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Personal Growth


Prateek Saxena
Background ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Question 1: How do I learn? How does my learning impact my growth? ................................................. 2
Question 2: Who am I? Who are the others with whom I interact? .......................................................... 3
Question 3: What kind of a person am I? How does this difference affect my relationships? .................... 4
Question 4: How do my emotions drive myself and other’s actions? ........................................................ 5
Question 5: How do I connect to my inner core? What qualities do I need to develop to enhance my well-
being? .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Question 6: How do my perceptions affect my behaviour? ....................................................................... 6
Question 7: How do I relate to others? What changes do I need to make to improve my effectiveness in
dealing with others? ............................................................................................................................... 6
Question 8: How do I manage intra & inter relationship conflict?........................................................... 6
Question 9: What happens when we work & interact in groups & teams? ................................................ 7
Question 10: How do we as individuals move from ‘me’ to ‘us’? ............................................................. 7
Question 11: How do I achieve personal leadership & become an integrated individual? ......................... 8
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Personal Learning Growth Lab
The PGPM batch of 2023 at SPJIMR recently embarked on an exciting four-day long weekend trip to Lonavala,
expertly led by Dr. Lata Dhir. The purpose of the excursion was to foster team building and personal growth among
the participants, providing a unique opportunity for self-discovery and skill development. Despite being briefed on the
itinerary prior to departure, the main events were kept confidential to enhance the overall experience. As a group of
approximately 160 students who had been studying online for the preceding three months, the trip was expected to
serve as a standard team building exercise. However, it was ultimately revealed that the Personal Growth Lab (PG
Lab) component of the excursion was a highly impactful and transformative experience, providing opportunities for
both team interaction and personal growth. The program was designed to be challenging, but it was also immensely
rewarding, and the students returned with a newfound sense of camaraderie and self-awareness.

My philosophy
“A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step”-

My version of it
“A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step-
Just build the courage take first step and rest will follow”.

In the below questions that were shared by the professor and her team lies my experience and learnings with regards to
the trip to Lonavla.

Question 1: How do I learn? How does my learning impact my growth?

My approach to learning is akin to that of a Matador, a Spanish
Bullfighter. In this analogy, the bull represents the problem, and I
am the Matador. Like a bullfight, I approach problems with a
strategic mindset, with the goal of either overcoming them or
accepting defeat. To provide a real-life example, I attempted the
GMAT multiple times over a span of 5 years with the singular aim
of achieving a
higher score,
considering if the score was sufficient for admission or not.
Thankfully, my persistence paid off and the score was sufficient
for admission. Like a Matador, I constantly self-improved my
technique by utilizing resources such as YouTube and GMAT

Furthermore, I align with Kolb's Model of learning styles, where

individuals fall into different quadrants at different stages in
their life. I consider myself to be someone who moves between quadrant 4 and quadrant 1, but mostly stays in
quadrant 4. This may be attributed to my upbringing as a single child, as I had to experiment and learn on my own,
rather than seeking guidance from others. My parents, who gave special attention to developing empathy towards
others, have resulted in me being more confident, empathetic, analytical, and intuitive when taking on or carrying out

Question 2: Who am I? Who are the others with whom I interact?

As a lifelong learner, I have always been driven by the question of "Who
am I? and What am I here for?" This quest for self-discovery is reflected
in the animated film "Kung Panda." I see myself as a seeker, constantly
seeking knowledge and understanding of the various complexities and
nuances of life. I strive to be in harmony with nature and to embrace the
raw forces that drive it.

In my interactions with others, I seek individuals who embody the five

elements of nature - fluidity like water, passion like fire, clarity like a
calm breeze, grounding like a tree, and wisdom like a tea pot and saucer.
During my recent Personal Growth Lab (PG Lab) experience, I had the opportunity to interact with people who knew
me, as well as those who were strangers to me. Through this interaction, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of
how I am perceived by others and how my self-perception aligns with their perception of me.

What I think about Myself? What my friend thinks about me?

How do strangers preserve of me?

The Personal Growth Lab (PG Lab) experience was a transformative event that provided valuable insights into my
personal and professional development. One of the key highlights of the program was the exercise on the Johari
Window, which helped me to understand my communication style and identify areas for improvement. Through this
exercise, I discovered a significant blind spot in my communication, similar to the character Po in the movie Kung Fu
Panda, who also had a big blind spot which he never thought he would have. This realization has been an eye-opening
event, and I have come to understand the importance of seeking feedback from my peers and future managers to
enhance my capabilities, similar to Po's journey of self-discovery. It is crucial to note that feedback plays an important
role in reducing blind spots, as it helps to identify areas for improvement and provides valuable insights on how to be
more effective in communication and other activities. Overall, the PG Lab experience has been an instrumental step in
my personal growth journey, and I am better equipped to navigate the challenges ahead.

