Olnhausen Week 5 Reflection

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Topic 5 Weekly Reflection

Nicole Olnhausen
EAD – 529
Topic 5 Reflection
March 29, 2023
Topic 5 Reflection

This internship has passed by quickly. One of the biggest ‘aha’ moments that occurred
revolve around the instructional leader cabinet. It is extremely important to select quality
instructional leaders. They act as a bridge between the teachers and the administration. ILs
provide transparent feedback to admin and genuine coaching to teachers. This week, I had the
opportunity to participate in the instructional leader cabinet meeting this week. To my
knowledge, less than half of the ILs attended. Due to others absences, there was a level of work
that could not be completed. We need staff to be “all-in”. We need staff to show their
commitment. We need leaders to model what these actions look like.
This experience aligns with ELCC standard 2. This standard relates to the development
and supervision of instructional and leadership capacity within the school. There is a set of
norms and high expectations to be met about all instructional leaders; this did not happen this
week. Ultimately, there is a risk of a domino effect that trickles down to teachers.
For next week, I plan to finalize my hours. Additionally, I am going to see opportunities
for fiscal management and operational management tasks. I learned from the practice test that I
need to focus on these components a little more before the test.

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