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OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-Service Edge Optical Transport


Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Issue 02
Date 2010-09-30

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1

1 Guide to This Document..........................................................................................................1-1
2 List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment...................2-1
3 Preparations.................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 Preparing Documents......................................................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Preparing Tools, Meters, and Materials..........................................................................................................3-3

4 Commissioning Optical Power................................................................................................4-1

4.1 Commissioning a System Without Optical Amplifiers...................................................................................4-2
4.2 Commissioning a System with Optical Amplifiers.........................................................................................4-4
4.3 Checking the Optical Power Commissioning Results.....................................................................................4-7

5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network...................................................................5-1

5.1 Searching for and Creating NEs......................................................................................................................5-4
5.2 Creating O ptical NEs......................................................................................................................................5-7
5.3 Changing the ID and Name of an NE.............................................................................................................5-8
5.4 Changing the IP Address of an NE...............................................................................................................5-12
5.5 Configuring Ethernet Extended ECC............................................................................................................5-14
5.6 Configuring IP over DCC.............................................................................................................................5-18
5.7 Configuring Board Parameters......................................................................................................................5-20
5.7.1 Configuring the LDGF Board..............................................................................................................5-21
5.7.2 Configuring the LDGF2 Board............................................................................................................5-24
5.7.3 Conf iguring the LOE Board.................................................................................................................5-27
5.7.4 Conf iguring the LOEL Board..............................................................................................................5-30
5.7.5 Configuring the LOEU Board..............................................................................................................5-32
5.7.6 Configuring the LQG Board................................................................................................................5-34
5.7.7 Configuring the LQM Board................................................................................................................5-37
5.7.8 Configuring the LQM2 Board..............................................................................................................5-44
5.7.9 Configuring the LSPL or LSPU Board................................................................................................5-54
5.7.10 Configuring the LSPR Board.............................................................................................................5-56
5.7.11 Configuring the LSX Board...............................................................................................................5-58
5.7.12 Configuring the LWX2 Board............................................................................................................5-61
5.7.13 Configuring the SCC Board...............................................................................................................5-65

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OptiX OSN 1800

Contents Commissioning and Configuration Guide

5.8 Creating Fibers..............................................................................................................................................5-66

5.9 Configuring Cross-Connection Service........................................................................................................5-68
5.10 Configuring Services in Service Package Mode.........................................................................................5-70
5.11 Configuring SW SNCP Protection..............................................................................................................5-74
5.12 Configuring Port Protection........................................................................................................................5-77
5.13 Synchronizing the NE Time with the NMS Time.......................................................................................5-87
5.14 Starting NE Performance Monitoring.........................................................................................................5-89
5.15 Searching and Creating WDM Trails..........................................................................................................5-91
5.16 Checking Configurations in the Commissioning Process...........................................................................5-94
5.17 Backing Up the NE Database to the SCC Board........................................................................................5-95
5.18 Checking Optical Power of Boards.............................................................................................................5-96
5.19 Querying Bit Errors Before and After FEC..............................................................................................5-100
5.20 Viewing Current Alarms on an NE and Removing Abnormal Alarms.....................................................5-102
5.21 Testing Protection Switching....................................................................................................................5-104
5.21.1 Testing SW SNCP Switching...........................................................................................................5-104
5.21.2 Testing Port Protection Switching....................................................................................................5-107
5.22 Querying and Saving the Networkwide Optical Power and Alarm Data..................................................5-109
5.23 Backing Up NE Data to the NMS Server or Client...................................................................................5-110

A Handling Common Commissioning Problems..................................................................A-1

A.1 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LDGF Board Reports an OTU1_LOF Alarm.....................A-2
A.2 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LDGF Board Reports a LINK_ERR Alarm.......................A-3
A.3 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LWX2 Board Reports the R_LOC Alarm..........................A-4
A.4 The Receive Optical Power is Normal But an OTU Board Reports an REM_SF Alarm.............................A-4
A.5 The Optical Path Is Reachable But the NE Cannot Be Logged in Remotely................................................A-5

B Reference Operations for the Commissioning and Configuration.................................B-1

B.1 Obtaining NE IP Addresses at the Site..........................................................................................................B-3
B.2 Creating a Single NE.....................................................................................................................................B-4
B.3 Checking the NE Software Version...............................................................................................................B-5
B.4 Cr eating an NE User......................................................................................................................................B-6
B.5 Switching a Logged-In NE User....................................................................................................................B-7
B.6 Modifying the Optical NE Name...................................................................................................................B-7
B.7 Modifying G NE Parameters..........................................................................................................................B-8
B.8 Changing the GNE for NEs...........................................................................................................................B-8
B.9 Deleting an NE...............................................................................................................................................B-9
B.10 Enabling the Proxy ARP............................................................................................................................B-10
B.11 Configuring Static Routing........................................................................................................................B-10
B.12 Querying the OSPF Protocol Status...........................................................................................................B-11
B.13 Configuring the NE Data...........................................................................................................................B-11
B.13.1 Configuring the NE Data Manually..................................................................................................B-11
B.13.2 Uploading the NE Data.....................................................................................................................B-12
B.14 Configuring Boards....................................................................................................................................B-13
B.14.1 Adding Boards..................................................................................................................................B-13

ii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide Contents

B.14.2 Deleting Boards................................................................................................................................B-13

B.15 Performance Management.........................................................................................................................B-14
B.15.1 Setting the Board Performance Threshold........................................................................................B-14
B.15.2 Setting Performance Monitoring Parameters of a Board..................................................................B-15
B.15.3 Setting Performance Monitoring Parameters of an NE....................................................................B-15
B.15.4 Resetting Board Performance Registers...........................................................................................B-15
B.16 Modifying the Services Configuration.......................................................................................................B-16
B.16.1 Deleting Cross-Connection Service..................................................................................................B-16
B.16.2 Converting an SNCP Service to a Non-Protection Service..............................................................B-17
B.17 Switching the Working Mode of the LQM2..............................................................................................B-17
B.18 Backing Up and Restoring the NE Data....................................................................................................B-19
B.18.1 Comparison of NE Data Backup and Restoration Methods.............................................................B-20
B.18.2 Restoring the NE Database from the SCC Board.............................................................................B-21
B.18.3 Restoring Device Data from the NMS Server or the NMS Client....................................................B-22
B.19 Creating Fiber Connections in List Mode..................................................................................................B-23
B.20 Configuring Services by Creating WDM Trails........................................................................................B-24

C Service Configuration Examples...........................................................................................C-1

C.1 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the GE Service......................................................................C-2
C.1.1 Configuration Networking Diagram.....................................................................................................C-2
C.1.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation.................................................................................C-3
C.1.3 Configuration Process (In the Service Package Mode)........................................................................C-4
C.1.4 Configuration Process...........................................................................................................................C-5
C.2 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the SAN Services..................................................................C-7
C.2.1 Configuration Networking Diagram.....................................................................................................C-7
C.2.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation.................................................................................C-8
C.2.3 Configuration Process...........................................................................................................................C-9
C.3 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the OTN Service.................................................................C-11
C.3.1 Configuration Networking Diagram...................................................................................................C-11
C.3.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation...............................................................................C-12
C.3.3 Configuration Process.........................................................................................................................C-13
C.4 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the SDH Services................................................................C-14
C.4.1 Configuration Networking Diagram...................................................................................................C-14
C.4.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation...............................................................................C-15
C.4.3 Configuration Process.........................................................................................................................C-16
C.5 Configuring the Hybrid Transmission of the GE/STM-1 Services in the Service Package Mode..............C-18
C.5.1 Configuration Networking Diagram...................................................................................................C-18
C.5.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation...............................................................................C-19
C.5.3 Configuration Process.........................................................................................................................C-20

D Parameter Reference............................................................................................................... D-1

D.1 Attributes of NEs...........................................................................................................................................D-2
D.2 Attributes of NE Users..................................................................................................................................D-2
D.3 NE Time Synchronization.............................................................................................................................D-5

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OptiX OSN 1800

Contents Commissioning and Configuration Guide

D.4 WDM Cross-Connection Configuration........................................................................................................D-8

D.5 Port Protection Parameters............................................................................................................................D-9
D.6 SNCP Service Control Parameters..............................................................................................................D-12

E Using the Commissioning Tool of the Access WDM OTN for Deployment On Site
E.1 Connecting the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool...............................................................................E-2
E.2 Logging in to the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool...........................................................................E-3
E.3 Checking the Self-Check Report of the Equipment.......................................................................................E-4
E.4 Setting NE Attributes.....................................................................................................................................E-5
E.5 Checking and Adjusting the Optical Power...................................................................................................E-6
E.6 Configuring ECC............................................................................................................................................E-7

F Glossary.......................................................................................................................................F-1
G Acronyms and Abbreviations...............................................................................................G-1

iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide Figures


Figure 4-1 Example of a system without OAs.....................................................................................................4-3

Figure 4-2 Example of a system with OAs..........................................................................................................4-6
Figure 5-1 NE connections at a station..............................................................................................................5-15
Figure A-1 LDGF board networking mode.........................................................................................................A-2
Figure A-2 Schematic diagram of the OTU board reporting the REM_SF alarm..............................................A-5
Figure A-3 Schematic diagram of the network of the LDGF2 board..................................................................A-6
Figure C-1 Configuration networking diagram of the GE service......................................................................C-2
Figure C-2 Unidirectional service on each NE....................................................................................................C-3
Figure C-3 Wavelength allocation diagram.........................................................................................................C-3
Figure C-4 Configuration networking diagram of the SAN service...................................................................C-8
Figure C-5 Unidirectional service on each NE....................................................................................................C-8
Figure C-6 Wavelength allocation diagram.........................................................................................................C-9
Figure C-7 Configuration networking diagram of the OTN service.................................................................C-11
Figure C-8 Unidirectional service on each NE..................................................................................................C-12
Figure C-9 Wavelength allocation diagram.......................................................................................................C-12
Figure C-10 Configuration networking diagram of the SDH service...............................................................C-15
Figure C-11 Unidirectional service on each NE................................................................................................C-15
Figure C-12 Wavelength allocation diagram.....................................................................................................C-16
Figure C-13 Configuration networking diagram of the GE service and STM-1 service..................................C-18
Figure C-14 Unidirectional service on each NE................................................................................................C-19
Figure C-15 Wavelength allocation diagram.....................................................................................................C-19

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OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide Tables


Table 2-1 List of tasks for the commissioning and configuration of the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment during
Table 5-1 ECC setting plan................................................................................................................................5-15
Table 5-2 Number of timeslots required by common services...........................................................................5-38
Table 5-3 Number of timeslots required by GE services...................................................................................5-39
Table 5-4 Number of timeslots required by common services...........................................................................5-45
Table 5-5 Number of timeslots required by GE services...................................................................................5-46
Table 5-6 Service rates of common service types..............................................................................................5-62
Table 5-7 Service configurations for the LQM board in service package mode................................................5-71
Table 5-8 Service configurations for the LQM2 board in service package mode..............................................5-71
Table 5-9 Ser vice configurations for the LWX2 board in service package mode..............................................5-72
Table 5-10 R equirements for setting key parameters of SW SNCP protection.................................................5-75
Table 5-11 Differences between different port protection types........................................................................5-78
Table 5-12 R equirements for setting parameters of different protection types..................................................5-80
Table 5-13 Configuration checklist....................................................................................................................5-94
Table B-1 Backup and restoration methods and application scenarios.............................................................B-20
Table D-1 NE user parameters............................................................................................................................D-2
Table D-2 Descriptions of the WDM service parameters....................................................................................D-8
Table D-3 Pr otection Group Parameters..............................................................................................................D-9
Table D-4 Channel Status Parameters...............................................................................................................D-11

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

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OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide About This Document

About This Document

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

OptiX OSN 1800 V100R001

OptiX iManager T2000 V200R007C03

OptiX iManager T2000 Web V200R007C03


Intended Audience
The intended audiences of this document are:

l Installation and Commissioning Engineer 

l Data Configuration Engineer 

Symbol Conventions
The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows:

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which,

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not

avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and
 performance degradation, or unexpected results.

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OptiX OSN 1800

About This Document Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Symbol Description

Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save

you time.

Provides additional information to emphasize or 

supplement important points of the main text.

GUI Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in
boldface. For example, click OK .

> Multi-level menus are in boldface  and separated by the ">" signs. For 
example, choose File > Create  > Folder.

Update History
Updates between document versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document version
contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Based on Product Version

The updated contents are as follows:

l The section "Configuring PRBS Test" is deleted and the corresponding contents are added
in the section "PRBS Error Detection Function" in Feature Description.
l Some bugs are fixed.

Updates in Issue 01 (2010-06-30) Based on Product Version

Initial commercial release.

2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide 1 Guide to This Document

1  Guide to This Document

This document helps you commission and configure the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment easily and

Organized according to the tasks involved in the commissioning and configuration of the OptiX
OSN 1800 equipment, this document guides you to complete the commissioning and
configuration of the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment. Before reading this document, you are advised
to master the following knowledge:

l Basic knowledge of the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment

Read the OptiX OSN 1800 product manuals, such as Product Description, Hardware
 Description, and Feature Description.
l Basic knowledge of installing and operating the OptiX iManager T2000 and OptiX
iManager T2000 Web LCT
Read manuals, such as Installation Guide and Operation Guide for the OptiX iManager 
T2000 and Web LCT User Guide for the OptiX iManager T2000 Web LCT.

After mastering the preceding knowledge, read this document as follows:

1. See 2 List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment to have
a general idea of the tasks involved in the commissioning and configuration of the OptiX
OSN 1800 equipment and sequence of the tasks.
Generally, you do not need to perform all tasks listed in 2 List of Tasks for Commissioning
and Configuration During Deployment for a network. Instead, you can perform the
necessary tasks according to the actual network configuration and networking planning and
If you are experienced in commissioning and configuring the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment,
have mastered the commissioning and configuration knowledge, and can use the
commissioning tools skillfully, you can take this document as reference.
2. To understand the specific operations and precautions of a task listed in 2 List of Tasks
for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment, you can click the matching
link of the task to access the page that describes the details about the task.
The operation methods of how a task is performed by using multiple commissioning tools
are provided. In an actual project, only one commissioning tool is used. Therefore, you can
 perform the task according to the relevant description of the commissioning tool. The
operation methods of different commissioning tools are similar. They serve reference for 
each other in actual commissioning. Certain tasks can be performed in various methods on

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1800

1 Guide to This Document Commissioning and Configuration Guide

a commissioning tool. This document describes only the most common method. For other 
operation methods, see Reference Information of the tasks.
When a task is complete, see 2 List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration
During Deployment for the next one.
3. If you need to know more about a task, for example, optional operation methods of the task,
see Reference Information of the task. Reference Information describes the handling
 process of common problems, relevant operations, examples, and parameter description
associated with the task.

You can also find the contents in Reference Information in the appendix of this document.
 Nevertheless, you are recommended to read the contents from Reference Information of each task.
This helps you to better understand the relationships between operations.

1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1800 2 List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Deployment

2  List of Tasks for Commissioning and

Configuration During Deployment

Complete the deployment of an OptiX OSN 1800 network according to the tasks listed in this
section. Perform the tasks in sequence; otherwise, NEs may be unreachable and you may need
to handle problems on site.

You can perform the commissioning and configuration during deployment of the OptiX OSN
1800 equipment by using either the OptiX iManager T2000 (hereinafter referred to as T2000)
or the OptiX iManager T2000 Web LCT (hereinafter referred to as Web LCT). All the operations
that can be performed on the Web LCT can be performed on the T2000. Compared with the
T2000, the Web LCT has lower requirements on the computer hardware and can be started

In actual commissioning, you can omit the tasks that are supported by only the T2000 when
 performing the commissioning and configuration on the Web LCT. After performing the
commissioning and configuration on the Web LCT, you can configure the network-level
functions on the T2000.

Table 2-1 lists the tasks for the commissioning and configuration of the OptiX OSN 1800
equipment during deployment.

Table 2-1 List of tasks for the commissioning and configuration of the OptiX OSN 1800
equipment during deployment

No. Task Mandato Tool


1 Prepare the reference documents for the Mandatory Template and

commissioning. The reference documents include designing tools
the engineering design documents, and blank station
 bar code labels.

2 Prepare tools, meters, and materials required for  Mandatory None

the commissioning. Download and install the Web
LCT or T2000.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-1

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2 List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During OptiX OSN 1800
Deployment Commissioning and Configuration Guide

No. Task Mandato Tool


3 Complete commissioning the optical power. Then Mandatory None

reclaim and keep properly the station bar code return

4 Connect NEs to the Web LCT or T2000. Start and Mandatory Web LCT or 
log in to the Web LCT or T2000. Then, search and T2000
create the NEs on the Web LCT or T2000.

5 Create optical NEs on the T2000. Mandatory T2000

on the

6 Query the SCC electronic label of an NE. Then find Mandatory Web LCT or 
the NE in the station bar code return table according T2000
to the queried bar code to determine the location of 
the NE. Then change the ID and name of the NE
according to the NE ID planning provided by the

7 Change the IP address of an NE according to the Mandatory Web LCT or 

IP address planning provided by the customer. for  T2000
 NEs and
for other 

8 When the network adopts HWECC communication, Mandatory Web LCT or 
configure Ethernet extended ECC . when the T2000
number of 
 NEs that
adopt ECC
nine and
for other 

When the network adopts IP over DCC Optional Web LCT or  

communication, configure IP over DCC. T2000

9 Configure the parameters of the LWX2, LDGF, Mandatory Web LCT or 

2-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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OptiX OSN 1800 2 List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During
Commissioning and Configuration Guide Deployment

No. Task Mandato Tool


10 Create optical fibers in either graphic mode or list Mandatory T2000

mode on the T2000. on the

11 Configure services. Mandatory Web LCT or 

l In the case of the LQM2 or LQG board, according T2000
configure cross-connections for each NE. to the
l In the case of the LWX2, LQM2, or LQM board, design and
you can use the service package mode to quickly actual
configure services.  board

12 In the case of the LQM2 or LQG board, configure Mandatory Web LCT or 
SW SNCP protection. according T2000
to the
design and

13 Configure port protection, including intra-board 1 Mandatory Web LCT or 

+1 protection, optical line protection, client-side 1 according T2000
+1 protection, and inter-subrack 1+1 optical channel to the
 protection. network 

14 Synchronize the NE time with the NMS time. Mandatory Web LCT or  

15 Enable the NE performance monitoring . Mandatory Web LCT or  


16 Search and create WDM trails . Mandatory T2000

on the

17 Check the configuration to ensure that the network  Mandatory Web LCT or 
configuration is correct. T2000

18 Back up the NE database to the SCC board . Mandatory T2000

on the

19 Query the optical power. Check and ensure that Mandatory Web LCT or 
the optical power is normal. T2000

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-3

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2 List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During OptiX OSN 1800
Deployment Commissioning and Configuration Guide

No. Task Mandato Tool


20 Query the bit errors. Ensure that the bit errors Mandatory Web LCT or 
before and after FEC are normal . T2000

21 Query the current alarms of an NE . Analyze and Mandatory Web LCT or 
remove abnormal alarms. T2000

22 Issue manual switching commands to test the port Mandatory Web LCT or 
protection switching and SW SNCP protection. when the T2000
or SW

23 Query and save the networkwide optical power Mandatory T2000

and alarm data.

24 Back up the equipment data to the NMS server Mandatory T2000

or client.

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OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide 3 Preparations

3  Preparations

About This Chapter

Before the deployment, collect the network data and understand the network design and
configuration. In the process of installing the equipment, guide the hardware installation
engineers to connect fibers and install optical attenuators as required. Before the commissioning
and configuration, prepare the commissioning tools and reference documents for the

3.1 Preparing Documents
For a deployment of the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment, you need to prepare documents, including
station bar code return table, engineering design documents, and product manuals, according to
the actual pro ject.

3.2 Preparing Tools, Meters, and Materials

You are recommended to use the Web LCT for the commissioning and configuration of the
OptiX OSN 1800 equipment. The version of the commissioning tool must match the equipment

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-1

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OptiX OSN 1800

3 Preparations Commissioning and Configuration Guide

3.1 Preparing Documents

For a deployment of the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment, you need to prepare documents, including
station bar code return table, engineering design documents, and product manuals, according to
the actual project.

Station Bar Code Return Table

The station bar code return table is used to collect the bar codes of the sets of equipment installed
at a station.

After all sets of equipment at a station are installed, you need to record the bar codes of the
equipment in the station bar code return table. The station bar code return table shows the
mapping relationships between bar codes and station names. Therefore, it must be kept properly
for future identifying the station where an NE is located when the ID and name of the NE are
changed according to the customer planning.

Engineering Design Documents

The engineering design documents are important inputs for equipment commissioning.
Generally, the following contents are covered:

l  Network diagrams: describe the module types, number of add and drop wavelengths, NE
types and quantity, and NE IDs of each station, distance between adjacent stations, line
attenuation between stations, and network topology.
l Amplifier configuration diagrams: describe the amplifier configuration and line attenuation
at each station.
l Wavelength allocation diagrams: describe the wavelength numbers at each station, service
relationships between stations (add, drop, or pass-through), and wavelength protection
l Fiber connection diagrams: describe the internal and external fiber connection
relationships, and slots, optical interfaces on the chassis and ODF terminals at each station.

Product Manuals
The product manuals of the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment cover the equipment functions, features,
and guides to the installation, commissioning, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting
of the equipment.

In the equipment deployment phase, you are recommended to read this manual, that is, OptiX 
OSN 1800 Compact Multi-Service Edge Optical Transport Platform Commissioning and 
Configuration Guide. The reference manuals are as follows:

l OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-service Edge Transport Platform Product Description
l OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-service Edge Transport Platform Hardware Description
l OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-service Edge Transport Platform Quick Installation and 
Commissioning Guide
l OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-service Edge Transport Platform Feature Description

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 3 Preparations

l OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-Service Edge Optical Transport Platform Alarms and 
 Performance Events Reference
l OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-service Edge Transport Platform Troubleshooting 
l OptiX OSN 1800 Compact Multi-service Edge Transport Platform Parts Replacement 

You can log in to the Web site to download the product manuals of 
the OptiX OSN 1800 equipment. The path is Documentation > Optical Network  > Optical
Network Product Line  > WDM > OptiX OSN 1800.

3.2 Preparing Tools, Meters, and Materials

You are recommended to use the Web LCT for the commissioning and configuration of the
OptiX OSN 1800 equipment. The version of the commissioning tool must match the equipment

Commissioning Tool
You can use either the T2000 or the Web LCT for the commissioning and configuration of the
OptiX OSN 1800 equipment.

Compared with the T2000, the Web LCT has lower requirements on the computer hardware and
can be started quickly. Therefore, the Web LCT is recommended at the commissioning and
configuration phases. The Web LCT, however, does not support query or configuration of 
network-level functions. Therefore, the query and configuration of networ k-level functions must
 be performed on the T2000.

You can log in to the Web site to download the required version of 
the T2000 and Web LCT. The path is Software Center > Version Software > Optical Network 
Product Line > Optical Network Management System.


The versions of the T2000 and Web LCT must match the version of the equipment. For the matching
 product versions of this document, see About This Document.


When you use the T2000 for the commissioning and configuration, you must be an NM user with "NE
operator" authority or higher.

Commissioning Meters
An optical power meter and an optical spectrum analyzer are mainly used for optical power 
commissioning. The optical spectrum analyzer may be used only for commissioning of a network 
that is configured with optical amplifier (OA) boards.

The optical power meter can be used for testing the total optical power of multiplexed signals
and optical power of the optical transponder unit (OTU) boards. The optical spectrum analyzer 
can be used for testing the optical power, optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR), and center 
wavelength of a single wavelength of the multiplexed signals.

You are required to test the optical power of a single wavelength of the multiplexed signals by
using the optical spectrum analyzer because the test result is more accurate and the impact of 
the noise does not need to be considered. The meters must be calibrated before being used.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-3

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3 Preparations Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Commissioning Materials
The following materials may be used for optical power commissioning: fiber jumpers (FC/PC-
FC/PC, LC/PC-LC/PC, and LC/PC-FC/PC; two for each type), FOAs (3 dB, 5 dB, 7 dB, 10 dB,
and 15 dB), flanges, fiber cleaning tissues or fiber cleaning boxes, and compressed gas duster.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 4 Commissioning Optical Power  

4  Commissioning Optical Power

About This Chapter

The optical power must be first commissioned in the deployment commissioning to ensure
normal communication between all NEs and normal optical power received by each board.

If the actual line attenuation is consistent with the design attenuation, the optical power is
supposed to be within the normal range after the hardware installation engineers install the FOAs
correctly according to the engineering design documents.

4.1 Commissioning a System Without Optical Amplifiers

When commissioning a system without optical amplifiers (OAs), pay attention to the receive
optical power  of OTU boards.

4.2 Commissioning a System with Optical Amplifiers

When commissioning the optical power of a system with optical amplifiers (OAs), pay attention
to the output optical power of OAs, the receive optical power of corresponding OTU boards,
and the input optical power of the DCM module.

4.3 Checking the Optical Power Commissioning Results

When optical power commissioning is complete, you need to check the optical power 
commissioning results.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-1

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4 Commissioning Optical Power  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

4.1 Commissioning a System Without Optical Amplifiers

When commissioning a system without optical amplifiers (OAs), pay attention to the receive
optical power of OTU boards.

General Requirements
The general requirements for commissioning the optical power of a system without OAs are as

l The optical power after commissioning must be within the permitted range.
l A certain optical power margin must be reserved to ensure that optical power fluctuation
in a certain range does not affect the existing services.

Requirements on OTU Optical Power

The output optical power of an OTU board must conform to the optical power specifications of 
the OTU board. For details on the optical power specifications of the OTU board, see the
 Hardware Description.

After commissioning, the receive optical power of the OTU board must satisfy the following
formula: Lower threshold of the receive optical power ≤ Receive optical power of the OTU
 board ≤ Upper threshold of the receive optical power. It is recommended that the receive optical
 power of an OTU board after commissioning is equal to the average value of the upper and lower 
thresholds in practical application.

The optical power on the WDM side of the OTU board must satisfy the following formulas:

l Lower threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver sensitivity + 3 dB

l Upper threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver overload point - 5 dB

The optical power on the client side of the OTU board must satisfy the following formulas:

l Lower threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver sensitivity + 2 dB

l Upper threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver overload point - 2 dB

General Commissioning Methods

In general, commission a system without OAs along the signal flow, that is, from the upstream
direction to the downstream direction, according to the requirements on the OTU optical power.

Measure the receive and transmit optical power of an OTU board by using an optical power 
meter, or query the receive and transmit optical power of the OTU board on the Web LCT or 

4-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 4 Commissioning Optical Power  


In the commissioning process, ensure that the input optical power of an OTU board (either the
WDM or client side) is lower than the optical power at the overload point to prevent the receiver 
optical module from being damaged or prevent the existing services from being affected.
Exercise caution especially when an APD receiver optical module is used because the overload
 point of such an optical module is only -9 dBm. Hence, connect a fiber loosely or do not connect
a fiber to the input optical interface on the OTU board before measuring the actual input optical

Figure 4-1 Example of a system without OAs



If the receive optical power on the WDM side of the OTU (recorded as P1) fails to  meet the
optical power requirement, do as follows:

l If P1 is higher than the upper threshold of the receive optical power, attach an appropriate
fixed optical attenuator to the receive optical interface (point B in Figure 4-1) on the WDM
side of the OTU board to ensure that P1 meets the optical power requirement.
l If P1 is lower than the lower threshold of the receive optical power, substitute a fixed optical
attenuator with lower attenuation for the existing fixed optical attenuator or remove the
fixed optical attenuator attached to the receive optical interface (point B in Figure 4-1) on
the WDM side of the OTU board. If P1 still fails to meet the optical power requirement
after the fixed optical attenuator is removed, check whether the fiber attenuation on the line
is proper and whether the network design data is correct.

