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1. What have you learned from this course so far? (This question will appear in the test)
- Environment degradation depends on Population, affluence and technology with the
formula I=PAT
- The fertility rate is declining in most developed countries because they are educated to
know that having a child is expensive.
- Sustainable agriculture gives the environment less damage and healthy food to eat, but
it could not be enough to support the whole world.
- Hydrodam in Cambodia saves the country from floods and provides electricity and there
are 7 of them.
- There are more air pollution cases in developing countries. Also, it causes people many
respiratory diseases that are sensitive for seniors and children.
2. What are the key global environmental problems? (Problem tree/solution tree)
- Problem tree: effect of problem/ problem/ causes
- Solution tree: effect of solution/ problem / solutions
3. How does increasing population affect the environment?
Increasing population affect the environment in 3 ways:
- People use more resources such as land, water, and energy. They will need more than
nature has , so they will destroy the environment to get what they need. Example:
farmers fire the forest to make land for agriculture.
- People pollute the air, water, land without education. They overuse coal, oil and gas.
Transportation and industries that contain CO2, SO2, NO2 which raise the emission
leading to climate change. Example: in Japan, people burn too much coal for energy that
make air polluted.
- Animal and plant extinction is very alarming. Humans would kill rare animals for
business on black market. Some plants can not grow on the arable land because the soil
cannot fertilize due to agriculture. Example: elephants are considered an endangered
species now because of illegal killing and destroying their habitats.
4. What are key population issues?
There are keys of population issue:
- Environment degradation
- Poverty
- Biodiversity loss
- Global warming
5. What is urban ecology?
- Urban ecology is the study about the relation of living organisms with their surrounding in
the urban area.
6. In what ways does urbanization help solve environmental problems?
Urbanization help environment in 4 ways:
- It brings higher productivity because of its positive externalities and economy of scale.
Example: urbanization helps reduce ecology footprint and pollute less.
- High density in urban areas is beneficial to the environment because the compactness
can solve energy use. Example: it reduces the length of trip and people are encouraged
to use public transportation.
- Urbanization creates environmental friendly infrastructure and public services. Example:
people can have piped water, sanitation, waste management at affordable prices.
- Urbanization invents new green technology. Example: the inventor will be interested in
making an environmentally friendly machine for people demanding.
7. What are key issues in the agriculture sector?
There 3 key issues in agriculture
- Resources depletion causes slower productivity. Doing agriculture needs more than
enough by irrigation. Example: in africa, farmers suffer from drought for 3 years and
have no irrigation source to use.
- Population is overlapping, so people need more land to live. There are not many arable
land with fertilization to do farming. Farmers need to slash and burn agriculture.
Example: people burn the whole forest to make land for farming.
- The stock price of production is not stable. Agriculture market is not wide enough in
developing nations that make farmers lose lots of money and decayed crops. Example:
in Cambodia,farmers harvested many watermelons that are more than the market
needed. Therefore, it gives farmers a hard time to sell their production.
8. What is sustainable agriculture?
- Sustainable agriculture is a small scale farming method which production is enough for
family and local with the leftovers being transported somewhere.
9. How does agriculture affect the environment?
Agriculture affects environment in 4 ways:
- It uses a lot of resources from planting to harvesting. Example: more than 70% of water
is being used in agriculture and many soils become damaged.
- The chemical use in agriculture pollutes the environment. Farmers need to use pesticide
and chemical fertilize to spend less time and get better results. Example: the chemical in
soil flow to the water resource and underground water when there is rainfall.
- The demand for land for agriculture urges people to destroy the forest which causes
deforestation. Example: when farmers need more land to do agriculture, they fire the
nearby forest and make the whole forest disappear.
- Agriculture pays a great price in contributing to climate change. The greenhouse gas
produces carbon dioxide and methane which emit into the atmosphere. Example: the
cow cattle contains many chemicals that polluted more than cars.
10. What are water resources?
There are 3 main resources of water
- Surface water: river, lake, oceans, freshwater...etc.
- Ground water: deep water in the soil by rainfall
- Atmospheric water: water droplets in the cloud which cause rain, snow, snow with rain.
11. Why are the uses of water?
There 5 of uses of water:
- Agriculture
- Industry
- Energy
- Daily uses
- tourism
12. What are water issues?
There 4 of water issues:
- Drought
- Flooding
- Lack of sanitation water
- Climate change
13. How do we manage water?
We can manage water by:
- Purify water
- Use rainfall water for agriculture
- Limit the needed
- Water law
14. What causes water pollution?
Causes of water pollution:
- Industry use
- Chemical in agriculture
- Not managing the waster
- Throw rubbish to source of water
- Oil leak
- Overpopulation
- Sewage (pied water)
15.What are the impacts of water pollution?
- Disease
- Resources
- Health ecosystem
16.What can be done for water pollution?
- Reduce plastic use
- Manage waste
- Limit water use
- Proper dispose of chemical waste
17.What is air pollution?
- Air pollution is the quality of air become bad that contain chemical like gas, smoke which
harm human health and environment
18.What causes air pollution?
- Deforestation
- Climate change
- Agriculture
- Smoke from factory, vehicle
- Landfill
- Machine uses
19.What are the impacts of air pollution?
- Hazardous air pollution
- Respiratory illness and diseases
- Smog and haze
- Global warming
20.What can we do about air pollution?
- Less burning coal
- Use public transportation
- Stop deforestation
- Recycling
- Stop smoking cigarettes
- Conserve energy

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