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Art can help us in a lot of ways. It can stimulate the release of dopamine in your bodies.

This will in turn lower the feelings of depression and increase the feeling of confidence.
Moreover, it makes us feel better about ourselves.

All in all, art is universal and can be found everywhere. It is not only for people who
exercise work art but for those who consume it. If there were no art, we wouldn’t have
been able to see the beauty in things. In other words, art helps us feel relaxed and
forget about our problems.

We encounter art everyday. Art is paintings and sculptures, music and dance, film and
photography. It is also fashion designing and architecture, novels and magazines.
These seemingly different things have one thing in common – they are all ways in which
humans convey themselves. For thousands of years, humans have used symbols to tell
a story or describe a struggle.

Art is an object or piece of work that brings one pleasure. Art is also something you see
or feel and you cannot even begin to describe the ways you like it or how it makes you
feel. Art is something that portrays beauty and happiness. Art lets you see the world
through another person’s perspective. Most art seems to tell a story about where a
person has been and the things they have encountered along the way. It lets you
connect with the artist and see things through their eyes. Art is a way of expressing
one’s self without words. When I think of art, I think of paintings, portraits, sketches, and

For me,Art is fascinating,special,magical,beautiful,educational,historical and abstract at

times.It is something you like/love to do.Art is a very vague word since it has so many
different meanings.However,most of the meanings go beyond the point that Art is just
the Visual outcome of an artist's work.Art goes on a more inner emotional self,as I like
to say...In Art you can release your emotions out in a way that it would be impossible.I
find it amazingly awesome.

From photography to music to dance to painting, everything is a form of art. Creating something
without words, something that speaks to people. Art is a language of its own. ... For me, art has
always played some part in my life. I've always been connected to it in one way or another.

Art is an expression of life, which means it expresses emotions. Creation that allows for
interpretation of any kind is art. I have read somewhere that art is a human skill as opposed to
nature, a skill applied to music, painting, poetry etc. I believe that nature is art as well. If
something is made a certain way, then it's unique in its own way.

Artists will use their form of artwork to pass along their views and feelings. Their importance and
value to society has remained the same throughout history. The images that they produce may
express an innovative way of seeing the world or society around us. Interpreting art depends on
a person experiences, their visionary thoughts, culture, and associations. Art is like love in that
there are so many definitions and examples for each. Therefore, I believe art is not perfection;
art is something that continues to develop as it is seen, meaning to open all human capacities,
thoughts and emotions. Art is a creation that lets observer interpret the art any way they see it
and the artists to portray their art in whatever way they want whether it is viewed the same way
as the observer or not.

Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across
space and time. ... Art in this sense is communication; it allows people from different cultures
and different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds and stories. Art is often
a vehicle for social change.

Art is important because it gives meaning to our lives and helps us understand our
surroundings. It also improves our understanding of our emotions, as well as our self-awareness
and openness to new ideas and experiences. Finally, art inspires people to create for the sake
of expression and meaning, rather than just survival. Art has the power to inform, to influence
our daily lives, to make a social statement, and to be appreciated for its aesthetic value.

It defines us as individuals and makes us better people. It lets us create uniqueness factor in life
and defines us in society as an individual. It provides a deeper understanding of emotions and
thoughts in life.

Art surrounds life, all people in every location, without us being aware of it. Since time
immemorial, art has existed as long as man has. It is a huge part of our culture, which shapes
our ideas, and vice versa, and provides us with a deeper understanding of emotions, self-
awareness, and more.

Learning through and about the arts enriches the experience of studying while at school as well
as preparing students for life after school. Arts subjects encourage self-expression and creativity
and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity.
Why Is Art Important?
In today's society, art serves as a universal language for self-expression and social interaction.
The ability to communicate through the arts is crucial, especially during difficult times.

In the end, art serves as a stage for people to express themselves and pursue their goals. It
enables them to overcome adversity and produce something lovely from it.

You can express your thoughts, feelings, and emotions through art in ways that aren't always
possible through words or actions. You can better understand your feelings about various
issues by using art.
Art & Its Role in Society
Culture and society are reflected in art. It shapes how we interact with one another and aids in
our understanding of who we are as people. Our inner thoughts, feelings, and experiences are
expressed through art. It's also a creative expression that can be used to influence others or
reflect on oneself.

Art frequently causes people to change their opinions or political stances, and art movements
have frequently played significant roles in social changes. For instance, urbanization, modernist
thought, and social movements were all closely related to the Futurism movement. In the same
way, the feminist art movement was crucial in the struggle for women's rights.

Why Is Art Important To You?

People value art for a variety of different reasons. Art has long been a means for people to
express their feelings and emotions because it is highly subjective and very personal.

For many people, art has always been a significant aspect of their lives and is fundamental to
who they are as people. Some of the most difficult times in my life were made easier by art.

With the help of art, people can communicate with one another more deeply by using different
languages or mental images. Everyone has a special piece of art that means something to
them; some pieces of art speak to people more than others. 
Cultural Importance of Art
For many centuries, art has been a part of human culture. It has been a means of
communicating ideas, expressing feelings, and passing knowledge from one generation to the
Because it is the means by which we process our feelings and ideas, art is significant in our
cultural and social lives. It serves as a crucial tool for teaching, learning, and communication.
Numerous works of art assist us in creating a picture of life in earlier generations, which is one
way that art contributes to the recording of history.

Additionally, art plays a significant role in representing cultures all over the world. According to
research, the fundamental sense of self can be impacted by art.

Folk arts, for instance, are incredibly particular to certain cultures and tell us about the history
and rich traditions of a place. A society's collective memory can be found in many different fine
arts, including painting, architecture, art sculpture, music, and literature.