If the receive optical power on the client side of the OTU (recorded as P2) fails to meet the
optical power requirement, do as follows:

l If P2 is higher than the upper threshold of the receive optical power, attach an appropriate
fixed optical attenuator to the receive optical interface (point A in Figure 4-1) on the client
side of the OTU board to ensure that P2 meets the optical power requirement.
l If P2 is lower than the lower threshold of the receive optical power, substitute a fixed optical
attenuator with lower attenuation for the existing fixed optical attenuator or remove the
fixed optical attenuator attached to the receive optical interface (point A in Figure 4-1) on
the client side of the OTU board. If P2 still fails to meet the optical power requirement after 
the fixed optical attenuator is removed, check whether the transmit optical power of the
upstream equipment is within the permitted range, whether the fiber attenuation on the line
is proper, and whether the network design data is correct.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-3

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4 Commissioning Optical Power  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

If the output optical power of the OTU board fails to meet the optical power requirement on
OTU boards, replace the corresponding optical module.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Optical power meter, Web LCT or T2000, fiber jumpers (two FC/PC-FC/PC, LC/PC-LC/PC,
and LC/PC-FC/PC fiber jumpers), several fixed optical attenuators (3 dB, 5 dB, 7 dB, 10 dB,
and 15 dB), fiber adapters, fiber cleaning tissue or cassette cleaner, and compressed air cleaner.

4.2 Commissioning a System with Optical Amplifiers

When commissioning the optical power of a system with optical amplifiers (OAs), pay attention
to the output optical power of OAs, the receive optical power of corresponding OTU boards,
and the input optical power of the DCM module.

General Requirements
The general requirements for commissioning the optical power of a system with OAs are as

l The optical power after commissioning must be within the permitted range.
l A certain optical power margin must be reserved to ensure that optical power fluctuation
in a certain range does not affect the existing services.
l The optical power after commissioning must meet the requirements on system expansion.

Requirements on OTU Optical Power

The output optical power of an OTU board must conform to the optical power specification of 
the OTU board. For details on the specifications of the OTU board, see the Hardware

After commissioning, the receive optical power of the OTU board must satisfy the following
formula: Lower threshold of the receive optical power ≤ Receive optical power of the OTU
 board ≤ Upper threshold of the receive optical power. It is recommended that the receive optical
 power of an OTU board after commissioning is equal to the average value of the upper and lower 
thresholds in practical application.

The optical power on the WDM side of the OTU board must satisfy the following formulas:

l Lower threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver sensitivity + 3 dB

l Upper threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver overload point - 5 dB

The optical power on the client side of the OTU board must satisfy the following formulas:

l Lower threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver sensitivity + 2 dB

l Upper threshold of the receive optical power = Receiver overload point - 2 dB

Requirements on OA Optical Power

The average output optical power of the wavelengths of an OA must be equal to the nominal
output optical power for a single wavelength. In this case, the following requirements must be

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 4 Commissioning Optical Power  

l The average output optical power of the wavelengths of an OA is measured by connecting

an optical spectrum analyzer to the OUT optical interface on the OA.
l  Nominal output optical power for a single wavelength = Maximum total optical power of 
the OA - 10lgN (N represents the maximum number of wavelengths permitted by the
system). For example, the maximum total optical power of the OA is 17 dBm. If the system
is designed as a 40-channel system, the nominal output optical power for a single
wavelength is 1 dBm as calculated by using the preceding formula.

The output optical power of a single wavelength of the OA should be equal to or close to the
nominal output optical power for a single wavelength.

Requirements on DCM Optical Power

If a DCM module is configured in a system, the optical power of a single wavelength input to
the DCM module must be equal to or lower than -3 dBm.

General Commissioning Methods

In general, commission a system with OAs along the signal flow, that is, from the upstream
direction to the downstream direction, according to the requirements on the OA optical power,
OTU optical power, and DCM optical power.

The optical power of an OTU board is commissioned in the same way regardless of in a system
with OAs or a system without OAs. For the detailed methods of commissioning the optical power 
of an OTU board, see 4.1 Commissioning a System Without Optical Amplifiers.


In the commissioning process, ensure that the input optical power of an OTU board (either the
WDM or client side) is lower than the optical power at the overload point to prevent the receiver 
optical module from being damaged or prevent the existing services from being affected.
Exercise caution especially when an APD receiver optical module is used because the overload
 point of such an optical module is only -9 dBm. Hence, do not connect a fiber or connect a fiber 
loosely to the input optical interface on the OTU board before measuring the actual input optical

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-5

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4 Commissioning Optical Power  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Figure 4-2 Example of a system with OAs



1 2 2 B OTU

 A OTU C 1

Connect an optical spectrum analyzer to the OUT optical interface on an OA, and then measure
the output optical power of a single wavelength and the aver age output optical power of the
wavelengths of the OA. If the output optical power of a single wavelength of the OA fails to
meet the optical power requirement, adjust the optical attenuator at the WDM-side output optical
interface on the upstream OTU board or adjust the optical attenuator at the input optical interface
on the OA to ensure that the optical power of the OA meets the optical power requirements.

See Figure 4-2. In the case of OA1, do as follows:

l If the average output optical power of wavelengths is higher than the nominal output optical
 power for a single wavelength, increase the attenuation of the optical attenuator at the input
optical interface (point as D in Figure 4-2) on the OA to ensure that the average optical
 power of wavelengths is equal to the nominal output optical power for a single wavelength.
l If the average output optical power of wavelengths is lower than the nominal output optical
 power for a single wavelength, decrease the attenuation of the optical attenuator at the input
optical interface (point as D in Figure 4-2) on the OA to ensure that the average optical
 power of wavelengths is equal to the nominal output optical power for a single wavelength.
l In the case of the output optical power of a specific wavelength, adjust the optical attenuator 
at the output optical interface (point C in Figure 4-2) on the corresponding OTU board to
ensure that the output optical power of this wavelength from the OA is equal to or close to
the nominal output optical power for a single wavelength.

In the case of OA2, adjust the optical attenuator at point E in Figure 4-2 to ensure that the average
optical power of wavelengths is equal to the nominal output optical power for a single
wavelength. If the average output optical power of wavelengths cannot be equal to the nominal
output optical power for a single wavelength after the attenuation is adjusted to 0, remove the
optical attenuator. If the optical power requirement is still not met, check whether the network 
design data is correct.

In the case of OA3, adjust the input optical power of the MUX2 board at the upstream station,
and then adjust the optical attenuator at point F in Figure 4-2 to ensure that the average output
optical power of wavelengths of the OA is equal to the nominal output optical power for a single

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 4 Commissioning Optical Power  

wavelength. The methods of commissioning the input optical power of the MUX2 board are as

1. Measure the optical power of each pass-through wavelength at the input optical interface
on the MUX2 board and then calculate the average optical power of these pass-through
wavelengths. In the case of a multiplexed pass-through wavelength, measure the average
optical power by using an optical spectrum analyzer. In the case of a single pass-through
wavelength, measure the optical power of this pass-through wavelength directly by using
an optical power meter.
2. Measure the optical power of a single add wavelength at the input optical interface on the
MUX2 board and identify the add wavelength with the lowest optical power.
3. Do as follows to adjust the optical power of corresponding wavelengths:
l If the average optical power of the pass-through wavelengths is lower than the lowest
optical power of the add wavelengths, adjust the optical attenuator at point G in Figure
4-2 to ensure that the optical power of each add wavelength is equal to the average
optical of the pass-through wavelengths.
l If the average optical power of the pass-through wavelengths is higher than the lowest
optical power of the add wavelengths, install one optical attenuator on each pass-through
channel between the DUX1 and MUX2 boards to ensure that the average optical power 
of the pass-through wavelengths is equal to the lowest optical power of the add
wavelengths. In addition, adjust the attenuation of the optical attenuators at the output
optical interfaces on other OTU boards used to add wavelengths. This is to ensure that
the optical power of each add wavelength is equal to the lowest optical power of the
add wavelengths as measured at the input optical interface on the MUX2 board.

If the OPU board is configured with SFP EVOA, the attenuation value can be adjusted on the NMS.

If a DCM module is configured in the system, measure the total input optical power of the DCM
module by using an optical power meter. Then, calculate and ensure that the actual input optical
 power of a single wavelength is equal to or lower than -3 dBm.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Optical power meter, optical spectrum analyzer, Web LCT or T2000, fiber jumpers (two FC/
PC-FC/PC, LC/PC-LC/PC, and LC/PC-FC/PC fiber jumpers), several fixed optical attenuators
(3 dB, 5 dB, 7 dB, 10 dB, and 15 dB), fiber adapters, fiber cleaning tissue or cassette cleaner,
and compressed air cleaner.

4.3 Checking the Optical Power Commissioning Results

When optical power commissioning is complete, you need to check the optical power 
commissioning results.

The optical power commissioning must be complete.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-7

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4 Commissioning Optical Power  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Step 1 Check whether communication of all stations on the network is normal. For the checking
methods, see 5.1 Searching for and Creating NEs. If communication of an NE is interrupted
or the NE is abnormal, check whether the fiber connection is correct onsite.

Step 2 Check whether alarms indicating excessively high or low optical power, or bit error threshold
crossing exist on the network. For the checking and handling methods, see 5.20 Viewing
Current Alarms on an NE and Removing Abnormal Alarms .

Step 3 Check whether before-FEC and after-FEC bit errors of the boards that support the FEC function
are normal. For the checking methods, see 5.19 Querying Bit Errors Before and After FEC.

Step 4 See the preceding procedure to check and ensure that all optical power values on the network 
are normal, and then save the networkwide optical power data. For the operation methods, see
5.22 Querying and Saving the Networkwide Optical Power and Alarm Data.


4-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

5  Commissioning and Configuring the


About This Chapter

You can commission and configure the network after the equipment at each station on the
network is powered on and the stations are interconnected with fibers.

5.1 Searching for and Creating NEs

You can sear ch for and create NEs when the NEs are connected to the NMS computer and the
communication between NEs and the NMS is normal.

5.2 Creating Optical NEs

On the T2000 the WDM equipment is allocated to different optical NEs for management.

5.3 Changing the ID and Name of an NE

The ECC protocol uses an NE ID to uniquely identify an NE. When planning the network, you
must assign a unique ID for each NE. If an NE ID conflicts with another one, ECC routing
collision is caused. In this case, certain NEs cannot be managed.

5.4 Changing the IP Address of an NE

In the case of a gateway NE, change the IP address of the NE according to the customer planning.
In the case of a non-gateway NE, you do not need to change its IP address.

5.5 Configuring Ethernet Extended ECC

When there is no OSC or ESC communication between two or more NEs, the Ethernet ports of 
the NEs can be used to achieve the extended ECC communication. By default, the OptiX OSN
1800 series NEs take the auto-extended ECC communication. When the number of NEs that use
the extended ECC communication exceeds nine, you must set the extended ECC communication
to specified mode.

5.6 Configuring IP over DCC

When the network planning adopts the IP over DCC mode for communication, you need to
configure the DCC channel and check whether the IP routes are correct in the commissioning
and configuration.

5.7 Configuring Board Parameters

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-1

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Different boards implement different functions, and therefore you need to configure different
 parameters in the commissioning and configuration for deployment. Set parameters
appropriately for each board according to the actual network.

5.8 Creating Fibers

You are recommended to create fibers in graphic mode in the Main Topology or signal flow

5.9 Configuring Cross-Connection Service

The LQG and LQM2 boards support configuration of  cross-connections and the methods of 
configuring cross-connections on the two boards are the same. By default, a cross-connection
created on the LQG and LQM2 boards is a direct cross-connection.

5.10 Configuring Services in Service Package Mode

The service package module enables you to configure services on an NE in a one-click manner.
This configur ation method is easier and quicker. The OptiX OSN 1800 supports two types of 
service packages: GE service package and GE/STM-1 integrated s ervice package. The LQM,
LQM2, and LWX2 boards support the function of configuring services in service package mode.

5.11 Configuring SW SNCP Protection

SW SNCP pr otection can be implemented by using convergence OTU boards that support cross-
connections. This type of OTU boards includes the LQM2 and LQG boards.

5.12 Configuring Port Protection

On the port protection user interface, you can configure intra-board 1+1 protection, optical line
 protection, client-side 1+1 protection, and inter-subrack 1+1 optical channel protection.
Configure pr otection of an appropriate type according to the network design.

5.13 Synchronizing the NE Time with the NMS Time

With the time synchronization function, the NE time is kept consistent with the NMS time. In
this way, the NMS is able to record the correct time when alarms and abnormal events are
reported by NEs.

5.14 Starting NE Performance Monitoring

Enabling the performance monitoring function is a precondition for querying the performance
events. If the current NE time is in the performance monitoring time range as set before, the NE
monitors its performance events automatically. If the performance monitoring time range is not
set or if the current NE time is not within the performance monitoring time range, the NE does
not monitor its performance events.

5.15 Searching and Creating WDM Trails

After configuring services on an NE, search for WDM trails on the NE so that you can manage
services based on WDM trails.

5.16 Checking Configurations in the Commissioning Process

Correct setting of each system parameter is the precondition for ensuring normal network 

5.17 Backing Up the NE Database to the SCC Board

By backing u p an NE database to an SCC board, you can ensure that the NE automatically
restores to the normal state in case a power failure occurs. When you back up an NE database
to an SCC board, you actually back up the NE data to the flash memory of the SCC board. After 
a power-off reset occurs on the NE, the SCC board automatically reads the configuration data
from the flash memory and applies the data to the boards on this NE.

5.18 Checking Optical Power of Boards

By checking the optical power of a board, you can ensur e that the transmit and receive optical
 power of the board is within the normal range. When commissioning the OptiX OSN 1800, you

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

can adjust the optical power of a board at the site by adding, replacing, or removing a fixed
optical attenuator (FOA) or adjusting a variable optical attenuator (VOA) before an optical

5.19 Querying Bit Errors Before and After FEC

The count of bit errors before and after FEC is a key specification for measuring the system
operation quality.

5.20 Viewing Current Alarms on an NE and Removing Abnormal Alarms

Viewing the current alarms on an NE helps you to intuitively and quickly locate an exception
on the network. This helps you to identify a fault on the network.

5.21 Testing Protection Switching

In the commissioning or configuration phase, you can run a manual switching command to check 
whether protection switching can be performed normally.

5.22 Querying and Saving the Networkwide Optical Power and Alarm Data
After commissioning a network, you need to query and save the optical power and alarm data
of the entire network. This type of data can help you analyze and understand the operating status
of the network in future.

5.23 Backing Up NE Data to the NMS Server or Client

You can manually back up the data of one or more NEs of the same type to an NMS server or 

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-3

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

5.1 Searching for and Creating NEs

You can search for and create NEs when the NEs are connected to the NMS computer and the
communication between NEs and the NMS is normal.

Communication between the NMS computer and NEs must be normal.

The IE proxy must be canceled.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. Connect the ETH1 or ETH2&OAM optical interface on the SCC board to the NMS
computer directly or through a local area network (LAN) by using a network cable.
2. Change the IP address of the NMS computer to ensure that the IP addresses of the
 NMS computer and the NEs are in the same network segment. The IP address of the
 NMS computer must be different from the IP address used by an NE or a computer 
on the current LAN.

Generally, set the IP address of the NMS computer to 129.9.0.N, in which N represents
an integer ranging from 1 to 255 and the subnet mask to You do no need
to set the default gateway.
3. Start the server and client of the Web LCT, and then log in to the Web LCT. The user 
name and password for logging in to the Web LCT are admin and T2000 respectively.

The Web LCT access of NEs is disabled by default. Therefore, you need to enable the Web
LCT access of NEs on the NMS. Do as follows: Navigate to the NE Explorer of the NE that
you want to configure on the T2000. Then choose Security > LCT Access Control in the
Function Tree and click Access Allowed. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the
operation is successful. Click Close.
4. Select Domain. The default value is the network segment Click NE
Search  to display the Search NE dialog box. Then search out all NEs with normal

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

5. Select the NEs that you want to add, and then click Add NE. In the displayed dialog
 box, click OK .
6. Select the NE that you want to log in and click NE Login in the lower right corner or 
right-click the NE and choose NE Login. In the NE Login dialog box that is displayed,
enter lct and password in the User Name and Password fields, and then click OK .


You can select multiple NEs at a time by concurrently pressing Shift.

If you select the Use same user name and password to login  check box, you can log in to
multiple NEs at a time by entering the user name and password only in the first line.
If you select the Use the user name and password that was used last time  check box, you
do not need to enter the use name and password and the system automatically uses the user 
name and password for login last time.
7. Select the NE that you have logged in and click NE Explorer in the lower right corner 
or right-click the NE and choose NE Explorer. In the NE Explorer, configure the NE
and associated boards.
l Operations on the T2000

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-5

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

1. Ensure that communication between the NMS computer and NEs is normal. Then start
and log in to the T2000 server and client. The user name and password for logging in
to the T2000 are admin and T2000 respectively.
2. In the Main Menu, choose File > Search for NE.

3. Select the search area and click Start in the lower right corner. The Search for NE
dialog box is displayed. Click OK  to search out all NEs with normal communication.
You can also select Create device after search in the Search for NE dialog box to
complete creating the NEs synchronously.

4. Select an NE that is not created from the Search for NE list. Click Create to display
the Create dialog box. Enter values in the NE User and Password fields. The default
user name is root and password is password. Click OK .

You can select multiple NEs that are not created and click Create to create multiple NEs at a

Select an NE from the Search for NE list and click Change NE ID in the lower right corner 
to query the bar code of the NE. Then you can change the NE ID and name according to the
station bar code return table and the customer's NE ID planning.

5. On the Main Topology, double-click an optical NE with unconfigured NEs, for 

example, an idle optical NE. In the displayed dialog box, double-click an unconfigured
 NE in the left area to display the NE Configuration Wizard dialog box.
6. Choose Upload and click Next. The OK  dialog box is displayed.
7. Click OK  to start the upload. When the upload is complete, the Operation Result
dialog box is displayed. Click Close.
8. On the Main Topology, double-click an optical NE, for example, an idle optical NE.
In the displayed dialog box, right-click the selected NE and choose NE Explorer. In
the NE Explorer, configure the NE and associated boards.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Reference Information
Cate Item Description

(Opti Obtaining the IP If you fail to query the IP address of an NE on the

onal) Address of an NE On T2000 or Web LCT on site, see this section to obtain the
Oper  Site IP address of an NE.
s on Creating a Single NE If you have obtained the ID of an NE, you can create the
the  NE manually.
Web Creating an NE User The user names for logging in to an NE must be different.
You can create an NE user as required.

Switching a Login NE You can switch a login NE user without logging out of 
User the T2000 or Web LCT.

Configuring NE Data You can configure the NE data in upload or manual mode.

Checking the Software After the NE data is configured, you can see this section
Version of an NE to query the software version of an NE.

Using the If the T2000 or Web LCT is unavailable on site, you can
Commissioning Tool of  directly manage an NE by connecting the NE to the
the Access WDM OTN commissioning tool of the access WDM OTN for 
for Deployment On Site deployment.

Para  NE Attributes Describes the parameters associated with NE attributes.

descr   NE User Attributes Describes the parameters associated with NE user 
iption attributes.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.2 Creating Optical NEs

On the T2000 the WDM equipment is allocated to different optical NEs for management.

The license file must support creating NEs of this type.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

You can create optical NEs only on the T2000.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

l Operations on the T2000
1. Right-click in the Main Topology and choose New > Device.
2. In the Add Object dialog box, select the optical NE type.
3. Click General Attributes and enter the basic attributes such as the optical NE name
according to the customer planning.
4. Click Resource Division and select an NE or a board from the idle optical NEs, and
then click .

To re-allocate the resources of an optical NE that has been created, right-click the optical NE
and choose Attribute. Click the Resource Division tab, select an NE or a board from the list

on the left, and then click to allocate the NE or board to the optical NE.

5. Click OK .
6. In the Main Topology, click any place to create the NE icon.


Reference Information
Cate Item Description

(Opti Changing the Name of  See this section to change the name of an optical NE
onal) an Optical NE independently.
s on

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.3 Changing the ID and Name of an NE

The ECC protocol uses an NE ID to uniquely identify an NE. When planning the network, you
must assign a unique ID for each NE. If an NE ID conflicts with another one, ECC routing
collision is caused. In this case, certain NEs cannot be managed.

The NE communication must be normal.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000



 NE ID conflict leads to unreachable of NEs. Therefore, the ID of an NE must be unique on the


If an NE is configured with the inter-subrack wavelength protection, you need to delete the
 protection before changing the NE ID and configure the protection again after changing the NE


If the IP address of an NE is not changed before you change the NE ID, the IP address of the NE varies
with the NE ID. Once the IP address of the NE is changed, the association between the NE ID and IP
address is deleted automatically.

If an NE is unreachable after the NE ID is changed, you can change the name of the NE only after searching
for and logging in to the NE again. Therefore, you are recommended to change the NE name before
changing the NE ID.

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the Function Tree in the NE Explorer, choose Report  > Board Detail Information
Report. The Query dialog box is displayed to show the query progress. When the
query is complete, an operation result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.
2. Obtain the bar code of the chassis from the queried information about the SCC board.
The following figure shows the bar code of the chassis.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-9

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

3. Find the bar code of the chassis in the station bar code return table to determine the
 position and name of the station where the login NE is located. Then determine the
ID and name of the NE according to the NE ID and name planning provided by the
4. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > NE Attribute. Enter Name of the NE
according to the customer planning, and then click Apply.


You can enter an NE name with a maximum of 64 characters consisting of letters, symbols,
and numbers, excluding special characters that are not allowed on the interface, such as |, :,
*, ?, ", <, and >.
5. Click Modify NE ID. In the Modify NE ID dialog box that is displayed, enter values
in the New ID and New Extended ID fields, and then click OK . A warning dialog
 box is displayed, click Yes. A dialog box indicating that the operation is successful is
displayed, click Close to complete changing the NE ID. At this time, the NE is

6. Navigate to NE List and delete the unreachable NE. Search for and create NEs again.

When you search for the NEs again, the NE IDs displayed on the interface are the NE IDs after 
change. The NE names, however, change to the new NE names automatically only after you
create and log in to the NEs again.


For details about searching for and creating NEs, see 5.1 Searching for and Creating NEs.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

l Operations on the T2000

1. In the Main Menu, choose Report > Board Manufacture Information Report .
Select the SCC board that you want to query in the Function Tree, and then click 

2. Obtain the bar code of the chassis on the Board Manufacture Information Report

3. Find the bar code of the chassis in the station bar code return table to determine the
 position and name of the station where the queried NE is located. Then determine the
ID and name of the NE according to the NE ID and name planning provided by the

4. In the NE Explorer, click and select an NE.

5. In the Function Tree, choose Configuration > NE Attribute. Enter Name of the NE
according to the customer's planning, and then click Apply. A dialog box indicating
that the operation is successful is displayed. Click Close.

You can enter an NE name with a maximum of 64 characters consisting of letters, symbols,
and numbers, excluding special characters that are not allowed on the interface, such as |, :,
*, ?, ", <, and >.
6. Click Modify NE ID. In the Modify NE ID dialog box that is displayed, enter values
in the New ID and New Extended ID fields, and then click OK . A warning dialog
 box is displayed, click Yes. A dialog box indicating that the operation is successful is
displayed, click Close to complete changing the NE ID.


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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Reference Information
Cate Item Description

(Opti Deleting NEs You may need to delete an NE after the ID or IP address
onal) of the NE is changed. In this case, see this section to delete
Oper  the NE.
s on Creating an NE User The user names for logging in to an NE must be different.
the You can create an NE user as required.
Switching a Login NE You can switch a login NE user without logging out of 
LCT User the T2000 or Web LCT.

Para  NE Attributes Describes the parameters associated with NE attributes.

descr   NE User Attributes Describes the parameters associated with NE user 
iption attributes.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.4 Changing the IP Address of an NE

In the case of a gateway NE, change the IP address of the NE according to the customer planning.
In the case of a non-gateway NE, you do not need to change its IP address.

The NE communication must be normal.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000



If the IP address of the NE and that of the computer where the T2000 or Web LCT server is
located are in different network segments, the communication between the T2000 or Web LCT
and the NE is interrupted. In this case, you need to configure the IP address of the NE and that
of the computer where the T2000 or Web LCT server is located so that the two IP addresses are
in the same network segment to recover the communication. Due to the restriction of the SQL
database, after changing the IP address of the computer where the T2000 or Web LCT server is
located, you need to close the client and server of the T2000 or Web LCT. Then restart the
computer and the server and client of the T2000 or Web LCT.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE List, select the NE whose IP address you want to change, and then click 
NE Explorer.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Communication > Communication Parameters.
3. Enter the IP address of the NE according to the planning, and then click Apply. The
Warning dialog box is displayed twice. In the dialog, click OK .

4. If the IP address of the NE and the IP address of the Web LCT server are in the different
network segment after you change the IP address of the NE, the communication
 between the Web LCT and the NE is abnormal. Navigate to NE List and delete the
 NE whose IP address is changed and communication is abnormal. Search for and
create NEs again. For details about searching for and creating NEs, see 5.1 Searching
for and Creating NEs.

If the IP address of the NE and the IP address of the Web LCT server are in the same network 
segment after you change the IP address of the NE, the communication between the Web LCT
and the NE is normal.

l Operations on the T2000
1. In the NE Explorer, select and NE and choose Communication > Communication
Parameters in the Function Tree.
2. Enter the IP address of the NE according to the planning, and then click Apply. In the
Warning dialog box is displayed twice. In the dialog box, click OK .

You cannot log in to the NE after you change the IP address of the NE on the T2000. To log
in to the NE, delete the original NE and create the NE again.


Reference Information
Cate Item Description

(Opti Modifying Gateway In addition to the IP address, you need to modify other 
onal) NE Parameters  parameters of a gateway NE according to the network 
Oper  condition. In this case, see this section to modify the
ation  parameters of a gateway NE.
s on
the Changing the Affiliated To adjust the DCN network structure, you may need to
T200 Gateway NE of an NE change the affiliated gateway NEs of certain NEs.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-13

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

5.5 Configuring Ethernet Extended ECC

When there is no OSC or ESC communication between two or more NEs, the Ethernet ports of 
the NEs can be used to achieve the extended ECC communication. By default, the OptiX OSN
1800 series NEs take the auto-extended ECC communication. When the number of NEs that use
the extended ECC communication exceeds nine, you must set the extended ECC communication
to specified mode.

The communication between NEs must be normal.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Background Information
The extended ECC communication has the following two modes:

l Automatic mode: Extended ECC connections are established automatically. This mode is
convenient but extra connections are established. Therefore, the resource utilization ratio
is low and this mode is recommended to be used when the number of NEs is smaller than
l Specified mode: Extended ECC connections are established according to the specified
server and client. In this mode, the connections are reliable and the bandwidth utilization
ratio is high. In normal cases, use the specified mode to establish extended ECC
connections. An NE cannot operate in both modes at the same time to establish extended
ECC communication with another NE.

In the case of Ethernet extended ECC, a server NE can be connected to a maximum of eight
client NEs and a client NE can serve as the server NE of another extended ECC group. Generally,
set an NE that is not configured with the supervisory channel (ESC or OSC) as a client NE and
an NE that is configured with the supervisory channel (ESC or OSC) as a server NE.

You can set the ECC extended mode on site or remotely. When setting the ECC extended mode
remotely, you need to set client NEs first and then server NEs under the condition that
communication between NEs and the NMS is normal.

When setting the ECC extended mode remotely, set an NE without the supervisory channel (ESC
or OSC) first and then an NE with the supervisory channel (ESC or OSC). In the case of an NE
without the supervisory channel, the NE is unreachable and communication between the NMS
and the NE fails after the ECC extended mode is set remotely. The communication is restored
automatically after an NE with the supervisory channel at the same station as the NE without
the supervisory channel is set.

For example, a station has ten NEs. The supervisory channel (ESC or OSC) is configured on
 NE A. Figure 5-1 shows the network topology. Table 5-1 provides the IP addresses of the NEs
and the ECC setting plan.

 NE A is the server NE. NE I is a client NE of NE A and the server NE of NE J.

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Figure 5-1 NE connections at a station


 A B C D E



 NEs at the station are cascaded by network cables.

