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Name: Jan Marc B.

Concio Date: September 19, 2022

Course & Section: BSE-2B Instructor: Mrs. Marilyn Pielago

Names Civil Status Married to whom Special Role in Rizal’s Life

1. Saturnina Married Manuel T. Hidalgo -She is the eldest sister

of Jose Rizal.

-She was very caring and

consistently reported to
Rizal about events
happening to their family
in Calamba.

-She sent a diamond ring

to help Rizal while
working overseas.

2. Paciano Single None -He helped Rizal to go to

Europe in 1882, gave
him a monthly pension
of 50 pesos, and
constantly updated Rizal
about what was going on
in their family through

-Guardian of Rizal

-Jose Rizal's older


-He was a massive

influence in Rizal's life

-The oldest brother and

confident of Jose he is
also the second father of

3. Narcisa Married Antonio Lopez -Help in the financing of

Jose Rizal's studies in

-She was the confidant

of Jose and Paciano.
-She will pawn her
jewelry and peddle her
clothes if needed.

4.Olimpia Married Silvestre Ubado -Rizal confided to

Olympia about Segunda,
and the sister willingly
served as the mediator
between the two
teenage lovers.

-She was the sister Jose

Rizal loved to tease,
sometimes good

-Humoredly describing
her as his stout sister.

5.Lucia Married Mariano Herbosa -She incited the Calamba

citizens not to pay their
land rent.

-Her husband was also

one of Jose's inspirations
in his article, where he
attacked the friars
before not burying a
"good Christian" in
"sacred ground."

6. Maria Married Daniel Faustino -Hero's confidant

-It was to her whom Jose

talked about wanting to
marry Josephine Bracken

-Jose had also brought

up to Maria his plan of
establishing a Filipino
colony in North British

7.Concepcion Single None -Pepe loved most the

little Concha, who was a
year younger than him.

-The hero's first grief

-She died at the age of


-Jose played games and

shared children's stories
with her, and he left the
beauty of sisterly love
from her.

8. Josefa Single None -She’s the ninth child in

the family who died a

-Jose heralded her sister

for nearly learning the
English language,
commenting that the
only fault he found in
Josefa’s letter was her
evident disorder
between the terms ‘they
and ‘there.’

9. Trinidad Single None -Trining' was the tenth


-Jose wrote to Trining

defining how the
German women were
severe about studying.
He thus advised her:
"now that you are still
young and have time to
learn, you must study by
reading and reading

-The Custodian of the

Hero's Greatest Poem

10. Soledad Married Pantaleon Quintero -The youngest child of

the Rizal family.

-Jose Rizal told her sister

that he was proud of her
for becoming a teacher.

-Best educated among

Rizal's sisters.

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