Reflecting to my own philosophy that “Life is a journey of thousand mile I just need to take the first step”.
Current State (F=10%ile, E=75%ile) Future scope to improve the open area

Question 3: What kind of a person am I? How does this difference affect my relationships?
To answer this question, I participated in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment administered by Dr.
Lata and her team. The results indicated that my personality type is ENFP. This is consistent with the results I
received in a previous assessment in 2015, where I was also classified as an ENFP-T.

According to the, ENFPs are

known as "Campaigners." As a Campaigner, I am
driven by a desire for new adventures and
experiences, and I am constantly seeking out wisdom
and knowledge from those around me. My interests
include photography and acting, which allow me to
express my creativity and connect with others. I am
also an avid reader of literature on topics such as
psychology, spirituality, and personality

If I were to pursue a career outside of management

consulting, I believe that a role in diplomacy or
corporate lobbying would be a good fit for my
strengths and interests. Both of these fields require
strong interpersonal skills and the ability to take a
holistic perspective.
Question 4: How do my emotions drive myself and other’s actions?
Analysis: Based on the EC assessment shared by Future steps include development of skills that
Professor Mihir. enable becoming a better Relationship manager
by first enhancing through self-management
After conducting an emotional intelligence (EQ)
assessment, I became aware that EQ encompasses various
aspects such as emotional response, balance, and
awareness. Upon reviewing my results, I identified that
my emotional balance quotient is the area that I need to
work on the most. This realization helped me understand
why I often experience unstable emotions, both positive
and negative.

When I reflect on my interactions with others, I realize

that I am drawn to people who possess a high level of
emotional balance. Therefore, in order to improve my
EQ, I am going to focus on enhancing my emotional
balance quotient. This can be achieved by incorporating
practices such as mindfulness, learning how to regulate
my emotions, and developing healthy coping
mechanisms. By focusing on this area, I hope to become
more balanced as a person, and in turn improve my
overall emotional intelligence.

Question 5: How do I connect to my inner core? What qualities do I need to develop to enhance my well-being?
As an individual, I relate deeply to the symbolism of the turtle. To me, it represents depth, wisdom, and spirituality. In
the midst of the often-turbulent world around us, the turtle serves as a reminder to take the time for introspection. Like
a turtle withdrawing into its shell during times of danger, I too believe in the importance of taking a step back to
reflect and develop a defensive strategy. In particular, the character of Master Oogway from Kung Fu Panda has had a
significant impact on my understanding of this symbolism. His wisdom and spiritual guidance have served as
inspiration for my own personal growth and development. The turtle represents for me, the embodiment of Oogway's
teachings, a creature of stillness, contemplation and wisdom.

Start Method to change (Reflection via meditation) Goal

Chakra meditation is a spiritual practice that involves focusing on the seven main energy centers, or chakras, within
the body. It is believed that by balancing and aligning these chakras, one can improve their physical, emotional, and
spiritual well-being. The practice of chakra meditation can include visualization, breathing techniques, and mantras to
help balance the energy centres.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory that explains the different levels of human needs that must be
met in order for an individual to achieve self-actualization, the highest level of personal growth and fulfillment. The
theory includes basic physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization as the five key
levels of needs that must be met.
While both concepts may seem unrelated, chakra meditation can be used to help balance the energy centres and meet
some of the needs outlined in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, such as safety and esteem needs. For example, by
balancing the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with self-esteem and personal power, one may find that they are
better able to meet their esteem needs.

Question 6: How do my perceptions affect my behaviour?

As an ENFP personality type, I am outgoing and enjoy engaging with new people and ideas. I am intuitive, meaning I
rely on my instincts and gut feelings to navigate the world. I tend to be empathetic and attuned to the emotions of
others, making me a good listener and a supportive friend. I am adaptable and able to adjust to change easily, but I do
like to keep my options open and gather more information before deciding. I may also use judgement to understand
people's behaviours and predict their reactions in certain situations.

