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Guidance for Zrich SMS

Personal Safety awareness
 Recent safety incidents of the
 Latest convention circular
SMS procedure
一:概述 Overview

1. Company公司
2. Company Safety and Environment Policy
3. Working Language工作语言
4. SMS Consist体系框架
5.公司指定人员、保安员 Company DPA & CSO
1. 公司 Company
2. 公司安全环境保护方针
Company Safety and Environment Policy
Safety, Environment Protection, Health, Development
3. 工作语言 Working Language
4. 体系框架 SMS Consist
Safety Management Manual;Work Procedures And
Instructions;Document Records
5. 公司指定人员、保安员 Company DPA & CSO
DPA & CSO: Capt. 桑纪波Sang Jibo
Contact points: Mobile phone +86-158 0659 0409
Tel No.: 0086-532-58565053; 0086-532-58565052
Fax No.: 0086-532-58565050
Substitute DPA& DCSO : C/E 李萧Li Xiao
Contact points: Mobile phone +86-139 0532 1021
Tel No.: 0086-532-58665076; 0086-532-58565052
Fax No.: 0086-532-58565050
Safety Management Manual
It consists of ZR-MN-01 ~ ZR-MN-14, 14 chapters, as following:
 ZR-MN-01-00 Regulation for the Organization of the Safety Management System
 船舶安全管理制度组织规则
 ZR-MN-01-00A Chart of Organization for the Safety Management System
 安全管理制度组织图
 ZR-MN-01-00B Appointment of DPA DPA授权
 ZR-MN-02-00 Regulation for Control and Maintenance of the Safety Management Manual安全管理手册之管制与维护规则
 ZR-MN-03-00 General information 基本信息
 ZR-MN-04-00 Regulation for Control and Maintenance of Documents
 文件之管制与维护规则
 ZR-MN-05-00 Regulation for Manning船员配置规则
 ZR-MN-06-00 Regulation for Purchasing采购规则
 ZR-MN-07-00 Regulation for Key Shipboard Operations 船上主要操作规则
 ZR-MN-08-00 Regulation for Environmental Protection环境保护规则
 ZR-MN-09-00 Regulation for Maintenance of Hull, Machinery, and Equipment
 船体、机械与设备保养规则
 ZR-MN-10-00 Regulation for Emergency Preparedness紧急应变规则
 ZR-MN-11-00 Regulation for Internal Auditing and Management Review
 内部稽查和管理评审规则
 ZR-MN-12-00 Regulation for Education and Training
 教育,训练,会议规则暨安全规范
 ZR-MN-13-00 Regulation for Management of Inspection, Deficiency and Non- Conformity检查、缺点与不符合状况之管理规则
 ZR-MN-14-00 Risk Assessment风险评估
 ZR-MN-15-00 Maritime Cyber Risk Management网络风险管理
1.ZR-LS-00 SMS Documents List

This chapter introduces the safety management system

manual and procedure document list, can quickly
understand the system document composition.
2.ZR-MN-01-00 Regulation for the Organization of the Safety
Management System 船舶安全管理制度组织规则
The responsibilities and the authorities for the departments ashore as well as the
organization onboard. It also clarifies the reciprocal relationship between them in
order to ensure that the Company's fleet activities comply with safety navigation and
environmental protection regulations.
This chapter is specifically divided into three separate chapters, as follows
※ ZR-MN-01-01 Work Instruction for Marine Department海务部工作指导
※ ZR-MN-01-02 Work Instruction for Technical Department 机务部工作指导
※ ZR-MN-01-03 Provision for Shipboard Organization船上组织条款
ZR-MN-01-01&02介绍了海务机务之工作指导准则; This provision provides a
guideline of work instructions for marine and technical department
5-11)做成记录;instruction master’s authorities and responsibilities, work scopes
and job assignments for deck & engine departments. When working on handing-over
duties by the Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Officer or First Engineer, a record must be
made by using the Form of ““Handing-over record” (ZR-SM-5-11)
3.ZR-MN-02-00 Regulation for Control and Maintenance of the
Safety Management Manual安全管理手册之管制与维护规则

护、修订与废止等Defines how the provisions of the Manual should be
drawn up, enacted, maintained, revised, abolished, etc.
This chapter is specifically divided into three separate chapters, as follows
※ZR-MN-02-01 Procedure to Set-up Regulations建立规则之程序
※ZR-MN-02-02 Procedure to Set-up Procedures建立程序之程序
※ZR-MN-02-04 Procedure for Management of Safety Manuals
4.ZR-MN-03-00 General information 基本信息

This chapter introduces the References, purpose, scope/scope

and application, SMS planning, definitions of terms and
acronyms of company's establishment system.
5.ZR-MN-04-00 Regulation for Control and Maintenance of

This regulation is established to control the set-up, revision, distribution and abolition of the
safety management documents to ensure the smooth operation of the Safety Management
规定船上报表的系统编号。Specify the system number for the shipboard report.
This chapter is specifically divided into two separate chapters, as follows
※ ZR-MN-04-01 System Plan for The Controlled Documents管制文件之系统计划
※ ZR-MN-04-02 Distribution List for The Controlled Documents管制文件分发表
ZR-MN-04-01 本章节说明公司安全管理制度之文件管理系统,文件记录清单
This section describes the document management system and document record list of SMS
This section specifies the distribution list of the Controlled Documents, Other Controlled
Documents, Controlled Data and Controlled Records.
For example: International conventions, rules, publication, etc.
6. ZR-MN-05-00 Regulation for Manning船员配置规则