Table 5-1 ECC setting plan

NE NE IP Address Configuration on the Configuration on the

Name Server Client

IP Address Port Opposite IP Port


A 1601 - -

B - - 1601

C - - 1601

D - - 1601

E - - 1601

F - - 1601

G - - 1601

H - - 1601

I 1602 1601

J - - 1602

When setting the extended ECC communication mode at the station remotely, observe the
following sequence:

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J → I client → H, G, F, E, D, C, and B → A server → I server 

During the configuration, the status of the communication between the NMS and NEs changes

l After the setting on NE J is complete, the communication between the NMS and NE J fails.
l After the setting on NE I client is complete, the communication between the NMS and NE
I fails.
l After the settings on NEs H, G, F, E, D, C, and B are complete, the communication between
the NMS and NEs H, G, F, E, D, C, and B fails.
l After the setting on NE A server is complete, the communication between the NMS and
 NEs B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I is restored automatically.
l After the setting on NE I server is complete, the communication between the NMS and NE
J is restored automatically.



When setting the ECC extended mode remotely, ensure that the configuration sequence is
correct. That is, modify the ECC extended mode of opposite non-gateway NEs first and then the
ECC extended mode of the gateway NE. Otherwise, the communication between the NMS and
the unreachable NE cannot restore automatically. In this case, onsite resetting is required.


Do not set the extended ECC mode for the communication between gateway NEs of subnets. In
addition, you are recommended not to set a gateway NE but an NE closest to the gateway NE
as a server NE.


To ensure normal communication, the ECC extended mode of the NEs that adopt the Ethernet
extended ECC communication must match. The match requirements are as follows:
l If you set the ECC extended mode to automatic mode for an NE, you need to set the ECC
extended mode also to automatic mode for the opposite NE.
l If you set the ECC extended mode to specified mode for an NE, you need to set the ECC
extended mode also to specified mode for the opposite NE. In addition, the two NEs must
 be of the client-server relationship. That is, if an NE serves as the server, the opposite NE
must be the client.


When setting the ECC extended mode remotely, you are recommended to work out the ECC setting plan
in advance to ensure that the settings are correct.

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l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE List, select an NE that is defined as a client NE in the ECC setting plan.
Right-click the NE and choose NE Explorer.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Communication > ECC Management. Click 
Refresh and check the current ECC mode of the NE.

3. In the right function panel, set ECC Extended Mode to Specified mode.
4. In the Set Client area, enter the IP address and port number of the server NE in the
Opposite IP field and Port fields respectively.

l The IP address of each NE must be unique and on the same subnet.

l A client NE can serve as the server NE for NEs at a lower level. In this case, the server and
client ports of the NE must be different. That is, the port number that is set in the Set
Client area is used for the communication between the NE and the server NE and must be
different from the port number set for the server of the NE.
l The port number is in the range of 1601 to 1699, for example, 1610.

5. Click Apply in the Set Client area to complete the setting of the extended ECC on
the client NE.

If the client NE is set remotely, the NE is unreachable and the communication between the
 NMS and NE fails. After the ECC extended mode on the server NE of the client NE is set
correctly, the communication restores automatically.

6. In the NE List, select a server NE that is defined in the ECC setting plan. Right-click 
the NE and choose NE Explorer. Then choose Communication > ECC
Management .
7. In the right function panel, set ECC Extended Mode to Specified mode.
8. In the Set Server area, enter the port number that is the same as the port of the client
 NE in the Port field.

l The port number is used by the local NE for communication with the client NE.
l The port number of the server NE must be the same as the port number of the client NE.

9. Click Apply in the Set Server area to complete the setting of the extended ECC on
the server NE.
l Operations on the T2000

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

1. In the status diagram of an optical NE, right-click a client NE that is defined in the
ECC setting plan and choose NE Explorer. In the Function Tree, choose
Communication > ECC Management.
2. Set the client NE and server NE in turn according to the ECC plan. The procedure and
 precautions for the operations on the T2000 are the same as those on the Web LCT.


Reference Information
Cate Item Description

(Opti Obtaining the IP If you fail to query the IP address of an NE on the

onal) Address of an NE T2000 or Web LCT on site, see this section to obtain the
Oper  Onsite IP address of an NE.
s on

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.6 Configuring IP over DCC

When the network planning adopts the IP over DCC mode for communication, you need to
configure the DCC channel and check whether the IP routes are correct in the commissioning
and configuration.

The communication between NEs must be normal.

The ID and IP address of NEs must be set.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE List, select an NE on which the IP over DCC needs to be configured. Right-
click the NE and choose NE Explorer.
2. In the Function Tree, choose Communication > DCC Management.
3. Click the DCC Rate Configuration tab and click Create . In the displayed dialog box,
set the Port, Channel Type, and Protocol Type fields.

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Set the Port field to the port of a line or an external clock interface according to the
actual IP over DCC network planning.

Set the Channel Type field to the same as the channel type of the third-type
equipment. In the case of a network that is comprised of only the OptiX OSN 1800
equipment, set the field to the default value GCC0.

Set the Protocol Type field to TCP/IP.

4. Click Apply to complete configuring the DCC channel of the NE.
5. In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Communication > IP Stack Protocol
Management  from the Function Tree. Click the IP Route Management tab. Check 
whether the IP routes and their parameters in the routing table are the same as planed.

In normal situation, a gateway NE must have the routes to the IP addresses of all the
non-gateway NEs that are managed by the gateway NE and the route to the Web LCT
or T2000 server.
l Operations on the T2000
1. In the status diagram of an optical NE, right-click an NE on which the IP over DCC
needs to be configured and choose NE Explorer. In the Function Tree, choose
Communication > DCC Management.
2. Set the NEs in turn according to the IP over DCC planning. The procedure and
 precautions for the operations on the T2000 are the same as those on the Web LCT.


Reference Information
Cate Item Description

(Opti Enabling the Proxy You need to enable the proxy ARP function of the
onal) ARP gateway NE of an NE before configuring the IP static
Oper  route for the NE.
s on Configuring the IP In addition to the requirement that the NMS accesses NEs
the Static Route for an NE on the entire network through the gateway NE, there is
Web the upper layer application requirement of accessing
LCT remote NEs based on the IP network layer. To meet the
requirement, you must enable the proxy ARP function of 
the gateway NE, and then configure a static route to the
 NMS on each remote NE.

Querying the OSPF If certain IP routes are unavailable, contact Huawei

Protocol Status engineers to adjust the OSPF protocol parameters used
 by the NEs. Ensure that the OSPF function is available to
all the NEs.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-19

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

5.7 Configuring Board Parameters

Different boards implement different functions, and therefore you need to configure different
 parameters in the commissioning and configuration for deployment. Set parameters
appropriately for each board according to the actual network.

The section describes only the parameter values that you need to configure in the commissioning
and configuration for deployment. For the specific functions and working principles of the
 boards, see the Hardware Description.

5.7.1 Configuring the LDGF Board

The LDGF is used to multiplex two channels of GE service signals (GE optical signal or GE
electrical signal) and two channels of FE electrical signals into a channel of OTU1 signals.

5.7.2 Configuring the LDGF2 Board

The LDGF2 board multiplexes two channels of 2 x GE service signals into two channels of 
OTU1 signals.

5.7.3 Configuring the LOE Board

The LOE board is applicable to three scenarios: convergence of eight EPON services,
convergence of eight GE services, and mixed transmission of EPON and GE services.

5.7.4 Configuring the LOEL Board

The LOEL board interconnects with the OLT equipment to access eight EPON services.

5.7.5 Configuring the LOEU Board

The LOEU board is applicable to the convergence of eight EPON or GE services.

5.7.6 Configuring the LQG Board

The LQG board multiplexes four GE services to an OTU 5G or FEC 5G service.

5.7.7 Configuring the LQM Board

The LQM board is applicable to two scenarios: convergence of four services at Any rate and
regeneration of one channel of OTU1 optical signals.

5.7.8 Configuring the LQM2 Board

When the LQM2 board works in 2LQM mode, it is applicable to the convergence of double four 
services at Any rate or regeneration of two OTU1 services. When the LQM2 board works in
AP8 mode, it is applicable to the convergence of  eight services at Any rate or regeneration of 
one OTU1 service.

5.7.9 Configuring the LSPL or LSPU Board

The LSPL board must be used in pairs with the LSPU board. The LSPL board interconnects
with the OLT equipment and the LSPU board interconnects with the ONU equipment.

5.7.10 Configuring the LSPR Board

The LSPR board interconnects with the OLT equi pment at the RX1/TX1 optical interfaces and
with the ONU equipment at the RX2/TX2 optical interfaces to achieve the distance extension
of one GPON service through the retiming, reshaping, and regeneration (3R) function in
transparent tr ansmission.

5.7.11 Configuring the LSX Board

The LSX board is applicable to two scenarios: transparent transmission of one channel of 10G
 bit/s optical signals and regeneration of one channel of OTU2 or OTU2v optical signals.

5.7.12 Configuring the LWX2 Board

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The LWX2 board is applicable to two scenarios: transparent transmission of two services at Any
rate and regeneration of two OTU1 services.

5.7.13 Configuring the SCC Board

The SCC board provides the DCC channels for the interworking and intercommunication
 between NEs.

5.7.1 Configuring the LDGF Board

The LDGF is used to multiplex two channels of GE service signals (GE optical signal or GE
electrical signal) and two channels of FE electrical signals into a channel of OTU1 signals.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.


In the case of the LDGF board, you can connect a portable computer to the FE interface by using a network 
cable when the FE interface is in Used state. Then issue the ping command for connecting to the opposite
client equipment to check whether a normal connection can be established on the channel.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Service Type GE, GE(GFP-T) l Usually, GE(GFP-T)  is recommended. In this

Default: GE(GFP-T) mode, the transmission delay is small and all
control protocol packets are transparently
l In other cases, set this parameter to GE
according to the service encapsulation mode.
l Service types of the two boards that are
interconnected with each other must be

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LDGF board, do not disable
the WDM-side lasers on the LDGF board. Otherwise, NEs
 become unreachable when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Field Value Description

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD Flag is set to Enable.
Default: None all the alarms can be set as the SD switching

Max. Packet 1518-9600 This parameter is valid only when Service Type is
Length Default: 9600 set to GE. The default value is recommended.

Auto- Enabled, Disabled The Auto Negotiation parameter is available only

 Negotiation Default: Disabled when the Service Type parameter is set to GE.
of GE l It is recommended to set this parameter to
l If the equipment of the customer adopts the auto
negotiation, the value of the Auto Negotiation
 parameter must be consistent with the value of 
the Auto Negotiation parameter of the
equipment of the customer.
l The Auto Negotiation parameter must be
consistent for the OTUs in the same protection

Intelligent Enabled, Disabled When a link is faulty, and the fault state must be
Fiber Status Default: Enabled transparently transmitted to the interconnected
client-side equipment, the IF function needs to be
l This parameter is valid only when Service
Type of the optical port is set to GE.
l This parameter is invalid after the LPT function
of the board is enabled.

LPT Enabled Enabled, Disabled This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Default: Disabled GE.
l The LPT function can work only with intra-
 board 1+1 protection and cannot work with any
other protection.
l Set this parameter to Enabled when you want to
enable the LPT function; otherwise, keep the
default value for this parameter.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-23

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.2 Configuring the LDGF2 Board

The LDGF2 board multiplexes two channels of 2 x GE service signals into two channels of 
OTU1 signals.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

5-24 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Service Type GE, GE(GFP-T) l Usually, GE(GFP-T)  is recommended. In this

Default: GE(GFP-T) mode, the transmission delay is small and all
control protocol packets are transparently
l In other cases, set this parameter to GE
according to the service encapsulation mode.
l Service types of the two boards that are
interconnected with each other must be

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LDGF2 board, do not
disable the WDM-side lasers on the LDGF2 board.
Otherwise, NEs become unreachable when neither a
standby channel is available nor protection is configured.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-25

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD Flag is set to Enable.
Default: None all the alarms can be set as the SD switching

Max. Packet 1518-9600 This parameter is valid only when Service Type is
Length Default: 9600 set to GE. The default value is recommended.

Auto- Enabled, Disabled The Auto Negotiation parameter is available only

 Negotiation Default: Disabled when the Service Type parameter is set to GE.
of GE l It is recommended to set this parameter to
l If the equipment of the customer adopts the auto
negotiation, the value of the Auto Negotiation
 parameter must be consistent with the value of 
the Auto Negotiation parameter of the
equipment of the customer.
l The Auto Negotiation parameter must be
consistent for the OTUs in the same protection

Intelligent Enabled, Disabled When a link is faulty, and the fault state must be
Fiber Status Default: Enabled transparently transmitted to the interconnected
client-side equipment, the IF function needs to be
l This parameter is valid only when Service
Type of the optical port is set to GE.
l This parameter is invalid after the LPT function
of the board is enabled.

LPT Enabled Enabled, Disabled This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Default: Disabled GE.
l The LPT function can work only with intra-
 board 1+1 protection and cannot work with any
other protection.
l Set this parameter to Enabled when you want to
enable the LPT function; otherwise, keep the
default value for this parameter.

5-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Field Value Description

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.3 Configuring the LOE Board

The LOE board is applicable to three scenarios: convergence of eight EPON services,
convergence of eight GE services, and mixed transmission of EPON and GE services.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-27

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Service Type None, GE(GFP-T), In case of EPON services:

EPON_OLT, l When the board is configured with an OLT
EPON_ONU optical module, set this parameter to
Default: GE(GFP-T) EPON_ONU.
l When the board is configured with an ONU
optical module, set this parameter to
When the service type changes between EPON_ONU and
EPON_OLT, the service type of a channel carrying
EPON services must be set to GE(GFP-T) or NONE first.
For example, when the board receives four EPON
services, the service type must be changed from
EPON_ONU to EPON_OLT. In this case, you must set
the service types of the four channels to GE(GFP-T) or 
None before you change the service type to

If no services are received at the board, you can set

the service type to None. In this case, the board does
not report electrical-layer alarms on the channel.

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

5-28 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Field Value Description

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LOE board, do not disable
the WDM-side lasers on the LOE board. Otherwise, NEs
 become unreachable when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.
The parameter can be set to Inloop or Outloop only when
GE Service is accessed.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD Flag is set to Enable.
Default: None all the alarms can be set as the SD switching

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: /

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-29

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Optical - -

5.7.4 Configuring the LOEL Board

The LOEL board interconnects with the OLT equipment to access eight EPON services.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

5-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Field Value Description

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LOEL board, do not disable
the WDM-side lasers on the LOEL board. Otherwise, NEs
 become unreachable when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD Flag is set to Enable.
Default: None all the alarms can be set as the SD switching

PRBS Test Enabled, Disabled l Retain the default value when a network works
Status Default: / normally.
l Set this parameter to Enabled  for the auxiliary
 board if you need to perform a RPBS test during
deployment commissioning. Set this parameter 
to Disabled after the test is complete.

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Optical - -

5.7.5 Configuring the LOEU Board

The LOEU board is applicable to the convergence of eight EPON or GE services.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Service Type EPON, GE(GFP_T) Select a proper value according to the received
Default: GE(GFP_T) services.

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

5-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Field Value Description

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LOEU board, do not disable
the WDM-side lasers on the LOEU board. Otherwise, NEs
 become unreachable when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD Flag is set to Enable.
Default: None all the alarms can be set as the SD switching

PRBS Test Enabled, Disabled l Retain the default value when a network works
Status Default: / normally.
l Set this parameter to Enabled  for the auxiliary
 board if you need to perform a RPBS test during
deployment commissioning. Set this parameter 
to Disabled after the test is complete.

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.6 Configuring the LQG Board

The LQG board multiplexes four GE services to an OTU 5G or FEC 5G service.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

5-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Service Type GE, GE(GFP-T) l Set this parameter to a proper value according to
Default: GE the service type of the interconnected board.
If Service Type needs to be changed from GE
to GE(GFP-T) , set Port Mapping to
Encapsulated to OTU5G before you change
Service Type to GE(GFP-T) . In case of GE
(GFP-T) services, Port Mapping must be set to
Encapsulated to OTU5G.
After you configure a cross-connection for the board, if 
the service type that you select when configuring the
cross-connection is different from the value you set for the
Service Type field, setting the Service Type field fails.
In this case, you need to delete the cross-connection and
set the Service Type field again.

Port Mapping Encapsulated to The default value is recommended. Different

FEC5G, service types are supported in the two mapping
Encapsulated to modes.
OTU5G l Encapsulated to FEC5G: GE is supported.
Default: l Encapsulated to OTU5G: GE and GE(GFP-T)
Encapsulated to are supported.
Port Mapping of the two boards that are interconnected
with each other must be consistent and Service Type of 
their WDM-side optical interfaces must be consistent.

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-35

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LQG board, do not disable
the WDM-side lasers on the LQG board. Otherwise, NEs
 become unreachable when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.

Max. Packet 1518-9600 This paramter is valid only when Service Type is
Length Default: 9600 set to GE. The default value is recommended.

Auto- Enabled, Disabled The Auto Negotiation parameter is available only

 Negotiation Default: Disabled when the Service Type parameter is set to GE.
of GE l It is recommended to set this parameter to
l If the equipment of the customer adopts the auto
negotiation, the value of the Auto Negotiation
 parameter must be consistent with the value of 
the Auto Negotiation parameter of the
equipment of the customer.
l The Auto Negotiation parameter must be
consistent for the OTUs in the same protection

5-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Field Value Description

Intelligent Enabled, Disabled When a link is faulty, and the fault state must be
Fiber Status Default: Enabled transparently transmitted to the interconnected
client-side equipment, the IF function needs to be
l This parameter is valid only when Service
Type of the optical port is set to GE.
l This parameter is invalid after the LPT function
of the board is enabled.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD, Flag is set to Enable.
B1_SD all the alarms can be set as the SD switching
Default: None conditions.

LPT Enabled Enabled, Disabled This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Default: Disabled GE.
l The LPT function can work only with intra-
 board 1+1 protection and cannot work with any
other protection.
l Set this parameter to Enabled when you want to
enable the LPT function; otherwise, keep the
default value for this parameter.

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.7 Configuring the LQM Board

The LQM board is applicable to two scenarios: convergence of four services at Any rate and
regeneration of one channel of OTU1 optical signals.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-37

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1800

5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Background Information
The service processing chip of the LQM board provides 16 timeslots for receiving services.
Different types of services require different number of timeslots. The total number of timeslots
for the services received at the LQM board must be smaller than the maximum number of 
timeslots that the service processing chip can provide. In addition, the total number of timeslots
for the services configured at the TX1/RX1, TX2/RX2, TX3/RX3, and TX4/RX4 interfaces
must be not greater than 16.

Table 5-2 lists the number of timeslots required by common services.

Table 5-2 Number of timeslots required by common services

Service Type Number of Service Type Number of

Timeslots Timeslots
Required Required




STM-16 16 DVB-ASI 2

FC200 12 HDTV 12

FC100 6 HDTV14835 12

FE 1 OTU1 16


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Service Type Number of Service Type Number of

Timeslots Timeslots
Required Required



In case of GE services, the committed information rate can be configured to change the number 
of timeslots required. Table 5-3 lists the number of timeslots required by GE services at different

Table 5-3 Number of timeslots required by GE services

Bandwidth (Mbit/  Number of Bandwidth (Mbit/  Number of

s) Timeslots s) Timeslots
Required Required

931-1000 7 311-465 3

776-930 6 156-310 2

621-775 5 1-155 1

466-620 4 - -

The LQM board supports slice services, such as GE_SLICE, FC100_SLICE, FC200_SLICE,
FICON_SLICE, and FICON_EXPRESS_SLICE. Compared with common services, slice
services feature better performance in transparent transmission of clock but require more
timeslots. In practical application, select a proper service type according to the actual conditions.
For example, when the LQM board is used to receive FC100 services, select FC100_SLICE if 
 better performance in transparent transmission of clock is required and timeslots are sufficient.
Otherwise, select FC100 so that more timeslots can be used to receive other types of services.



If you delete a logical LQM board and configure it again on the NMS, the original configuration
of the board is deleted and the default configuration is restored.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Service Type OTU-1, DVB-ASI, The requirement on the number of timeslots for 
HDTV, ESCON, service configuration is as follows: The total
FC-100, FC-100 number of timeslots for the services configured at
(slice), FC-200, the TX1/RX1, TX2/RX2, TX3/RX3, and TX4/RX4
FC-200 (slice), FE, interfaces must be not greater than 16.
FICON, FICON Rate requirements for service configuration are as
express, FICON follows:
express (slice),
FICON (slice), GE, l When the LQM board is used for converging
GE(GFP-T), four services at Any rate, set Service Type
GE_SLICE, STM-1, according to the types of the actually received
STM-4, STM-16, services. The TX1/RX1 optical interface support
 None service rates in the range of 125 Mbit/s to 2.5
Gbit/s and the other client-side optical interfaces
Default: OTU-1 (in support service rates in the range of 125 Mbit/s
the case of the TX1/ to 1.25 Gbit/s.
RX1 interface) or 
None (in the case of  l When the LQM board is used for regenerating
the other interfaces) OTU1 signals, set Service Type to OTU1 for the
TX1/RX1 optical interface.

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.
For example, when the LQM board is used for 
regenerating OTU1 signals, set Channel Use
Status  to Unused for the TX2/RX2, TX3/RX3,
TX4/RX4, and IN2/OUT2 interfaces and to Used
for the TX1/RX1 and IN1/OUT1 interfaces.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Disabled(in l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown the case of the TX1/ case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
RX2 interface), values are invalid.
Enabled (in the case In practical application, set this parameter according
of other client-side to the scenario where the board is used. For 
optical interfaces), or  example, when the LQM board is used for 
Disabled(in the case regenerating OTU1 signals, set Automatic Laser
of WDM-side optical Shutdown  to Disabledfor the TX1/RX1 interface
interfaces) and retain the default value for the TX2/RX2, TX3/
RX3, and TX4/RX4 interfaces.

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

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Field Value Description

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
In practical application, set this parameter according
to the scenario where the board is used. For 
example, when the LQM board is used for 
regenerating OTU1 signals, set Laser Status to
ONfor the TX1/RX1 and IN1/OUT1 interface and
toOFF for the TX2/RX2, TX3/RX3, TX4/RX4, and
IN2/OUT2 optical interfaces.
If communication between NEs is achieved through only
ESC provided by the LQM board, the following situations
occur when neither a standby channel is available nor 
 protection is configured:
l When the LQM board is used for converging four 
services at Any rate, the NE becomes unreachable
after the WDM-side lasers on the LQM board are
l When the LQM board is used for regenerating OTU1
signals, the NE becomes unreachable after the lasers
at the TX1/RX1 and IN1/OUT1 interfaces on the
LQM board are disabled.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Guaranteed 1-1000 l Users determine the ensure bandwidth for GE

Bandwidth Default: 1000 services based on the needs. This parameter 
for Client- needs to be configured only for GE services.
Side GE l The value of the Guaranteed Bandwidth for
Service (M) Client-Side GE Service (M) parameter must be
greater than the actual service bandwidth of 
users. Only in this case, no packet loss can be
l Retain the default value when timeslots are
l When timeslots are insufficient, decrease the
committed information rate (CIR) of GE
services to decrease the number of required
timeslots. This is to ensure that the total number 
of timeslots is within the required range. For 
example, when the TX1/RX1, TX2/RX2, TX3/
RX3, and TX4/RX4 interfaces are used to
receive GE services, the CIR can be set to 620
Mbit/s. In this case, each GE service uses four 
timeslots. Hence, the total number of timeslots
required by the services received at the TX1/
RX1, TX2/RX2, TX3/RX3, and TX4/RX4
interfaces is not greater than 16.

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.

Max. Packet 1518-9600 This paramter is valid only when Service Type is
Length Default: 9600 set to GE. The default value is recommended.

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Field Value Description

Auto- Enabled, Disabled The Auto Negotiation parameter is available only

 Negotiation Default: Disabled when the Service Type parameter is set to GE.
of GE l It is recommended to set this parameter to
l If the equipment of the customer adopts the auto
negotiation, the value of the Auto Negotiation
 parameter must be consistent with the value of 
the Auto Negotiation parameter of the
equipment of the customer.
l The Auto Negotiation parameter must be
consistent for the OTUs in the same protection

Intelligent Enabled, Disabled When a link is faulty, and the fault state must be
Fiber Status Default: Enabled transparently transmitted to the interconnected
client-side equipment, the IF function needs to be
l This parameter is valid only when Service
Type of the optical port is set to GE.
l This parameter is invalid after the LPT function
of the board is enabled.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD, Flag is set to Enable.
B1_SD all the alarms can be set as the SD switching
Default: None conditions.

LPT Enabled Enabled, Disabled This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Default: Disabled GE.
l The LPT function can work only with intra-
 board 1+1 protection and cannot work with any
other protection.
l Set this parameter to Enabled when you want to
enable the LPT function; otherwise, keep the
default value for this parameter.

8B10B Code 0 to 15 This parameter is valid only when the service type
Violation Default: 15 at an optical interface is FC100, FC200, FICON,
The default value is recommended.

PRBS Test Enabled, Disabled l Retain the default value when a network works
Status Default: / normally.
l Set this parameter to Enabled  for the auxiliary
 board if you need to perform a RPBS test during
deployment commissioning. Set this parameter 
to Disabled after the test is complete.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.8 Configuring the LQM2 Board

When the LQM2 board works in 2LQM mode, it is applicable to the convergence of double four 
services at Any rate or regeneration of two OTU1 services. When the LQM2 board works in
AP8 mode, it is applicable to the convergence of eight services at Any rate or regeneration of 
one OTU1 service.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  


You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Background Information
The LQM2 board has two service processing chips, each of which provides 16 timeslots for 
receiving services. Different types of services require different number of timeslots. The total
number of timeslots for the services received at the LQM2 board must be smaller than the
maximum number of timeslots that the service processing chip can provide.

l In 2LQM mode, the total number of timeslots for the services configured at the TX1/RX1,
TX2/RX2, TX3/RX3, and TX4/RX4 interfaces must be not greater than 16 and the total
number of timeslots for the services configured at the TX5/RX5, TX6/RX6, TX7/RX7, and
TX8/RX8 interfaces must be not greater than 16.
l In AP8 mode, the total number of timeslots for the services configured at all client-side
interfaces must be not greater than 16.

Table 5-4 lists the number of timeslots required by common services.

Table 5-4 Number of timeslots required by common services

Service Type Number of Service Type Number of

Timeslots Timeslots
Required Required




STM-16 16 DVB-ASI 2

FC200 12 HDTV 12

FC100 6 HDTV14835 12

FE 1 OTU1 16




In case of GE services, the committed information rate can be configured to change the number 
of timeslots required. Table 5-5 lists the number of timeslots required by GE services at different

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Table 5-5 Number of timeslots required by GE services

Bandwidth (Mbit/  Number of Bandwidth (Mbit/  Number of

s) Timeslots s) Timeslots
Required Required

931-1000 7 311-465 3

776-930 6 156-310 2

621-775 5 1-155 1

466-620 4 - -

The LQM2 board supports slice services, such as GE_SLICE, FC100_SLICE, FC200_SLICE,
FICON_SLICE, and FICON_EXPRESS_SLICE. Compared with common services, slice
services feature better performance in transparent transmission of clock but require more
timeslots. In practical application, select a proper service type according to the actual conditions.
For example, when the LQM2 board is used to receive FC100 services, select FC100_SLICE if 
 better performance in transparent transmission of clock is required and timeslots are sufficient.
Otherwise, select FC100 so that more timeslots can be used to receive other types of services.



If you delete a logical LQM2 board and configure it again on the NMS, the original configuration
of the board is deleted and the default configuration is restored.

