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Assignment 2 – Training Design

Employee, Train and Development

Student ID: A00164911
Submitted by: Veerpal Kaur
Submitted to: Prof Shorouk Ali Elzayat
Cutting I ‐ (Hairdressing)
This training in cutting requires the use of a straight razor, a clipper/edger, a shaper/razor, scissors and
shears, and applicators. It involves personal consultation, client preparation, determining type of haircut,
cutting and finishing. It includes information on cutting techniques for various types of haircuts.
Styling II
Major Topics/Tasks:
Determine haircut; Perform scissors cut; Perform clipper cuts; Perform haircut with shaper/razor.
Purpose / Aims:
1. To develop the skills and knowledge required for cutting hair.
2. To practice safety in potentially harmful situations.
3. To practice sanitary procedures.
4. To interact appropriately with clients.
Plan of Training ‐ Hairstylist
Learning Objectives:
1. Determine haircut.
i. Perform analysis for haircutting.
ii. analyze hair to be cut.
  condition of hair
  length
  texture
  density
  growth pattern
iii. Determine.
  clients desire and needs.
  shape for face and head
  profile
  length and width of neck
  size and position of ears
  size, height, and posture of client
  accessories, such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc.
  irregular features
iv. Suggest recommended haircut.
2. Perform scissors cut.
i. Describe types of scissors.
ii. Hold and manipulate scissors using.
  blunt stroke
  inside and outside bevel
  slithering
  tapering/thinning.
  point cutting/notching.
  slicing/slide.
  removing excess hair on neck.
iii. Prepare client.
iv. Section hair employing one of the following techniques.
  horizontal
  vertical
  diagonal
v. Establish cutting guidelines, guide points, and guide strands.
vi. Cut hair with consideration given to
  degree of elevation
  cutting techniques.
  specific design
  operator and client posture
  growth patterns
  hairlines
vii. Thin hair, if necessary
viii. Check and crosscheck hair
ix. Follow safety and sanitary guidelines during entire procedure
x. Maintain scissors.
3. Perform clipper cuts.
i. Describe types of clippers and blades.
ii. Hold and manipulate clippers using.
  clippers even comb technique
  freehand
  arching
iii. Prepare client.
iv. Determine degree of closeness and height of taper.
v. Perform preliminary scissors cut, if necessary
4. Perform haircut with shaper/razor.
i. Describe types of shaper/razors in hairdressing.
ii. Hold and manipulate shaper/razor using.
  blunt stroke
  slight taper
  thinning
iii. Section hair
iv. Cut hair with consideration given to
  specific design
  angle
  degree of elevation
  operator and client posture
  growth patterns
  hairlines
v. Check haircut
vi. Maintain shaper/razor.
Training Lesson delivery Plan
Audio/visual equipment, handouts, etc. used by trainer.

 White board
 LCD projector
 Standard DVD Series

Effective formative assessment

 Clearly articulated and understood learning intentions and success criteria of hairstyling.
 Questions posed by learner, peers, and trainer to move learning
 forward
 Formative assessment used to adapt learning experiences and inquiry plans on an ongoing
basis to meet specific learning goals of hairstyling.
 Development, awareness, and action, based upon metacognition intended to lead to
 learner independence and self-coaching.
Summative Assessment:
 Summative assessments will be determined as students demonstrate.
 proficiency/mastery toward learning outcomes.
 Summative assessments and final grades will reflect the following:
Learner will work collaboratively with the hairstylist trainers to determine summative. achievement
on assignments and scores based upon dialogue, and evidence of learning.

 Behaviour and work habits will NOT be included when determining scores.
 Extra credit and bonus marks will not be awarded.
 Letter grades will reflect learning towards the learning outcomes articulated above.
 Scoring will be based upon criteria provided/agreed upon toward the learning outcomes.
 Poor work will not be assessed towards grades – students will only be assessed on quality work.
 Professional judgment and evidence will be used to determine final letter grade in consultation
with the peers
Training need assessment Table:

Position Hairstylist
Department: Haircutting
Start Date: 01/03/2023. End date:31/04/2023
Duration: 2 months
Day duration of training:
3 hours
Breaks: 15mins

Training Process Tasks Training Process Projected timelines

methods monitor
Initial day Conduct general Face to HR and Day 1
Orientation and face trainers
provide employee training
handbook and manual
of hairstyling
Role responsibilities Review initial work Self HR and Week 1
and acknowledge paced. trainer
hairstyling equipment
Salon policies  Company HR Week 1 and 2
statement and
work culture
 Sanitization,
 Methodology
of using
Procedure  Learning Face to Trainers Week 2,3 and 4
process of face
equipment training
 Measurements
of hairs etc.
Attending clients Interacting with clients Self Week 5,6 and 7
regarding hairstyling evaluation

Trainers’ evaluation report Outcomes of training Manager Week 8

and befitting learners
executive report

Based on training
further decision will be


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