This regulation is prepared to supervise on the employment and management of crew so as to
comply with the requirements of the SMS.
The Company defines English, to be the working language for good implementation of the SMS.
This chapter is specifically divided into five separate chapters, as follows
※ ZR-MN-05-01 Procedure for Crew Employment船员配置程序
※ ZR-MN-05-02 Procedure for Joining and Repatriation of Crew船员上船与遣返程序
※ ZR-MN-05-03 Procedure for Evaluation of Crew and Identifying Training Needs
※ ZR-MN-05-04 Provision for Medical and Alcohol Control药物与酒精管制条款
※ ZR-MN-05-04A Appendix-I Guidance on Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
※ ZR-MN-05-05 Procedure for Evaluation of Manning Company 船员代理公司评估之程序
 ZR-MN-05-01本程序阐释公司职员及船长应遵循之船员雇用办法,以维持良好之船员配置
水平This procedure defines the method of crew employment for maintaining a good level in
manning quality, which is to be followed by the Company staff and the Master who are
involved with crew employment.
本程序使用文件记录如下This procedure is documented record as follows:
1)ZR-SM-5-25A船员休假申请表, 不论理由为何,船长应加注船长或轮机长之意见于申请书,报
告给海务部. Crew Vacation Application, the Master shall report this application, noted with
Master’s /or Chief Engineer’s comments, to the Marine Department.
2)ZR-SM-5-25B船员提职申请表Crew Promotion Application
3)ZR-SM-4-08船员服务与考核记录, 其中ZR-SM-4-08A,是由海务机务对船长每半年或休假时
进行考核。Crew Service and Evaluation Record, ZR-SM-04-08A captain is evaluated every six
months or vacation by marine and technical department; ZR-SM-4-08B~08D, the captain & C/O
& C/E shall respectively evaluate the crew in charge of the department every six months or
Special provisions of LIBERIA flag state
Appointment and Log Entry. Whenever there occurs a change of Master of a
Liberian vessel, the shipowner or his authorized agent shall designate and appoint the
new Master in writing and the new Master shall enter the following statement in the
vessel's log book:
"I, (name of new Master), a citizen of (country of citizenship), holder of Liberian License of
Competence No. (number of certificate) in the grade of Master, assumed command of the
vessel on (date on which officially took command) at the port of (port where change affected)."
 ZR-MN-05-02本程序阐释公司职员及船长应遵守之安排上船及遣返船员之步骤
This procedure defines the steps of handling the arrangement of joining and repatriating ship
crew to and from the vessels to which the Company staff and the Masters shall follow.
1)新船员上船培训 New Crew on board training. (feedback company)
ZR-SM-2-14 Ship Specific Shipboard Familiarization船上特别需熟悉之事务
ZR-SM-2-14A Familiarization for New Shipboard Personnel到职船员应先熟悉事项
ZR-SM-2-14B Elementary Basic Safety Familiarization安全相关基本常识
ZR-SM-2-14C Training Record for New Joined Crew新到任船员受训记录
ZR-SM-2-14S Security Training Record for New Joining Crew新到任船员保全受训记录
2) 演习 Drill
Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every
month 每位船员应至少每月参加一次弃船演习和一次消防演习.
The drills of the crew shall take place within twenty-four (24) hours of the vessel leaving a port if
more than 25% of the crew has not participated in abandon ship and fire drills on board that
particular vessel in the previous month. 如果25%的船员在上个月未参加过船上弃船和消防演习,
When vessel enters service for the first time, after modification of a major character or when a
new crew is engaged, these drills shall be held before sailing. 当一条船舶第一次投入营运、经
过重大改造或更换全部船员时, 应在开航前进行这些演习。
 ZR-MN-05-03 Procedure for Evaluation of Crew and Identifying Training Needs
ZR-SM-4-08Crew Service and Evaluation Record, by ship 船员服务与考核记录,由船上填写
ZR-SM-7-09Crew Service and Evaluation Record-Review, by company船员服务及考核记录–审查,
ZR-SM-7-18Record for Analysis of Crew Training & Education, by company 船员训练与教育分析
 ZR-MN-05-04 This provision defines the rules for preventing seafarers from drug and Alcohol
abuse in order to ensure safety navigation and pollution prevention.本章节阐明防止船员滥
用药 物及酒精之规范,以确保航海安全及防止污染
The Master is assigned as shipboard Medical Officer;The 2/O is responsible for the
administration of medical on board.
2) ZR-SM-2-17保安搜查表,每次离港前,船长授权进行搜查船上非法药品或物质,并填写此
表。“Security Search Checklist”,Before each departure, The Master is authorized to conduct
searches onboard for illegal drugs or substances.
3) ZR-SM-1-25 Shipboard alcohol testing record, 二副每月或者必要时测试船员酒精含量 The2/O
tests the crew's alcohol content monthly or as needed and keeps records
ZR-SM-2-17Security Search Checklist保全搜索检查表
ZR-SM-4-04C Requisition for Medical Stores医药品申请单
ZR-SM-4-06A Checklist for “WHO” Medicines “WHO”医药品检核表
ZR-SM-4-06B Checklist for “WHO” Medical Equipment “WHO”医疗装备检核表
ZR-SM-1-25 Shipboard alcohol testing record
7.ZR-MN-06-00 Regulation for Purchasing采购规则

