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Name: Jan Marc B.

Concio Date: November 7, 2022

Course & Section: BSE-2B Instructor: Mrs. Marilyn Pielago

WHO  Captain Ricardo

Carnicero: Guard Captain of Rizal
Who was/ were involved?
in Dapitan
 Fr. Antonio Obach: Also a
captain and one of the highest
Spanish officials
 Captain Juan Sitges: did not want
to live with a deportee and
assigned Rizal to live in a house
near the headquarters.
 Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez-
an old Ateneo professor, entices
Rizal to return to church.
 Josephine Bracken- Rizal fell in
love with the eighteen-year-old
Irish girl
 Pablo Mercado- a spy of friars
who posed as Rizal's relative
( Florencio Namaan- his actual
 Pio Valenzuela, an emissary of
Andres Bonifacio, was asking for
advice on launching a revolution.
He offered to have the Katipunan
assist him in escaping from
 Raymundo Mata-  is obsessed
with the writing of actual Filipino
revolutionary hero, author, and
ophthalmologist José Rizal.
 Governor General Ramon
Blanco approved Rizal's request
to volunteer as a doctor in Cuba on
July 1, 1896.
 Don Pedro Roxas- advised Rizal
to stay and take advantage of the
protection of British Law.
 Bernardino
Nozaleda: Archbishop of Manila
who clamored for the arrest of
Rizal, who was said to be the spirit
of the Philippine Revolution.
 Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor And
Sixto Lopez- exerted all their
efforts to find a lawyer in
Singapore who could aid their
 Attorney Hugh Fort- an English
lawyer in Singapore
 Chief Justice Lionel- the judge in
Singapore, denied the request.
 Colonel Francisco Olive- Rizal
was brought before a Spanish
military tribunal.
 Captain Rafael Dominquez- to
institute charges against Rizal
 Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade- the
lawyer of Jose Rizal and brother of
his former bodyguard Jose Taviel
de Andrade. Also, Rizal thanked
him for his gallant services. 
 Governor General Camilio de
Polevieja- the case of Rizal
forwarded to him and signed
Rizal's death warrant ordering him
to be shot at 7:00 am at
 Fr. Miguel Saderra Mata-
professor of Rizal and rector of the
Ateneo Municipal.
 Fr. Luis Viza- brought the image
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that
Rizal made to him.
 Fr. Antonio Rosell- he ate
breakfast with Rizal.
 Fr. Balaguer- he remained with
Rizal around noon and performed
the marriage rites of Rizal and
 Fiscal Gaspar Castaño- joined
with religious matters of Rizal of
the Royal Audiencia.
 Fr. Pio Pi made another draft of
retraction and the superior of the
Jesuit Mission in the Philippines.
 Juan del Fresno- chief of the
guard detail and the Adjutant of the
Plaza Elroy Moure.
 Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo- took
Rizal's pulse and found it was

