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((((THE GONG))))

Are you stressed out at work, overwhelmed at home or bogged down by everyday
tasks? Did you know that a 45 minutes Session of Gong Relaxation can offer critical
support in these areas?

The sound waves of The Gong induces a state of spontaneous meditation and
relaxation, which facilitates the movement Prana (positive life force) throughout the
body. On a physical level, as our human body is made of 70% water, the vibrations of
the Gong eliminates tension, stimulates the circulation on the Lymphatic System,
balances the Glandular System and re-generates the Parasympathetic Nervous System.
The sound waves of the Gong gently restores inner harmony and stops the internal
dialogue, awakening higher states of consciousness that are conducive to healing and
transformation. This leaves you feeling content, clear headed, energetic and optimistic.
The Symphonic Gong is a sound-healing instrument and all the sounds of creation are
contained within it! Its vibrations reach all frequencies and all chakras or energetic
points in your physical body.

“The Gong is the song of the spirit. It is the primordial whisper of the soul. It is the
echo of the original word that created the world, the sound within all sounds”.
Yogi Bhajan

The Session:
We will start the session seated over the matt with a 5 minutes breathing exercise and
some relaxing music or mantras to connect with our inner self to create the proper
mood and ambience. After this introduction you will be guided to get comfortable by
laying down (preferred) or sitting, cover yourself with a blanket and close your eyes.
Legs and arms are stretched, palms are facing up. If you feel the urge to move during
the relaxation is ok, try to stay still and breathe through it, this is just our ego objecting
to letting go. And it can also indicate you are on the verge of a breakthrough or a
release of a blocked emotion (laugh, cry, etc.). Feel free to open your eyes if you need
to peek, but you will receive more benefit with eyes closed as your other senses will be
heightened. If you experience a lot of mental chatter during the meditation, that is ok, It
is great to be the observer of this, just observe, don’t fight against just go with the flow.
Practicing any form of relaxation or meditation helps us to quiet the mind and calm the
emotions, and we usually see these results over time.
After the last Gong note, there will be a few minutes of silence, this is a time of deep
relaxation and expansion, enjoy it. You will be verbally guided back when the time is
right to finish with some light stretching movements.
Your vibration has been raised, and these effects will stay with you for several days.
Every cell in your body has received a deep massage. Avoid drinking water
immediately after the session. After an hour, just like after a massage, be sure to drink
plenty of water and over the next few days. This will help to flush out any toxins in
your system.

Be aware of any changes in thoughts, emotions, dreams, or intuitions. Also, be mindful

of any physical changes you may feel in the days ahead. Many people experience a
deep and improved quality of sleep for several nights after a gong meditation, others
experience a greater sense of emotional calm and a harmony in their relationships. The
gong is a powerful tool which creates lasting ripples, so just be open to noticing any
differences and embrace them.
Bring your life partner as it will benefit both in many senses, the results are multiplied
when relaxing or meditating with your couple.

What to bring?

- Your own mat but If you don’t have we can bring you one).
- A bottle of water

Need more Information?

No problem, send us a WhatsApp to YOGIKA +852-67497836


1:1 Private Session Indoors = HKD 300

Couples Sessions Indoors = HKD 550
Group Sessions outdoors = HKD 200

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