件 (甲板机械、主机、发电机及辅机)。This regulation applies to the purchasing of all supplies
for the ship, including lube oils, stores (charts, paints, chemicals and medical stores), spare parts
(deck machinery, main engine, generator engine and auxiliary machinery).
This chapter is specifically divided into four separate chapters, as follows
※ ZR-MN-06-01 Procedure to Make Requisition for Supplies补给品申请程序
※ ZR-MN-06-02 Procedure for Purchasing Supplies采购补给品程序
※ ZR-MN-06-03 Procedure for Evaluating the Suppliers评估供货商程序
※ ZR-MN-06-04 Procedure For Asbestos Free Management 无石棉管理程序
※ ZR-MN-06-04A Appendix-I Shipboard Asbestos Location附件I-石棉在船上常见位置
1)滑油 Lube Oil
ZR-SM-1-4Lube Oil Consumption Report轮机长每月填写,报机务;C/E fill it out every month
and report to PIC of Technical department.
ZR-SM-4-4D Requisition for Lube Oil,滑油申请单,申请单编号:KW-2020-LO-01;
Application form Number to be record as follows: KW-2020-LO-01
2) 物料 Store
ZR-SM-3-05 Important Articles Supply and Consumption Report重要物品供应与消耗报告 每三
个月填写一次;Fill it out every three months and report to PIC of Technical department
ZR-SM-4-17Stores Inventory Report 船舶物料库存清单 每次申报物料或每半年填写一次;fill it
out, when apply the stores/articles and expendable equipment or every six months
ZR-SM-4-04A Requisition for Consumable Stores消耗性物料申请单和ZR-SM-4 - 05 Requisition
for Expendable Equipment消耗性设备申请单,每半年申请一次, 申请单编号:KW-2020-E-ST-01
apply and fill ZR-SM-04-04A&ZR-SM-4-05 out every six months, Application form Number to be
record : KW-2020-E-ST-01
3)备件 Spare Part
ZR-SM-3-04 Checklist for Spare Parts onboard备件清单三个月统计一次, spare parts list is
counted every three months.
ZR-SM-3-07 Requisition for Spare Parts备件申请单三个月或者紧急时申请,申请单编号:KW-
2020-D-SP-001. three months or in case of emergency to requisition for spare parts, Application
form Number to be record : KW-2020-D-SP-001
4)药品 Medical Store
ZR-SM-4-06A Checklist for “WHO” Medicines , count every three months
ZR-SM-4-06B Checklist for “WHO” Medical Equipment , count every three months
ZR-SM-4-04C Requisition for Medical Stores 根据06A&06B及时申请, as per 06A&06B to apply
in time. Application form Number to be record : KW-2020-MS-01
5)海图及航海书籍Nautical Charts and Publications
ZR-SM-4-03&03ANautical Publication&&chart List. count every three months
ZR-SM-4-04B Requisition for Nautical Chart/Publication海图/航海书刊申请单,海图最好每月初
申请,如条件不允许,船长应视需要为之。Best to apply for nautical chart at the beginning of
month, if condition not permit, the master shall act as required.
6)Emergency Supply紧急补给
ZR-SM-5-10Urgent Purchasing Report紧急采购报告
适切性与必要性负责。For safe operation of the ship or for preventing pollution, when deemed
as urgent and impractical to contact the Company in advance, the Master is authorized to
approve urgent supplies using the ship's petty cash onboard and then to report to the PIC of
Technical Department by using the reporting form “Urgent Purchasing Report” (ZR-SM-5-10) as
soon as possible. However, the Master should be responsible for the exactness and necessity of
the urgency of the matter.
7)Report of Store / Spare Quality物料/备件质量报告
反馈船舶。The ship shall report this form, when unqualified spare / store found, and submit to
PIC of Technical Department, and PIC take action and feedback to ship.
8. ZR-MN-07-00 Regulation for Key Shipboard Operations
This regulation is prepared with an aim to provide necessary procedures to satisfy the
requirements of the Safety Management System so as to secure safe navigation and to maintain
competent on key operations on the type of ships listed under the safety management policy.
This chapter is specifically divided into four separate chapters, as follows
※ ZR-MN-07-01 Procedure for Entering / Leaving a Port进出港作业程序
※ ZR-MN-07-01A Appendix-I Guidance for Voyage Planning – IMO Resolution A.893(21)
※ ZR-MN-07-01B Procedures for Anchoring Operation 抛锚程序和船舶锚泊
※ ZR-MN-07-02 Provision for Navigation Watch航行当值条款
※ ZR-MN-07-02A Pilot Card 引航卡
※ ZR-MN-07-02B Instruction for Management and Operation of Ship’s ECDIS and Digital Nautical
Publications 电子海图管理和电子图书资料操作须知
※ ZR-MN-07-02C Instruction For Management and Operation of BNWAS
※ ZR-MN-07-02D Procedures of Watch- keeping in port港内值班程序
※ ZR-MN-07-02E Instructions for pilot transfer 接送引水程序
※ ZR-MN-07-02F Unattended Machinery Spaces (UMS) Operations无人机舱操作
※ ZR-MN-07-03 Procedure for Critical Shipboard Operations during Navigation
※ ZR-MN-07-04 Procedure for Navigation in ice/cold areas航行冰寒区域程序
※ ZR-MN-07-05 Provision for Communication from a Ship船上通讯条款
※ ZR-MN-07-05A General Guidance on Ship Shore Communication 船岸通信指南
※ ZR-MN-07-05B General Guidance on Ship internal Communication船舶内部通讯指南
※ ZR-MN-07-05C Master Standing Order船长常规命令
※ ZR-MN-07-06 Provision for Cargo Handling货物处理条款
※ ZR-MN-07-06A Appendix-I Carriage of High Density Cargo on Bulk Carriers
※ ZR-MN-07-06B Provision for General Cargo Handling杂货处理条款
※ ZR-MN-07-06C Instructions on the Safety Transportation of Concentrates 装货精矿安全须知
※ ZR-MN-07-06D Shipping instructions for bulk grain船舶装运散装谷物指导
※ ZR-MN-07-06E Responding Procedures for Cargo accident货物事故处理
※ ZR-MN-07-06FTransport of Dangerous Goods危险货物运输
※ ZR-MN-07-07 Guidance for Bunkering Operations加油作业准则
※ ZR-MN-07-07A Appendix-I Oil Transfer Procedure--- (USCG Standard format)
附录I 输油程序(美国海岸防卫厅标准格式)
※ ZR-MN-07-08 Instruction for Special Shipboard Operations 船上特殊作业指示
※ ZR-MN-07-08A Appendix- Guidance for Preventive Actions against Piracy, Terrorism and
Stowaway 海盗、恐怖活动与偷渡预防措施之准则
※ ZR-MN-07-08B Appendix- Guidelines on assessment of Hull damage and abandonment of Bulk
Carrier 散装船船壳损坏和弃船的评估指南2006
※ ZR-MN-07-08C Guidance for Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue进入封闭处所和救助指南
※ ZR-MN-07-08D Guidance for Helicopter Operations直升机操作指南
※ ZR-MN-07-09 Ballast water operation压载水操作
※ ZR-MN-07-09A Appendix Precautionary advice to master when undertaking ballast water
exchange operations 当更换压舱水时,给船长的防范建议
※ ZR-MN-07-09B Ballast Water Exchange at Sea海上更换压舱水
※ ZR-MN-07-10 Instruction to Make Deck and Engine Abstract Logs甲板及轮机摘要日志指导
※ ZR-MN-07-11 Procedure for Management of Nautical Publications 航海图书管理之程序
The document and form as following:
1)ZR-SM-2-04 Voyage Planning Checklist & ZR-SM-2-06Voyage Plan Checklist每航次开航前做好
发海务审核。 Completed the voyage plan shall be sent to the PIC of marine department for
review before departure.
ZR-SM-2-16A~B Departure/Arrival Checklist
ZR-SM-4-07 Checklist for SMS Misc. Records此检查表是检查船上一切法定记录或其他记录,
每半年填写一次.This checklist is to check the all statutory record or other importance record
every six months.
ZR-SM-5-21F Checklist For Anchoring And Anchor Watch,锚泊时,每班按照此表认真检查并填
写。When anchoring, each shift shall check and fill in according to this form carefully.
2)ZR-SM-5-21A Checklist For Navigation In Reduced Visibility
ZR-SM-5-21E Checklist For Change Over The Watch 航行时,每班填写. When navigation, fill in
this form during change over.
ZR-SM-2-05 UMS CHECKLIST 执行无人机舱时,每天接交班时填写. When performing UMS,
fill in this form during change over every morning at eight o’clock .
ZR-MN-07-02A Pilot Card
ZR-SM-5-23 ECDIS Type-specific Familiarization Checklist 驾驶员上船后,七天内进行培训填写
此表,新船开航前进行培训。The deck officer shall be trained within seven days
after boarding; when a new crew is engaged, training before sailing.
ZR-SM-2-10Charts Correction Report
的培训记录,靠泊值班时关闭。The Maintenance of the BNWAS equipment must be included
in the PMS system,BNWAS is given familiarization and training for crew, If possible it must be
used with a password / key closely guarded by the Master. 13.10 The BNWAS equipment may
only be switched off in port when vessel is made fast and bridge watch keeping duty is not
ZR-SM-5-21G Helicopter ship operations safety checklist 当接送用直升机接送引水时,填写此表
ZR-SM-2-21A UMS Checklist 每月打印一份,按照要求填写
ZR-SM-2-21B Areas To Check Before Engine Room To Be Unmanned当从有人转为无人值班时填写此表,即离
港定速后,转入无人机舱前按照此表认真检查并填写 When the engine room to be unmanned, COSP ,
before unmanned to conduct the checklist.
ZR-SM-2-05 UMS Checklist每天轮机员接班时填写
无人机舱由值班轮机员在二十四小时中完成四次常规检查, Full routine inspections are to be done by the
Duty Engineer, four times in each 24 hours, i.e.: 0700H~0800H;1300H~1400H;1700H~1800H;
3)ZR-SM-2-11Checklist for Navigational Equipment航海设备检核表
ZR-SM-1-12Checklist for Pollution Preventing Equipment
污染防止设备检核表 每月进行检查填写此表
ZR-SM-5-15Checklist For Navigation In Ice/Cold Areas冰寒区域航行检核表
ZR-SM-5-21A Checklist For Navigation In Reduced Visibility
ZR-SM-5-21B Checklist For Navigation In High Density Traffic Areas
ZR-SM-5-21C Checklist For Navigation In Costal, Confined Waters, Traffic Schemes 沿岸航行检查表
ZR-SM-5-21D Checklist For Navigation In Heavy Weather Condition
ZR-MN-07-07A Bunkering operation checklist 输油作业检核表
4)ZR-MN-07-05A General Guidance on Ship Shore Communication
船岸通信指南,规定了报文种类、编号、语言和格式It specifies the type, number, language and format of
the message
5)ZR-MN-07-05C Master Standing Order船长常规命令 打印/驾驶员签字并悬挂在驾驶室,更换驾驶员时重
新签署 print/ OOW sign and post on the bridge, when change the OOW, renew
6)ZR-MN-07-06 Provision for Cargo Handling货物处理条款
指导船长NOR递交的时机;各种货物装载指导;Instruct captain NOR in the timing of his
delivery; Various cargo loading guidance.
ZR-SM-2-08Hold Cleaning and Maintenance Report货舱清洁与保养报告
ZR-SM-3-02Checklist for Deck Maintenance Items甲板部保养检核表
ZR-SM-4-07 Checklist for SMS Misc. Records 安全管理制度杂项记录检核表
ZR-SM-5-03Cargo Damage Report 货物损坏报告
ZR-SM-5-09Stevedore Damage Report 码头工人损坏报告
ZR-SM-2-20 Checklist for Handling Dangerous Goods装卸危险货物检查表
7)ZR-MN-07-07 Guidance for Bunkering Operations加油作业准则
加油48小时前,进行培训和做加油前计划,The Chief Engineer and the Chief Officer must
conduct training and pre-loading plan within 48 hours prior to scheduled bunkering. And send
the pre-loading plan to company.
ZR-SM-3-08A training record,ZR-SM-5-14A Vessel's Bunker pre-loading plan
整个加油/输油过程中需要记录如下:The entire refueling/handling process shall be recorded
as follows:
ZR-SM-5-14B Bunker Procedure Checklist加油程序检核表
ZR-SM-5-14C Watch Schedule and Work/Rest Hours Record During Bunker Operation
ZR-SM-5-14DFuel Tank Sounding record during bunker operation
8) ZR-MN-07-08 Instruction for Special Shipboard Operations 船上特殊作业指示
"Special Shipboard Operations" are those operations that are carried out on board the ship
occasionally when required, where errors may become apparent only after they have created hazards.
(1) Securing watertight integrity; 保持水密完整
(2) Periodical checking for machinery and equipment; 定期检查机器与设备
(3) Checking and control for spare parts and important articles;
(4) Safety patrol; 安全巡逻
(5) Preventative actions against piracy, terrorism and stowaway;
(6) Enclosed space entry and rescue 进入密闭空间和救助.
(7) Hot work restriction. 烧焊工作之限制
(8) Diving operation. 水下作业
(9) Ballast water exchange at sea. 海上更换压舱水
(10) Working aloft and over the side高空和舷外作业.
(11) Helicopter Operation直升机作业
(12) Cargo Shifting货物移位
(13) Entering cargo hold during cargo operation货物作业期间进入货舱
(14) Plans and procedures for recovery of persons from the water
ZR-SM-2-17Security Search Checklist保全搜索检查表 每次离港前填 before departure fill in every time
ZR-SM-3-04Checklist for essential spare parts onboard船上重要备件检核表
ZR-SM-3-05Important Articles Supply and Consumption Report船上重要备件检核表
ZR-SM-3-09Check List for Equipment of Occasional Usage罕用设备检核表
ZR-SM-4-02AB Deck/Engine Maintenance Records For Measuring Instruments
ZR-SM-5-12Hot Work Checklist 烧焊工作检核表
ZR-SM-5-13Enclosed Space Entry Checklist进入密闭舱间检核表
ZR-SM-5-19Diving Operation Checklist 水下作业检核表
ZR-SM-5-20Working Aloft and Over the Side Checklist 高空(舷外)作业检核表
进行特殊作业前必须先进行risk assessment。Risk assessment must be carried out before
special work
ZR-SM-5-21H Check list for ballast hold operation风暴舱压载操作检查表
9.ZR-MN-08-00 Regulation for Environmental
This chapter is specifically divided into four separate chapters, as follows
※ZR-MN-08-01Procedure for Prevention of Marine Pollution防止海洋污染程序
※ZR-MN-08-01AProcedure for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships
※ZR-MN-08-01BProcedure for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships
※ZR-MN-08-01C Procedure for the Prevention of Pollution by Air from Ships
※ ZR-MN-08-01DProcedure for the Prevention of Pollution by harmful substances from Ships
※ ZR-MN-08-02Procedure for Prevention of Oil Pollution防止油污染程序
※ ZR-MN-08-03Instruction for Emergency Treatment for Incidental Spillage
※ ZR-MN-08-04 Procedure for EU MRV 欧盟监测,报告,核查程序
文件记录表格如下:Records to Follow
ZR-SM-5-1Accident and Casualty Report 意外事故与损伤报告
ZR-SM-6-11Pollution Incident Report 污染事件报告
10. ZR-MN-09-00 Regulations for Maintenance of Hull,
Machinery, and Equipment
This chapter is specifically divided into five separate chapters, as follows
ZR-MN-09-01Procedure for Maintenance of Important Machinery and Equipment
ZR-MN-09-01AAppendix-Inspection and Maintenance of Bulk Carrier Hatch Covers
ZR-MN-09-01B Generic Important (Critical) Equipment List通用重要(关键性)设备清册
ZR-MN-09-02 Guideline to Make Preparation for Survey受验准备之准则
ZR-MN-09-03Procedure for Dry-Docking Repairs进坞修理程序
ZR-MN-09-04Instruction for Reporting and Recording报告与记录之指导
ZR-MN-09-05Procedure for Maintenance of Measuring Equipment 量度仪器保养程序
Important (Critical) Machinery重要(关键性)机械
Main engine and control system主机与控制系统
Generator engine and control system发电机与控制系统
Boiler and control system锅炉与控制系统
Steering gear and control system操舵机械与控制系统
Important (Critical) equipment重要(关键性)装备
Life saving and fire-fighting equipment救生与灭火设备
Pollution preventing equipment污染防止设备
Navigational equipment航海设备
Mooring equipment系缆设备
Anchoring equipment 锚泊设备
Cargo gear and hatch closing appliances吊货机械及舱盖闭锁装置
Electric installations电气装置
Maintenance record of important machinery重要机械保养记录:
(1)Main Engine and Control System主机与控制系统 (ZR-SM-1-05 / -SM-1-08 / -SM-2-09 / -SM-3-06 / -SM-
4-01 / -SM-4-09 / -SM-4-16 / -SM-5-06A ~ K / -SM-6-08)
(2)Generator Engines and control system发电机与控制系统 (ZR-SM-3-06 / -SM-4-10 / -SM-5-07A ~ C)
(3)Boiler and control system锅炉与控制系统 (ZR-SM-1-06 / -SM-4-11)
(4)Steering Gear and control system操舵机械与控制系统(ZR-SM-2-11)
Maintenance record of important Equipment重要装备保养记录:
(1)Life Saving and Fire Fighting Equipment救生与灭火设备(ZR-SM-3-01,LSA/FFA Maintenance Record
(2)Pollution Preventing Equipment污染防止设备 (ZR-SM-1-12)
(3)Navigational Equipment航海设备 (ZR-SM-2-11)
(4)Mooring Equipment系缆设备 (ZR-SM-3-02)
(5)Cargo Gear and Hatch Closing Appliances吊货机械及舱盖闭锁装置 (ZR-SM-3-02, ZR-SM-2-18A~B)
(6)Electric Installations电气装置 (ZR-SM-3-03, SM-4-15)
记录文件如下:Records to Follow
ZR-SM-1-01A Checklist for Certificates and Documents证书与文件检核表
ZR-SM-1-01B Checklist for Technical Documents, Manuals and Booklets
ZR-SM-1-02Deck Part Monthly Maintenance Report甲板部每月保养报告
ZR-SM-1-03Engine Part Monthly Maintenance Report机舱部每月保养报告
ZR-SM-1-05Engine Cooling Water Treatment Records主机与发电机冷却水处理记录
ZR-SM-1-06Boiler Water Analysis Report锅炉水分析报告
ZR-SM-1-07Deficiency Correction Report缺点修复报告
ZR-SM-1-08Record of Stern Tube Lube Oil Condition艉轴滑油状况记录
ZR-SM-1-12Checklist for Pollution Prevention Equipment污染防止设备检核表
ZR-SM-2-09Main Engine Performance Data主机性能数据
ZR-SM-2-11Checklist for Navigational Equipment航海设备检核表
ZR-SM-2-18A Inspection and Maintenance Check List for Hatch Cover and Coaming货舱盖与舱口围检
ZR-SM-2-18B Deficiency Record for Hatch Cover and Coaming货舱盖与舱口围缺失记录
ZR-SM-3-01Checklist for Safety Equipment安全设备检核表
ZR-SM-3-02Checklist for Deck Maintenance Items甲板部保养检核表
ZR-SM-3-03Checklist for Electric Insulation电气绝缘检核表
ZR-SM-3-06Main Parts Running Hours Record主件运转时数记录
ZR-SM-3-09Checklist for Equipment of Occasional Usage罕用设备检核表
ZR-SM-4-01Crank Shaft Deflection Records 曲轴挠度记录
ZR-SM-4-02Maintenance Records for Measuring Instruments量度仪器保养记录
ZR-SM-4-09Main Engine Safety Device Test Record主机安全装置测试记录
ZR-SM-4-10Generator Engine Safety Device Test Record发电机安全装置测试记录
ZR-SM-4-11Boiler Safety Device Test Record锅炉安全装置测试记录
ZR-SM-4-12Main Air Compressor Safety Device Test Record主空气压缩机安全装置测试记录
ZR-SM-4-13Oil Purifier & Tank Level Alarm Test Record净油机及油水柜液位警报测试记录
ZR-SM-4-14Tank Inspection Summary Record舱 柜 内 构 检 查 总 表
ZR-SM-4-15Checklist for Water Ingress Alarm System Functional Test浸水警报功能测试检核表
ZR-SM-4-16Inspection Record of M/E Cylinder Liner and Piston Condition (Through Scavenging
Port) 主机缸套与活塞情况检查纪录(扫气孔)
ZR-SM-5-06A Overhaul Record of M/E Cylinder Liner and Piston主机缸套及活塞拆检记录
ZR-SM-5-06C Inspection Record of M/E Fuel Cam主机燃油凸轮检查记录
ZR-SM-5-06D Overhaul Record of M/E Crosshead Guide Shoe & Guide Plate Clearance主机十字
ZR-SM-5-06E Inspection Record of M/E Bearings Oil Clearances主机轴承间隙检查记录
ZR-SM-5-06F Inspection Record of M/E Tie Rod主机牵柱螺杆缔紧检查记录
ZR-SM-5-06G Overhaul Record of TurboCharger (VTR Type) VTR型涡轮增压机拆检记录
ZR-SM-5-06H Overhaul Record of M/E TurboCharger (Plain Bearing Type) 主机涡轮增压机拆检
记录 (平轴承型)
ZR-SM-5-06I Inspection Record of M/E Exhaust Valve (Sulzer) 主机排气阀拆检纪录 (Sulzer)
ZR-SM-5-06J Inspection Record of M/E Exhaust Valve (B&W) 主机排气阀拆检纪录 (B&W)
Inspection Record of M/E Exhaust Valve (UEC) 主机排气阀拆检纪录(UEC)
ZR-SM-5-07A Overhaul Record of G/E Cylinder Liner and Piston
ZR-SM-5-07B Overhaul Record of G/E Connecting Rod发电机连杆拆检记录
ZR-SM-5-07C Overhaul Record of Turbocharger (TSU RH133 & AT14 Type)
TSU RH133与AT14型涡轮增压机拆检纪录
ZR-SM-5-08Requisition to Correct Deficiencies (Application for Repairing)
ZR-SM-5-16Overhaul Record of Air Compressor空压机拆检纪录
ZR-SM-5-17Overhaul Record of Centrifugal Pump离心式泵拆检纪录
ZR-SM-5-18Overhaul Record of Screw Type Lube Oil Pump
ZR-SM-6-12Maintenance Plan for Hull, Machinery and Equipment
ZR-SM-6-12LSA/FFA Maintenance Plan/Log救生设备/灭火设备保养计划/纪录
ZR-SM-6-07Dry-docking Repair List 进坞修理单
11. ZR-MN-10-00 Regulation for Emergency Preparedness

