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Question: Some people think the money spent on developing the technology

for space exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to
spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

+ Topic words:

• Money spent
• Developing technology
• Space exploration

+ Qualifying words: not justified, more beneficial ways

+ Action words: Agree or Disagree

Introduction: Many people believe that it is unreasonable to spend the amount

of money on outer space examination. Instead, the authorities should utilise this
resource in other financial needs which are advantageous to human life. In my
opinion, it would be right to invest this budget in solving environmental issue
and improving people’s standard of living.

To begin with, only a small number of nations have an ability to carry out
extensive research and programs on space exploration. That is to say, developed
countries with advanced economy such as America, Russia, China, or Germany
can have a huge resource to fund such projects. Nonetheless, the budget that is
invested in these initiatives should be used for addressing numerous pressing
issues on the environment today. Global warming caused by exhaust fumes from
transport vehicles, fossil fuel burnings or deforestation and all forms of
ecological pollution are increasing at a rapid rate on a daily basis which pose a
serious threat to human live. Therefore, the large amount of money should be a
source of financial support to impede future environmental catastrophes and
help to recover the Earth, so that human being and their generations have a
green plant and a standard life to exist.

Furthermore, there are million people around the world either lack food or be
unemployment, illiteracy, and suffer from global disease; therefore, funding for
extra-terrestrial space research is irrational. Instead, this budget should be gone
on funding programs to provide educational opportunity, food, job and
healthcare for the impoverished which is likely to have more profound impact
on the human wellbeing and their living quality.

In conclusion, it seems to me that government funding should be distributed to

others areas such as tackling urgent environmental issues and ensuring basic
standards for people lives. In the future, it can be predicted that space
exploration can become an educational discipline and career prospect for
students who have passion for it, so that they can apply their scientific
knowledge to contribute to the outer-space research projects of their own

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