WHAT  Spanish officials detained Rizal

four days after the founding of the
civic group.
What happened?
  Rizal was sentenced to a four-
year stay on Dapitan as his
  Carnicero and Rizal both took
pleasure in one another's
  As long as Rizal was in Dapitan,
he gave him complete freedom to
do as he pleased.
 He won a $20,000 jackpot and
utilized the money to open his eye
clinic, build a school, and build a
   Rizal assisted in cleaning up
Dapitan's plaza and lighting it at
night with coconut oil lamps.
  The Catholic church won't stop
trying to persuade him to return to
the church and retract even if he's
already on Dapitan.
  Meet Josephine Bracken and
 Rizal disagreed with the planned
revolution because the rebels
needed more ammunition and
 In a letter to Governor General
Ramon Blanco during the raging
yellow fever outbreak and Cuba's
revolution, Rizal offered his
services as a military physician.
 He departed on the ship Espaa at
midnight that day. Rizal could not
leave for Spain right away since
the Isla de Luzon had already
sailed away. He was sent aboard
the Spanish cruise ship Castilla,
where he spent a month.
 He departed on the ship Espaa at
midnight that day. Rizal was
unable to leave right away for
Spain since the Isla de Luzon had
already sailed away. He was sent
aboard the Spanish cruise ship
Castilla, where he spent a month.
 He departed on the ship Espaa at
midnight that day. Rizal could not
leave for Spain right away since
the Isla de Luzon had already
sailed away. He was sent aboard
the Spanish cruise ship Castilla,
where he spent a month.
 Rizal consumed his final breakfast
at 5:00 am and signed his last
keepsakes, the remaining books.
 His parents, Dr. Blumentritt and
Paciano, received three farewell
letters from him following that.
 Rizal was pulled from their cell at
around 6:30, and the march to
Bagumbayan started.
  A colonel took Rizal to the site of
his execution. 
 . Rizal had begged the
executioners to spare his head,
and their request was granted.
 He also asked to be filmed in the
front, but that request was turned
 Jose Rizal made one final attempt
to drop onto his back with his face
toward the sun before the
commanding officer gave the order
for his soldiers to aim using his
saber, and there was a
simultaneous crack of gunfire.
  Rizal's body was secretly buried
at Paco Cemetery. 
 In Higino Mercado's residence in
Binondo, the remains of Rizal were
 In the Rizal monument in Luneta,
his remains were interred.

WHEN  June 26, 1892- Jose Rizal's arrival

in Manila had become very
sensational among the Filipinos.
When did it happened?
 July 3, 1892- he founded the La
Liga Filipina in the house of
Doroteo Ongjunco. 
 July 17, 1892- Rizal and his
Guard, Captain Ricardo Carnicero,
arrived in Dapitan.
 May 4, 1893- Captain replaced
Carnicero Juan Sitges.
 July 1, 1896- Governor General
Ramon Blanco approved the
request of Rizal to volunteer as a
doctor in Cuba.
 August 6, 1896- upon arriving in
Manila Bay, Rizal could not leave
immediately for Spain since the
vessel Isla de Luzon had already
 August 6 to September 2, 1896-
he was transferred to the Spanish
cruiser Castilla and stayed there
for a month.
 August 19, 1896- the Katipunan
plot to overthrow the Spanish rule
through revolution was discovered.
Fr. Mariano Gil, after Teodoro
Patino, discloses the
organization's secrets.
 August 26, 1896- Bonifacio and
Katipunan raised the Cry of
Revolution (Sigaw sa Pugadlawin)
in the hills of Balintawak, a few
miles north in Manila.
 September 30- the Isla de Panay
had already sailed past Port Said
in Egypt and was now floating in
the Mediterranean.
 October 3- the Isla de Panay
arrived in Barcelona, and Rizal
was sent to a prison fortress,
Montjuich Castle. 
 November 3, 1896- the Colon
arrived in Manila Bay, and Rizal
was taken to Fort Santiago.
 November 20, 1896- Rizal was
brought before a Spanish military
tribunal headed by Colonel
Francisco Olive.
 December 13- the case was
forwarded to Governor General
Camilio de Polavieja- the
replacement of Governor Blanco.
 December 26, 1896- Rizal's actual
trial began, and it was held at the
Hall of Banners of the Cuartel de
España in Fort Santiago.
 December 28, 1896- Governor
General Polavieja signed Rizal's
death warrant ordering him to be
shot at 7:00 am at Bagumbayan.
 3:00 pm Fr. Balaguer returned and
tried to persuade Rizal to retract
his Masonic beliefs, but Rizal
remained firm.
 Around 10:00, a draft of the
retraction arrived from Archbishop
Bernandino Nozaleda.
 At 11:30, Rizal signed his
retraction from Freemasonry, and
Jual del Fresno witnessed it.
 At 5:00 am, Rizal had his last
breakfast and autographed his
remaining books, which became
his last souvenirs.
 At around 6:30, Rizal was taken
from the cell, and the march to
Bagumbayan began.
WHERE  Dapitan is the place where he
needs to stay for four years as a
Where did it happen?
  Cuba - where the yellow rage
epidemic happened, Rizal was
going there to show his service as
a military doctor. 
  Hills of Balintawak - where
Bonifacio and Katipunan raised the
Cry of Revolution. 
  Manila, Bulacan, Cavite,
Batangas, Laguna, Pampanga,
Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac - the first
eight provinces for rising arms
against Spain. 
  Singapore - his first stopover 
 The Isla de Panay had already
sailed past Port Said in Egypt and
was now floating in the
 Barcelona - where the Isla de
Panay arrived
   Prison- fortress( Montjuich
Castle) - where Rizal was sent
after being placed under arrest 
  Colon- where Rizal was taken
aboard loaded with Spanish troops
sailing for Manila. 
  The Colon arrived in Manila Bay,
and Rizal was taken to Fort
 Hall of Banners of the Courtel de
España - where Rizal's actual trial
was held. 
  Bagumbayan - the place where
Rizal was shot to death 
  Paco Cemetery - where Rizal's
body was secretly buried 
  His remains were laid to catnap
inside the Rizal Monument in