便采取立即而有效之对策,使损伤或环境破坏之范围减到最小。This regulation aims to
provide necessary countermeasures and procedures for the Master so that he can follow as a
guide to quickly report an emergency case to the Company thus immediate and effective
countermeasure can be taken and that the scope of casualty or damages to the environment
can be minimized.
Accidents shall be divided into two categories and be treated separately. The divisions are:
emergency marine accidents and other marine accidents.
In the case of "emergency marine accidents"发生「紧急海上事故」时::
When the following "emergency marine accidents" occur, the Company must immediately set-
up an Emergency Response Team coordinated by the Designated Person.当发生以下之「紧急
海上事故」时,公司必须立即成立由D.P. 指挥之紧急处理小组。
(1) Large scale oil spillage from the vessel船舶大量溢油。
(2) Serious personnel casualty at sea严重之海上人员损伤。
(3) Serious marine incident, such as: 严重之海上事故,诸如:
Vessel's collision 撞船
Vessel's fire accident船舶火灾
Vessel's going aground or touching bottom船舶搁浅或触底
Vessel's flooding or sinking浸水或沉船
Serious damage or breakdown of main engine or steering gear主机或舵机严重受损或故障
Vessel's loss of stability due to shifting of cargo or other causation货物移位或其它因素致使船体失去稳定

