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processing reveals that microorgan- There is insufficient space in the world, although this segment is rela-
isms are being used as ice-nucleating book for detailed scientific descrip- tively small in Asia. Considering the
agents in the artificial snow used on tions of the processes, but there are growth in the 'fat replacer' markets,
ski slopes - an interesting example of ample references to fuffer descrip- these are also covered quite briefly,
I~olechnok~ at work. tions. as are additives.
Biotechne~.--.~ is dealt with in a The section that is entitled 'Trend The conclusion offers a useful sum-
feidy b'uncateci manner, although products' identifies commercial ex- mary of some of the processes
novel uses ~f germ technology are amples of food products produced described in the book, and space for
cited, such as the development of using novel processing methods, and making notes. This summary, together
tomatoes with delayed skin matura- it would be interesting to see this sec- with nearly 200 references, will prob-
tion and hence better quality and tion expanded. Functional foods and ably prove to be the most useful
longer shelf life. The irradiation of 'light' foods are both covered. It aspect of this book, as a starting point
foods, a 'hot topic', is debated, with seems that functional foods are finally for food technologists and other food
the author appearing to state that ready to gain wider acceptance, the industry professionals interested in
resistance to irradiated foods is due concept having been well accepted finding out what new technology can
more to propaganda in the media in Japan for some years. The enrich- do to improve both the way in which
and the activities of small 'pressure ment of foods with omega-3 fatty food products are manufactured and
groups', than the attitude of people in acids is one area that seems set to their quality as perceived by the
general. This attitude may change grow, with products now being customer.
now that methods exist for the detec- launched in Europe as well as in
tion of foods that have been irradi- Korea and Japan. The trend towards MikeO'Mah0ny
ated, allaying fears that foods may the overall reduction of fat in the diet KelooSpecialtyColloids(5)PteLtd,
have been irradiated without it being is still growing, leading to a plethora 16aScienceParkDn've,02-03ThePascal,
declared on the label. of product offerings in the Western SingaporeSciencePark,Singapore0511.

For instance, high-performance liquid

Official Methods of Analysis of A OAC chromatography is beginning to
International (16th edn) replace traditional bioassays for tox-
ins, and immunoassays are being
used more. Combustion methods are
edited by Palricia A. Cunniff,AOACInternational,1995. $359.00 (NorthAmerica~399.00 (elsewhere)
partially replacing traditional Kjeldahl
(xx'vi+ 1899 pages)ISBN0 935 584 54 4
techniques for nitrogen, though some
new Kjeldahl methods are also
included. At last, capillary columns
Official and Standardized Methods of have been introduced into some
methods, though some new, particu-
Analysis (3rd edn) larly pesticide, applications still use
packed columns.
editedby CA. Watson,RoyalSocietyof Chemistry,1994.£110.00(xxiv + 778 pages) Liquid chromatography and atomic
ISBN0 85186441 4 absorption spectrometry have been
combined for analysing mercury lev-
els in seafood, inductively coupled
The AOAC (Association of Official pages next to the spine and the rings plasma mass spectrometry has made
Analytical Chemists) methods have have been reinforced with plastic; a an entrance for the analysis of solid
long been an essential tool of the feature '~ot typical of other similar wastes, wber~,s stable isotope ratio
food or agricultural analytical chemist. publications. In addition to the meth- measurement is being used for the
However, it is possible that many of ods being numbered with respect to determination of adulteration with
the old users might initially not rec- their year of introduction, they also added sugars. Although such methods
ognize the new edition of Offi- receive another method locater num- require equipment that is often too
cial Methods of Analysis of AOAC ber that places them within the vol- expensive for the smaller laboratory,
International, because the format has umes. This feature alone would jus- they are becoming ever more impor-
changed. No longer do we have two tiff/the purchase of the 16th edition tant in modem analysis, where only
books weighing, in total, 3.33 kg, but over the 15th edition, for which three very sensitive methods will suffice.
instead there are two hard-wearing hands were really required when With my interest in the oils and fats
nng-binders weighing 6.62kg. This searching through the volumes. field, I was particularly glad to see
new format will undoubtedly make Many new methods have been two methods finally included: one
it easier, and hopefully cheaper, to included in this edition. The preface for the determination of butyric acid
update the volumes (though beware: states that there are over 150 new in fats containing butterfat (Method
back issues of updates will not be methods and 100 newly revised ones 41.1,38), and one for the analysis of
available, and if you do not subscribe (although, from the index, I could fatty acids in marine oils (41.1.30). I
to the update service, then an entire only find 149 new methods). Some was somewhat surprised to see that,
new book will have to be purchased). are extensions to new products of although the latter of these methods
Other aspects of the new format older methods. However, many new was described as a joint American Oil
also require praise. The edges of the techniques are also being introduced. Chemists' Society (AOCS) and AOAC

Trendsin FoodScience& TechnologyNovember1995 IVol. 61

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