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Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Board Mode AP8 Mode, 2LQM l Set this parameter to 2LQM Mode when the
Mode LQM2 board is used for converging double four 
Default: 2LQM Mode services at Any rate or regenerating two
channels of OTU1 signals. In this mode, two
channels of signals are sent on the WDM side in
a single-fed and single receiving manner.
l Set this parameter to AP8 Mode when the
LQM2 board is used for converging eight
services at Any rate or regenerating one channel
of OTU1 signals. In this mode, signals are sent
 by optical interfaces on the WDM side in a dual
fed and selective receiving manner.
Before changing the working mode of the LQM2 board,
ensure that no cross-connection or service is configured
on the board. If a cross-connection or service is configured
on the board, delete the cross-connection or service and
set Service Type to None before you change the working
mode of the board.
Switching between different working modes on a board
interrupts the existing services.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Service Type OTU-1, DVB-ASI, Requirements on the number of timeslots for service
HDTV, ESCON, configuration are as follows:
FC-100, FC-100 l In 2LQM mode, the total number of timeslots for 
(slice), FC-200, the services configured at the TX1/RX1, TX2/
FC-200 (slice), FE, RX2, TX3/RX3, and TX4/RX4 interfaces must
FICON, FICON  be not greater than 16 and the total number of 
express, FICON timeslots for the services configured at the TX5/
express (slice), RX5, TX6/RX6, TX7/RX7, and TX8/RX8
FICON (slice), GE, interfaces must be not greater than 16.
GE_SLICE, STM-1, l In AP8 mode, the total number of timeslots for 
STM-4, STM-16, the services configured at all client-side
 None interfaces must be not greater than 16.
Rate requirements for service configuration are as
Default: OTU-1 (in follows:
the case of the TX1/
RX1 and TX5/RX5 l In the case of convergence of double four 
interfaces) or None services at Any rate (2LQM mode), the TX1/
(in the case of the RX1 and TX5/RX5 optical interfaces support
other client-side service rates in the range of 125 Mbit/s to 2.5
optical interfaces) Gbit/s and the other client-side optical interfaces
support service rates in the range of 125 Mbit/s
to 1.25 Gbit/s.
l In the case of convergence of eight services at
Any rate (AP8 mode), the TX1/RX1 optical
interface supports service rates in the range of 
125 Mbit/s to 2.5 Gbit/s and the other client-side
optical interfaces support service rates in the
range of 125 Mbit/s to 1.25 Gbit/s.
l In the case of regeneration of two OTU1 services
(2LQM mode), set Service Type to OTU1 for 
the TX1/RX1 and TX5/RX5 optical interfaces.
l In the case of regeneration of one OTU1 service
(AP8 mode), set Service Type to OTU1 for the
TX1/RX1 optical interface.
After you configure a cross-connection for the board,
setting the Service Type field fails if the service type
selected during cross-connection configuration is
different from the value you set for Service Type. In this
case, you need to delete the cross-connection and set the
Service Type field again.

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Field Value Description

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.
Examples are as follows:
l When the LQM2 board is used for converging
double four services at Any rate (2LQM mode)
or eight services at Any rate (AP8 mode), set
Channel Use Status to Used for all WDM-side
optical interfaces and set this parameter for all
client-side optical interfaces according to the
actual network design.
l When the LQM2 board is used for regenerating
two OTU1 services (2LQM mode), set Channel
Use Status to Used for the TX1/RX1, IN1/
OUT1, TX5/RX5, and IN2/OUT2 optical
interfaces and to Unused  for the other optical
l When the LQM2 board is used for regenerating
one OTU1 service (AP8 mode), set Channel
Use Status to Used for the TX1/RX1, and IN1/
OUT1 optical interfaces and to Unused for the
other optical interfaces.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Disabled (in l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown the case of TX1/RX1, case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
and TX5/RX5 values are invalid.
interfaces), Enabled In practical application, set this parameter according
(in the case of the to the scenario where the board is used. Examples
other client-side are as follows:
optical interfaces), or 
Disabled (in the case l When the LQM2 board is used for converging
of WDM-side optical double four services at Any rate (2LQM mode)
interfaces) or eight services at Any rate (AP8 mode), set
Automatic Laser Shutdown to Disabled for all
WDM-side optical interfaces and to Enabled  for 
all client-side optical interfaces.
l When the LQM2 board is used for regenerating
two OTU1 services (2LQM mode), set
Automatic Laser Shutdown to Disabled for 
the TX1/RX1, IN1/OUT1, TX5/RX5, and IN2/
OUT2 optical interfaces. Retain the default
value for the other optical interfaces.
l When the LQM2 board is used for regenerating
one OTU1 service (AP8 mode), set Automatic
Laser Shutdown to Disabled for the TX1/RX1,
and IN1/OUT1 optical interfaces. Retain the
default value for the other optical interfaces.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

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Field Value Description

Laser Status Open, Close The default value is recommended. In practical

Default: application, set this parameter according to the
scenario where the board is used. Examples are as
l WDM side: Open follows:
l Client side: Close l When the LQM2 board is used for converging
double four services at Any rate (2LQM mode)
or eight services at Any rate (AP8 mode), set
Laser Status to On for all WDM-side optical
interfaces. Automatic Laser Shutdown of 
client-side optical interfaces is set to Enabled.
Hence, lasers on client-side optical interfaces is
enabled or disabled automatically according to
the signal receiving conditions at the WDM-side
optical interfaces on the local board and the
signal receiving conditions at the client-side
optical interfaces on the opposite board. That is,
you do not need to set this parameter manually.
l When the LQM2 board is used for regenerating
two OTU1 services (2LQM mode), set Laser
Status  to On for the TX1/RX1, IN1/OUT1,
TX5/RX5, and IN2/OUT2 optical interfaces and
to Off  for the other optical interfaces.
l When the LQM2 board is used for regenerating
one OTU1 service (AP8 mode), set Laser
Status  to On for the TX1/RX1, and IN1/OUT1
optical interfaces and to Off  for the other optical
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LQM2 board, the following
situations occur when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured:
l The NE becomes unreachable after the WDM-side
lasers on the LQM2 board are disabled when the
LQM2 board is used for converging double four 
services at Any rate (2LQM mode) or eight services
at Any rate (AP8 mode).
l The NE becomes unreachable after the lasers at the
TX1/RX1, IN1/OUT1, TX5/RX5, and IN2/OUT2
optical interfaces on the LQM2 board are disabled
when the LQM2 board is used for regenerating two
OTU1 services (2LQM mode).
l The NE becomes unreachable after the lasers at the
TX1/RX1, and IN1/OUT1 optical interfaces on the
LQM2 board are disabled when the LQM2 board is
used for regenerating one OTU1 service (AP8 mode).

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Guaranteed 1-1000 l Users determine the ensure bandwidth for GE

Bandwidth Default: 1000 services based on the needs. This parameter 
for Client- needs to be configured only for GE services.
Side GE l The value of the Guaranteed Bandwidth for
Service (M) Client-Side GE Service (M) parameter must be
greater than the actual service bandwidth of 
users. Only in this case, no packet loss can be
l Retain the default value when timeslots are
l When timeslots are insufficient, decrease the
committed information rate of GE services to
decrease the number of timeslots required. This
is to ensure that the total number of timeslots is
within the required range. For example, when
the TX1/RX1, TX2/RX2, TX3/RX3, and TX4/
RX4 interfaces are used to receive GE services,
the CIR can be set to 620 Mbit/s. In this case,
each GE service uses four timeslots. Hence, the
total number of timeslots required by the
services received at the TX1/RX1, TX2/RX2,
TX3/RX3, and TX4/RX4 interfaces is not
greater than 16.

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.

Max. Packet 1518-9600 This paramter is valid only when Service Type is
Length Default: 9600 set to GE. The default value is recommended.

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Field Value Description

Auto- Enabled, Disabled The Auto Negotiation parameter is available only

 Negotiation Default: Disabled when the Service Type parameter is set to GE.
of GE l It is recommended to set this parameter to
l If the equipment of the customer adopts the auto
negotiation, the value of the Auto Negotiation
 parameter must be consistent with the value of 
the Auto Negotiation parameter of the
equipment of the customer.
l The Auto Negotiation parameter must be
consistent for the OTUs in the same protection

Intelligent Enabled, Disabled When a link is faulty, and the fault state must be
Fiber Status Default: Enabled transparently transmitted to the interconnected
client-side equipment, the IF function needs to be
l This parameter is valid only when Service
Type of the optical port is set to GE.
l This parameter is invalid after the LPT function
of the board is enabled.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD, Flag is set to Enable.
B1_SD all the alarms can be set as the SD switching
Default: None conditions.

LPT Enabled Enabled, Disabled This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Default: Disabled GE.
l The LPT function can work only with intra-
 board 1+1 protection and cannot work with any
other protection.
l Set this parameter to Enabled when you want to
enable the LPT function; otherwise, keep the
default value for this parameter.

8B10B Code 0 to 15 This parameter is valid only when the service type
Violation Default: 15 at an optical interface is FC100, FC200, FICON,
The default value is recommended.

PRBS Test Enabled, Disabled l Retain the default value when a network works
Status Default: / normally.
l Set this parameter to Enabled  for the auxiliary
 board if you need to perform a RPBS test during
deployment commissioning. Set this parameter 
to Disabled after the test is complete.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: /

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.9 Configuring the LSPL or LSPU Board

The LSPL board must be used in pairs with the LSPU board. The LSPL board interconnects
with the OLT equipment and the LSPU board interconnects with the ONU equipment.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

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Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LSPL/LSPU board, do not
disable the WDM-side lasers on the LSPL/LSPU board.
Otherwise, NEs become unreachable when neither a
standby channel is available nor protection is configured.

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD Flag is set to Enable.
Default: None all the alarms can be set as the SD switching

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.10 Configuring the LSPR Board

The LSPR board interconnects with the OLT equipment at the RX1/TX1 optical interfaces and
with the ONU equipment at the RX2/TX2 optical interfaces to achieve the distance extension
of one GPON service through the retiming, reshaping, and regeneration (3R) function in
transparent transmission.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

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Field Value Description

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM-
side optical

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LSPR board, do not disable
the WDM-side lasers on the LSPR board. Otherwise, NEs
 become unreachable when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured.

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

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5.7.11 Configuring the LSX Board

The LSX board is applicable to two scenarios: transparent transmission of one channel of 10G
 bit/s optical signals and regeneration of one channel of OTU2 or OTU2v optical signals.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Service Type 10GE LAN, OTU-2, Select a proper value according to the received
OTU-2v, STM-64 services.
Default: OTU-2

Port Mapping Bit Transparent This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Mapping (11.1 G), 10GE LAN.
MAC Transparent l When a board is used to transparently transmit
Mapping (10.7 G) synchronous Ethernet services, this parameter 
Default: Bit must be set to Bit Transparent Mapping (11.1
Transparent Mapping G).
(11.1 G) l Select Bit Transparent Mapping (11.1 G)
when there are OTU2v signals on the WDM
l Select MAC Transparent Mapping (10.7 G)
when there are OTU2 signals on the WDM side.
l Port mapping of the two boards that are interconnected
with each other must be consistent.

5-58 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Field Value Description

FEC Working Enabled, Disabled l Enabled  is recommended.

State Default: Enabled l FEC Working State of the two interconnected
OTU boards must be consistent.

FEC Mode FEC, AFEC This parameter is available only when you set FEC
Default: FEC Working State to Enabled.
l The default value is recommended. To improve
the error correction capability, set this parameter 
to AFEC.
l FEC Mode of the two boards that are
interconnected on the WDM side must be
consistent. Otherwise, services are interrupted.

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM- In practical application, set this parameter according
side optical to the scenario where the board is used. For 
interfaces. example, when the LSX board is used for 
regenerating OTU2 or OTU2v signals, set
Automatic Laser Shutdown to Disabled for RX/
TX and IN/OUT optical interfaces.

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

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Field Value Description

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
In practical application, set this parameter according
to the scenario where the board is used. For 
example, when the LSX board is used for 
regenerating OTU2 or OTU2v signals, set Laser
Status  to On for RX/TX and IN/OUT optical
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the ESC provided by the LSX board, the following
situations occur when neither a standby channel is
available nor protection is configured:
l When the LSX board is used for regenerating OTU2
or OTU2v signals, the NE becomes unreachable after 
the lasers at the RX/TX and IN/OUT optical interfaces
on the LSX board are disabled.
l When the LSX board is used for transparently
transmitting the 10 Gbit/s optical signals, the NE
 becomes unreachable after the lasers at the IN and
OUT optical interfaces on the LSX board are disabled.

 Non- Enabled, Disabled This parameter is valid when the board is used to
Intrusive Default: Disabled receive SDH services. The default value is
Monitoring recommended.

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.

Max. Packet 1518-9600 This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Length Default: 9600 10GE LAN and Port Mapping is set to MAC
Transparent Mapping (10.7 G). The default value
is recommended.

SD Trigger  SM_BIP8_SD, This parameter is valid only when the SD Trigger

Condition PM_BIP8_SD, Flag is set to Enable.
B1_SD all the alarms can be set as the SD switching
Default: None conditions.

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Field Value Description

LPT Enabled Enabled, Disabled This parameter is valid when Service Type is set to
Default: Disabled 10GE LAN and Port Mapping is set to MAC
Transparent Mapping (10.7 G).
l The LPT function can work only with intra-
 board 1+1 protection and cannot work with any
other protection.
l Set this parameter to Enabled when you want to
enable the LPT function; otherwise, keep the
default value for this parameter.

PRBS Test Enabled, Disabled l Retain the default value when a network works
Status Default: / normally.
l Set this parameter to Enabled  for the auxiliary
 board if you need to perform a RPBS test during
deployment commissioning. Set this parameter 
to Disabled after the test is complete.

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.12 Configuring the LWX2 Board

The LWX2 board is applicable to two scenarios: transparent transmission of two services at Any
rate and regeneration of two OTU1 services.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

Background Information

Table 5-6 describes the service rates of common service types.

Table 5-6 Service rates of common service types

Service Type Service Rate (Mbit/s)

OTN OTU1 2667.0

STM-16 2488.3

STM-4 622.2

SDH STM-1 155.5

SAN FC200 2125.0

FC100 1062.5

FC50 531.2

FC25 255.6

Ethernet GE 1250.0

FE 125.0

ESCON 200.0

FICON 1062.0


DVB-ASI 270.0

HDTV 1485.0 or 1483.5

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Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Client Side Any rate in the range Select a proper service type according to the actually
Service of 42 Mbit/s to 2.67 received services or enter a service rate directly. The
Bearer Rate Gbit/s rate excluding service rate must be accurate to 0.1 Mbit/s. For 
(M) the ranges of 400 example, when the board is used to receive STM-16
Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s, services, you need to enter 2488.3.
800 Mbit/s to 1000 NOTE
Mbit/s, and 1.6 Gbit/s After you set Client Service Bearer Rate (M) for the
to 2.0 Gbit/s RX1/TX1 and the RX2/TX2 optical interfaces, the service
rates are automatically updated at the corresponding IN1/
Default: 2667.0 Mbit/ OUT1 and IN3/OUT3 optical interfaces. That is, you do
s not need to set Client Service Bearer Rate (M) for the
IN1/OUT1 and IN3/OUT3 optical interfaces. When
setting the service rates at the IN1/OUT1 and IN3/OUT3
optical interfaces, make sure that the service rates on the
client and WDM sides of the same channel are the same.
That is, the service rate at the RX1/TX1 optical interfaces
must be the same as that at the corresponding IN1/OUT1
optical interfaces; the service rate at the RX2/TX2 optical
interfaces must be the same as that at the corresponding
IN3/OUT3 optical interfaces.

Channel Use Used, Unused l Set this parameter to Unused when a channel

Status Default: Used that is not used.
l Set this parameter to Used when a channel that
is used.

Automatic Enabled, Disabled l The default value is recommended.

Laser  Default: Enabled for  l This parameter must be set to Disabledin the
Shutdown client-side optical case of WDM-side optical ports. That is, other 
interfaces, and values are invalid.
Disabled for WDM- In practical application, set this parameter according
side optical to the scenario where the board is used. For 
interfaces. example, when the LWX2 board functions as a
regeneration board, set Automatic Laser
Shutdown  to Disabled for the IN1/OUT1, IN3/
OUT3, RX1/TX1, and RX2/TX2 optical ports.
When OTU1 services are received on the client side, the
ALS function is disabled on the LWX2 board. That is, all
lasers stay in enabled state.

Hold-Off  0s to 2s, with a step of  The default value is recommended.

Time of  100 ms.
Automatic Default: 0s

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Field Value Description

Laser Status Open, Close l Usually, this parameter is set to Open for every
Default: WDM-side optical interface.

l WDM side: Open l In the case of client-side optical interfaces, retain

the default value because Automatic Laser
l Client side: Close Shutdown  is usually set to Enabled.
In practical application, set this parameter according
to the scenario where the board is used. Examples
are as follows:
l When the LWX2 board is used as a regeneration
 board, set Laser Status to On for the IN1/
OUT1, IN3/OUT3, RX1/TX1, and RX2/TX2
optical ports.
l When the LWX2 board is used as a transparent
transmission board, set Laser Status to On for 
the IN1/OUT1, and IN3/OUT3 optical ports.
Automatic Laser Shutdown of the RX1/TX1,
and RX2/TX2 optical interfaces is set to
Enabled . Hence, lasers on client-side optical
interfaces are enabled and disabled
automatically according to the signal receiving
conditions. That is, you do not need to set this
 parameter manually.
If the LWX2 board is used as a regeneration board
 between NEs and NEs communicates with each other 
through only the ESC provided by the OTU regenerated
on the LWX2 board, do not disable the lasers on the
LWX2 board. Otherwise, NEs become unreachable when
neither a standby channel is available nor protection is

Optical  Non-Loopback, Set this parameter to Non-Loopback  when a

Interface Inloop, Outloop network works normally. It can be set to Inloop or 
Loopback  Default: Non- Outloop to help locate a faulty point in a test or a
Loopback   process of removing a fault on a network. However,
it must be set to Non-Loopback  right after the test
is complete or the fault is removed.
When Automatic Disabling of NE Function is set
to the default value Enabled, the loopback setting
is automatically cancelled after Auto Disabling
Time (default: 5 minutes) elapses.

PRBS Test Enabled, Disabled l Retain the default value when a network works
Status Default: / normally.
l Set this parameter to Enabled  for the auxiliary
 board if you need to perform a RPBS test during
deployment commissioning. Set this parameter 
to Disabled after the test is complete.

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Field Value Description

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.7.13 Configuring the SCC Board

The SCC board provides the DCC channels for the interworking and intercommunication
 between NEs.

You must have logged in to the NE where the board resides.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Navigation Path
1. In the NE Explorer, select the board and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface
from the Function Tree.
2. Select a proper navigation path according to the parameters. The details are as follows:
l In the case of a parameter at channel level, select By Board/Port(Channel), choose
Channel  from the drop-down list, and click the Basic Attributes or Advanced
Attributes  tab. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.
l In the case of a parameter at board level, select By Board/Port(Channel) and choose
Board from the drop-down list. Then, you can query or set the corresponding parameter.

You can also select By Function and then choose the required parameter from the drop-down list.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Parameter Settings
Field Value Description

Channel Use Used, Unused l If the OSC channel is not configured or used in
Status Default: Used the network planning, set the Channel Use
Status  field to Unused  for the TM1/RM1 and
TM2/RM2 optical interfaces.
l If the OSC channel is configured and used in the
network planning, set the Channel Use Status
field to Used for the TM1/RM1 and TM2/RM2
optical interfaces.

Laser Status Open, Close l If the OSC channel is not configured or used in
Default: the network planning, set the Laser Status field
to OFF for the TM1/RM1 and TM2/RM2
l WDM side: Open optical interfaces.
l Client side: Close l If the OSC channel is configured and used in the
network planning, set the Laser Status field to
ON for the TM1/RM1 and TM2/RM2 optical
If the communication between NEs is achieved through
only the OSC, the NEs are unreachable after the lasers at
the TM1/RM1 and TM2/RM2 optical interfaces on the
SCC board are disabled.

Band Type/ The parameter format This parameter is for query only.
Wavelength is as follows: band
 No./ type/wavelength No./
Wavelength optical interface
(nm)/ wavelength/
Frequency frequency, for 
(THz) example, CWDM/
Default: -

Band Type C, CWDM This parameter is for query only.

Default: /

Optical - -

Optical - -

5.8 Creating Fibers

You are recommended to create fibers in graphic mode in the Main Topology or signal flow

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Optical NEs, NEs, and logical boards must be created.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

The T2000 must be used.


Fibers must be created properly according to the actual network. With fibers created properly, you can
understand the network architecture and locate faults intuitively during the operation and maintenance of 
the network.


You are recommended to create internal fibers of an NE in the signal flow view and fibers between NEs
in the Main Topology.

l Operations on the T2000
1. Double-click an optical NE in the Main Topology. Then, click the Signal Flow
Diagram tab in the displayed window. In Signal Flow Diagram, right-click a blank 
space and choose Create Fiber from the shortcut menu. The cursor is displayed as
2. Select the source board and port and then click OK . The cursor is displayed as "+".
3. Select the sink board and port and then click OK .

When an incorrect source/sink board or port is selected, right-click to cancel the operation and
exit the object selection.

4. In the displayed Create Fiber/Cable dialog box, enter the attributes of the fiber/cable
and then click OK  to create an internal fiber of the NE. Create all other internal fibers
of the NE in the same way.

5. In the Main Topology, click the shortcut icon and the cursor is displayed as "+".
Then, click the source NE of the fiber/cable.
6. In the displayed Select Fiber/Cable Source  dialog box, select the source board and
 port and then click OK  to return to the Main Topology. The cursor again is displayed
as "+".
7. In the Main Topology, click the sink NE of the fiber/cable. In the displayed Select
Fiber/Cable Source dialog box, select the sink board and port, and then click OK .
8. Enter the attributes of the fiber/cable in the Create Fiber/Cable dialog box and then
click OK . The created fiber/cable between the source NE and the sink NE is displayed
in the Main Topology. Create fibers/cables between all NEs on the network in the
same way.

To delete a fiber, right-click a fiber that has been created and choose Delete.


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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Creating Fibers in List You can also create fibers in list mode on the T2000.
onal) Mode Creating fibers in list mode is not intuitive when
Asso compared with creating fibers in graphic mode; however,
ciate you can manage all fibers/cables through a same user 
d interface when creating fibers in list mode.
tions Configuring Services You can configure services by creating WDM trails if the
on the by Creating WDM following conditions are met: (1) NEs on the network are
T200 Trails not configured with services. (2) Fiber connections
0  between these NEs have been created on the T2000. (3)
All the NEs communicate with each other properly.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.9 Configuring Cross-Connection Service

The LQG and LQM2 boards support configuration of cross-connections and the methods of 
configuring cross-connections on the two boards are the same. By default, a cross-connection
created on the LQG and LQM2 boards is a direct cross-connection.

You must have logged in to the NE where the LQG or LQM2 board resides.

Service types must be set for WDM optical interfaces on the board.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000



When configuring a cross-connection, ensure that the WDM-side path numbers at the transmit
and receive ends are consistent. Otherwise, the service cannot be available.

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When the board that supports cross-connection carries electrical interface services, non-straight-
through cross-connections cannot configured for the electrical interface services on the board.


For the cross-connect slots that the LQM2 and LQG boards support on the chassis, see the  Hardware

When configuring cross-connections for a service, you need to configure one cross-connection on the NE
where this service is added and another cross-connection on the NE where this service is dropped. When
you need to configure cross-connections for multiple services on a network, select either of the following
methods to configure the cross-connections for all these services:
l On a per-NE basis: Configure cross-connections on one NE and then on another NE. In this manner,
configure cross-connections on all NEs on the network in turn.
l On a per-service basis: Configure cross-connections for one service and then for another service. In
this manner, configure cross-connections for all services in turn.

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-
Connection Service Management from the Function Tree.
2. On the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New, and the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box is displayed.
3. Set Level , Direction, Source Slot, Source Optical Port, Sink Slot, Sink Optical
Port, Source Optical Channel, and Sink Optical Channel according to the cross-
connection planning. Then, click Apply.

4. After configuring all cross-connections, click OK .

l Operations on the T2000
1. Select the NE in the NE Explorer and choose Configuration > WDM Service
Management  from the Function Tree.
2. On the WDM Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New, and the Create
Cross-Connection Service dialog box is displayed.
3. Set Level , Direction, Source Slot, Source Optical Port, Sink Slot, Sink Optical
Port, Source Optical Channel, Sink Optical Channel, and Activate Immediately
according to the cross-connection planning. Click OK . The Operation Result dialog
 box is displayed, indicating that the operation is successful. Click OK . The procedure
and precautions for the operations on the T2000 are the same as those on the Web

Activate Immediately is generally set to Active.


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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Delete a cross- See this section to learn how to delete a cross-connection.
onal) connection
on the

Confi Configure transparent The LQM2 board is considered as an example to describe

gurati transmission of GE how to configure cross-connections for a GE service.
on services
 ples Configure transparent The LQM2 board is considered as an example to describe
 by transmission of SAN how to configure cross-connections for a SAN service.
using services
the Configure transparent The LQM2 board is considered as an example to describe
transmission of OTN how to configure cross-connections for an OTN service.

Configure transparent The LQM2 board is considered as an example to describe

transmission of SDH how to configure cross-connections for an SDH service.

Para WDM cross- See this section to learn how to set the parameters for 
meter  connection configuring a WDM cross-connection.
descr  configuration

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.10 Configuring Services in Service Package Mode

The service package module enables you to configure services on an NE in a one-click manner.
This configuration method is easier and quicker. The OptiX OSN 1800 supports two types of 
service packages: GE service package and GE/STM-1 integrated service package. The LQM,
LQM2, and LWX2 boards support the function of configuring services in service package mode.

You must have logged in to the NE where the LQM, LQM2, or LWX2 board resides.

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Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Background Information
You can select the required service package during the deployment. Then, you can run the
commands in the service package to configure services and query information the service

You can run a command to manually apply a service package to an NE. In this manner, the
services on all the service boards on this NE are configured automatically. In the process of 
applying a service package to an NE, the original configurations on the NE are deleted and the
configuration commands are then executed. A service package actually contains a series of 
configuration commands. Some of these configuration commands are used for configuring cross-
connections, and the other are used for configuring service types for optical interfaces. There is
an exception that a service rate other than service type is configured for an optical interface in
the case of the LWX2 board.

Table 5-7 lists the service configurations for the LQM board in service package mode.

Table 5-7 Service configurations for the LQM board in service package mode

Service 3(TX1/RX1) 4(TX2/RX2) 5(TX3/RX3) 6(TX4/RX4)

Package Type

GE bypass GE GE Null Null



Table 5-8 lists the service configurations for the LQM2 board in service package mode.

Table 5-8 Service configurations for the LQM2 board in service package mode

Service 3(TX1/  4(TX2/  5(TX3/  6(TX4/  7(TX5/  8(TX6/  9(TX7/  10

Packag  RX1) RX2) RX3) RX4) RX5) RX6) RX7) (TX8/ 
e Type RX8)

GE GE GE Null Null Null Null Null Null


GE/ GE GE STM-1 STM-1 Null Null Null Null


Table 5-9 lists the service configurations for the LWX2 board in service package mode.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Table 5-9 Service configurations for the LWX2 board in service package mode

Service Package Type 5(TX1/RX1) 6(TX2/RX2)

GE bypass GE GE

GE/STM1 hybrid GE GE



In the case of the LQM2 board, after the configuration commands in a service package are
executed, a direct cross-connection between optical interface 3 and optical interface 4 is
configured automatically. In the case of the LWX2 and LQM boards, the configuration
commands in a service package cannot be used to create any cross-connection.


Precautions for configuring services in service package mode

l Service packages do not support expansion based on the existing services. If expansion is
required, you need to delete the existing services before configuring services in service
 package mode.
l In the process of applying a service package to an NE, the configurations on all boards on
this NE are deleted and the service package is then implemented.
l If the NE is reset in the process of configuring scripts, you need to restart the service package
 before you configure services.


In the case of the LQM2 board, take the following precautions before configuring services in
service package mode:
l After configuring services in service package mode, if one of optical interfaces 3 to 6 on the
LQM2 board needs to access another type of service, you need to reconfigure the service
type manually for this optical interface. Otherwise, the service is unavailable.
l If the current working mode of the LQM2 board is the 2LQM mode, the working mode of 
the board automatically changes to AP8 after service types are configured for the board in
service package mode.

l Operations on the Web LCT

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1. Select the NE in the NE Explorer and choose Configuration > Service Package from

the Function Tree.
2. Click Query to view the existing service package types.

