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Article: Healthy teenagers at risk of irregular heartbeats from air pollution,

says study
Author: Nina Lakhani
Publication date: sun 23 oct 2022
Topic: environment
This article mentions air pollution, which is one of the most
urgency problems in the society. Accroding to the report,
air pollution leading to many consequences for people,
especially is young generation. The main concern is heart
disease in their young age. Through several study
researchs, the PM2.5s particles in air are the main factor
causing arrhymias, which is known as heart problem for
almost people. It can be easily found in any places with
low air quality, from vehicle or construction industries. For
instance, in peak day in england, the percentage of
patients who were the victims of pollution skyrocket in
several hospitals. It can also cause many types of cancer
especially is lung cancer, which can be trigger by the
develop of tumours. Moreover, teenager need to face with
a lot of heath risks due to the potential causes of air
pollution. For example, the research of “the impact of
particulate air pollution on 322 healthy young people”
clarified how does arrhythmia affect people’s health in the
long run warn them about possible harm can be happened
in the future. In conclude, following the article, it is urgency
that the goverment and big organizations should join their
hands to enhance the quality of air protection equipments
for the residental to get a high life standard. In addition,
people need to raise their awareness to protect
themselves by wearing face masks which can help them
reduce the huge amount of dust in a rush-hour.
Air pollution is always a enormous concern in the society.
From my point of view, the slight increase of transports
and the huge amount of citizens are the main factor
causing a lot of consequences for human life. Firstly, even
though young generation can have better condition to
develop such as good educations, various type of
entertainments or modern technologies, they have to deal
with the drawbacks in reverse site of this environment. It
also mentioned the necessity of raising resident
awareness in each country by protecting themselves in
particular way such as reduce gas from transports,
wearing face mask and keep the clean environment. As
far as i concerned, heart disease become the exotic
problem for teenagers day by day. In Ho Chi Minh city, the
percentage of people who suffered from heart-related
diseases increased rapidly because of low air quality in a
couple of year. In my opnion, it is necessary for teenager
to love themselves more by taking obligation with their
health, what they can do is using more public
transportations and recycling. In vietnam, air pollution is
become a serious problem because of globalization. The
more advanced technology in viet nam, the more waste
we have day by day. For example, the largest percentage
of fine particle from new building or vehicles cause a big
impact on people’s heallth. Accroding to this report, it is
important for people to sustain good habits to protect the
I totally believe that this report is completely credible for
several reason. First and foremost, this article provide
enough detailed informations with clearly evidence from
several study reaseach and the detailed number of PM2,5
in the UK and England. Secondly, a few advertisement
that are really objective and it was written by reliable
author. Finally, the famous of guardian is one of the factor
contributes to the success of this report.
Two articles are mention the same topic, about the
environment and air pollution. However, this article tell
people about the negative that air pollution can cause for
teenagers, especially for their heart.

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