WHY There are four reasons why the Spanish

authorities arrested Rizal:
1. For releasing books and articles
Why did it happen?
that are anti-Catholic and anti-friar.
2. For a collection of Pobres Frailes
handbills, which contained
statements against Spanish
3. For emphasizing on the title page
of his book El Filibuterismo that
"the only salvation for the
Philippines was secession from the
mother country" and dedicated it to
the three "traitors" (referring to
Spain ).
4. For only decrying the religion and
attempting to remove it from
Filipino society.
 The Spanish and friars were
waiting for Rizal's homecoming in
Manila when he returned to the
Philippines since they were familiar
with and readers of Rizal's
writings. They are searching for
something that would allow them
to detain Rizal for writing the book
Noli Me Tangere. Because Rizal
wrote a piece that was critical of
the church and the friars, the
Spanish and the friars wanted him
 Rizal disapproved of the planned
revolution but condemned and
criticized the spirit of the Philippine
Revolution. Three offenses were
brought against Rizal: rebellion,
sedition, and the creation of
criminal organizations. Rizal was
given twelve opportunities to refute
the charges against him, but the
court found him guilty and decided
to execute him. According to the
death warrant, he was to be
conducted at Bagumbayan at 7:00

HOW  On July 17, 1892, Dr. José Rizal

arrived in Dapitan, exiled by the
Spanish government on suspicion
How did it happen? of his involvement in the rebellion.
He was then exiled to the island of
the Dapitan in the southernmost
island group of the Philippines,
 At the time of his arrest, Rizal was
supposed to leave for Cuba after
he was allowed by Spanish
Governor-General Ramon Blanco,
who was sympathetic to him, to
serve as a military surgeon in
Cuba, where there was also a
revolution against Spain. Before he
left his exile in Dapitan for Manila
and then for Spain, Rizal had
issued a manifesto disavowing the
revolution and declaring that the
education of Filipinos and their
achievement of a national identity
were prerequisites to freedom.
 Rizal was arrested en route to
Spain, imprisoned in Barcelona,
and sent back later to Manila to
stand trial. He was charged with
being a traitor to Spain and the
mastermind of the revolution. He
pleaded his innocence but was still
convicted on all three charges of
rebellion, sedition, and conspiracy
and sentenced to death. Earlier,
Rizal was already considered an
enemy of the state by the Spanish
authorities with the publication of
his two great novels - Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
 The commanding officer executed
Dr. José Rizal by firing squad by
the Spanish colonial government
for the crime of rebellion on
December 30, 1896, at
Bagumbayan Field in Manila. And
ordered his men to aim to utilize
his saber, and there was a
simultaneous crack of gunfire.
Jose Rizal made one last effort to
drop on his back with his face
facing the sun.

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