3. Select Package Type according to the service planning requirement and then click 
Start. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the operation is successful. Click 
OK .
4. Optional: To view the cross-connections created after the service package is
configured, select the NE in the NE Explorer and then choose Configuration >
Electrical Cross-Connection Service Management from the Function Tree; to view
the attributes of an optical interface on the board, select the board in the NE Explorer 
and then choose Configuration > WDM Interface from the Function Tree.
l Operations on the T2000
1. Select the NE in the NE Explorer and choose Configuration > Service Package from
the Function Tree.
2. Click Query to view the existing service package types.
3. Select Package Type according to the service planning requirement and then click 
Start. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the operation is successful. Click 
OK .

The precautions for the operations on the T2000 are the same as those on the Web
4. After configuring the service package, upload the NE data. For details about uploading
the NE data, see B.13.2 Uploading the NE Data.
5. Optional: To view the cross-connections created after the service package is
configured, select the NE in the NE Explorer and then choose Configuration > WDM
Service Management from the Function Tree; to view the attributes of an optical
interface on the board, select the board in the NE Explorer and then choose
Configuration > WDM Interface from the Function Tree.


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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Deleting Cross- See this section to learn how to delete a cross-connection.
onal) Connections
on the

Confi Configuring The LQM2 board is considered as an example to describe

gurati Transparent how to configure transparent transmission of GE services
on Transmission of GE in service package mode.
exam Services in Service
 ples Package Mode
using Configuring Hybrid The LQM2 board is considered as an example to describe
the Transmission of GE how to configure hybrid transmission of GE and STM-1
Web and STM-1 Services in services in service package mode.
LCT Service Package Mode

Para WDM Cross- See this section to learn how to set the parameters used
meter  Connection for configuring a WDM cross-connection.
descr  Configuration
iption Parameters

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.11 Configuring SW SNCP Protection

SW SNCP protection can be implemented by using convergence OTU boards that support cross-
connections. This type of OTU boar ds includes the LQM2 and LQG boards.

You must have logged in to an NE.

The NE must be configured with boards that support SW SNCP protection.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

5-74 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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SW SNCP protection must be configured at both the sink and source. At the source, you need to configure
cross-connections to implement dual transmitting; at the sink, you need to configure cross-connections to
implement selective receiving.

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE Explorer of the NE that functions as the source NE of SW SNCP protection,
select the NE and then choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection
Service Management from the Function Tree.
2. On the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New, and the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box is displayed. In the dialog box,
configure two cross-connections to implement dual transmitting. For details on how
to configure a cross-connection, see 5.9 Configuring Cross-Connection Service.

To implement dual transmitting on the source NE of SW SNCP protection, you need

to configure two cross-connections, which share the same source but have different
sinks. An example is as follows (1U chassis):

– Source: 1-LQM2-3(RX1/TX1)-1; sink: 1-LQM2-201(LP1/LP1)-1 (this is a

unidirectional cross-connection)
– Source: 1-LQM2-3(RX1/TX1)-1; sink: 4-LQM2-201(LP1/LP1)-1 (this is a
unidirectional cross-connection)
3. In the NE Explorer of the NE that functions as the sink NE of SW SNCP protection,
select the NE and then choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection
Service Management from the Function Tree. Click Create SNCP and the Create
SNCP dialog box is displayed.
4. Set the SW SNCP protection parameters to complete the configuration of cross-
connections at the sink NE. After the cross-connections are configured at the sink NE,
the selective receiving function of the sink NE is implemented.

Table 5-10 Requirements for setting key parameters of SW SNCP protection

Parameter Name SW SNCP Protection

Protection Type SW SNCP

SNCP Type Unavailable

Service Type GE

OTN Level Unavailable

Revertive Mode Non-revertive

WTR Time (s) Unavailable

Working Channel Delay Time (100ms) 0

Protection Channel Delay Time (100ms) 0

SD Trigger Flag Disabled

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The values listed in Table 5-10 are recommended values. Set the parameters properly according
to engineering requirements in practical application.

Two cross-connections must be configured for Working Service and Protection

Service. The two cross-connections have different sources but share the same sink.
An example is as follows (1U chassis):

– Source: 1-LQM2-201(LP1/LP1)-1; sink: 1-LQM2-3(RX1/TX1)-1

– Source: 4-LQM2-201(LP1/LP1)-1; sink: 1-LQM2-3(RX1/TX1)-1

When configuring the cross-connections, you need to configure only the source for Protection
Service but need to configure source and sink for Working Service.

5. Click OK . Then, the protection group is created and displayed in the user interface.
l Operations on the T2000
1. In the NE Explorer of the NE that functions as the source of SW SNCP protection,
select the NE and then choose Configuration > WDM Service Management  from
the Function Tree.
2. On the WDM Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New, and the Create
Cross-Connection Service dialog box is displayed. In the dialog box, configure two
cross-connections to implement dual transmitting. For details on how to configure a
cross-connection, see 5.9 Configuring Cross-Connection Service.
3. Click Create SNCP Service, and the Create SNCP Service dialog box is displayed.
Set the SW SNCP protection parameters to complete the configuration of cross-
connections at the sink NE. After the cross-connections are configured at the sink NE,

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the selective receiving function of the sink NE is implemented. The precautions for 
configuring cross-connections on the T2000 are the same as those when cross-
connections are configured by using the Web LCT.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Delete a cross- See this section to learn how to delete a cross-connection.
onal) connection
ciate Convert a service with A service with SNCP protection can be converted into a
d SNCP protection into a service with no protection.
opera service with no
tions protection
on the

Para WDM cross- See this section to learn how to set the parameters for 
meter  connection configuring a WDM cross-connection.
descr  configuration
SNCP service control See this section to learn how to set the parameters for 
controlling services with SNCP protection.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.12 Configuring Port Protection

On the port protection user interface, you can configure intra-board 1+1 protection, optical line
 protection, client-side 1+1 protection, and inter-subrack 1+1 optical channel protection.
Configure protection of an appropriate type according to the network design.

You must have logged in to an NE.

The NE must be configured with boards that support port protection.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Background Information
Observe the differences between intra-board 1+1 protection, optical line protection, client-side
1+1 protection, and inter-subrack 1+1 optical channel protection when configuring them. Table
5-11 lists the differences between these protection types.

Table 5-11 Differences between different port protection types

Protectio Supporting Board Configuration Precaution

n Type

Intra- l OTU boards with the dual l The protection must be configured on both
 board 1+1 fed and selective receiving the sink and source NEs.
 protection function. This type of OTU l The client-side service attributes of the
 boards includes LQG, working and protection channels must be
LWX2, LDGF, LQM, the same. Otherwise, services are
LQM2 (AP8 mode), unavailable.
l In the case of the intra-board 1+1 protection
l OLP board and OTU  by using an OTU with the dual fed and
 boards with the single fed selective receiving function, Channel Use
and single receiving Status  of a WDM-side optical interface
function. This type of OTU must be set to Used. Each of the WDM-side
 boards includes the LOEU, optical interfaces on the OTU can be
LOEL, LOE, LSX and configured as the working channel. When
LQM2 (2LQM mode). the protection group is deleted, the service
is forcibly switched to optical interface 1
(IN1/OUT1) or optical interface 3 (IN3/
l The NE will be unreachable by the NMS
after the protection group is deleted if the
following conditions are met: (1)
Communication between NEs is
implemented by using an ESC channel. (2)
There is no standby channel. (3) Optical
interfaces IN1 and IN3 receive no light.

Optical OLP   l The protection must be configured on both

line the sink and source NEs.
 protection l The working and protection channels at the
receive end of the OLP board must have the
same receive optical power. The variance
threshold between primary and secondary
input power is 5 dB by default.

Client-side SCS board and convergence l The protection must be configured on both
1+1 OTU board such as LQG, the sink and source NEs.
 protection LWX2, LDGF, LDGF2, l The working and protection OTU boards
LQM, LQM2, LSPU, LSPL, must be of the same type.

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Protectio Supporting Board Configuration Precaution

n Type

Inter- OLP board and OTU board l In the case of inter-subrack wavelength
subrack 1 such as LQG, LWX2, LDGF,  protection, the working OTU board and the
+1 optical LDGF2, LQM, LQM2,  protection OTU board are installed in
channel LOEU, LOE, LSX. different subracks. You are recommended
 protection to install the OLP board in the chassis
where the working OTU board resides.
l The working and protection OTU boards
must be of the same type.
l The LOEU and LOE boards support inter-
subrack protection only in the scenario
where GE services are accessed.

For details about the preceding protection types, see the Feature Description.

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE list, select the NE and then click the NE Explorer button.
2. Choose Configuration > Port Protection from the Function Tree.
3. In the Port Protection window, click New.

4. Set parameters for the selected protection type. Click OK  to display a dialog box.
Then, click OK  to complete the protection configuration.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Table 5-12 Requirements for setting parameters of different protection types

Paramete Optical Intra-board 1+1 Client- Inter-

r Name line protection side 1+1 subrack 1
protectio protectio +1 optical
n Impleme Impleme n channel
nted by nted by protectio
Using  Using  n
Boards Boards
with the and OTU
Dual Fed Boards
and with the
Selective Single
Receiving  Fed and
Function Single

Protection Optical line Intra-board Intra-board Client-side Inter-

type  protection 1+1 1+1 1+1 subrack 1
 protection  protection  protection +1 optical

 NE with The NE The NE The NE The NE The NE

the where the where the where the where the where the
Working OLP board OTU board OLP board working working
Channel resides. For  resides. For  resides. For  OTU board OTU board
example, example, example, resides. For  resides. For 
 NE7201.  NE7201.  NE7201. example, example,
 NE7201.  NE7201.

Board with OLP board, OTU OLP board, Working Working

Working for   board, for  for  OTU OTU
Channel example, example, example,  board, for   board, for 
4-OLP 1-LQM2 4-OLP example, example,
1-LWX2 4-LQM2

5-80 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

Paramete Optical Intra-board 1+1 Client- Inter-

r Name line protection side 1+1 subrack 1
protectio protectio +1 optical
n Impleme Impleme n channel
nted by nted by protectio
Using  Using  n
Boards Boards
with the and OTU
Dual Fed Boards
and with the
Selective Single
Receiving  Fed and
Function Single

Working The The The A client- A WDM-

Channel working working working side optical side optical
channel on channel on channel on interface interface
the OLP the OTU the OLP on the on the
 board. For   board,  board. For  working working
example, 1 namely, a example, 1 OTU OTU
(RI1/TO1). WDM-side (RI1/TO1).  board. For   board. In
optical example, 1 the case of 
interface. (RX1/ a
For  TX1). convergen
example, 1 ce OTU
(IN1/  board, you
OUT1). can select a
interface as
example, 3

 NE with The NE The NE The NE The NE The NE

Protection where the where the where the where the where the
Channel OLP board OTU board OLP board  protection  protection
resides. For  resides. For  resides. For  OTU board OTU board
example, example, example, resides. For  resides. For 
 NE7201.  NE7201.  NE7201. example, example,
 NE7201.  NE7176.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-81

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Paramete Optical Intra-board 1+1 Client- Inter-

r Name line protection side 1+1 subrack 1
protectio protectio +1 optical
n Impleme Impleme n channel
nted by nted by protectio
Using  Using  n
Boards Boards
with the and OTU
Dual Fed Boards
and with the
Selective Single
Receiving  Fed and
Function Single

Board with OLP board, OTU OLP board, Protection Protection

Protection for   board, for  for  OTU OTU
Channel example, example, example,  board, for   board, for 
4-OLP 1-LQM2 4-OLP example, example,
3-LWX2 4-LQM2

Protection The The The A client- A WDM-

Channel  protection  protection  protection side optical side optical
channel on channel on channel on interface interface
the OLP the OTU the OLP on the on the
 board. For   board,  board. For   protection  protection
example, 2 namely, a example, 2 OTU OTU
(RI2/TO2). WDM-side (RI2/TO2).  board. For   board. In
optical example, 1 the case of 
interface. (RX1/ a
For  TX1). convergen
example, 2 ce OTU
(IN2/  board, you
OUT2). can select a
interface as
example, 3

5-82 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Paramete Optical Intra-board 1+1 Client- Inter-

r Name line protection side 1+1 subrack 1
protectio protectio +1 optical
n Impleme Impleme n channel
nted by nted by protectio
Using  Using  n
Boards Boards
with the and OTU
Dual Fed Boards
and with the
Selective Single
Receiving  Fed and
Function Single

 NE with Unavailabl Unavailabl The NE Unavailabl The NE

Control e e where the e where the
Channel/ OTU board OLP board
Monitoring resides. For  resides.
Channel example, This NE
 NE7201. generally
houses the
 board. For 

Board with Unavailabl Unavailabl OTU Unavailabl OLP board,

Control e e  board, for  e for 
Channel/ example, example,
Monitoring 1-LQM2 1-OLP

Control Unavailabl Unavailabl A WDM- Unavailabl Optical

Channel/ e e side optical e interface 1
Monitoring interface (RI1/TO1)
Channel on the OTU on the OLP
 board. For   board
example, 1

Working 0 0 Unavailabl 0 0
Channel e

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-83

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Paramete Optical Intra-board 1+1 Client- Inter-

r Name line protection side 1+1 subrack 1
protectio protectio +1 optical
n Impleme Impleme n channel
nted by nted by protectio
Using  Using  n
Boards Boards
with the and OTU
Dual Fed Boards
and with the
Selective Single
Receiving  Fed and
Function Single

Protection 0 0 Unavailabl 0 0
Channel e

Control Unavailabl Unavailabl 0 Unavailabl Unavailabl

Channel/ e e e e

Revertive  Non-  Non- Unavailabl  Non-  Non-

Mode revertive revertive e revertive revertive

WTR Time Unavailabl Unavailabl Unavailabl Unavailabl Unavailabl

(s) e e e e e

SD Trigger  Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled



The values listed in Table 5-12 are recommended values. Set the parameters properly according
to engineering requirements in practical application.


In the case of the intra-board 1+1 protection implemented by using the OLP board and the OTU
 board with single fed and single receiving function, the Revertive Mode field is unavailable.
In the case of other protection types, if you set the Revertive Mode field to Revertive, you
also need to set the WTR Time (s)  field. The value of the WTR Time (s) field ranges from
300 to 720. The default value is 600.
5. Optional: When configuring the intra-board 1+1 protection implemented by using
OTU boards with the dual fed and selective receiving function, add an optical interface
if an optical interface is idle but cannot be selected.

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(1) Click NE Panel. Right-click the board on which you need to add a port, and then
choose Path View from the shortcut menu.

(2) Right-click a blank space in the path view and then choose Add Port from the
shortcut menu.

(3) Select a number for the new port, for example, 2(IN2/OUT2). Retain the default
 port type, for example, Line Side Color Optical Port. Then, click OK . At this
 point, a new port is added.

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Do not delete a port or change the port type unless required.

l Services are interrupted after a port is deleted.
l If the type of services received at a port is inconsistent with the default service
type supported by the board, changing the port type results in a service
l In the case of the LQM and LQM2 boards, after the port type is changed, the
service type on the port is changed into None.
The navigation path for deleting a port or changing the port type is as follows:
Click Slot Layout. Right-click the board, and then choose Path View from the
shortcut menu. Right-click the port and choose Delete Port or Modify Port
Type as required.

6. Optional: Repeat steps 1 to 4 to complete the protection configuration.


After the protection is configured, select a protection group in the Port Protection window.
In the right lower corner, you can click Delete to delete the protection group or click Modify
to modify the parameters of the protection group.


Deleting a protection group can make an NE unreachable.

l Operations on the T2000

1. In the NE Explorer window, choose Configuration > Port Protection from the
Function Tree.
2. In the Port Protection window, click New. Set parameters for the selected protection
type by referring to Table 5-12. The precautions for the operations on the T2000 are
the same as those on the Web LCT.
3. Optional: When configuring a protection group, you need to add a port in the NE
Panel window if a port is idle but cannot be selected. In the NE Panel window, right-
click the board on which you need to add a port and then choose Path View. Right-
click a blank space in the path view and then choose Add Port from the shortcut menu.
After adding a port, return to the Port Protection window to proceed with the
 protection configuration.


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Reference Information
Clas Item Description

Para Port protection See this section to learn how to set the parameters used
meter  for configuring port protection.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.13 Synchronizing the NE Time with the NMS Time

With the time synchronization function, the NE time is kept consistent with the NMS time. In
this way, the NMS is able to record the correct time when alarms and abnormal events are
reported by NEs.

You must have logged in to an NE.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

Background Information
When NEs report alarms and abnormal events to the NMS, the generation time of such alarms
and events is based on the NE time. If the NE time is incorrect, the generation time of the alarms
recorded in the NMS is also incorrect, which may cause troubles in fault locating. The same case
happens to the generation time of abnormal events that are recorded in the NE security log. To
 prevent the preceding problem, the NMS provides the function of synchronizing the NE time
with the NMS time to ensure that the NE time is correct.

With this function, all NEs can be synchronized with the NMS time manually or automatically.
In this manner, all the NEs use the NMS time as the standard time. The NMS server time refers
to the time of the computer system where the NMS server resides. This function features easy
operation and applies to a network with relatively low requirement for time accuracy.

Synchronizing NE time with the NMS time does not affect the existing services. Before
synchronizing the NE time with the NMS time, make sure that the time of the computer system
where the Web LCT/T2000 server resides is correct. If you need to change the computer system
time, first exit the Web LCT/T2000. Then, restart the Web LCT/T2000 after re-setting the
computer system time.

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l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE. Choose Configuration > NE Time
Synchronization from the Function Tree. Set Synchronous Mode to NM and then
click Apply.
2. Right-click the NE and then choose Synchronize with NM Time. In this manner, the
 NE time is synchronized with the NMS time immediately.

3. Optional: Do as follows to set the function of automatically synchronizing the NE

time with the NMS time. Set Synchronous Mode to NM and then click Apply.
4. Optional: Set Synchronization Starting Time and Synchronization Period
(days), and then click Apply.

Synchronization Starting Time cannot be earlier than the current time.

l Operations on the T2000

1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE. Choose Configuration > NE Time
Synchronization from the Function Tree. The Operation Result dialog box is
displayed. Click Close.
2. Right-click the NE and then choose Synchronize with NM Time . A dialog box is
displayed. Click Yes. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close. In
this manner, the NE time is synchronized with the NMS time immediately.
3. Optional: Do as follows to set the function of automatically synchronizing the NE
time with the NMS time. Set Synchronous Mode to NM and the click Apply.
4. Optional: Set Synchronization Starting Time and Synchronization Period
(days), and then click Apply.

Synchronization Starting Time cannot be earlier than the current time.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

Para Parameters for See this section to learn how to set the parameters
meter  Synchronizing NE associated with NE time synchronization.
descr  Time

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See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.14 Starting NE Performance Monitoring 

Enabling the performance monitoring function is a precondition for querying the performance
events. If the current NE time is in the performance monitoring time range as set before, the NE
monitors its performance events automatically. If the performance monitoring time range is not
set or if the current NE time is not within the performance monitoring time range, the NE does
not monitor its performance events.

The NE time must be synchronized with the NMS time.

You must have logged in to an NE.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000


The start time for monitoring NE performance must be later than the current time of the NMS and NE. If 
you need to monitor the performance immediately, set the start time just a little later than the current time
of the NMS and NE. The end time must be later than the start time or you can keep the end time field blank.

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Performance > NE Performance
Monitoring Time from the Function Tree. In Performance Monitor Time, select
the desired NE.

An NE must be selected in this step. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to proceed with the

2. In the 15-Minute Performance Monitor field, select Enabled and click behind

the From field to set the start time for monitoring the 15-minute performance of the

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide


The method of setting the time is as follows: In the hour, minute, or second time control, right-
click the time to increase it, or press Shift and right-click the time to decrease it.

3. In the 24-Minute Performance Monitor field, select Enabled and click behind

the From field to set the start time for monitoring the 24-minute performance of the
4. Click Apply to apply the settings.
l Operations on the T2000
1. In the NE Explorer, select the NE and then choose Performance > NE Performance
Monitoring Time from the Function Tree.

You can also choose Performance > NE Performance Monitoring Time from the Main
Menu, and then select the desired NE to display the user interface.
2. In Performance Monitor Time, select the desired NE.

An NE must be selected in this step. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to proceed with the
3. In the 15-Minute Performance Monitor field, select Enabled. Then, in the From
field, enter the start time directly.
4. In the 24-Minute Performance Monitor field, select Enabled. Then, in the From
field, enter the start time directly.
5. Click Apply. Then, in the Operation Result dialog box, click Close.


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Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Set performance When an NE detects that a certain performance value

onal) thresholds for a exceeds the specified threshold, the NE reports a
Asso specified board corresponding performance event. See this section to
ciate learn how to change the performance threshold of a
d specified board.
tions Set performance The Web LCT/T2000 can monitor the performance of all
on the monitoring parameters  boards on a network. The automatic reporting of detected
Web of a board  performance values, however, is disabled by default. You
LCT can change the default setting as required.

Set performance Set the performance monitoring parameters of a specified

monitoring parameters  NE properly and then enable the NE performance
of an NE monitoring function. By doing so, you can obtain detailed
description of performance records during the operation
of the NE. This facilitates monitoring of the existing
services and the equipment status.

Reset the performance After a network test or fault recovery, you need to reset
register of a board the performance register of a board as required before the
 board is put into operation. This is to start a new
 performance monitoring period.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.15 Searching and Creating WDM Trails

After configuring services on an NE, search for WDM trails on the NE so that you can manage
services based on WDM trails.

All fibers must be created properly.

All required services must be configured properly on the NE.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

The T2000 must be used.

Background Information
The OptiX OSN 1800 supports searching for the following WDM trails on the T2000:

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-91

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l Client trail
l ODUk trail
l OTUk trail
l OCh trail
l OMS trail
l OTS trail

Of these WDM trails, you can manage OTS trails directly without searching for them, because
the OTS trail data is stored at the network layer when fibers are connected.


In the process of searching and creating WDM trails, discrete services may be generated. You need to
analyze and remove the discrete services to ensure that no discrete service exist on the network at last.

l Operations on the T2000

For detailed description of searching, creating, and managing WDM trails, see the online
help for the T2000.

1. In the Main Menu, choose Trail > WDM Trail Search to display the WDM Trail
Search  navigation.
2. In the Advanced settings area, set various handling policies associated with trail


In the mode of searching for WDM trails by subnet, it is recommended that the selected subnet
should be separate from the other portions of the network. That is, no fiber connection exists
 between the selected subnet and any other portion on the network.

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3. Click Next to start searching for WDM trails. Wait until the status bar shows the end
of the searching.

l If certain cross-connections conflict with each other and thus fail to form an end-to-end
trail, the information about these cross-connections is displayed in the search result when
the searching is complete. You can rectify the problem according to the conflict
l Certain cross-connections may conflict with each other when the network architecture is
changed or a trail that may cause an interruption of service flows exists. You can determine
whether conflicting cross-connections exist by deleting certain routing information such
as deleting a cross-connection or a fiber 
4. Optional: Click Next to view the information about the conflicting trails. Right-click 
a trail, you can configure it with a management flag.

If you have selected Automatically create trails after searching in the search policies, skip
this step.
If you per form this step, the NMS will remove the trails that are not configured with
management flags from the network in the next step. The deletion does not affect the actual
services on the NE and the data of the NE saved on the NMS.
5. Click Next to view all discrete services on the network.

The possible causes of discrete services and the method for removing discrete services are as
l The data on the NE is inconsistent with that on the NMS. In this case, upload the
configuration data to the NMS.
l Fibers are created inappropriately and the created fiber connections are inconsistent with
the physical fiber connections. In this case, check and ensure that the fiber connections
created on the NMS are consistent with the physical fiber connections between real
l  NE configuration data is incorrect and service configuration is incomplete. In this case,
correct the NE configuration data and configure services completely.
6. Click Finish.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Configuring Services You can configure services by creating WDM trails if the
onal) by Creating WDM following conditions are met: (1) NEs on the network are
Asso Trails not configured with services. (2) Fiber connections
ciate  between these NEs have been created on the T2000. (3)
d All the NEs communicate with each other properly.
on the

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See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.16 Checking Configurations in the Commissioning 

Correct setting of each system parameter is the precondition for ensuring normal network 

Check the configurations of NEs and boards according to Table 5-13 and rectify inappropriate
configurations, for example incorrect parameter settings and incomplete parameter settings.

Table 5-13 Configuration checklist

N Item Associated Operation


1 Communication between NEs on the network is Searching and Creating NEs

normal and login to an NE is successful.

2 NE IDs and names are changed properly according Changing NE IDs and Names
to the customer planning requirements.

3 NE IP addresses are changed properly according to Changing NE IP Addresses

the customer planning requirements.

4 When the network uses the HWECC communication Setting the Ethernet Extended
 protocol, a proper extended ECC communication ECC Communication
mode is selected when the number of NEs that adopt
the extended ECC communication exceeds nine.

When the network uses IP over DCC communication Configuring IP over DCC
 protocol, the IP over DCC protocol is configured

5 Attributes of every WDM optical interface on a Setting Attributes of WDM

 board are set properly. Optical Interfaces on Boards

6 In the case of the LQM2 or LQG, the cross- Configuring Cross-

connections and SW SNCP protection are Connections
configured properly. Configuring SW SNCP

7 Intra-board 1+1 protection, optical line protection, Configuring Port Protection

client-side 1+1 protection, and inter-subrack 1+1
optical channel protection are configured properly
for a planned optical interface.

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N Item Associated Operation


8 All NEs are synchronized with the NMS time and Synchronizing the NE Time
 NE performance monitoring can be enabled with the NMS Time
normally. Enabling NE Performance


In the actual commissioning and configuration process, you are recommended to check the configurations
of an NE after configuring the NE.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.17 Backing Up the NE Database to the SCC Board

By backing up an NE database to an SCC board, you can ensure that the NE automatically
restores to the normal state in case a power failure occurs. When you back up an NE database
to an SCC board, you actually back up the NE data to the flash memory of the SCC board. After 
a power-off reset occurs on the NE, the SCC board automatically reads the configuration data
from the flash memory and applies the data to the boards on this NE.

You must have logged in to an NE.

The NE must be configured properly.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

The T2000 must be used.


After backing up an NE database to an SCC board, you can restore the NE database from the SCC board
 by performing a warm or cold reset on the SCC board.

l Operations on the T2000
1. In the Main Menu, choose Configuration > Configuration Data Management.

2. Select the NE from the Function Tree, and then click .

3. In Configuration Data Management List, select an NE or multiple NEs of which
the database you want to back up. Click Back Up NE Data and select Back Up
Database to SCC. In the displayed confirmation dialog box, click OK .
4. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


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Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Compare the methods The backup or restored NE database can be saved on the
onal) of backing up and SCC board, NMS server, or NMS client. Different
Asso restoring NE data storage locations determine different backup and
ciate restoration methods.
opera Restore the NE When a database file is lost due to a factor such as NE
tions database from the SCC maintenance or NE fault, you can restore the DRDB
on the board database that has been backed up in the flash memory of 
T200 the SCC board.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.18 Checking Optical Power of Boards

By checking the optical power of a board, you can ensure that the transmit and receive optical
 power of the board is within the normal range. When commissioning the OptiX OSN 1800, you
can adjust the optical power of a board at the site by adding, replacing, or removing a fixed
optical attenuator (FOA) or adjusting a variable optical attenuator (VOA) before an optical

The performance monitoring function must be enabled.

Fiber connections must be established properly and lasers must be enabled.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

The Web LCT or T2000 is used for querying the optical power of a board. The T2000 must be
used for querying the optical power of the entire network.

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE Ex plorer, select the board whose optical power you need to query.
2. Choose Configuration > Optical Power Management from the Function Tree.
3. Click Query to read the current optical power value from the NE.
4. Ensure that the input optical power value for each optical interface is in the range of 
Input Power Lower Threshold(dBm) and Input Power Upper Threshold(dBm) .