Terrorist activities, such as hijacking暴力行为,如劫船
Assistance to other ships—Search and Rescue救助他船—搜索与救助
Emergency Escape from service spaces紧急逃生
Security Incident保全事件
Emergency Towing紧急拖曳
In the case of "other marine accidents"发生「一般海上事故」时:
The Head of Marine Department is to take or direct all countermeasures when the accident is relating to the
Owners’ liability which may include followings: 发生以下「一般海上事故」,相关于船东责任时,海务部
(1) Discovery of stowaways 发现偷渡者。
(2) Crew injury or illness船员重伤或重病。
(3) Shore laborer's injury岸上工人重伤。
(4) Damage to wharf facilities码头设施受损。
(5) Damage to fishing net渔网受损。
(6) Others injury他人受伤。
The Head of Technical Department is to take or direct all countermeasures when the accidents is relating to
Hull / Machinery problem which may include followings: 发生以下一般海上事故时,机务部经理必须采取
(1) Damage by fishing net船被渔网所损。
(2) Damage due to heavy weather船被恶劣天候所损。
(3) Hull and structural damages 船体及结构损坏。
(4) Damages to engines, machinery, or equipment 主机、机械或设备受损。
This chapter is specifically divided into seven separate chapters, as follows
※ZR-MN-10-01 Procedure for Handling Emergency Matter in the Company
※ ZR-MN-10-01A Guidelines of Emergency Towing紧急拖带指南
※ ZR-MN-10-02Procedure for Selection and Summons of Key Member for The Emergency
Response Team紧急应变小组干部遴选与征召程序
※ ZR-MN-10-03 Procedure for Emergency Communication紧急通讯程序
※ ZR-MN-10-03A Public Communication 公共通讯
※ ZR-MN-10-04 Procedure for Establishment of Long Term Work Team for Handling
Emergency Case成立长期工作小组处理紧急情况之程序
※ ZR-MN-10-05 Procedure for Handling Emergency Shipboard Situations处理船上紧急事故程

