalcty H the velecty citeria do not mest forthe requirements of self cles crchscamert of the sewer, these segments should be flshed regulary to avoid savers The meimum ond maxinum gradients recommended are 1:100 and i 1:20. The gradient edopte 3.1.8 Hydraulic formula fe Folowing ore some majo ond important formulas wsed in sewer design. 2. Datermination of discharge The dichorge in sewers i coleulated by @ =Av 8) Where, @. = Dischorge ‘A. = Cross sectional orea of sewer and V = Veloety of flow b. Determination of velocity of flow: Fellowing formula: ore generally adopted determination ofthe velaty of flow during the design of sewers ‘A. Manning's formula: Values of 0012-0015, 010-0011 ooroor7 | OO1T-0.019 onreoor ‘a ‘Scanned with CamScanner Figute 3.1; Crcvlar Sewer Running wih Partial Flow Let D isthe lnernl dometer and d is the depth of flow os shown In figure 3.1. Let @ is the sobtended by the wetted perimeter of the center of the sewer, a is the sectional flow area, p | etied perimeter, the hydraulic mean depth (¢ = a/p) and v isthe velocty of flow. Here 6 is certel ongle give by the expression vee (3:10) ‘Now he weted arse for partial fow= a = 22 ‘hs, 2sin cos? = sind, wie an gf Sao he wetted perimeter for partial flow = P = nD x 7 ‘Scanned with CamScanner 0 01 02 03 04 05 r ato Hyer ements A(R. v1 VL (a) Q) Figure 3.2: Variation of ratios of hydraulic elements of « Cireviar sewer wih depth rato (d/D) Fr 3.2 shows variation of ratio of hydraulic element fo Grslor sewer with depth ration (4 /f For'deph ratio more thon 0.5 veloc roti gtecer thon one if N/n is aquol to one: there tno need of sleeper grade fo ensue self clearing veloc if that is echieved ot ful’ flow. However, fr depth rato less than 0.5 there may be reed to provide steeper grade Ihydcule element of craslor sewer that con ocheved equvolert_ self dearsing velocies ot a opt flow ore derived onthe assmption that rcive force intensity Is equal o clearing. (3.21) ———1922) se 9.23) ‘Scanned with CamScanner a cumvediien fr colar sever baing donete 9's, iia anni Cele vlc, der “ul. Toke N=0.012, ed ecrebene ore f Solution for crear secsin ring fall (R) Hydroutc meon dest ames lem ‘ ; aie log x Six ge (0125) % (/200}7 x05? x 147 = 0.133 m3/see Diacharge, O=AZV= F sng , Chery’ forma, V = CVS: “47 = G fies % 1/200 = Chery coelient (C) =58.8 — Aiosative romple 3.4 : cae wcty ond dxharge rough ecenglor awa of 2:5m wid oc -Sm epi Grogan of 1.200 ond reving ful. Toke Chexys coaffident (C)=58. Selution For ful deph flow rot wil bo be pot of wetted perineler Wetedhen ais = Wed erimest 5445) 0.468 Hydroute neon dept Using, Chexy's formu to calclate velocity ,V= GVRXS. = = 58.8/0468 x 1/200= 2,84m/s Disorge, Q=AxV= 25X15 X284= 10.66 m/sec = festive Exoape Dein o ever to serve © population of 36,000. The water wppy rate i 125 Iped of {nds way nto te sewer, Te slope ofthe sewers | 625 end the sewer should be 012 Soltion Quant of sewage flow, DWF 2600013503) ieooxzexcoxes ~ OUAS m"/sec Copacty of sewer = 4 x DWF= 4x 0.045 = 0.18 m/sec sng Manning's formula, Velocty, V= + aia * (D/A) x (1/625): = 1.3228 x DE x 2 x0? x 13228 xi 15182 2 0.52 m = damter 0] cf sewers 0.52n.Sobsttving the vale of Di above equation = low, V= 13228 xi = 1.3228 x 050) ‘Scanned with CamScanner