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Bohol is descendant from tattooed or pintados

people , bohol is called as Islas de pintados
because the people living in bohol come from
Astronesian or malayo-Polynesian language
family. Which was known for having a tattoo in
their body. According to historian, the word
bohol comes from the word Bo’ol which refers
to the name of one barangay in bohol.
Some sources however, claim that it actually
comes from Visayan term “BOHO” or hole
owing to the abundant caves, cavers and holes
in the island.
It is said that around 1200, the Lutaos arrived
from northern Mindanao. They build a
settlement on stilts in the strait between
mainland Bohol and the island of Panglao. This
town later became a prospering local center of
power, also known as the the “Kingdom of
Dapitan.” It lasted until it was abandoned in
1563, out of fear for raids by the Portuguese
and their allies from Ternate.
The province was the setting of a dramatic
event in 1563 when chief sikatuna of the island
perform a blood compact with Miguel lopez de
legaspi. This brought bohol under Spanish rule,
administratively as part of Cebu. Two mayor
revolts were stayed in the province. One was
led by tamblot in 1622. In 1744, dagohoy led
another rebellion that was make blood
indendent from spain with its own government
for 80 years. In 1828, the rebellion was
supressed and bohol was made a politico
military province together with siquijor island.
And now that island province that is
nestled in the heart of Central
Visayas and is aptly called “God’s
Little Paradise” by those who are
caught off-guard by its mystery and
The arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century
led to many improvements especially in
farming and fishing implementations. Little is
chronicled of Siquijor prior to the Spanish
exploration but it is told that at one of the
excavations in the island, the diggers yielded
Chinese porcelain and other Chinese wares
proving that, settlers or traders had actually
arrived ahead of the Spaniards.
Siquijor was officially discovered in 1565 by a
crew of Spanish explorers named the Legazpi
Expedition led by Esteban Rodriguez.
From Bohol, the team set sail to survey the
nearby islands.
When asked his name, the king replied “si Kihod” (I
am Kihod). The Spaniards, thinking he meant it as
the name of the island, adopted the name Sikihod
which was later changed to Siquijor because the
Spaniards found it too difficult to pronounce.
In the late 1800s, Siquijor fell under the
governance of Bohol before becoming part
of Negros Oriental. During the World War II,
Siquijor was occupied by the Japanese Imperial
Forces but American influence still prevailed.
Finally in 1971, Siquijor became an
independent province.

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