※ ZR-MN-10-05ALiberian Report of Personal Injury or Loss of Life RLM-109-1利比里亚船员受
※ ZR-MN-10-05B Liberian Report Of Vessel Casualty or Accident
※ ZR-MN-10-05CShip with Liberian Flag Regulation 利比里亚船旗国规定
※ ZR-MN-10-05DElectronic certificate regulation电子证书规定
※ ZR-MN-10-05E Anti-Piracy Checklist Arriving to and Operatingwithin the High Risk Area
※ ZR-MN-10-06 Guidance for Shipboard Emergency Actions船上紧急行动之指南
※ ZR-MN-10-06A Guidance for Foremost Cargo Hold Flooding最前货舱进水的指南
※ ZR-MN-10-07 Guideline for Drill Exercise and Shipboard Education操练 演习与船上教育准则
※ ZR-MN-10-07AMeasures for Life Boat and Recovery救生艇操作
※ ZR-MN-10-07BInformation related to boat drill safety关于放艇操演的安全信息
记录文件如下:Records of follow:
ZR-SM-5-01Accident and Casualty Report意外事故与损伤报告
ZR-SM-5-04or05Accident Investigation Report甲板/轮机意外事件调查报告
ZR-SM-7-04AShipboard Drill / Exercise Plan of the year年度船上演练计划
ZR-SM-7-04B Shipboard Annual Training Plan
ZR-SM-3-08Drill and Exercise Record操练与演习记录
ZR-SM-6-11Pollution Incident Report 污染事件报告
ZR-SM-7-13Record for the Company's Countermeasures Taken 公司采取紧急措施记录
ZR-SM-1-07Deficiency Correction Report 缺点修复报告
ZR-SM-5-08Requisition to Correct Deficiencies (Application for Repairing)缺点矫正申请单
ZR-SM-7-13Records for the Company's Emergency Countermeasures Taken
ZR-SM-7-17A Independent accident analysis and investigation report
ZR-SM-7-17Record for Analysis of Accidents 意外事故分析记录
ZR-SM-7-19Record to Give Feedback to the Company's Fleet 回馈公司船队记录
12. Regulation for Internal Auditing and Management Review

The objective of the internal auditing is to check that: 内部稽查的目标是核实:

