Framework THC 150

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Consistency with the use (residential the said tourist destination will continue to
commercial/institutional industrial, attract tourists and/or residents of the area
agricultural/recreational/protected areas, etc) which will also help in the growth of local shops
and businesses surrounding the tourist spot. Due
to this, the use of this tourist destination for
commercial businesses and for entertainment
and attraction to visitors will be consistent.
Enhance employment and/or livelihood Due to the development of the place, it creates
opportunities; and open a lot of opportunities to the local
people. They can sell local foods and even hand
made crafts. Moreover, this is also a good
example of a community based tourism.
Increased revenues for LGU; since the commercial businesses operating in the
place are earning, there will be taxes, rent fees,
entrance fees making the lgu earn/increase
Enhance delivery of public services (education, Public services like local guides were better
peace and order etc.) because locals are familiar with the place which is
a great advantage for them.

Soil/land contamination due to improper solid going to the place is really therapeutic because of
waste disposal the view but on the other side, garbages/food
wrappers being thrown everywhere causing
contamination to the soil which we cannot avoid.
Impacts on community health and safety the tourists were practicing social distancing,
wearing face masks/face shields and other safety
protocols implemented by the government
caused by the pandemic
Depletion of water resources
Displacement of residents in the project site and Some of the residents of Torre, Currimao were
written its vicinity affected during the development of the tourism
destination. As expected, when a place is being
developed especially places that are owned by
the government the people nearby would be
forcibly displaced or loss of access to lands but
fortunately, they still have access to waters such
as fishing essential for their livelihoods.
Disturbance to wild life due to vegetation caring
(forestland, marshland, grassland, mangrove,
wetland etc.)
Change in surface

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