ee ee 2 /asil2 Bay Least? s(@) Goal 15 ctg OCG" = 2 aor) Ges xaal”) (a : pY? = 0.861 Oat askin = 945 oo ener eee SR 98-9236 Hydric Heon doth (R= =e aa 28 Agi? = = (0236) The velocity of sewer at ul flow (0) = Sewer wnning ot half depth ») ¢.351Wetted parameter (p) = 0/2 945? ‘reo of sever (a) =3 p_oms Hydeowk Meon dept (7) oss 30.296 (0236)? (2) " = 1.42m/5 The velacy of sewer ot half flow ¥) the dachorge of sewer at half flow (q) =a ¥ nple 3.8 yond ron Find the minimum veloc Timm diometer trough 0 sewer of 30” atk = 0.06 and f = 0.03 . The value of min Moning’ form full Solution Self ceoming velocity or minimum velecty canbe calculated by Camp Shield formula ae ia is 0.012. Assume sewer Is For ful lw, Hydraulic Meon depth (R) in amiga V = 2S 0508 =-4-0075H95'2 0, $= 00011745 sin Rete rot (}= 1851 Example Determine the diameter and discharge of a circuc t 15k v3 ap ot) nc en ta vine Sms Nevo i snsemtgvfomiehOOI2. ‘Scanned with CamScanner For Creular Section Let D = dimete of rar sewer ected area) =ZD® and. wettedperimeter(B)= #0 hyraliemtean depth (F) = discharge(a) = a xv =50?*S (7 The neo ewer ore hydraulically i (1) ond (2 we get i 13890 #03117 7309 ore fhe 02244 or DB ord=0s710 = 44S m/s : tu: 60% of wter plied oppeors cs sewage ten j I Average sewage discharge or DWF = (08 x 0145)" / 116™/s Maximum sewage dscharge(Qmn) ={20.116)m?/s =0347mi/S (PF =3) New sewers designed for mexirum dichorge aL apelsil2 nae ahs 1 mn on *G>) * Di=04056 Or,D =0.746m = 746mm ‘Scanned with CamScanner = 070 44 ot maxinum darge fo a town povided vith asd a cory ap S ond nwve get 0.727 or D=0.887m Diameter of sewer 0.887!m = 887A Check for self cleansing velocity: Aimaximum discharge r= 0.29620 = 0.2962 x 0.887 = 0.263 Velcty ot maxi dacharge (v) = x (0263)! ‘At minimum discharge Let vs sume minimum flow equol fo cre third of average flow and maximum flow i three times i ‘Scanned with CamScanner _- te tial flow diagram . on aytas2 we get = 0.27 an for this depth rao = 0731rom Petia ow clagram i, tor galt cleansing veloc: a 3 pen cote orn : 1 hiek ict 1 Tire xoat 026m reshma se) OAGTAV= 073812 087M/s> 04m), aay cy 7 from Table 3. sme 3.18 data lao the dlaneter of combleed creuarsewer wih ole i oo ech pd ety 10 pare Hecars ‘Woter wpply tach ea Pook factor= 27 = 1/750, Rolfe tery 15 m/e Slope= 1/750, Maneng’scoctfint of rgosiy= 0.011 The coefidenof nett = 04) The sewer should wn 0:6 depths fl during peok few, . Solution {et oxime 80% of total water upply ppear Ine sewage : ‘Average quantity of sewage (Qo) = 08x Population density x Are x Rate of Watersupp 18 x 100 x 35 x 100 = 260000 /day = 0.00324m4/see a 588? ee = 000675 +0583 = 059175m8/se¢ | 01.537" or @ = 20307" and sind = ~03919 We can caelote flow ara a] ond weted peinea(p) by following equation wo sy opi 03919 7 Weted arena) = [= - = nD xO _ nD x 20307 60 360 a _ 01566 xD? Bo Used Maximum discharge (q) = 2 ars, og9t - sort pe |= 01866 RD? Wetted Peremeter(p) = 1564 x nD. Hydraulics radius = 027760 Mier the substition of vole of o , Siang We 0592 1 % (0.1566 x mb2)(0.2776p)#/# Ava rot 1 x Ge ° D3=0852 07,0 =0941m=941mm Diameter of ew i 941m ‘Scanned with CamScanner issue = (0225) Ge) Velodty when flowing ae third fully = 5 0336x143 =048 m*/sec Discharge when flowing one third