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– If the input optical power value for an optical interface is greater than Input Power
Lower Threshold(dBm), add a FOA or replace the existing FOA before the
optical interface to ensure that the input optical power meets the design
– If the input optical power value is smaller than Input Power Upper Threshold
(dBm), do as follows:
– Check the transmit optical power of the opposite board. If the transmit optical
 power of this board is abnormal, replace the transmitter on this board.
– Check whether appropriate FOAs are installed on the link against the FOA
installation table.
– Check and clean the fiber endfaces and flanges on the ODF.
– Check whether fiber jumpers are bent seriously or bundled too tightly.
– If the attenuation of line fibers is excessive, recommend customers to rectify
the line fibers or add an REG station to ensure that the actual line attenuation
is smaller than the line attenuation specified in the design document.

At the site, you can also use the following methods to determine whether the input optical
 power at an optical interface on a board meets the design requirement:
l Use an optical power meter to measure the input optical power at an optical interface. Then,
determine whether the input optical power is normal according to the permitted optical
 power range.
l Check the status of the LED corresponding to this optical interface, such as IN, IN1, IN2,
IN3, IN4, RM1, or RM2, on the front panel of the board.
l Always on (red): indicates that the receive optical power is excessively low.
l Blink (red): indicates that the receive optical power is excessively high.
l Always on (green): indicates that the receive optical power is normal.
5. Check the Output Power(dBm) value for each optical interface on the board. The
value must be within the specified range. If the value for an optical interface is outside
of the specified range, replace the optical module at the optical interface.

For detailed specifications of a board, see the Hardware Description.

l Operations on the T2000
1. In the Main Menu, choose Configuration > Optical Power Management to display
the Optical Power Management window.
2. Select the desired board in the NE list on the left of the window, and then click 

By selecting all the NEs on the network, you can query the optical power of all these NEs at a
3. On the right of the window, click Query. In the displayed dialog box, click Close.
4. Optional: Customize the optical power management template as required. Right-click 
the title and then choose Setting from the shortcut menu. In the displayed dialog box,
select the desired parameters. Display or hide the selected parameters as required. You
can also change the position where a parameter is displayed and customize the width
of the display field and the parameter name. For example, in the case of a network 
with no optical amplifier (OA) boards, you are recommended to hide the Pump Max
Output Power(dBm) and Pump Min Output Power(dBm)  fields. After the setting,
click OK .

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After right-clicking the title, select a parameter directly to hide or display it as required.

5. Set Reference Working Upper Threshold(dBm)  and Reference Working Lower

Threshold(dBm) .

The T2000 compares the obtained Input Power(dBm) with the Reference Working
Upper Threshold(dBm)  and Reference Working Lower Threshold(dBm)  values
to determine whether the input optical power is normal. If Input Power(dBm) is in
the range of Reference Working Upper Threshold(dBm)  and Reference Working
Lower Threshold(dBm), the input optical power is normal. If the input optical power 
exceeds either of the preceding thresholds by less than 2 dB, the Input Power State
field is displayed as warning alert; if the deviation is greater than 2 dB, the input power 
state is displayed as critical alert. The Reference Working Upper Threshold
(dBm) and Reference Working Lower Threshold(dBm)  fields have no default
values. If either of them is not set, the T2000 does not check for the input power state.


If the Input Power Reference Value(dBm) field is set but the Reference Working Upper
Threshold(dBm) and Reference Working Lower Threshold(dBm) fields are not set, the
T2000 automatically generates Reference Working Upper Threshold(dBm) and Reference
Working Lower Threshold(dBm)  field values according to Input Power Reference Value
(dBm). In this case, the following formulas must be satisfied:
l Reference Working Upper Threshold(dBm) = Input Power Reference Value(dBm) +
l Reference Working Lower Threshold(dBm) = Input Power Reference Value(dBm) -
To ensure that the T2000 displays a correct power state, you are recommended to set the
Reference Working Upper Threshold(dBm) and Reference Working Lower Threshold
(dBm) fields.

In the case of the OptiX OSN 1800, the Reference Working Upper Threshold
(dBm) and Input Power Upper Threshold(dBm)  fields have the same value, and
the Reference Working Lower Threshold(dBm)  and Input Power Lower
Threshold(dBm)  fields have the same value.
6. Check the value of the Input Power State field. If the field is displayed as Critical
Alert or Warning Alert, it indicates that the optical power of the specified optical
interface is outside of the normal range. In this case, proceed to analyze the problem.
That is, rectify this problem in the same way as used to rectify such a problem by using
the Web LCT.

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You can also compare Input Power(dBm) of each optical interface with Input Power Lower
Threshold(dBm) and Input Power Upper Threshold(dBm) . If the input optical power is
outside of the range of Input Power Lower Threshold(dBm)  and Input Power Upper
Threshold(dBm), it indicates that the input optical power is abnormal.

7. Set Output Power Reference Value(dBm) .

Output Power Reference Value(dBm)  must be set according to the output optical
 power specif ication of the optical module at the specified optical interface. The T2000
compares the obtained Output Power(dBm) with the preset Output Power
Reference Value(dBm)  to deter mine whether the output optical power is abnormal.
If Output Power(dBm) deviates from Output Power Reference Value(dBm)  by
less than 2 dB, the T2000 displays Output Power State as normal; if the deviation is
2 dB to 4 dB, the T2000 displays Output Power State as Warning Alert; if the
deviation is greater than 4 dB, the T2000 displays Output Power State as Critical
8. Check Output Power(dBm) for each optical interface on the board according to the
value of Output Power State. The output optical power must be within the specified
range. If the output optical power at an optical interface is outside of the specified
range, replace the optical module at the optical interface.

Whether Output Power State is correct depends on an appropriate setting of the Output
Power Reference Value(dBm). Thus, during the commissioning, set Output Power
Reference Value(dBm) properly according to the specification of the board and determine
whether the output optical power is normal.

9. After customizing the optical power management template, save the template. In
future, you can apply the template directly instead of re-setting parameters. To save
the customized template, choose Filter by Template > Save As. In the displayed
dialog box, enter the template name and then click OK . The Operation Result dialog
 box is displayed. Click Close.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

FAQ The receive optical In the case of a board with the dual fed and selective
power is normal but the receiving function, if only optical interface 2 or 4 is in
LDGF board reports normal state before the board is configured with
an OTU1_LOF alarm.  protection, the ESC communication will be unavailable.

The receive optical If an FE interface on the LDGF board does not access any
power is normal but the service and the channel use status is set as used, the board
LDGF board reports a will report a LINK_ERR alarm.
LINK_ERR alarm.

The receive optical If the OTU board at the remote end does not access any
power is normal but an service on the client side, the OTU board at the local end
OTU board reports an will report an REM_SF alarm.
REM_SF alarm.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-99

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Clas Item Description


(Opti Commission optical If a query operation shows that the optical power is
onal) power abnormal, you may need to commission the optical power 
Asso at the site. In this case, see this section to learn the method
ciate and procedure for commissioning optical power.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.19 Querying Bit Errors Before and After FEC

The count of bit errors before and after FEC is a key specification for measuring the system
operation quality.

The performance monitoring function must be enabled and the current NE time must be within
the specified performance monitoring time range.

FEC Working State of an OTU board must be set to Enabled.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000



During the deployment commissioning, ensure that the bit errors before FEC meet the customer 
requirements and the bit errors after FEC is zero by taking into account the line attenuation and
the configurations.

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE Explorer, select the desired board.
2. Choose Performance  > Current Performance from the Function Tree.

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3. In Performance Event Type , select the desired item and then click Query.
4. View the current values in Performance Event and Performance Value.

l Operations on the T2000

Regardless of whether the deployment commissioning is performed by using the T2000 or 
Web LCT, the requirements on the bit errors before and after FEC are the same.

1. In the Main Menu, choose Performance  > Browse WDM Performance. Then, in
the displayed window click the Current Performance Data tab.
2. In Monitored Object Filter Condition, select All, and then in the Monitor Period
field select 15-Minute or 24-Hour.

3. In the Navigation Tree, select one or more NEs, and then click .
4. Click the Count tab. In Performance Event Type, click Select All.
5. Click Query, and the Query Current Performance Data dialog box is displayed
showing the query progress.
6. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Set performance When an NE detects that a certain performance value

onal) thresholds for a exceeds the specified threshold, the NE reports a
Asso specified board corresponding performance event. See this section to
ciate learn how to change a performance threshold of a
d specified board.
tions Set performance The Web LCT/T2000 can monitor the performance of all
on the monitoring parameters  boards on a network. The automatic reporting of detected
Web of a board  performance values, however, is disabled by default. You
LCT can change the default setting as required.

Set performance Set the performance monitoring parameters of a specified

monitoring parameters  NE properly and then enable the NE performance
of an NE monitoring function. By doing so, you can obtain detailed
description of performance records during the operation
of the NE. This facilitates monitoring of the existing
services and the equipment status.

Reset the performance After a network test or fault recovery, you need to reset
register of a board the performance register of a board as required before the
 board is put into operation. This is to start a new
 performance monitoring period.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-101

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See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.20 Viewing Current Alarms on an NE and Removing 

Abnormal Alarms
Viewing the current alarms on an NE helps you to intuitively and quickly locate an exception
on the network. This helps you to identify a fault on the network.

The NMS computer must communicate with the NE properly.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000. When you need to view alarms on all NEs on the network, use the

l Operations on the Web LCT
1. In the NE Explorer window, select the NE and choose Alarm > Browse Alarms
from the Function Tree. In the displayed window, click the Browse Current
Alarms tab.
2. Analyze and handle the reported abnormal alarms. In the case of on-site maintenance,
handle Critical and Major alarms before handling other abnormal alarms.

Analyze and handle alarms one by one according to the network situations. According
to network conditions, certain alarms are reported inevitably, whereas certain alarms
cannot be reported. For example, in general no service is accessed on the WDM side
during deployment commissioning. In this case, relevant alarms are reported
inevitably. These alarms, however, are cleared automatically after real services are
accessed on the client side.

In the commissioning and configuration phases of deployment, you need to analyze

every reported alarm. In general, focus on the following alarms:

– Optical power low or high alarm

– Temperature threshold-crossing alarm
– Abnormal communication alarm
– Bit error-related alarm
– Abnormal service alarm

To handle a reported alarm, see the Alarms and Performance Events Reference.

l Operations on the T2000

1. Click the critical alarm indicator (red) on the upper right of the window to
view all the current critical alarms.

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The figure in the middle of the indicator displays the number of the current critical alarms on

the entire network. When the alarm indicator is circled with a rectangle (see ), it
indicates that there are critical alarms left unconfirmed.

2. Optional: Do as follows to display only the current alarms. On the lower left of the
list, choose Filter by Template > New to create an alarm filter template.

(1) In the Add Template dialog box, enter the template name in the Template
name field and then click Next.
(2) On the Basic Setting and Alarm Source tab pages, set alarm filtering conditions.
(3) Click Finish. In the Confirm dialog box, click Yes.

You can create multiple alarm filter templates as required. Thus, you can filter out unnecessary
alarms directly next time by selecting an appropriate alarm filter template. To select an alarm
filter template, click Template in the window and then select the template name.

3. Click the major alarm indicator (orange) on the upper right of the window to
view all the current major alarms.

The figure in the middle of the indicator displays the number of the current major alarms on

the entire network. When the alarm indicator is circled with a rectangle (see ), it
indicates that there are major alarms left unconfirmed.

4. Click the minor alarm indicator (yellow) on the upper right of the window to
view all the current minor alarms.

The figure in the middle of the indicator displays the number of the current minor alarms on

the entire network. When the alarm indicator is circled with a rectangle (see ), it
indicates that there are minor alarms left unconfirmed.

In addition to the preceding navigation path to viewing current alarms, you can also choose
Fault > Browse Current Alarm in the Main Menu. Then, in the displayed Filter dialog box,
set the alarm filter conditions on the Basic Setting and Alarm Source tab page.

5. Analyze and handle the reported abnormal alarms. For details, see the description of 
the methods for analyzing and handling alarms by using the Web LCT.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

FAQ The optical path is In the case of a board with the dual fed and selective
reachable but the NE receiving function, if only optical interface 2 or 4 is in
cannot be logged in to normal state before the board is configured with
remotely.  protection, the ESC communication will be unavailable.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-103

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Clas Item Description


(Opti Commission optical If a query operation shows that the optical power is
onal) power abnormal, you may need to commission the optical power 
Asso at the site. In this case, read this section to learn the
ciate method and procedure for commissioning optical power.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.21 Testing Protection Switching 

In the commissioning or configuration phase, you can run a manual switching command to check 
whether protection switching can be performed normally.

5.21.1 Testing SW SNCP Switching

After configuring SW SNCP protection, you can run a manual switching command to check 
whether the SW SNCP switching can be performed successfully.

5.21.2 Testing Port Protection Switching

In the case of  intra-board 1+1 protection, optical line protection, client-side 1+1 protection, and
inter-subrack  1+1 optical channel protection, you can run a manual switching command in a
same user interface.

5.21.1 Testing SW SNCP Switching 

After configuring SW SNCP protection, you can run a manual switching command to check 
whether the SW SNCP switching can be performed successfully.

The NMS computer must communicate with the NE properly.

Protection groups must be configured correctly.

The working and protection channels of a protection group on the network must be in normal

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000

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In the case of revertive protection, services can be switched only to the protection channel by
 performing a manual switching.

l Operations on the Web LCT

1. In the NE list, select the NE where an SW SNCP protection group is configured. Right-
click the NE and then choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu to display the NE
Explorer window.
2. Choose Configuration > Subwavelength SNCP Service from the Function Tree.
3. Click Query to view the values of the Channel Status and Revertive Mode fields of 
the working and protection cross-connections of all the existing SW SNCP protection
groups on the NE.

Regardless of the working or protection cross-connections, the value of the Channel

Status field should be Normal.


If the value of the Channel Status field of a working or protection cross-connection is not

Normal, check whether the channel corresponding to this cross-connection is in normal state.
Proceed with the protection switching test after rectifying the fault.
4. Right-click the desired protection group and choose Manual to Working channel or 
Manual to Protection channel. Observe the changes in parameter values and
determine whether protection switching can be performed successfully.

When Revertive Mode of the protection group is set to Non-Revertive:

– After you choose Manual to Protection Channel from the right-click menu, the
 protection switching should be performed successfully and the working cross-
connection becomes the protection cross-connection.
– After you choose Manual to Working Channel from the right-click menu, the
 protection switching should be performed successfully and the protection cross-
connection becomes the work cross-connection.

When Revertive Mode of the protection group is set to Revertive:

– After you choose Manual to Protection Channel from the right-click menu, the
 protection switching should be performed successfully and the working cross-
connection becomes the protection cross-connection. After the time specified in
the WTR Time (s) field elapses, the protection cross-connection of the protection
group automatically restores to the working cross-connection.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide


If the protection switching fails or an exception occurs in the protection switching process after 
you run a manual switching command, check whether the channel corresponding to the working
or protection cross-connection is in normal state, and whether the protection group and the
working and protection cross-connections are configured properly. Proceed with the protection
switching test after removing the fault.
l Operations on the T2000
1. Select the NE where the SW SNCP protection group is configured. In the NE
Explorer window of this NE, choose Configuration > WDM Service
Management  from the Function Tree. In the displayed window, click the SNCP
Service Control tab.
2. Click Query to view the status of all the existing protection groups on the NE. Click 
Function to display a drop-down list. Then, run manual switching commands on each
 protection group in turn to determine whether protection switching can be performed
successfully for the protection group. The operations and precautions are the same as
those when the protection switching test is performed by using the Web LCT.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Delete a cross- See this section to learn how to delete a cross-connection.
onal) connection
ciate Convert a service with A service with SNCP protection can be converted into a
d SNCP protection into a service with no protection.
opera service with no
tions protection
on the

Para WDM cross- See this section to learn how to set the parameters used
meter  connection for configuring a WDM cross-connection.
descr  configuration
SNCP service control See this section to learn how to set the parameters for 
controlling services with SNCP protection.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5-106 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

5.21.2 Testing Port Protection Switching 

In the case of intra-board 1+1 protection, optical line protection, client-side 1+1 protection, and
inter-subrack 1+1 optical channel protection, you can run a manual switching command in a
same user interface.

The NMS computer must communicate with the NE properly.

Protection groups must be configured correctly.

The working and protection channels of a port protection group on the network must be in normal

Tools, Meters, and Materials

Web LCT or T2000



In the case of revertive protection, services can be switched only to the protection channel by
 performing a manual switching.

l Operations on the Web LCT

1. In the NE list, select the NE where a port protection group is configured. Right-click 
the NE and then choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu to display the NE
Explorer window.
2. Choose Configuration > Port Protection from the Function Tree.
3. Click Query to view the values of the Current Channel, Working Channel
Status, and Protection Channel Status fields of all the existing protection groups on
the NE.

The values of the Working Channel Status and Protection Channel Status fields

should be Normal.


If the value of the Working Channel Status or Protection Channel Status is not Normal,
check the working or protection channel. Proceed with the protection switching test after 
removing the fault.

4. Right-click the desired protection group and choose Manual to Working channel or 
Manual to Protection channel. Observe the changes in parameter values and
determine whether protection switching can be performed successfully.

When Revertive Mode of the protection group is set to Non-Revertive:

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-107

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

– If Current Channel of the protection group is set to Work , select Manual to

Protection channel from the right-click menu. If the manual switching is
successful, the value of Current Channel  changes to Protection. Later, choose
Clear Switching from the right-click menu to clear the current protection setting.
After that, choose Manual to Working channel from the right-click menu. If the
manual switching is successful, the value of Current Channel changes to
Work .
– If Current Channel of the protection group is set to Protection, select Manual
to Working channel from the right-click menu. If the manual switching is
successful, the value of Current Channel changes to Work . Later, choose Clear
Switching from the right-click menu to clear the current protection setting. After 
that, choose Manual to Protection channel from the right-click menu. If the
manual switching is successful, the value of Current Channel changes to

When Revertive Mode of the protection group is set to Revertive:

– If Current Channel of the protection group is set to Work , choose Manual to

Protection channel from the right-click menu. If the manual switching is
successful, the value of Current Channel  changes to Protection. After the time
specified in the WTR Time (s) field elapses, the value of Current Channel
automatically restores to Work .
– If Current Channel is set to Protection, the value of Current Channel
automatically restores to Work  after the time specified in the WTR Time (s) field

If the protection switching fails or an exception occurs in the protection switching process after 
you run a manual switching command, check whether the protection or working channel is in
normal state, and whether the protection group configuration is correct. Proceed with the
 protection switching test after removing the fault.
l Operations on the T2000
1. In the NE Explorer window of the NE where a port protection group is configured,
choose Configuration > Port Protection from the Function Tree.
2. Click Query to view the status of all the existing protection groups on the NE. Then,
run manual switching commands on each protection group in turn to determine
whether protection switching can be performed successfully for the protection group.
The operations and precautions are the same as those when the protection switching
test is performed by using the Web LCT.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

Para Port protection See this section to learn how to set the parameters for 
meter  configuring port protection.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.22 Querying and Saving the Networkwide Optical Power

and Alarm Data
After commissioning a network, you need to query and save the optical power and alarm data
of the entire network. This type of data can help you analyze and understand the operating status
of the network in future.

The performance monitoring function must be enabled.

Fiber connections must be established properly and lasers must be enabled.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

The T2000 must be used for querying the optical power and alarms of the entire network.

l Operations on the T2000
1. In the Main Menu, choose Configuration > Optical Power Management to display
the Optical Power Management window.
2. Optional: If an optical power management template has already been customized,
you can use this template to filter out unnecessary optical power managed objects. To
invoke this template, do as follows. Choose Filter by Template > Apply. In the
displayed dialog box, select the required template. Then, click Apply.

3. In the NE list on the left of the window, click .

4. In the pane on the right of the window, click Query. In the displayed dialog box, click 
5. Check the optical power on the entire network and ensure that the optical power of all
the equipment on the network is proper.
6. Optional: Set the current optical power of the entire network to this reference value.
This will facilitate future maintenance of the network. Click Reset Networkwide
Reference Value. The Confirm dialog box is displayed. Click OK . The Operation
Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close.

After all the commissioning and configuration tasks are performed during deployment, the
optical power of the network obtained at the time when the network starts working is the
reference value indicating the optimal performance of the network.

7. Click Save As. Select the path for saving the optical power report and enter the name
for this report. After that, click Save. At this point, the optical power data of the entire
network is saved on the specified path.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5-109

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide

8. In the Main Menu, choose Fault > Browse Current Alarms. In the displayed
Filter window, set the alarm filter conditions on the Basic Setting and Alarm
Source  tab pages. Click OK .

To save all the data of the current alarms, ensure that all the alarms can be displayed properly
when setting alarm filter conditions.

9. Click Synchronize . The Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Click Close to

synchronize the alarm data on the NE with that on the NMS.
10. Click Save As. Select the path for saving the alarm data and enter the file name. After 
that, click OK . At this point, the data of the current alarms is saved on the specified


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Check optical power of  If the obtained optical power is outside of the normal
onal) boards range, see this section to learn how to rectify a problem
Asso with abnormal optical power.
d Query current alarms If a query of alarms shows that abnormal alarms are
opera on an NE and remove generated at that time on the network, see this section to
tions abnormal alarms learn how to handle an abnormal alarm.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5.23 Backing Up NE Data to the NMS Server or Client

You can manually back up the data of one or more NEs of the same type to an NMS server or 

The path for saving the backup data and the TFTP/FTP/SFTP server must be configured and the
TFTP/FTP/SFTP service must be started.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

The T2000 must be used when you back up NE data to an NMS server or client.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide 5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  


Observe the following precautions when backing up NE data to an NMS server or client:
l The backup operation can be performed to multiple NEs at the same time if these NEs are of the same
l If you select a node of a certain NE type in the Navigation Tree, the Device View tab page displays
the information and version information of all the NEs of this type.
l The Backup Information tab page displays the information of the backup file.

l Operations on the T2000
1. In the Main Menu, choose Data Center > Device Operation. The Device View list
is displayed.
2. In the Device View list, right-click the NE whose data you want to back up and then
choose Backup from the shortcut menu. The Backup dialog box is displayed.


When multiple NEs are selected, the Basic Information tab is unavailable.

3. Select NMS Server or NMS Client to back up the data of the selected NE to the NMS
server or client.

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5 Commissioning and Configuring the Network  Commissioning and Configuration Guide


NMS Server is selected by default. If you select NMS Client, the data of the selected NE is
 backed up to the NMS client.

4. Optional: If you select NMS Server, you also need to click to select the path
for saving the backup NE data.
5. Click Start, and then the Device View page displays the backup progress. In this case,
wait until the data of the selected NE is backed up.


Reference Information
Clas Item Description

(Opti Compare the methods The backup or restored NE database can be saved on the
onal) of backing up and SCC board, NMS server, or NMS client. Different
Asso restoring NE data storage locations determine different backup and
ciate restoration methods.
opera Restore NE data from After backing up NE data to the NMS server or client,
tions the NMS server or you can see this section to learn how to restore NE data
on the client from the NMS server or client.

See List of Tasks for Commissioning and Configuration During Deployment for the
subsequent task.

5-112 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide A Handling Common Commissioning Problems

A  Handling Common Commissioning 


This chapter describes the methods of analyzing and handling the most common problems
happening in the deployment process. You need to analyze and handle problems according to
actual situations.

In the commissioning or configuration phase of deployment, alarms are generally generated

when a problem happens. For example, alarms are generated if no service is received on the
client side or if the configuration is incomplete. You need to analyze each alarm reported by
equipment to determine which alarms do not reflect abnormal running status and which alarms
indicate running status in the current engineering conditions. Abnormal alarms must be handled
 properly in the commissioning or configuration phase of deployment.

Equipment may report various alarms. Different alarms have different causes. This chapter 
describes the common causes of the common alarms and the common methods of handling such
alarms generated during deployment. There may be other causes of such alarms. Thus, analyze
and handle alarms in the commissioning or configuration phase of deployment according to
actual situations. For details on how to handle alarms of the OptiX OSN 1800, see the Alarms
and Performance Events Reference.

When reporting an alarm, the NMS also displays the position where the alarm is generated.
Determine the slot, board name, and optical interface where the alarm is generated according to
the displayed position information. For example, 1-LDGF2-201(LP1/LP1)-OTU1:1. In the case
of the LDGF2 board, 201(LP1/LP1) indicates the IN1 and IN2 optical interfaces, and 202(LP2/
LP2) indicates the IN3 and IN4 optical interfaces. The digit 1 at the end of the position
information indicates the IN1 or IN3 optical interface. If the digit is 2, it indicates the IN2 or 
IN4 optical interface. That is, 1-LDGF2-201(LP1/LP1)-OTU1:1 indicates that the alarm is
generated at the IN1 optical interface on the LDGF2 board in slot 1. The indication of the position
information for other boards is similar.

A.1 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LDGF Board Reports an OTU1_LOF Alarm

A.2 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LDGF Board Reports a LINK_ERR Alarm

A.3 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LWX2 Board Reports the R_LOC Alarm

A.4 The Receive Optical Power is Normal But an OTU Board Reports an REM_SF Alarm

A.5 The Optical Path Is Reachable But the NE Cannot Be Logged in Remotely

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-1

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A Handling Common Commissioning Problems Commissioning and Configuration Guide

A.1 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LDGF

Board Reports an OTU1_LOF Alarm

LDGF, OTU1_LOF, LWX2 regeneration board

The receive optical power on the WDM side of the LDGF board is normal but the board reports
an OTU1_LOF alarm.

The LDGF board that reports an OTU1_LOF alarm works with the LWX2 regeneration board.
Figure A-1 shows the network where the LDGF and LWX2 board are used. The ALS function
of a laser on the LWX2 regeneration board is disabled and all lasers on this board are enabled.
As shown in Figure A-1, the optical cable between the two LWX2 regeneration boards is
unavailable. That is, the optical path between the two regeneration boards is absent. Thus, the
downstream LWX2 regeneration board reports an R_LOS alarm.

Figure A-1 LDGF board networking mode

2 2 F

Cause Analysis
The receive optical power on the WDM side of the LDGF board is normal but the board reports
an OTU1_LOF alarm. This indicates that the frame structure of the received optical signals is
invalid or the board is faulty. In general, the probability that the board is faulty is very small.
Thus, you can first check whether the received optical signals are normal.

As described previously, the upstream optical path is unavailable, and thus the downstream
LWX2 regeneration board cannot receive valid optical signals. The lasers on the downstream
LWX2 regeneration board, however, are forcibly enabled. Thus, the downstream LWX2
regeneration board transmits white light signals that have no frame structure. Thus, although
optical power of the optical signals received by the LDGF, the LDGF board reports an
OTU1_LOF alarm because the received optical signals have no frame structure.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide A Handling Common Commissioning Problems

After an analysis, this is normal for the LDGF board to an OTU1_LOF alarm in the current
engineering situation. When the optical cable between the two LWX2 regeneration boards is
installed and the optical path between them are present, the OTU1_LOF alarm will be cleared

Reference Information

A.2 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LDGF

Board Reports a LINK_ERR Alarm


The receive optical power on the WDM side of the LDGF board is normal, the ETH port,
however, reports the LINK_ERR alarm. No service gains access to the ETH port on the LDGF
 board where the alarm is reported.

Cause Analysis
The LINK_ERR alarm indicates that valid links between two data ports fail to be established,
however, the receive optical power on the WDM side of the LDGF board is normal and the line
is normal.

 No service gains access to the ETH port on the LDGF board, and therefore valid links fail to be
established and the LINK_ERR alarm is reported.

Under the current engineering condition, the situation is normal.

1. If the ETH port on the LDGF board is planned to access services in the network planning,
the alarm is cleared automatically after the ETH port accesses services normally.
2. If the ETH port on the LDGF board is not planned to access services in the network 
 planning, set the ETH channel to unused so that the channel does not detect the alarms that
are irrelevant with normal network operation.

Reference Information

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-3

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A Handling Common Commissioning Problems Commissioning and Configuration Guide

A.3 The Receive Optical Power Is Normal But the LWX2

Board Reports the R_LOC Alarm

LWX2, R_LOC, interconnected equipment

The client side of the LWX2 board interconnects with the client equipment to access the STM-16
service. The optical interface of the client equipment reports the R_LOS alarm, the client side
of the LWX2 board and the corresponding WDM side report the R_LOC alarm, and the service
is unavailable.

