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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Business, Administration, and Accountancy

NAME: Jan Marc B. Concio SUBJECT: Life and Works of Jose Rizal

YR.&SECTION: BSE-2B Dr. Marilyn P. Pielago


Directions: Complete the chart below by recording details that Rizal uses to convey
ach character's personality You might record a description of a character's
appearance or a character’s thoughts, words or actions. Then state which character
traits are revealed by the details that you recorded. Lastly, identify who/what the
character represents in today's society.

1. PADRE DAMASO Was the previous curate Extrovert who is Spanish Friars
of the San Diego parish snobbish, nasty, and
church. Before Padre judgmental. He lacks Dishonest authorities who
Salvi, who was much self-control when abuse their power to
younger, took over as speaking and doesn't discriminate.
curate, he served for give a damn if the person
nearly twenty years as he is addressing to feels
the curate. Crisóstomo ashamed or guilty. He
was shocked by what the constantly criticizes or
former curate had done to berates those around
Don Rafael because him, especially Ibarra.
Padre Damaso was
known to be friends with
the Ibarra family.

2. JUAN Is the sole ancestor of Patient, brave and Jose Rizal

CRISOSTOMO wealthy Spanish Don serious. Additionally,
IBARRA Rafael Ibarra who is there is respect for him Filipinos combating societal
Filipino-Spanish. He was even though his corruption
born and raised in the personality is ignored.
Philippines, but he spent
seven years of his
adolescence studying in
Europe. During those
years, he was unable to
keep up with events in his
country. Also He is
Maria's lover and one of
those who recognizes the
Spaniards' inappropriate

3. LIEUTENANT Was an elderly lieutenant Friendly, Filipino

GUEVARRA of the Guardia Civil and a Kind
close friend of Don
Roberto Ibarra. He later Loyal He didn't frighten the Spanish,
decided to out of great a true friend.
respect for the man. After
the latter came, actions
are taken to keep Don
Rafael's son Crisostomo
safe at home from

4. KAPITAN TIAGO The only son of a wealthy Religious Tiburcio Hilario

trader in Malabon. Due to
his mother's cruelty, Friendly A wise Filipino man
Kapitán Tiago did not
attain any formal
education. He became a
servant of a Dominican
priest. When the priest
and his father died,
Kapitán Tiago decided to
assist in the family
business of trading before
he met his wife, Doña Pía

Alba, who came from

another wealthy family

5. MARIA CLARA She is the child of Doa Faithful Leonor Rivera

Pia Alba and Capitán
Tiago. Ibarra has Obedient Filipino women
reportedly loved Mara Friendly
Clara since they were

6. DONA VICTORINA Is the one who pretended Ambitious Dona Agustina Mendel
to be a meztisa (a
Spaniard born in the Arrogant Pretentious Filipino
Philippines) and always
dreamed of finding a
Spanish husband, in
which she married Don
Tiburcio. She was feared
by everyone in the town

because of her odd

appearance, her ruthless
personality, and her fierce
rivalry against Donya

7. SISA Pedro is the husband of Beautiful and young Typical Filipino Mothers
Narcisa, who is the loving mother
mother of Crispin and
Basilio. She shows the
devotion of Filipino moms
to their children, without a

8. BASILIO Son of Sisa and were the Loving son of sisa Innocent filipino wrongly
sacristan and server of accused.
San Diego Church

9. PILOSOPO TASIO Was produced in a He is pessimist Paciano Rizal

prosperous Filipino
household. His mother Wise and Giving warning to
allowed him to receive a fellow Filipinos
formal education before
abruptly telling him to
quit. She was worried that
Tasyo would grow "too
educated" and lose his
religious fervor.

His mother offered him

two options: either he
should become a priest or

He should quit learning.

Tasyo choose the latter
because he was dating
someone at the time.

10. ELIAS Hailed from a family that Kind and friendly Common Filipino
the Ibarra family had long
He grew up in a
prosperous home until he
learned something that
permanently altered his
life. Despite the fact that
Ibarra's family oppressed
his family, reliant on him.
Furthermore, Ibarra, who
in turn, saved Elías' life
when they tried to kill a

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