1)The SMS is correctly utilized and maintained ; SMS得到正确的实施和维护;
2)The activities are implemented in accordance with the SMS; 所有操作的执行均根据安全管
3)The SMS functions properly and its results offer the optimum quality at the highest level of
savings and minimum level of rejection; 安全管理体系应运行良好并在提高节约,降低浪费
4)The SMS results in minimizing accidents, hazardous situations, and environmental
pollution. 安全管理体系应减少海事事故,危险境界及环境污染。
5)Conforms to planned arrangements for integrated SMS including the requirements of
applicable Regulations, Codes and International Standards, and
This chapter is specifically divided into three separate chapters, as follows
※ ZR-MN-11-01 Procedure for Internal Auditing内部稽查程序
※ ZR-MN-11-02 Checklist for Internal Auditing内部稽查检核表
※ ZR-MN-11-03 Checklist for Ship's Auditing船舶稽查检核表
记录文件如下:Records of follow:
ZR-SM-6-10 Master Review for SMS
13. ZR-MN-12-00 Regulation for Education and Training
This regulation is established with an aim to smoothly operate and maintain the Safety
Management System, and to set up procedures for necessary shipboard education, training
and meeting, so that the System can be maintained and controlled well by itself. Meanwhile,
safety rules are deemed very much required as the guidance for crew members to act properly
during their daily working or rest hour. 本规则制定的目的在顺利操作及维持安全管理制度,
This chapter is specifically divided into five separate chapters, as follows:
※ ZR-MN-12-01 Procedure for Shore Staff Training岸上职员训练程序
※ ZR-MN-12-02 Procedure for Preparation before Crew Joining Onboard船员上船前准备程序
※ ZR-MN-12-03 Procedure for Familiarization of New Shipboard Personnel
※ ZR-MN-12-04 Procedure for Application of Shipboard Safety Meeting
※ ZR-MN-12-05 Provision for Smoking Restriction吸烟限制
1) ZR-MN-12-02The Head of Marine Department is responsible for making preparations, before crew
joining onboard, in relation to the Company's SMS so that the new personnel will be aware of their
responsibilities under the SMS. 海务部经理负责在船员上船之前完成公司安全管理制度相关之准备
ZR-SM-7-18A Guidance For Newly Joined Crew Prior To Sailing
ZR-SM-7-18B Seafarers Pre-Joining Vessel Training Courses
2) ZR-MN-12-03When new crew is joining onboard, the Master must check their possession of the
Company's SMS training records, in order to ascertain their fluency with the Company's SMS. The said
records must be kept for further review and the date recorded. 当新船员上船时,船长必须检查其所
The Master must also evaluate their knowledge and skills to carry out their assigned duties onboard
and to schedule necessary training and education onboard. The following are to be treated as the
first priority of the familiarization and training: 船长亦须评估其完成所指派之船上任务应有之知识与
Master or his appointee is to check the newly joined crew on their knowledge of the Company's SMS,
also to conduct orientation and necessary training, to record the result on the "Drill and Exercise
Record" (ZR-SM-3-08A), and report to the PIC of Marine Department upon completion of the voyage.
(a)Familiarization with their assigned jobs onboard 熟悉所指派之船上工作。
(b) Familiarization with emergency procedures 熟悉紧急作业程序。
(c) Familiarization with their emergency duties on Muster Lists. 熟悉其紧急部署表上的任务。
(d) Familiarization with the safety and pollution preventing equipment onboard. 熟悉船上之安全及
(e) Familiarization with the objectives and procedures of the Company's SMS, especially with
regard to the personal welfare and benefits gained by their compliance with the Company's
SMS. 熟悉公司安全管理制度之目标与程序,特别是有关遵守安全管理制度所能获致之福祉
(f) Familiarization with the use of Life Saving Appliances and Fire Fighting Appliances within
two weeks since the date joining the vessel. 在上船两周内熟悉求生/灭火设备的使用。
(g) Familiarization with knowledge of ISPS Code, shipboard implementation of Ship Security
Plan (SSP) and security deployments within one week since the date joining the vessel. 在上船
(h) Familiarization with basic knowledge of Shipboard Ballast Water Management Plan within
one week since the date joining the vessel. 在上船一周内熟悉船上压载水管理计划的基本知
The completion dates of training must be recorded in the deck logbook and reported to the
Company by using the form ZR-SM-2-14, ZR-SM-2-14A-B-C and ZR-SM-2-14S. 完成训练的日期必
须记录在航海日记里并且用 ZR-SM 2-14 & ZR-SM-2-14A, B, C & ZR-SM-2-14S 报向公司。
Training applied to new joining crew should be recorded in the proper record file and relevant
reports must be sent to the company each voyage.如果对新进船员实施训练,必须记录在适
3) ZR-MN-12-04 Master is responsible for arrangement of the meeting set up once a month at
the appropriate time when most of the crew members are available for attendance. None can
avoid the meeting without justified reason confirmed by Master. 船长负责安排每个月的会议
Master is to hold the meeting as chairman in June, December and prior to his disembarkation
so as to make a review on the SMS of the company. 船长主持六月, 十二月及休假前的会议以
Chief Officer and First Engineer are to take the chair of the meeting in turn in the month other
than June and December. 大副、大管二人轮流担任其它月份的轮值主席
Other deck officers and Engineers are to take the minutes in turn during the meeting, to
submit the meeting record to the company for immediate review and response. 二副、三副、
The leading subjects for the meeting includes following items, but not limited to: 各项主题包
1)Outstanding subjects remained since last meeting 前次会议未决议题讨论
2)News (New information with relation to safety for work / Company’s Notice) 工作安全新信
3)Proficiency on drill & facility 设备及演练的熟练程度
4)Environment protection awareness环保意识检讨
5)Accident 意外事故
6)SMS conference (NC / Deficiency discussion) 安全管理制度讨论(各种内稽/外稽、NAV9000、
PSC、公司人员访船等检查所发现的缺点和Near Miss都必须提出讨论并且记录)
Master is to send the Safety Meeting Record (ZR-SM-1-10) to Marine Department of the
Company every month. 船长应将安全会议记录(ZR-SM-1-10) 每个月寄给海务部经理
14. ZR-MN-13-00 Regulation for Management of Inspection,
Deficiency and Non-Conformity
This regulation introduces a flag state statutory annual inspection to be applied for, and
defines how a deficiency, hazardous occurrence (= near misses), accident or non-conformity
reported during the implementation of the SMS, can be properly dealt with by both the
shipboard and shore based personnel. It is also aimed to prevent recurrence of such deficiency,
including those has been found during internal audit, outer audit, port state control inspection,
flag state annual inspection or any other inspection implemented by concerned authorities,
and hazardous occurrence (= near misses), accident and non-conformity so as to ensure vessels’
safe navigation and environmental protection. 本规则提到申办船籍国所规定的年度检查,阐
述船上与岸上人员如何适当处理在执行安全管理制度时被举发的缺点,存在危机(= 惊险状
船籍国年度检查或是其它相关单位所执行之任何检查时所发现的缺点、存在危机( =惊险状
具体又分 3个独立章节,如下:
This chapter is specifically divided into three separate chapters, as follows:
※ ZR-MN-13-01 Procedure for Management of Inspection, Deficiency and Non-Conformity
(Shipboard) 检查、缺点与不符合状况管理程序(船舶)
※ ZR-MN-13-02 Procedure for Management of Quality Assurance 质量控制之程序
ZR-MN-13-02A Appendix II PSC Checklist for Hong Kong Registered Ships 附件II-香港旗PSC
ZR-MN-13-02A Notice to Master by China MSA 中国海事局对船长的通知
※ ZR-MN-13-03 Procedure for Management of Inspection, Deficiency and Non-Conformity
(Company) 检查、缺点与不符合状况管理程序(公司)
1. ZR-MN-13-01 Procedure for Management of Inspection, Deficiency and Non-Conformity
(Shipboard) 检查、缺点与不符合状况管理程序(船舶)
Deficiency, Major Non-conformity, Non-conformity, hazardous occurrence (= near misses),
and defect缺点、重大不符合,不符合状况、存在危机( = 惊险状况)和缺失
1) All the audit/PSC find the NC, the Master reports to the company immediately, Then report
defects and corrective actions to the company using the ZR-SM-1-07/07A/07B. 所有审核/PSC
2) In case that any Deficiency / non-conformity or Major Non-conformity or defect in
shipboard finding could not be corrected by ship-hands alone, the form “Requisition to
Correct Deficiencies (Application for Repairing)” (ZR-SM-5-08), is to be used. 当缺点,不符合
When correction completed, it is required to report to the company by using the form of
"Deficiency Correction Report” (ZR-SM-1-07) or “Defect correction report” (ZR-SM-1-07B) as
appropriate. 完成矫正之后,仍应以「缺点修复报告」(ZR-SM-1-07)或「缺失矫正报告」
3) For Hazardous Occurrences (=Near Miss), A “Near Miss Data Card” (ZR-SM-1-11) used for
reporting the occurrence should be sent to the company after its occurrence. PIC of related
department shall review, investigate and analyze the matter, compose the feed back and
send to the fleet by the Designated person’s order. 对于存在危机( = 惊险状况),「惊险状
Each Department report the “Near Miss Data Card” to the company every month.
Applicable Forms and information适用之表格与数据
Deficiency Correction Report缺点修复报告 (ZR-SM-1-07)
Deficiency / NC Report缺点/不符合报告 (ZR-SM-1-07A)
Defect correction report缺失修复报告 (ZR-SM-1-07B)
Near Miss Data Card惊险状况记录表(ZR-SM-1-11)
Accident and Casualty Report意外事故与损伤报告 (ZR-SM-5-01)
Deck part accident investigation report甲板部意外事故调查报告 (ZR-SM-5-04)
Engine part accident investigation report” 轮机部意外事故调查报告 (ZR-SM-5-05)
Requisition to Correct Deficiencies缺点矫正申请单(Application for Repairing) (ZR-SM-5-08)
Pollution Incident Report污染事件报告 (letter form--ZR-SM-6-11)
2. ZR-MN-13-02 Procedure for Management of Quality Assurance 质量控制之程序
For Marshall island Flag Vessels 用于马绍尔旗船舶:
Vessels identified for a remote flag State inspection will be notified and provided with a list of
questions relevant to the ship’s documentation, equipment maintenance, and crew’s
emergency preparedness.
(a) The questions must be completed by the Master or Chief Engineer and submitted to the
scheduling office before arrival in port.
(b) A regional critical items checklist may be used to meet this requirement, such as:
(i) MSD 340, Critical Items Checklist for vessels calling ports in the United States;
(ii) MSD 340AC, Critical Items Checklist (Australia-China) for vessels calling in Australia or China;
15. ZR-MN-14-00 Risk Assessment
This procedure provides general guidelines for the company and the fleet to conduct risk
assessment on all operations described in the company Safety Management System. Therefore
appropriate safeguards are able to be developed for purpose of protection to ships, personnel
and the environment. This procedure shall apply to relevant departments of the company, all
vessels in the company fleet and personnel of competence for this specific risk assessment
work included in the system. 本程序提供一般性指导提供给公司及船队针对公司安全管理系
What is risk assessment 何谓风险评估
These are to include normal routines, special operations, critical operations, maintenance of
Machinery / equipment and also to include all the drills. With an attempt to identify hazard that
may associated with works and appropriate control measures to be allocated, risk assessment
shall be carried out by responsible person before the work begins. 这些包含了正常例行性工作、
ZR-SM-5-22 Risk Assessment record (Ship) 风险评估报告(船)
16. ZR-MN-15-00 Maritime Cyber Risk Management