Cause Analysis
Check the optical power. The result shows that the receive optical power values on the client
equipment and the client and WDM sides of LWX2 board are normal.

Query the WDM interface attributes of the LWX2 board to check whether the board
configuration is correct. The result shows that the service rates on the client and WDM sides of 
the LWX2 board are set to 2488.3 Mbit/s and 2667.0 Mbit/s respectively. Because the LWX2
 board is a service transparent transmission board, the service rates on the client and WDM sides
of the LWX2 board must be the same as the rate of the service that is actually accessed.
Otherwise, the R_LOC alarm is reported and the service is unavailable.

The R_LOC alarm is reported because the service rate on the WDM side of the LWX2 board is
different from the actual service rate. Change the service rate on the WDM side of the board to
2488.3 Mbit/s, and the symptom disappears and the service is available.

Reference Information
Regardless of whether the LWX2 board is used as a service transparent transmission board or a
regeneration board, the service rates on the client and WDM sides of the board must be the same
as the rate of the service that is actually accessed. Otherwise, the service is unavailable.

A.4 The Receive Optical Power is Normal But an OTU Board

Reports an REM_SF Alarm

OTU, REM_SF, client-side service

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide A Handling Common Commissioning Problems

As shown in Figure A-2, the receive optical power of the OTU board is normal but the client
side of the OTU board at station A reports the REM_SF alarm.

Figure A-2 Schematic diagram of the OTU board reporting the REM_SF alarm



 A B

Cause Analysis
The REM_SF alarm indicates that the receive signals on the client side of the OTU board at the
opposite station fail. At the deployment commissioning phase, no service gains access to the
client side of the OTU board at station B, and therefore the alarm is reported.

After services gain access to the client side of the OTU board at station B, the alarm is cleared.

Reference Information

A.5 The Optical Path Is Reachable But the NE Cannot Be

Logged in Remotely

LDGF2, NE unreachable, remote login

The communication between stations A and B is achieved through only the ESC provided by
the LDGF2 board. Because the optical fibers are not connected at the deployment commissioning
 phase, the optical paths of IN1/OUT1 on the LDGF2 board are unavailable. The optical paths
of IN2/OUT2, however, are normal. See Figure A-3. Station B cannot be logged in remotely at
station A.

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A Handling Common Commissioning Problems Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Figure A-3 Schematic diagram of the network of the LDGF2 board


2 2

 A B

Cause Analysis
The LDGF2 board receives ESC overhead bytes through the channels of IN1/OUT1. The optical
 paths of IN1/OUT1 on the LDGF2 board are unavailable. Therefore, the ESC overhead bytes
fail to be received, communication between NEs fails to be established, and the NE fails to be
logged in remotely.

Under the current engineering condition, establish normal communication routes according to
the network planning:

l Configure intra-board 1+1 protection on the LDGF2 boards at stations A and B respectively
to establish normal communication between the two stations by using the channels of IN2/
l Restore the fiber connections.

Reference Information
In the case of the OTU boards with the dual fed and selective receiving function, before the
 protection is configured, overhead bytes are received through only the channels of IN1/OUT1
or IN3/OUT3. If the optical paths of IN1/OUT1 or IN3/OUT3 are unavailable, the ESC
communication fails even if the optical paths of IN2/OUT2 or IN4/OUT4 are normal. After the
 protection is configured, the ESC communication is normal even if only one channel is normal.

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OptiX OSN 1800 B Reference Operations for the Commissioning and

Commissioning and Configuration Guide Configuration

B  Reference Operations for the

Commissioning and Configuration

This chapter lists the reference operations for the commissioning and configuration. You can
 perform proper operations according to the network condition.

B.1 Obtaining NE IP Addresses at the Site

In the case of onsite commissioning, if the T2000 or Web LCT is unavailable, you can obtain
the IP address of an NE by running a command directly in the Windows operating system.

B.2 Creating a Single NE

Creating NEs one by one is not as quick and precise as the batch creation. However, creating
 NEs one by one is applicable no matter what way of communication an NE adopts. The NEs
that use serial ports to communicate do not support the NE search function and you must create
them one by one.

B.3 Checking the NE Software Version

This topic describes how to check the NE software version.

B.4 Creating an NE User 

To ensure NE data security, only the users with NE user authority can log in to the NEs. An NE
user is able to perform operations on the NEs according to the assigned authority. The Web
LCT administrator is advised to create NE users before configuring services.

B.5 Switching a Logged-In NE User 

During a new deployment, after the lct NE user creates an NE, this user can create another NE
user. You can log in to the NE with the new NE user name.

B.6 Modifying the Optical NE Name

You can change the optical NE name at any time as required with no effect on the running of 
the NE.

B.7 Modifying GNE Parameters

During the network optimization and adjustment, you may need to change the GNE type or 
modify the communication address.

B.8 Changing the GNE for NEs

When the GNE that the non-gateway NE belongs to is changed and this non-gateway NE does
not belong to another GNE, you need to change the GNE to maintain the communication between
the NEs and the T2000. When the number of NEs managed by a certain GNE exceeds a certain
number (the number is usually 50 and varies depending on different types of equipment), change

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-1

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B Reference Operations for the Commissioning and OptiX OSN 1800

Configuration Commissioning and Configuration Guide

the GNE for certain NEs so that the communication between the T2000 and the NEs is not

B.9 Deleting an NE
When you need to adjust the network topology or have created a wrong NE, you can delete the
 NE from the Web LCT. Deleting an NE removes all information of the NE from the Web LCT
 but does not affect the running of the equipment.

B.10 Enabling the Proxy ARP

The address r esolution protocol (ARP) helps you to query the MAC address of the destination
equipment using its IP address. If you enable proxy ARP for a gateway NE, the gateway NE can
answer ARP requests for other non-gateway NEs, so that you can set IP addresses of NEs of the
same networ k in the same network segment.

B.11 Configuring Static Routing

If the NE ado pts IP over DCC and direction communication connection mode, you need to
configure a static route between the NM computer and the NE.

B.12 Querying the OSPF Protocol Status

Enable the OSPF protocol so that the routing information on the gateway NE can be
automatically diffused to other NEs.

B.13 Configuring the NE Data

Though an NE is successfully created, it is not configured. You need to configure the NE first
so that the T2000 can manage and operate the NE.

B.14 Configuring Boards

In the NE Panel, you can add a board and set port attributes for the board.

B.15 Performance Management

To ensure the normal functioning of the network, the network management and maintenance
 personnel should periodically check and monitor the network by taking proper performance
management measures.

B.16 Modifying the Services Configuration

After a service is configured, you can modify or delete the configuration data of the service
 based on the following task sets.

B.17 Switching the Working Mode of the LQM2

The default working mode of the LQM2 board is 2LQM Mode. When the working mode is
switched to AP8 Mode, you need to configure the board and add the IN2/OUT2 optical interface
according to this section.

B.18 Backing Up and Restoring the NE Data

For the secur ity of the NE data, you can back up and restore the NE data.

B.19 Creating Fiber Connections in List Mode

In Fiber/Cable Management, you can manage the fiber connections between NEs and inside
 NEs in a unified manner. Compared with the graphic mode, the creating fiber connections in the
list mode is not visual. Hence, the list mode is applicable to the scenario where you create a few
fiber connections only.

B.20 Configuring Services by Creating WDM Trails

You can conf igure services on NEs by creating OCh, ODUk, or client trails. To create an OCh,
ODUk, or client trail, you need to search for or create the information about the trail at the
corresponding server layer and then specify the source and sink of the OCh, ODUk, or client

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OptiX OSN 1800 B Reference Operations for the Commissioning and

Commissioning and Configuration Guide Configuration

B.1 Obtaining NE IP Addresses at the Site

In the case of onsite commissioning, if the T2000 or Web LCT is unavailable, you can obtain
the IP address of an NE by running a command directly in the Windows operating system.

The NMS computer must run on Windows and must be connected to the NE directly by using
an Ethernet cable.

Tools, Meters, and Materials


Background Information
You can use the LAMP button on the SCC board to restore the default IP address of the equipment
on site.

Press the LAMP button on the SCC board and hold it for five to ten seconds. Then, release the
 button and wait for five to ten seconds.

Press the button again and hold it for five to ten seconds. Then, release the button and wait for 
five to ten seconds.

Press the button for the third time and hold it for more than five seconds, and then release the

In this manner, the IP address of the equipment can be restored.


The default IP address is

Step 1 Set the IP address of the NMS computer to ensure that the NMS computer is located on the 129.9
network segment. For example, set the IP address to

Step 2 On the Windows, choose Start > Run and then enter cmd in the command line interface to enter 
the DOS system. In the DOS system, enter ping

Step 3 When the timeout response is complete, enter arp -a.

Step 4 The IP address of the NE is displayed in the Internet Address column.

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B.2 Creating a Single NE

Creating NEs one by one is not as quick and precise as the batch creation. However, creating
 NEs one by one is applicable no matter what way of communication an NE adopts. The NEs
that use serial ports to communicate do not support the NE search function and you must create
them one by one.

Step 1 Click Add NE in the NE list.
The Add NE dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Enter an NE ID and an Extended ID.

Step 3 Select Gateway Type and set related parameters.
l If the gateway type is IP Gateway, set IP Address and Port.

l If the gateway type is Serial Port, set Port and Baud Rate.

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The range of ID is from 1 to 49135.

Step 4 Enter the User Name and the Password.

The default NE user is lct and the default password is password.

Step 5 Click OK .

One entry is added in the NE list. Usually the NE communicates normally and is in the Logged
In state.


After an NE is created, if you fail to log in to the NE, possible causes are listed as follows:

l The communication between the T2000 and the NE is abnormal. Check the settings of 
communication parameters, such as the IP address of the NE and NE ID.
l The password for the NE user is incorrect. Enter the correct password for the NE user.
l The NE user is invalid or the NE user is already logged in. Change to use a valid NE user.

B.3 Checking the NE Software Version

This topic describes how to check the NE software version.

Background Information
The NE software version refers to the version of the SCC board of the NE.

The SCC board refers to the system control and communication unit. The SCC board interoperates with
the T2000 to manage the boards of the equipment and realize the communication between the equipment.

Step 1 In the NE List, double-click the desired NE. The NE panel is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click the SCC board and then choose SCC Version from the shortcut menu.

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Step 3 In the Prompt dialog box, view the NE software version.

Step 4 Click OK .


B.4 Creating an NE User

To ensure NE data security, only the users with NE user authority can log in to the NEs. An NE
user is able to perform operations on the NEs according to the assigned authority. The Web
LCT administrator is advised to create NE users before configuring services.

You must log in the NE to create an NE user.

The default NE user has the monitor level authority. To ensure NE data security, it is
recommended that you assign NE users with different authorities as required. Refer to
Parameters: NE User Management.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select the NE and choose Security  > NE User Management from the
Function Tree.

Step 2 Click and the Add NE User dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Enter the NE user name in the field.


The NE user name must contain letters, or it can be a combination of letters, symbols and numerals. The
 NE user name contains at least 4, but not more than 16 characters.

Step 4 Select the as needed.

Step 5 Enter the password in the New Password field and enter it again in the Confirm Password

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The password is a string of 6-16 characters. It can consist of letters, symbols and numerals, and must contain
at least one letter and one numeral.

Step 6 Click OK .


B.5 Switching a Logged-In NE User

During a new deployment, after the lct NE user creates an NE, this user can create another NE
user. You can log in to the NE with the new NE user name.

The NE user must be created.

Background Information
An NE user cannot log in to or manage an NE at multiple clients at the same time. After you use
an NE user to log in to an NE through a T2000 server, if you use the same NE user to log in to
the same NE through another T2000 server, the NE user is forced to log out from the first
T2000 server.

Step 1 In the NE List, select one or more NEs that are logged in and click NE Logout. The NE status
 becomes Not Logged In.

Step 2 Click NE Login. The NE Login dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Enter the User Name and the Password.
Step 4 Click OK . In the NE List, the Login Status changes to Logged In.


B.6 Modifying the Optical NE Name

You can change the optical NE name at any time as required with no effect on the running of 
the NE.

Step 1 Right-click an optical NE on the Main Topology and choose Attribute from the shortcut menu.
The NE Attribute dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Enter the new optical NE name and click OK .


An Optical NE name can contain a maximum of 64 letters, symbols, and numerals, but cannot contain the
following special characters: | : * ? " < >.


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B.7 Modifying GNE Parameters

During the network optimization and adjustment, you may need to change the GNE type or 
modify the communication address.



This is a potential service affecting operation. Specifically, it may interrupt the communication
 between a GNE and the T2000, and the communication between the GNE and the non-gateway
 NEs that are managed by the GNE.

Step 1 Choose System > DCN Management from the Main Menu. Click the GNE tab.
Step 2 Select the GNE to be modified, right-click and choose Modify GNE from the shortcut menu.
Step 3 In the Modify GNE dialog box displayed, set Gateway Type the parameters.


l It is not recommended to modify the Port No..

l Make sure that the IP address of the GNE is in the same network segment as the IP address of the
T2000. When the T2000 server and the GNE are in different network segments, you need to set the
network port attributes of the router through which the T2000 server and the GNE are connected. In
this way, the T2000 can log in to the GNE.

Step 4 Click OK . In the Operation Result dialog box that is displayed, click Close.


B.8 Changing the GNE for NEs

When the GNE that the non-gateway NE belongs to is changed and this non-gateway NE does
not belong to another GNE, you need to change the GNE to maintain the communication between
the NEs and the T2000. When the number of NEs managed by a certain GNE exceeds a certain

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number (the number is usually 50 and varies depending on different types of equipment), change
the GNE for certain NEs so that the communication between the T2000 and the NEs is not



This operation may interrupt the NE communication.

Step 1 Choose System > DCN Management from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Click the NE tab.

Step 3 Select an NE. Double-click the Primary GNE1 field and select a GNE from the drop-down list.

Step 4 Click Apply. Click Close in the Operation Result dialog box.

Step 5 Click Refresh .


B.9 Deleting an NE
When you need to adjust the network topology or have created a wrong NE, you can delete the
 NE from the Web LCT. Deleting an NE removes all information of the NE from the Web LCT
 but does not affect the running of the equipment.

Fibers and cables connected to the NE must be deleted.

Step 1 In the NE List, select the NE you wish to delete, and click Delete NE.

Step 2 Click OK .


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B.10 Enabling the Proxy ARP

The address resolution protocol (ARP) helps you to query the MAC address of the destination
equipment using its IP address. If you enable proxy ARP for a gateway NE, the gateway NE can
answer ARP requests for other non-gateway NEs, so that you can set IP addresses of NEs of the
same network in the same network segment.

You must be an NM user with "NE maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information
When the Web LCT and the gateway NE are directly connected through LAN and the IP
addresses of the Web LCT and the gateway NE are in the same network segment, when the
remote NEs connect to the gateway NE through fibers, and when the IP addresses of the remote
 NEs, the gateway NE, and the Web LCT are in the same subnet, there are requirements that the
Web LCT accesses the NEs on the entire network through the gateway NE and the upper layer 
application requirement of accessing remote NEs based on the IP network layer. To meet the
upper layer application requirement of accessing remote NEs based on the IP network layer, you
need to enable the proxy ARP of the gateway NE.

Step 1 Select an NE in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack 
Management  from the Function Tree. Click the Proxy ARP tab.

Step 2 Optional: Click Query.

Step 3 Double-click Value and select Disabled or Enabled from the drop-down list.
Step 4 Click Apply. Click Close in the Operation Result dialog box.


After you enable proxy ARP, you need to create a static route for each NE.

B.11 Configuring Static Routing 

If the NE adopts IP over DCC and direction communication connection mode, you need to
configure a static route between the NM computer and the NE.

Step 1 Select the desired NE from the object tree. Then choose Communication > IP Stack Protocol
Management  from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the IP Route Management tab.

Step 3 Click New. Configure the following parameters in the Create an IP Route dialog box.

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l Destination Address: the IP address of the NE that requires communication

l Subnet Mask : the network mask code of the subnet where an NE resides
l Gateway IP: the IP address of the forwarding NE

Step 4 Click Apply.


B.12 Querying the OSPF Protocol Status

Enable the OSPF protocol so that the routing information on the gateway NE can be
automatically diffused to other NEs.

You must be an NM user with "NE maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information
The OSPF protocol is enabled by default.

Step 1 Select an NE in the NE Explorer. Choose Communication > IP Protocol Stack 
Management  from the Function Tree. Click the OSPF Parameter Settings tab.

Step 2 Click Query to check if the OSPF protocol status is normal.


If the OSPF protocol is incorrect, please contact Huawei engineers to adjust the OSPF protocol
 parameters used by the NEs.

B.13 Configuring the NE Data

Though an NE is successfully created, it is not configured. You need to configure the NE first
so that the T2000 can manage and operate the NE.

B.13.1 Configuring the NE Data Manually

By configuring NE data manually, you can configure the board slot information of an NE.

B.13.2 Uploading the NE Data

By uploading the NE data, you can synchronize the current NE configuration data to the network 
management system directly.

B.13.1 Configuring the NE Data Manually

By configuring NE data manually, you can configure the board slot information of an NE.

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The NE must be created successfully.

Step 1 Right-click an unconfigured NE in the NE information list and choose Configuration from the
shortcut menu. The NE Configuration Wizard dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Select Manual Configuration and click Next. The Confirm dialog box is displayed, indicating
that manual configuration clears the data on the NE side.

Step 3 Click OK . The Confirm dialog box is displayed, indicating that manual configuration interrupts
the service on the NE.

Step 4 Click OK . The Set NE Attribute dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Optional: If you need to modify the NE Attribute, set NE Name, Equipment Type, NE
Remarks, and Subrack Type.

Step 6 Click Next, and the NE slot window is displayed.

Step 7 Optional: Click Query Logical Information to query the logical boards of the NE.
Step 8 Optional: Click Query Physical Information to query the physical boards of the NE.

Step 9 Optional: Right-click on the slot to add a board.

Step 10 Click Next to display the Send Configuration window.
Step 11 Select Verify and Run as required and click Finish.

Verification involves running the verification command. Click Finish to deliver the configuration to the
 NE and complete the basic configurations for the NE. After the verification is successful, the NE starts to
work normally.


B.13.2 Uploading the NE Data

By uploading the NE data, you can synchronize the current NE configuration data to the network 
management system directly.

The NE must be created successfully.

Step 1 Right-click an unconfigured NE in the NE information list and choose Configuration from the
shortcut menu. The NE Configuration Wizard dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Select Upload and click Next. The Confirm dialog box is displayed, indicating that the upload
may take a long time.

Step 3 Click OK  to start the upload. The Operation Result dialog box is displayed when the uploading
is complete.

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Step 4 Click Close.


B.14 Configuring Boards

In the NE Panel, you can add a board and set port attributes for the board.

B.14.1 Adding Boards

When manually configuring the NE data, you need to add boards on the NE Panel. You can
either add the physical boards that actually operate on the NE or add the logical boards that do
not exist on the actual equipment.

B.14.2 Deleting Boards

To modify the network configuration or the NE configuration, you may need to delete the boards
from the NE Panel.

B.14.1 Adding Boards

When manually configuring the NE data, you need to add boards on the NE Panel. You can
either add the physical boards that actually operate on the NE or add the logical boards that do
not exist on the actual equipment.

l The NE must be created.
l There must be idle slot on the NE Panel.

The physical boards are the actual boards inserted in the subrack. A logical board refers to a
 board that is created on the T2000. After a logical board is created, you can configure the relevant
services. If the corresponding physical board is online, the configured services can be available.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, click Slot Layout.
Step 2 Right-click the selected idle slot. Select the board you want to add from the drop-down list.

Click Add Physical Boards . All the slots in which physical boards are configured, and the system
automatically creates corresponding logical boards.


B.14.2 Deleting Boards

To modify the network configuration or the NE configuration, you may need to delete the boards
from the NE Panel.

The fibers, trails, services and protection groups must be deleted.

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Step 1 In the NE Explorer, click Slot Layout to select a subrack.

Step 2 Right-click the board you want to delete and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.

Certain boards, such as PIU boards, cannot be deleted. The boards that can be deleted vary with different
types of equipment. For details, see the Hardware Description of each type of the equipment.


B.15 Performance Management

To ensure the normal functioning of the network, the network management and maintenance
 personnel should periodically check and monitor the network by taking proper performance
management measures.

B.15.1 Setting the Board Performance Threshold

The NE reports an event when it detects that a performance value exceeds the specified threshold.
According to the requirement, you can set different performance thresholds for a board.

B.15.2 Setting Performance Monitoring Parameters of a Board

You can set the monitoring status and the automatic reporting status of monitored objects. The
T2000 monitors all the performance of the board, but the automatic reporting feature is disabled
 by default. You can modify the value of the attribute according to the requirement.

B.15.3 Setting Performance Monitoring Parameters of an NE

By setting performance monitoring parameters of an NE properly and starting the performance
monitoring for the NE, you can obtain the detailed performance record during the running of 
the NE. This facilitates the monitoring and analysis of the NE running status performed by
maintenance personnel.

B.15.4 Resetting Board Performance Registers

After a network test or fault recovery but before the official operation, you need to reset the
 performance register so that the system enters a new performance monitoring period.

B.15.1 Setting the Board Performance Threshold

The NE repor ts an event when it detects that a performance value exceeds the specified threshold.
According to the requirement, you can set different performance thresholds for a board.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select a related board and choose Performance  > Performance

Step 2 Set performance thresholds according to the requirement.

Step 3 Optional: Click Default to restore the default settings.

Step 4 Click Apply.


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B.15.2 Setting Performance Monitoring Parameters of a Board

You can set the monitoring status and the automatic reporting status of monitored objects. The
T2000 monitors all the performance of the board, but the automatic reporting feature is disabled
 by default. You can modify the value of the attribute according to the requirement.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > Performance Monitor Status
from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select a condition from the Monitored Object Filter Condition drop-down list.

Step 3 Set the Monitor Status, 15-Minute Auto-Report and 24-Hour Auto-Report. Click Apply.


B.15.3 Setting Performance Monitoring Parameters of an NE

By setting performance monitoring parameters of an NE properly and starting the performance
monitoring for the NE, you can obtain the detailed performance record during the running of 
the NE. This facilitates the monitoring and analysis of the NE running status performed by
maintenance personnel.

The NE time must be synchronized with the T2000 server time.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Performance  > NE Performance Monitor
Time from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Set 15-minute and 24-hour performance monitor parameters according to the requirement. Click 


B.15.4 Resetting Board Performance Registers

After a network test or fault recovery but before the official operation, you need to reset the
 performance register so that the system enters a new performance monitoring period.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select a board and choose Performance > Reset Board Performance
Register from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the registers that you want to reset.

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Step 3 Click Reset and the confirmation dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK .


B.16 Modifying the Services Configuration

After a service is configured, you can modify or delete the configuration data of the service
 based on the following task sets.

B.16.1 Deleting Cross-Connection Service

When you need to modify or re-configure cross-connections, you need to first delete them.

B.16.2 Converting an SNCP Service to a Non-Protection Service

The SNCP service has the dual and fed selective receiving function and is applicable to the
 protection for  the cross-subnet service. When configuring WDM services on a per-NE basis,
you can use this method to convert SNCP services that are already configured to non-protection

B.16.1 Deleting Cross-Connection Service

When you need to modify or re-configure cross-connections, you need to first delete them.

Background Information


Deleting cross-connections may interrupt services.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Click the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab. Click Query to query the
information about the existing cross-connections.

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Step 3 Select the cross-connections to be deleted and click Delete.

Step 4 In the Confirm dialog box that is displayed, click OK .


B.16.2 Converting an SNCP Service to a Non-Protection Service

The SNCP service has the dual and fed selective receiving function and is applicable to the
 protection for the cross-subnet service. When configuring WDM services on a per-NE basis,
you can use this method to convert SNCP services that are already configured to non-protection

The SNCP service must be created.

Background Information

Converting an SNCP service to a non-protection service may interrupt the service.

Step 1 In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection
Service Management from the Function Tree.

Step 2 Select the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab, click Query to query services of 
the NE.

Step 3 Right-click on the desired SNCP service and choose SNCP Working Service Convert to Non-
Protection Service from the shortcut menu. In the prompt dialog box displayed, click OK . The
 protection service is deleted automatically.

You can also choose SNCP Protection Service Convert to Non-Protection Service from the shortcut
menu. In this case, the working service is deleted automatically.

Step 4 Right-click a unidirectional service from the service source board to the line board of another 
direction, and choose Delete from the shortcut menu. In the Confirm dialog box , click OK .

Step 5 Optional: If there are intermediate NEs that protection service pass through, delete bidirectional
 pass-through services between line boards.

When choose SNCP Protection Service Convert to Non-Protection Service, you need to perform this
operation on all the intermediate NEs that normal services pass through.


B.17 Switching the Working Mode of the LQM2

The default working mode of the LQM2 board is 2LQM Mode. When the working mode is
switched to AP8 Mode, you need to configure the board and add the IN2/OUT2 optical interface
according to this section.

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The physical and logical LQM2 board must be configured.

Background Information
This section describes how to configure the LQM2 board and add an optical interface when the
working mode of the board is switched from 2LQM Mode to AP8 Mode. When the working
mode of the board is switched from AP8 Mode to 2LQM Mode, the configuration of the board
is similar except that you do not need to add the IN2/OUT2 optical interface.

Step 1 Delete the cross-connections on the LQM2 board:
1. In the NE Explorer, click the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-
connection Service Management from the Function Tree. Click Query. The Working
cross-connection field displays all the working cross-connections on the LQM2 board.
2. Select all the working cross-connections on the LQM2 board, Click Delete. In the displayed
 prompt dialog box, click OK .

Step 2 Delete the service type on the LQM2 board:

1. In the NE Explorer, select the LQM2 board and then choose Configuration > WDM
Interface from the Function Tree.
2. On the right of the user interface, select By Board/Port (Channel), and select Channel
from the drop-down list. On the Basic Attributes tab page, set Service Type of optical
interface 3 to optical interface 10 to None, and then click Apply.

3. Click OK  in the displayed dialog box.

Step 3 Change the working mode of the LQM2 board:

1. Select By Function and then choose Board Mode from the drop-down menu.
2. Set Board Mode to AP8 Mode, and then click Apply.

Step 4 Add the IN2/OUT2 optical interface of the LQM2 board:

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1. In the NE Explorer, right-click the LQM2 board and then choose Path View. The Path
View window is displayed.
2. Right-click the blank space on the right of the Path View window, and then choose Add

3. The Add Port dialog box is displayed. Click OK .


B.18 Backing Up and Restoring the NE Data

For the security of the NE data, you can back up and restore the NE data.

B.18.1 Comparison of NE Data Backup and Restoration Methods

You need to back up important NE data during daily maintenance. This ensures that the SCC
 board of the NE automatically restores to normal operation after the NE data in the DRDB
database of the SCC board is lost or a power failure occurs on the equipment. This section
describes several NE data backup and restoration methods. You can select the method as

B.18.2 Restoring the NE Database from the SCC Board

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When the database file is lost due to the NE maintenance or NE fault, you can restore the NE
data from the DRDB database file that is already backed up to the Flash database on the SCC

B.18.3 Restoring Device Data from the NMS Server or the NMS Client
This topic describes how to restore the device data from the NMS Server or the NMS Client.

B.18.1 Comparison of NE Data Backup and Restoration Methods

You need to back up important NE data during daily maintenance. This ensures that the SCC
 board of the NE automatically restores to normal operation after the NE data in the DRDB
database of the SCC board is lost or a power failure occurs on the equipment. This section
describes several NE data backup and restoration methods. You can select the method as

Comparison of Backup and Restoration Methods

The locations for backing up and restoring the NE database include the SCC board, local server 
and remote server. Different storage locations determine different types of backup and
restoration methods. See Table B-1.

Table B-1 Backup and restoration methods and application scenarios

Backup and Restoration Method Application Scenario

Back up/Restore the NE database to/from an Backs up the NE data in the DRDB database
SCC board of the SCC board to the flash database, when
the SCC board does not have a CF card.
During the restoration, after a warm reset (or 
cold reset) on the SCC board, the SCC board
reads the configuration from the DRDB (or 
flash) database.
l after a warm reset on the SCC board, the
MDB reads the configuration from the
DRDB database.
l after a cold reset on the SCC board, the
MDB reads the configuration from the
FLASH database.