Question 7: How do I relate to others? What changes do I need to make to improve my effectiveness in dealing with

Attributes Inclusion Control Affection Total

Expressed 6 2 7 15
Wanted 8 8 8 24
Total 14 10 15 39

Based on my Firo-B test results, I tend to not express my needs as assertively as I would like. My expressed scores are
in the lower to medium range, while my desired scores are in the higher range. This means that while I may not
always clearly communicate my needs, I still have a strong desire for others to understand and fulfil them.

As a manager, this can present a challenge as it can be difficult to balance providing opportunities for growth and
innovation for my team while also making sure that I receive the guidance and support that I need from my superiors.
To address this, I will need to make sure that I am communicating my needs effectively and assertively, while also
being open to feedback and suggestions. This will help me to find a balance that works for me and my team.

Question 8: How do I manage intra & inter relationship conflict?

Throughout my career, I have primarily employed collaboration,

compromise and accommodation as strategies for resolving conflicts. These
methods have been successful in finding mutually beneficial solutions and
maintaining positive relationships with my colleagues. However, there have
been instances where I have adopted more competitive or avoiding
strategies. Reflecting on those moments, I now understand that these actions
were not only immature but also unproductive.
As I continue to grow as a leader, it is important for me to be aware of the different types of conflicts that may arise
and to have a range of strategies to address them. Collaboration, compromise, and accommodation are effective in
many situations, but there may be times where a more competitive or avoiding approach is necessary. The key for me
is to evaluate the situation and select the strategy that is most appropriate, while also being mindful of the potential
consequences of my actions and adapting my approach as needed.

Question 9: What happens when we work & interact in groups & teams?
When working and interacting in groups and teams, I have found
that it can have a range of effects on my performance and overall
outcome. Collaborating with others can lead to increased
creativity and productivity, improved decision-making and an
opportunity for me to learn and develop new skills. I also find
that being part of a team increases my accountability and
motivation. However, I have also encountered challenges such as
communication breakdowns, interpersonal conflicts, lack of
participation, groupthink and poor leadership. To overcome these
challenges, it's important for me to clearly define my roles and
responsibilities, establish effective communication channels,
actively encourage participation from all team members and to address any issues that may arise in an open and
transparent manner. Example during the assault course there were instances when I took the lead while in other
instances depending on their relative logical skills and physical strengths other’s took lead

Question 10: How do we as individuals move from ‘me’ to ‘us’?

he concept of me to us is similar to the concept of Me to We that previous organization (EY)had employed. According
to the model (Pasted below; taken from
accountable-for-creating-an-inclusive-culture/) employed there.

As a ex-professional of EY, I believe that the first step in the process of transforming from a focus on the self (me) to
a focus on the collective (we) is to find my purpose. Reflecting back, I want to increase my spiritual quotient (SQ) in
order to improve my overall emotional quotient (EQ). After identifying my purpose, I work towards becoming a better
version of myself by enhancing my overall skills in terms of personal and soft skills. Once I have improved myself, I
can then start working on developing better teams and eventually, a better organization that helps develop the world.

This approach aligns with the mission of EY, which is to build a better working world. However, this concept can also
be applied to other areas, such as developing a classroom or the world as a whole. Attributes required to develop better
me, better us and better world are listed on the rings of the circle of the diagram.
Question 11: How do I achieve personal leadership & become an integrated individual?
As a professional in 10 years, I envision myself taking on various roles that align with my skills, values, and
aspirations. One of them being a mid to higher-mid level corporate planner, where I would be responsible for creating
and implementing strategic plans that align with the mission and vision of the organization. My aim would be to
support the organization in becoming an impact-driven entity like EY, by leading it towards sustainable progress and

Another alternate career path that I am considering is that of a transformational leader. In this role, I would work
towards organically growing a company from the start-up stage to a large enterprise, while also making a meaningful
contribution to all departments. My goal is to be a part of the board of directors of a reputed MNC, where I can
influence the direction of the company and drive sustainable progress for the organization and its stakeholders. I am
confident that through these roles, I can make a significant impact in the business world and contribute towards
creating a better working world.
Spell checker and professional writeup clarity help taken from CHATGPT- to improve overall English language.

For images google and other websites as attached below

Image Title Link

Journey Game cover


Bull fight

Kobe learning Diagram

Kungfu Panda


Johari Window


Johari Window my





Chakra and fears

Chakra 2

maslow's hierarchy of

needs pyramid.jpg&


Conflict Management


Team work


EY model

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