Why Is Art Important In Schools?

Art is a means of self-expression and aids in the growth of cognitive abilities. Additionally, it
fosters the development of students' creativity and problem-solving abilities.

For many years, there has been art in schools, and it is still significant today.

However, in the past, art was not given the respect it deserved in the educational system. As art
history was only available to the upper classes, this may have been a result of class structure.
Today, art is used more frequently in education and can teach kids useful abilities like empathy
and creativity.

The arts create wellness in our day-to-day lives by helping us process our lives individually and
allowing us to come together collectively. Art allows us to communicate from afar, generating
positivity, appreciation and hope during COVID-19. In times of social injustice and unrest, art
amplifies important voices and messages.
Art is an expression of what it means to be human
Art-making and viewing art allows us to process our experiences. Art helps us to express and to
understand the world around us.
We are unique in our human drive to create and engage with the arts. Historically, humans have
been visually expressive beings.
Ancient humans not only recorded their lives through art, but they also used art to express
themselves. We do this today, too—the arts create community by depicting shared events and
to express our individual perspectives.

We define our human experience by the cultures we create and participate in. Culture, made up
of customs, social interactions, and activities, is fueled by the arts. Be it music, food, or visual
arts, culture and the arts are inseparable.

We are seeing an increased turn to the arts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally, we have
turned to art engagement as a source of comfort and strength. Participating in and viewing art
makes us connect to a more universal human experience. Be it art-making at home, public
murals, watching and listening to plays and music, or new-found interests in culinary arts, art is
an expression of what it means to be human.

In this time of crisis and isolation, the role of art becomes more central to our lives, whether we
realise it or not. We can easily take for granted the grand buffet of media that is available to us –
and I can be guilty of a lack patience when students find it difficult discerning quality amid a sea
of memes and amateur artistic indulgence which, to the unsuspecting, can appear to be worthy.
The lack of curation on the internet frustrates people like me who value culture and its
contribution and equally, are quickly becoming grumpy old men and women.

Whether we like it or not our consumption habits – including media – form who we are, our
values, our inclinations. They are a patchwork of beliefs that are also tested in these difficult
The COVID-19 pandemic had a sudden and substantial impact on the arts and cultural heritage
sector. The global health crisis and the uncertainty resulting from it profoundly affected
organisations' operations as well as individuals—both employed and independent—across the
sector. Arts and culture sector organisations attempted to uphold their (often publicly funded)
mission to provide access to cultural heritage to the community; maintain the safety of their
employees, collections, and the public; while reacting to the unexpected change in their
business model with an unknown end.

How do you think this pandemic affects the life of artist

With the Coronavirus outbreak changing the way everyone in the world is working and living
their daily lives, artists are learning to adapt to a “new normal” as art fairs, exhibitions and
workshops are indefinitely put on hold.

COVID-19 has already rapidly changed the way that everyone—including artists and creative
freelancers—will conduct business this year.

In an effort to understand how art careers are changing due to the Coronavirus, we asked artists
how the outbreak has affected their careers and how they are planning to alter the way they
approach their art businesses.

What we found is that there were many commonalities in how artists were responding to the
shifting professional landscape around them. While all the artists we spoke with experienced a
level of loss from sales, delayed workshops, and cancelled openings, they were already
planning ways to innovate and move their careers online.

Here are just some of the ways that artists have begun to change the way they run their art
business during this time, and how you can too.

How can arts help in times of pandemic

Art can help in the pandemic because people who are discouraged like virus positive people
can be happier and more inspired and it will make them feel better because that art is one of the
beautiful things in their eyes.
How can you reflect the mood idea or message from your artwork in this pandemic
Humanity is witnessing a great change in history. The Earth is wobbling under our feet and it’s
impossible to predict in which side we’ll have to run to keep the balance. Being restricted to go
outside in the beautiful world and I’ve realized now that nature is a privilege. Most of us take
nature for granted and don’t value it as much as they should. I think that when COVID-19 will
stop people will spend more time visiting parks and going out to countryside to contemplate its
beauty. Plein-airs will regain popularity in art world and artists will strive to perpetuate nature as
it’s in danger of disappearing.


Art makes information more understandable and easier to embrace. That’s why it will
conquer the world penetrating in every part of our life, from school textbooks to official
documents, and demand in it will grow. Just like how the other individuals letting their opinions
for COVID-19 flow to their art.

How do you think this pandemic affects the life of an artist?

First, let us recall the connotation of a pandemic.

A pandemic po is a wide circulation of infectious diseases to a large district. It can only be called
a pandemic if the numbers of infected persons are out of their control, a spread of a virus with a
levelheaded number of infected persons can't be considered one.
Next, are artists.

There are actually two meanings for a noun artist. The first po is the artists are simply the ones
who create compositions. The next one that came down on my thoughts is the artists who act
and endorse things to influence their employment.
Life with this pandemic is a really challenging thing for everyone. Most people are having a hard
duration finding a lasting job to provide for their needs. There are lots of corporations which had
to close and it was a big loss for those who are working there. Just like any other impact, in the
middle of the pandemic, artists might be having a hard time finding some stable source of
income because of the less exposure the government was trying to disseminate. They can't
much communicate with people much and can't discuss things whether it's related to acting or
their compositions. But for me, it still has its advantages, because of this pandemic, artists or
any other people who have disputing jobs get to rest and experience peace in life, they could
also bond and spend time with their family which is a promising thing. Though, stress can take it
up because of the thought that they needed to stay safe and be careful.

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