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3 kilonewtons most common bracing for 2m

1.5 per metre

Bracing at 45 degrees

Length times height of bracing times 1.5 = bracing kilonewtons

Racking force understanding how many braces

Wind pushing on the house which we can calculate a maximum wind force for the total n categories
using formula total racking force formula which is the total racking force on one side of the house is
the area of elevation multiplied by the maximum wind pressure for the wind classification

Area of elevation times lateral wind pressure

Generally, use N2

table 8.1 for houses with all vertical walls

Calculations given from wind tunnel tests - Table 8.2 where a house has a combination of a vertical
wall and sloping roof

Area calculation top half of the vertical wall plus the roof gave total of 90 squared of wind pushing
on, pressure out of 8.2 total racking force of 63 then we looked at how much brace will give up the
resistance of wind which was 3 divided total racking forces by value of one brace to give total
numbers of brace
cannot over brace the house

Calculating braces in two directions that are mutually exclusive

We have a new 1684 (2020)

Lower storey of two storey house 8.3 for long 8.5 for short

Generally lower storey double the bracing

At least 60% temporary bracing if frame is unfinished

Seasoned timber pine used in frame

Jd4 clear timber is no heart in, jd5 does, jd6 refers to pine timber of lower grade

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