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Penales, Jade D.

Grade 10 Prosperous A
Can we picture out a world with no students in uniforms and closed schools and universities?
Can we visualize our environment where everyone is in front of their laptop and phones for
Since COVID-19 pandemic hit the Philippines and the world, everything has changed. A lot of
changes was made and it was not easy for everyone to adjust and cope with the new normal
immediately. Education is one of the most and greatly affected by this pandemic. All students
and teachers were struggling – physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. We have been
stuck between this crisis for almost two years now, and I would like to think that now is the high
time to open an argument whether online learning can ever replace face-to-face classes or not.
It can enhance our learning. Online distance learning is a convenient setup for those who are
privileged enough. With strong internet connection, efficient gadgets, and a convenient space in
home to study, you are able to cope with online classes. But what about those who could not
afford those luxurious ultimata that online class demands? What about those students and
teachers that are no capable of keeping up with this new normal? Are they supposed to be
disregarded? As I said, online classes can enhance and bring our learning into the next levels
but it can never replace physical and face-to-face learning. Limited face-to-face classes is
our best option right now because it is better for our over-all health, it does not demand so much
from students and teachers, and, we can learn more in school and lessen and prevent cheating.
The first reason that face-to-face classes needs to be started already is it is better for our health.
Instead of spending the majority of our time sitting in front of our desktops, face-to-face learning
will help our physical wellness improve. Walking is a great form of exercise, going outside early
in the morning will help our body feel more productive and energized. It also helps keep our
eyes from excess radiation caused by our computers and gadgets. Not only that, face-to-face
classes can improve our mental wellness. Online class can build a sense of isolation and we all
know that it is not good for our social and mental health.
Secondly, schools should already start physical classes because it does not demand so much
from students and teachers. It demands our money and time; and not everyone seems to have
that luxury. We might still need so, but we do not necessarily need to use gadgets as we do
during online classes. We do not need to worry every time we are having troubleshoot or if our
router’s not working. We do not need to spend so much time on internet and with this, we can
focus more especially in our families and other responsibilities.
The last reason I think face-to-face should start is because we can learn more. We can have a
more interactive activities in school, more engaging ways of teaching and learning, we can
easily reach out to our teachers and we can ask them with no hassle. This way, it could prevent
students from cheating and relying on internet and not on classes.
The reasons mentioned above was enough for me to side with physical learning. It is more
traditional, more convenient to our health, convenient on our time and finances, and we can
learn more. Everyone is struggling, and still adjusting and I am truly convinced that face-to-face
classes, limited will do, can solve our academic problems.

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