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Lesson Plan

School : MAS Ma’had Al - Zaytun

Subject : English
Class / Semester : XII / II
Subject Matter : Offering Help
Allocation Time : 20 Minutes

Student are able to identify expression for offering help and respon appropriately how
to accept and refuse, understand the social functions of offering help and other
possible expression for different situation, compare expression for offering help and
asking for help.
 Media : Power Point
 Tools/Materials : Smart TV, Wi-fi internet connection, Laptop, HDMI
 Learning Resources : Book of English On Target
a. Education Activies ()
 The teacher enters the class, the students greet with the greeting
"Freedom", the position of the hand is respectful, and the teacher
answers the greeting with the same hand position.
 Students are guided by the teacher to prepare a conducive learning
 students are guided by the teacher asking and answering questions
about offering help.
 the teacher mentions the learning objectives and mentions the learning
activities that will be carried out that will be carried out.

b. Core Activities ()
1. Literacy activities
 students are given the opportunity to watch the video to observe
or watch or listen to offering help.
2. Critical Thingking
 with the teacher's guidance and direction (stimulus) students
question, among other things, the contents of the captions in
English, differences in the text in the text offering help in

3. Collaboration
 students write the results of the discussion about the selected
simple offering help.
4. Communication
 students in groups convey examples of text captions briefly
then respond to other groups of students and conclude the
provisions of text offering help text actions correctly
5. Creativity
 students are able to find ways to relate offering help and apply
them in everyday life.
c. Closing Activities
 The teacher gives appreciation to active and creative students in
learning activities.
 students are guided by the teacher to conclude learning and
provide reaffirmation, students reflect on learning experiences.
 the teacher conveys the lesson plan at the next meeting, namely
capturing the meaning of the offering help.
 students together with the teacher close the lesson by praying,
ready, and solemnly by reciting the meaning.

Al-Zaytun, 15 February 2023

Guru Pengajar Guru Bahasa Inggris

( Fatiya Olivia Zahra ) ( Ustad Riza Syaifudin, S.E. )

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