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Write commands for the following in MS-Dos:

- Copy _____________________
- List directory _____________________
- List directory page wise _____________________
- List directory widthwise _____________________
- Copy file with different name _____________________
- Format drive C: _____________________
- Make a Directory _____________________
- Goto Sub-Directory _____________________
- Delete files _____________________
- Delete a directory _____________________
- Change date _____________________
- Change time _____________________
- Clear the screen _____________________
- Copy a disk to another disk _____________________
- See content of a file _____________________
- Check the version of the OS _____________________
- Change the prompt _____________________
- Remove a directory _____________________

Perform the following tasks:

1.Create a directory in D: name as practice. 2.Crreate 3 sub-directory in practice as Theory, Practical,

MCQ. 3.Move to practical and make a directory as DOS. 4.Copy all DOS files from anywhere into DOS
directory. 5.Change a file name to your own name. 6.Go Back to practice directory and remove MCQ
directory. 7.Goto DOS directory and copy all .sys files in Theory directory. 8.Rename one file from .sys
to .msb in Theory directory. 9.Goto Theory directory and make 2 more directories as ERQ and CRQ.

Write commands for the following in MS-Dos:

- Copy _____________________
- List directory _____________________
- List directory page wise _____________________
- List directory widthwise _____________________
- Copy file with different name _____________________
- Format drive C: _____________________
- Make a Directory _____________________
- Goto Sub-Directory _____________________
- Delete files _____________________
- Delete a directory _____________________
- Change date _____________________
- Change time _____________________
- Clear the screen _____________________
- Copy a disk to another disk _____________________
- See content of a file _____________________
- Check the version of the OS _____________________
- Change the prompt _____________________
- Remove a directory _____________________

Perform the following tasks:

1.Create a directory in D: name as practice. 2.Crreate 3 sub-directory in practice as Theory,

Practical, MCQ. 3.Move to practical and make a directory as DOS. 4.Copy all DOS files from
anywhere into DOS directory. 5.Change a file name to your own name. 6.Go Back to practice
directory and remove MCQ directory. 7.Goto DOS directory and copy all .sys files in Theory
directory. 8.Rename one file from .sys to .msb in Theory directory. 9.Goto Theory directory and
make 2 more directories as ERQ and CRQ.

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