ful, q =a XV = sein @ water ppl ot of 145 lcd. Assming BO% ‘he populotion cf o town is 80,000 persons wroter supply contribs for sewage flow, Gre peak focer o: 3. Determine the minimum diameter of ser discharge if trun at O75 depths? ing MamingsN a3 0.013, averege slope os 1:409 required 10 carry the oxy (MU, OE, 2070 Meh; = 80,000 Rote of woterspply = 14Slped Slope (8]= 1400 pF=3 g/=075 opulation x rateof water supply 7 6x10 5 16x 10° /day = Se gg /S = 0134 m'/s ‘Manning's coetfien (ra) = 0.013 “Total quantity of water supply the danetrofenbined Now velo of ow (== = (00000%145)1/4 Let 0% ot wer wppled oppor or ewoge, hn pveage sewage discharge or DWF = (08X04) 75 = 0,07 ™/, Maximum sewage discharge(Qmax) = (3 * 0.107) ‘m/s = 0.321 m/s, * (PF) = Nanas degre for maxim dere oo dh 075 ve are 360 x 0.866) 2 e a 2m x 240, egp2, BaF Stang eye of 0,0, ond 1 1 IBA = yyy (089207 03000"" (3) e ‘Scanned with CamScanner —e=-. . a) Sewer running ot Full depth : 7 v= dpeitsi/2 sa shape ot Sewers Velocity of flow con be computed by Monin’ forma re eva varios sapet of severs, The senrs ae id er tne eatall Ther are dsned 10 Now der gta ee required gade,S = 74110" 0 SE OTH Eprene=£(1)?x09= 0706m"/sec Now, Discharge (Q) = AXV= 1b) Sewer running at patil depth (69%) cos$= (1-25) =(@-2%08) =-02 3 8 orsg8 20rd ant 2-0989 2b Sod) 307, 03919 p08, Se) _ 0807 93719 yay pee) la te 8 pias Rg 28) ‘2m x 203.07. pd erate 8 enol | 1 Beata the upper poten of meres now exon hf The azn hl roe Pe 5. tmertaueh dating devices ‘on ocess to working chamber. It hat less dimensions than working chamber. The minimum size % ere =e Sic aA Ut ‘of access shaft Is. 0.6m x 0.75m for rectongular manhole and 0.6m for circular mon hole. wee 1 Working chamber: The lower portion of manhole Is known as working chonbe. Ths provides svoing spoce {0 carry eut the maintenance works. tf constructed by enlarging the size of {ices shaft ots bottom through an offset by providing RC.C slab or ating ee. The minim see of working chamber fore rectangular mon hols ere about 0.9m x 1.2m and for credar rman oles re about 1.2m diameter. = .Batlom: The bottom pertion of mankale is aso known as benching, Its consicted of cement ‘encrete. I comists of semi drcular or U shaped main chanel end sides are made Yo spe 4.1.Manhole ‘Amonioe is mason or RCC chonbe saructed onthe algnmert of sewer to folie © man > ‘enter in sewer line forthe purpose of testing, inspections, leaning, and removal of obstructions from sevat tne They oho ep neko seve Ines cen he decion or agent or bah o spe ends vn ot rel Had cnc fever pts wt Sadi ef baclon Onrcig none gare amie. donge ln clignnent, change in grades | Ware Tron dos afsowen 10061500) eee Ponte ot comenen spac wich depen’ | Sie walls The sidewalls of « manos are cotrced of bik ste masonry or Souk b rhg Fate 41 tw dinencanpoet nce ene me | __ the actly rene th te Seen z _ Steps or ladder: Steps are generally made of cast ion ond are ¢/« Dem vertical c/e 30cm). These steps should formally. 1. Top cover: Manholes has heavy cast iron or RCC cover set be rei on concrete and be set on appropriate concrete mix, ‘pen he aff load it host with stand = a ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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