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DIM 3404_1 Digital Analytics and Campaign Analysis.

Assignment #4 (Individual Assignment)

Submitted by

Anay Chacko C0846398

Submitting to

Nima Chaeechi

A. What are the major subjects that you have explored in this course? How did the
materials of this course help you build a better understanding of the learned subjects?

I learned about Google Analytics, AdSense, how a campaign works & how can I miss the
sessions where we created a demo account on google analytics and explored.

The resources helped me understand the concepts and usage of these tools. The course
delivered the information in a logical order, breaking down complex topics into more
manageable bits, allowing me to learn the subject matter more efficiently.

The training materials offered real-world examples, case studies, and practical scenarios that
helped me understand how to use Google Analytics and AdSense to track website visitors and
monetize a website. These examples enabled me to integrate theoretical principles with
practical applications, which improved my grasp of the subject.

Furthermore, the course materials contained exercises, quizzes, demo account creation, and
assessments that would have allowed me to test my knowledge of the subject. This assisted
me in identifying areas where I needed to pay more attention and in establishing a solid
foundation of knowledge and skills.

B. What are the major subjects that you have learned in this course and that you believe
are very meaningful at present and for the future?

Throughout this Digital Analytics and Campaign Analysis course, I learned about Google
Analytics, how to manage a campaign, AdSense, and how to setup demo accounts to practise
on Google Analytics. A few of the key topics that may be highly important right now and in
the future include:

Understanding Google Analytics Digital marketers must use Google Analytics to monitor
website traffic, user activity, and campaign effectiveness. I gained knowledge in this course
about how to set up Google Analytics, monitor website metrics, analyse data, and enhance

Campaign Management: Executing effective campaigns is essential to attaining marketing

objectives. This course taught me how to create target audience segments, plan and carry out
campaigns, and assess performance.

AdSense: AdSense is a Google initiative that enables website owners to monetize their
content by displaying pertinent advertising. I discovered how AdSense operates in this
course, as well as how to set it up on a website and maximise profits.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): To increase traffic to a website, search engine marketing
(SEM) entails placing advertisements on search engine results pages (SERPs). I learned about
keyword research, ad copy writing, bidding techniques, and how to evaluate and improve
SEM performance in this course.

C. How would you describe your experience in working in your group on your group
assignments? what would you have changed about your experience and what would
you have differently if you were to do this task again?

Group projects in digital marketing courses can be difficult but also beneficial. While group
work can promote collaboration and mutual learning, it can also be challenging to manage
varying viewpoints and working methods.

It's crucial to establish clear communication right away in order to guarantee a great
encounter. To make sure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same
goals, the group should establish goals and duties for each member. Regular check-ins and
updates on the project's progress can also help to keep it on track and deal with any problems
that may crop up.

Also, it's critical to approach group projects with an open mind and the capacity for
negotiation. This can entail being open to hearing the thoughts and opinions of others and
being willing to modify as necessary. Also, putting aside one's preconceptions and focusing
on the needs of the group as a whole can foster a strong feeling of teamwork.

If I were to work on a group project again, I might think about establishing more precise
deadlines and milestones to keep the project on track. In order to keep everyone informed of
the progress being achieved and any obstacles that needed to be overcome, I would also make
sure to interact with my group members more frequently.

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