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NAME: Jan Marc B.

Concio DATE: March 14, 2023



1. Is design and development process important to entrepreneurs? Why?

● Yes, because the design and development process can provide various
benefits and potential for entrepreneurs to create new product ideas and
identify their customers' wants and preferences. This design and development
process also guides entrepreneurs in considering the customer's needs when
creating their products. When they follow the design process, there is the
assurance that they are doing the right thing in developing the product, and it is
also sure that people will enjoy it. Overall, the design and development
process guides the designer teams to create a product that not only solves the
users' needs but also makes them satisfied and happy with the product you
offer them.

2. Elaborate the design process steps and enumerate its importance to TQM.
● The five main steps in the design process are Empathize, Define, Ideate,
Deliver, and Test. The first step is to empathize, which helps us gain a personal
understanding of the user's demands. Also, we conduct different techniques to
have a lot of information which will help us even more in our design thinking. It
is necessary because when we empathize with customers, we will know their
insights about the product. For example, you have a business and then survey
your product. In that way, you will have a deep understanding of the
consumers, and then you will have an idea of how to innovate the product. The
next step is to define; in this step, after you gather all the information in the
empathize step, we will analyze the observations and define the main
problems to establish other elements to solve the problem. This step will help
collect great ideas allowing users to resolve issues with minimal difficulty. The
third step is ideated, where we identify innovative solutions to the created
problem statement by using different techniques like brainstorming. We now
understand users and their needs. It is essential in the design process
because we make unique ideas that allow us to study and test them before
deciding which ones to pursue. The fourth step is to generate the most
effective solution available and share it with the team to determine the best
solution for each of the problems identified in the first three steps. It is
important because we will better understand our problems and better
understand how real users would behave, think, and feel. The final step in the
design process is to test solutions to gain a complete understanding of the
product and its users. It will give us a better experience of user behavior and
procedures than other alternative solutions. The ultimate objective of this
step is to gain knowledge about the product and its users as possible. These
stages serve as a guide to our activities and to gain the most informative
insights about your users and expand the solution on innovative solutions.

3. Why do we need to ensure and measure the performance and costs to maintain the
improvement of quality?

● We must ensure and measure performance because every production process must
be accurate, and it helps to inform decisions to have opportunities. While the product's
quality will change, the process should keep consistent. And the price of the goods
should be appropriate for the quality you can provide in the market. Because when
something is so pricey, the rate will drop, and no one will buy it.

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