Cybertechnologies have become essential to the operation and management of

numerous systems critical to the safety and security of shipping and protection of the
marine environment. In some cases, these systems are to comply with international
standards and Flag Administration requirements. However, the vulnerabilities created
by accessing, interconnecting or networking these systems can lead to cyber risks which
should be addressed. Vulnerable systems could include, but are not limited to:
Bridge systems; 船桥系统;Cargo handling and management systems; 货物操作和管理
Propulsion and machinery management and power control systems; 推进和机械设备管
理,以及动力控制系统; Access control systems; 访问控制系统;Passenger servicing and
management systems; 乘客服务和管理系统;Passenger facing public networks; 乘客公
共网络; Administrative and crew welfare systems; and管理及船员保障系统
Communication systems. 通信系统
17. Other Controlled Document

ZRMA-001 Ship Security Plan

ZRMA-002 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) (shall be approved by a
recognized organization)
ZRMA-003 Maritime Labour Manual as per MLC 2006
ZRMA-004 Garbage Management Plan (in accordance with Annex V MARPOL)
ZRMA-006 Plans and Procedures for Recovery of Persons From The Water
ZRMA-007 Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue Training Manual
ZRMA-008 Vessel Internal Management Regulations
ZRMA-009 Company Loss Prevention Circular
ZRMA-010 Company Marine Circular
ZRMA-011 Company Technical Circular
ZRMA-012 Company Security Circular
ZRMA-013 Ballast Water Management Plan
ZRMA-014 EU MRV Monitoring Plan
18. Special form

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