Back up/Restore the NE data to/from an NMS Stores the data in the computer where the
server   NMS server resides.
During restoration, you can select the backup
file in the directory where the NE data is

Back up/Restore the NE data to/from an NMS Stores the data in the computer where the
client  NMS client resides.
During restoration, you can select the backup
file in the directory where the NE data is

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After the warm resets on other boards, the NE memory data is issued to the boards. When the actual
configuration of the board is consistent with the configuration stored in the database for restoration, the
 process of delivering configuration data to the board does not interrupt services.

NE Database
The NE configuration data is saved in the NE database. There are three types of NE databases
as follows:
l MDB: Memory database. The data in a MDB database is changed when the configuration
information is changed. The data is lost when the SCC board is reset or a power failure
l DRDB: Dynamic random database. The data that is verified is automatically saved in the
DRDB database. The data is lost when a power failure occurs but not lost after a warm reset
is performed.
l FDB: Flash database. There are the FDB0 and FDB1 databases. The data can be saved

When the NE configuration data is issued to the SCC board, it is saved in the MDB database. If 
the verification is successful, the SCC board automatically copies the contents in the MDB
database to the DRDB database and issues the verified configuration data to the boards. The
DRDB database is copied the DRDB database to the FDB database, as a backup of the DRDB
database. When the NE is restarted after a power failure, the SCC board checks whether there
is configuration data in the DRDB database. If yes, the data are restored from the DRDB
database. If the data in the DRDB database is damaged, the data is restored from the FDB0 and
FDB1 databases.

NE Configuration Data
The NE configuration data refers to the information in the DRDB database of the NE, such as
the board configuration, clock configuration and protection relations of the NE. It is the
instruction file of the NE and the key for the NE to perform normally in the entire network.

NE Database Package
The NE database package is a package that contains all database files on an NE and a file list
that defines and manages those files.

The NE database package and NE configuration data are the same data on the NE in different
releases. You can perform the NE database package backup and restoration on the release 5.00.06
 NE or the NE of later release.

B.18.2 Restoring the NE Database from the SCC Board

When the database file is lost due to the NE maintenance or NE fault, you can restore the NE
data from the DRDB database file that is already backed up to the Flash database on the SCC

l You must log in to the NE as an NE user with system level authority.
l The NE data from DRDB database must be backed up to the flash database on the SCC

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Step 1 Select Slot Layout in the NE Explorer.
Step 2 Right-click the active SCC board, choose Warm Reset or Cold Reset.

l The reset modes for different SCC board are different. You need to choose the reset mode as required.
l When you choose Cold Reset or Warm Reset, the Warning dialog box is displayed. Click OK  to
start the reset.

Step 3 A dialog box is displayed. Click OK  to complete the reset.


B.18.3 Restoring Device Data from the NMS Server or the NMS
This topic describes how to restore the device data from the NMS Server or the NMS Client.

l The FTP/TFTP/SFTP server is configured and the FTP/TFTP/SFTP service is started.
l To restore the device data from the NMS client, the SFTP server must be configured, and
the SFTP service must be started.

Background Information
l You cannot restore device data for multiple devices of different device types.
l When you select the device type in the device tree, all the device information related to the
device type is displayed in the Device View table.

Step 1 On the Main Topology, choose Data Center > Device Management from the main menu. The
Device View table is displayed.

Step 2 In the Device View table, right-click the device(s) whose data you want to restore.
Step 3 Select Recover... to open the Recover dialog box.
Step 4 Select the backup file to be restored from the File Name drop-down list. If the backup files are
not listed in the File Name drop-down list, select Browse... to select the backup file to be restored
in the Select File dialog box, as shown below.

B-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Step 5 Select the NMS Server or NMS Client option button to restore the backup file for the selected
device(s). By default, the NMS Server option button is selected.
l If the NMS Server option button is selected, select the backup file to be restored from the
 NMS Server. The selected backup file path is displayed in the Select File dialog box.

l If the NMS Client option button is selected, click to select the backup file to be
restored from the NMS client. The selected backup file path is displayed in the following
Selected File dialog box.

Step 6 Click OK .

The selected backup file path from the NMS Server or NMS Client is displayed in the File
Name drop-down list.

Step 7 Click Start and the Operation Confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to start the
restoration operation.


After you restore the device data, right-click the device in the Device View table, and choose
Activation Database... from the shortcut menu. The Activation Database dialog box is
displayed. Click Start to activate the device database.


If you do not activate the software within five minutes after the restoration is successfully complete, the
T2000 automatically rolls back the software and cancels the restoration operation.

B.19 Creating Fiber Connections in List Mode

In Fiber/Cable Management, you can manage the fiber connections between NEs and inside
 NEs in a unified manner. Compared with the graphic mode, the creating fiber connections in the

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-23

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B Reference Operations for the Commissioning and OptiX OSN 1800

Configuration Commissioning and Configuration Guide

list mode is not visual. Hence, the list mode is applicable to the scenario where you create a few
fiber connections only.

The board on relevant NEs must be created.

Before the creation of fibers, it is recommended that you set Configure Wavelength No./
Wavelength(nm)/Frequency(THz)  of the port on the tunable OTU as the designed wavelength.

Step 1 Choose File > Fiber/Cable Management from the Main Menu.
Step 2 Click Create, and the Create Fibers in Batches dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Click Select Object, select all the NEs you need to create fiber/cable in the dialog box.
Step 4 Click OK .
Step 5 Click New in the Create Fibers in Batches dialog box.
Step 6 Set Direction, Source NE, Source Port, Sink NE and Sink Port.

Step 7 Click Apply.


You can create multiple fibers/cables and set parameters in step 5, click Apply.

Step 8 Repeat Step 5-7 to create another fiber connection.

Step 9 Click Cancel  to complete the settings. The created fiber connections are displayed in the Fiber/
Cable Information list.


After you create fiber connections, you need to scan wavelengths to ensure that the fiber 
connections are correct and the line communication is available.

B.20 Configuring Services by Creating WDM Trails

You can configure services on NEs by creating OCh, ODUk, or client trails. To create an OCh,
ODUk, or client trail, you need to search for or create the information about the trail at the

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide Configuration

corresponding server layer and then specify the source and sink of the OCh, ODUk, or client

All fibers must be created properly.

A trail at the corresponding server layer must be searched out or created.

All the NEs on the trail must communicate with each other properly.

Tools, Meters, and Materials

The T2000 must be used.


Before creating a WDM trail, you need to search for or create a trail at the corresponding server layer. The
details are as follows:
l Before creating an OCh trail, you need to search for an appropriate trail at the OMS server layer.
l Before creating an ODUk trail, you need to search for an appropriate trail at the OTUk server layer.
l Before creating a client trail, you need to search for or create an appropriate trail at the OCh and ODUk 
server layer.


You can configure services by creating client trails for only boards that support the cross-connection

l Operations on the T2000

For detailed description of searching for, creating, and managing WDM trails, see the online
help for the T2000.

1. In the Main Menu, choose Trail > WDM Trail Creation to display the WDM Trail
Creation navigation.
2. Set Level , Rate, and Direction for the trail to be created.

3. Click Browse. The Select Board Port-Source window is displayed. In this window,

select the NE, board, and optical interface.

4. Optional: Click a server tail between the source and sink NEs. In the displayed dialog
 box, specify a route as the explicit route for the services. You can click the route again
and cancel the selected explicit route in the displayed dialog box.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-25

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5. Optional: Double-click another NE in the subnet to specify it as an excluded NE. The

 sign is shown on the NE. Double-click the NE again to cancel your selection.

6. Optional: Click Specify Route Channel  to display the Specify Route Channel
dialog box. After selecting the working channel of the services, click OK .
7. Click the General Attributes tab and then set the basic attributes such as name and
ID of this trail on the tab page.
8. Select the Activate the trail check box and click Apply to create this trail. A dialog
 box is displayed, indicating that the operation is successful. Click Close.


B-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

C  Service Configuration Examples

C.1 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the GE Service

This configuration example describes the process of transparent transmission of the GE service
through configuration of the cross-connect service.

C.2 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the SAN Services

This topic describes how to configure the transparent transmission of the SAN services through
an example.

C.3 Configur ing the Transparent Transmission of the OTN Service

This configur ation example describes the process of transparent transmission of the OTN service
through configuration of the cross-connect service.

C.4 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the SDH Services

This topic describes how to configure the transparent transmission of the SDH services through
an example.

C.5 Configuring the Hybrid Transmission of the GE/STM-1 Services in the Service Package
This example is used to describe how to configure the hybrid transmission of the GE/STM-1
services in the service package mode.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-1

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

C.1 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the GE

This configuration example describes the process of transparent transmission of the GE service
through configuration of the cross-connect service.

C.1.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the GE service in the ring network.
C.1.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation
This section describes how to configure the GE service transparent transmission signal flow and
how to plan the wavelength allocation.
C.1.3 Configuration Process (In the Service Package Mode)
The configuration in this example can be completed in a one-touch manner after the GE
transparent transmission service package is executed.
C.1.4 Configuration Process
This section describes how to configure the GE service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.

C.1.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the GE service in the ring network.

Service Requirement
In the network shown in Figure C-1, optical NEs A, B, C, and D form a ring network. All the
 NEs are OADM NEs. The service requirement is as follows:
User1 and User2 communicate with each other. One unidirectional GE service is available
 between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-1 Configuration networking diagram of the GE service







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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

Board Configuration Information

In this example, two LQM2 boards should be configured on each NE.

C.1.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the GE service transparent transmission signal flow and
how to plan the wavelength allocation.

One GE service is available between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-2 shows the service signal flow between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-2 Unidirectional service on each NE

 A B

LQM2 LQM2 3(RX1/TX1)

2(IN2/OUT2) 2(IN2/OUT2) 4(RX2/TX2)
201(LP1/LP1) 201(LP1/LP1)

1(IN1/OUT1) 1(IN1/OUT1)

: client-side services : WDM-side services : virtual channel


The 201 (LP1/LP1) is the logical port. When it is connected to the WDM-side IN/OUT port, no
configuration is required.

l GE service of station A:
The service is added by using the number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on
optical NE A and 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical NE A.
l GE service of station B:
The service is dropped by using the 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical
 NE B and number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on optical NE B.

Figure C-3 shows the wavelength allocation of NE A and NE B.

Figure C-3 Wavelength allocation diagram

Wavelength(nm)  A B
/Frequency(THz) East West


Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-3

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

C.1.3 Configuration Process (In the Service Package Mode)

The configuration in this example can be completed in a one-touch manner after the GE
transparent transmission service package is executed.

Background Information
When the service of another type needs to be added through any one of optical interfaces 3-6 of 
the LQM2, re-configure the interface in the common mode; otherwise, the service is not

Step 1 Configuring the add services at station A
1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Service Package from the Function Tree.
2. Click Query.
3. Select the GE bypass service package and click Start. Then, click OK  in the displayed
dialog box. The GE bypass hybrid service package is configured on NE.


Package ID: Each service package is assigned with one ID, which cannot be changed.
Description: Indicates the name of the service package.

Step 2 Configuring the drop services at station B

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Service Package from the Function Tree.
2. Click Query.
3. Select the GE bypass service package and click Start. Then, click OK  in the displayed
dialog box. The GE bypass hybrid service package is configured on NE.

Step 3 Optional: Refer to Adding WDM-Side Ports to add optical interface 2.

Step 4 Optional: Check the related parameters after the service package is configured.
1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  from the Function Tree.
2. Click Query to query the configured services.

3. Select the LQM2 board and choose Configuration > WDM Interface from the Function
Tree. Click Query. Then, the system indicates that Service Type of optical interfaces 3
and 4 of the LQM2 board is GE.

C-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

4. Click the Advanced Attributes tab and then click Query. The system indicates that Auto-
Negotiation of GE is set to Disabled.

5. Select By Function and click Query. The system indicates that LPT Enabled is set to


If the LQM2 board mode is "2LQM", it will turn into "AP8" mode automatically after configuring service


C.1.4 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the GE service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.



When configuring the cross-connect services, ensure that the WDM-side optical path number 
used at the transmit end is consistent with that at the receive end of a service in the same direction.
Otherwise, the service cannot be available.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-5

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Step 1 When configuring the add and drop services, first configure the service type of the WDM
interface of the OTU. For detailed configuration method, see Configuring the Service Type.

Step 2 Configure the add service on NE A.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.
2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.
3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.

Step 3 Configure the drop service on NE B.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.
2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.
3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.


C.2 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the SAN

This topic describes how to configure the transparent transmission of the SAN services through
an example.

C.2.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the SAN service in the ring network.

C.2.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the SAN service transparent transmission signal flow
and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

C.2.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the SAN service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.

C.2.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the SAN service in the ring network.

Service Requirement
In the network shown in Figure C-4, optical NEs A, B, C, and D form a ring network. All the
 NEs are OADM NEs. The service requirement is as follows:

User1 and User2 communicate with each other. One unidirectional SAN service is available
 between NE A and NE B.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-7

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Figure C-4 Configuration networking diagram of the SAN service







Board Configuration Information

In this example, two LQM2 boards should be configured on each NE.

C.2.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the SAN service transparent transmission signal flow
and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

One SAN service is available between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-5 shows the service signal flow between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-5 Unidirectional service on each NE

 A B

LQM2 LQM2 3(RX1/TX1)

2(IN2/OUT2) 2(IN2/OUT2) 4(RX2/TX2)
201(LP1/LP1) 201(LP1/LP1)
7(RX5/TX5) 7(RX5/TX5)
1(IN1/OUT1) 1(IN1/OUT1)
8(RX6/TX6) 8(RX6/TX6)

: client-side services : WDM-side services : virtual channel


The 201 (LP1/LP1) is the logical port. When it is connected to the WDM-side IN/OUT port, no
configuration is required.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

l SAN service of station A:

The service is added by using the number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on
optical NE A and 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical NE A.
l SAN service of station B:
The service is dropped by using the 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical
 NE B and number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on optical NE B.

Figure C-6 shows the wavelength allocation of NE A and NE B.

Figure C-6 Wavelength allocation diagram

Wavelength(nm)  A B
/Frequency(THz) East West


C.2.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the SAN service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.



When configuring the cross-connect services, ensure that the WDM-side optical path number 
used at the transmit end is consistent with that at the receive end of a service in the same direction.
Otherwise, the service cannot be available.

Step 1 When configuring the add and drop services, first configure the service type of the WDM
interface of the OTU. For detailed configuration method, see Configuring the Service Type.

Step 2 Configure the add service on NE A.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.
2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.
3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-9

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.

Step 3 Configure the drop service on NE B.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.
2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.
3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

C.3 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the OTN

This configuration example describes the process of transparent transmission of the OTN service
through configuration of the cross-connect service.

C.3.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the OTN service in the ring network.

C.3.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the OTN service transparent transmission signal flow
and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

C.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the OTN service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.

C.3.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the OTN service in the ring network.

Service Requirement
In the network shown in Figure C-7, optical NEs A, B, C, and D form a ring network. All the
 NEs are OADM NEs. The service requirement is as follows:

User1 and User2 communicate with each other. One unidirectional OTN service is available
 between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-7 Configuration networking diagram of the OTN service







Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-11

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Board Configuration Information

In this example, two LQM2 boards should be configured on each NE.

C.3.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the OTN service transparent transmission signal flow
and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

One OTN service is available between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-8 shows the service signal flow between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-8 Unidirectional service on each NE

 A B

LQM2 LQM2 3(RX1/TX1)

2(IN2/OUT2) 2(IN2/OUT2) 4(RX2/TX2)
201(LP1/LP1) 201(LP1/LP1)
7(RX5/TX5) 7(RX5/TX5)
1(IN1/OUT1) 1(IN1/OUT1)
8(RX6/TX6) 8(RX6/TX6)

: client-side services : WDM-side services : virtual channel


The 201 (LP1/LP1) is the logical port. When it is connected to the WDM-side IN/OUT port, no
configuration is required.

l OTN service of station A:

The service is added by using the number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on
optical NE A and 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical NE A.
l OTN service of station B:
The service is dropped by using the 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical
 NE B and number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on optical NE B.

Figure C-9 shows the wavelength allocation of NE A and NE B.

Figure C-9 Wavelength allocation diagram

Wavelength(nm)  A B
/Frequency(THz) East West


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

C.3.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the OTN service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.



When configuring the cross-connect services, ensure that the WDM-side optical path number 
used at the transmit end is consistent with that at the receive end of a service in the same direction.
Otherwise, the service cannot be available.

Step 1 When configuring the add and drop services, first configure the service type of the WDM
interface of the OTU. For detailed configuration method, see Configuring the Service Type.

Step 2 Configure the add service on NE A.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.
2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.
3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.

Step 3 Configure the drop service on NE B.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-13

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the

Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.
3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.


C.4 Configuring the Transparent Transmission of the SDH

This topic describes how to configure the transparent transmission of the SDH services through
an example.

C.4.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the SDH service in the ring network.

C.4.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the SDH service transparent transmission signal flow
and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

C.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the SDH service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.

C.4.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the SDH service in the ring network.

Service Requirement
In the network shown in Figure C-10, optical NEs A, B, C, and D form a ring network. All the
 NEs are OADM NEs. The service requirement is as follows:

C-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

User1 and User2 communicate with each other. One unidirectional SDH service is available
 between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-10 Configuration networking diagram of the SDH service







Board Configuration Information

In this example, two LQM2 boards should be configured on each NE.

C.4.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the SDH service transparent transmission signal flow
and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

One SDH service is available between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-11 shows the service signal flow between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-11 Unidirectional service on each NE

 A B

LQM2 LQM2 3(RX1/TX1)

2(IN2/OUT2) 2(IN2/OUT2) 4(RX2/TX2)
201(LP1/LP1) 201(LP1/LP1)
7(RX5/TX5) 7(RX5/TX5)
1(IN1/OUT1) 1(IN1/OUT1)
8(RX6/TX6) 8(RX6/TX6)

: client-side services : WDM-side services : virtual channel

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-15

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide


The 201 (LP1/LP1) is the logical port. When it is connected to the WDM-side IN/OUT port, no
configuration is required.

l SDH service of station A:

The service is added by using the number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on
optical NE A and 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical NE A.
l SDH service of station B:
The service is dropped by using the 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical
 NE B and number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on optical NE B.

Figure C-12 shows the wavelength allocation of NE A and NE B.

Figure C-12 Wavelength allocation diagram

Wavelength(nm)  A B
/Frequency(THz) East West


C.4.3 Configuration Process

This section describes how to configure the SDH service on NEs A and B. This section describes
only the configuration in one direction. The configuration in the other direction is similar.



When configuring the cross-connect services, ensure that the WDM-side optical path number 
used at the transmit end is consistent with that at the receive end of a service in the same direction.
Otherwise, the service cannot be available.

Step 1 When configuring the add and drop services, first configure the service type of the WDM
interface of the OTU. For detailed configuration method, see Configuring the Service Type.

Step 2 Configure the add service on NE A.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.
2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.

Step 3 Configure the drop service on NE B.

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  in the Function Tree.
2. In the Electrical Cross-Connection Configuration tab page, click New to display the
Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box.
3. In the Create Cross-Connection Service dialog box, select proper values for , Service
Level, and Service Type according to the planning.

4. Click OK , and thus one cross-connect service route is created.


Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-17

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

C.5 Configuring the Hybrid Transmission of the GE/STM-1

Services in the Service Package Mode
This example is used to describe how to configure the hybrid transmission of the GE/STM-1
services in the service package mode.

C.5.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the GE service and STM-1 service in the ring network.

C.5.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the GE service and STM-1 service transparent
transmission signal flow and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

C.5.3 Configuration Process

The configuration in this example can be completed in a one-touch manner after the GE/STM-1
hybrid transmission service package is executed.

C.5.1 Configuration Networking Diagram

This section describes how to configure the GE service and STM-1 service in the ring network.

Service Requirement
In the network shown in Figure C-13, optical NEs A, B, C, and D form a ring network. All the
 NEs are OADM NEs. The service requirement is as follows:

User1 and User2 communicate with each other. One unidirectional GE service and STM-1
service is available between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-13 Configuration networking diagram of the GE service and STM-1 service







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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

Board Configuration Information

In this example, two LQM2 boards should be configured on each NE.

C.5.2 Service Signal Flow and Wavelength Allocation

This section describes how to configure the GE service and STM-1 service transparent
transmission signal flow and how to plan the wavelength allocation.

GE service and STM-1 service is available between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-14 shows the service signal flow between NE A and NE B.

Figure C-14 Unidirectional service on each NE

 A B

3(RX1/TX1) 201(LP1/LP1)-1 201(LP1/LP1)-1 3(RX1/TX1)
GE 1(IN1/OUT1) 1(IN1/OUT1) GE
4(RX2/TX2) 201(LP1/LP1)-2 201(LP1/LP1)-2 4(RX2/TX2)
5(RX3/TX3) 5(RX3/TX3)
6(RX4/TX4) 6(RX4/TX4)

2(IN2/OUT2) 2(IN2/OUT2)

: client-side services : WDM-side services : virtual channel


The 201 (LP1/LP1) is the logical port. When it is connected to the WDM-side IN/OUT port, no
configuration is required.

l GE service and STM-1 service of station A:

The service is added by using the number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on
optical NE A and 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical NE A.
l GE service and STM-1 service of station B:
The service is dropped by using the 201 (LP1/LP1) logical port of the LQM2 on optical
 NE B and number 3 optical interface Rx1/Tx1 of the LQM2 on optical NE B.

Figure C-15 shows the wavelength allocation of NE A and NE B.

Figure C-15 Wavelength allocation diagram

Wavelength(nm)  A B
/Frequency(THz) East West

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-19

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C Service Configuration Examples Commissioning and Configuration Guide

C.5.3 Configuration Process

The configuration in this example can be completed in a one-touch manner after the GE/STM-1
hybrid transmission service package is executed.

Background Information
When the service of another type needs to be added through any one of optical interfaces 3-6 of 
the LQM2, re-configure the interface in the common mode; otherwise, the service is not



When the service package is started, the configuration that supported service package boards on
the NE is cleared first and then the service package is started.

Step 1 Configuring the add services at station A
1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Service Package from the Function Tree.
2. Click Query. Then, click Close on the Operation Result dialog box.
3. Select the GE/STM1 hybrid service package and click Start. Then, click OK  on the
Confirm dialog box. Then, the GE/STM1 hybrid service package is configured on NE.


Package ID: Each service package is assigned with one ID, which cannot be changed.
Package Type: Indicates the type of the service package.

Step 2 Configuring the drop services at station B

1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Service Package from the Function Tree.
2. Click Query. Then, click Close on the Operation Result dialog box.
3. Select the GE/STM1 hybrid service package and click Start. Then, click OK  on the
Confirmdialog box. Then, the GE/STM1 hybrid service package is configured on NE.

Step 3 Optional: Refer to Adding WDM-Side Ports to add optical interface 2.

Step 4 Optional: Check the related parameters after the service package is configured.
1. Select the NE and choose Configuration > Electrical Cross-Connection Service
Management  from the Function Tree.
2. Click Query to query the configured services.

C-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide C Service Configuration Examples

3. Select the LQM2 board and choose Configuration > WDM Interface from the Function
Tree. Click Query. Then, the system indicates that Service Type of optical interfaces 3
and 4 of the LQM2 board is GE, and the Service Type of optical interfaces 5 and 6 of the
LQM2 board is STM-1.

4. Click the Advanced Attributes tab and then click Query. The system indicates that Auto-
Negotiation of GE is set to Disabled.

5. Select By Function and click Query. The system indicates that LPT Enabled is set to


If the LQM2 board mode is "2LQM", it will turn into "AP8" mode automatically after configuring service


Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-21

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OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

D  Parameter Reference

D.1 Attributes of NEs

In this user interface, you can view and set NE attributes, including NE ID, subrack type, and
IP address.

D.2 Attributes of NE Users

In this user interface, you can manage NE users for the specific NE. You can query, add, delete
and modify an NE user, and set password for the NE user.

D.3 NE Time Synchronization

In this user interface, you can set NE time, to keep it synchronized with the T2000 server time.

D.4 WDM Cross-Connection Configuration

In this user interface, you can configure the cross-connections of various WDM services.

D.5 Port Protection Parameters

In this user interface, you can create, configure and modify the port protection group. Port
 protection is used to switch the service to the protection port when the working port becomes
faulty. It ensures service availability. A working port and the corresponding protection port are
regarded as a port protection group.

D.6 SNCP Service Control Parameters

In this user interface, you can query and modify the attributes and status of an SNCP service.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-1

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D Parameter Reference Commissioning and Configuration Guide

D.1 Attributes of NEs

In this user interface, you can view and set NE attributes, including NE ID, subrack type, and
IP address.

Field Value Description

 NE ID 1 to 49135 Displays the unique ID of an

 NE on the NM for identifying
an NE, which is the basis of 
communication between the
 NM and an NE.

Extended ID 1 to 254 For NE ID extension.

Default: 9

Gateway Type IP Gateway, Serial Port The gateway type of an NE

decides the mode of 
communication between the
 NE and the NM.

User Name For example: root The NE name is used when

logging in to the NE. Before
the NE is configured, use the
internally reserved user name
for login.

Password For example: T2000 Corresponds to the above NE

user password. The
corresponding password for 
the reserved user is

D.2 Attributes of NE Users

In this user interface, you can manage NE users for the specific NE. You can query, add, delete
and modify an NE user, and set password for the NE user.


Table D-1 NE user parameters

Field Value Description

 NE For example: NE70 The operation object


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Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

Field Value Description

 NE User For example: USER The name of the NE user. The
name consists of 4-16
characters. It can be a
combination of letters, digits,
spaces and underlines. Note
that at least one letter must be

User Level Monitor level, Operation The operations carried out by

level, Maintenance level, the NE user are classified into
System level, Debug level. five levels, namely monitor 
level, operation level,
maintenance level, system
level, debug level from the
lowest level to the highest.
Each user of higher level can
 perform all the functions that
a lower level user can do. The
detailed right settings for 
each level are:
l Monitor level: all query
commands, log in/out,
and modification of its
own password.
l Operation level: all
settings for fault and
 performance, partial
security settings, and
 partial configuration.
l Maintenance level:
 partial security settings,
 partial configuration,
communication settings,
and log management.
l System level: all security
settings, all
l Debug level: all security
settings, all
configuration, and all
debug commands. Debug
level is the highest level.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-3

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D Parameter Reference Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

 New Password - New password of the user.

The password consists of 
6-16 characters. It can be a
combination of English
characters, digits, space and
underlines. Note that the
 password cannot be
composed all by digits or all
 by letters. It cannot contain
special characters.

Confirm Password - The new password of the user  

that you need to enter again.

User Group Belonged For example: Administrator  Displays the belonged user 
User Group group name.

Login Allowed Yes, No Sets whether the NE user is

allowed to log in.

Permanently Valid or not Yes, No Sets whether the NE user is

 permanently valid or not.

Valid From For example: 2005-05-07 The start time of user 

10:18:07 validity.

Valid Till For example: 2005-05-07 The expiration time of user 

10:18:07 validity.

Whether the password is Yes, No Sets whether the password is

allowed to be modified allowed to be modified
immediately immediately.

Records of all Logins Yes, No Sets whether the NE user is

valid permanently.

Allowable Login Start Date For example: Sunday Sets the allowable login start
date. The parameter is valid
when Records of all Logins
is set to No.

Allowable Login Start Time For example: 00:00:00 Time format is hour: min:
Sets the allowable login start
time. The parameter is valid
when Records of all Logins
is set to No.

Allowable Login End Date For example: Saturday Sets the allowable login end
time. The parameter is valid
when Records of all Logins
is set to No.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

Field Value Description

Allowable Login End Time For example: 23:59:59 Time format is hour: min:
Sets the allowable login end
time. The parameter is valid
when Records of all Logins
is set to No.

Time to Lock User for No 0-255 Sets the time to lock the NE
Activities (Day) user for no activities.

Maximum Password 25-999 Sets the maximum password

Validity (Day) validity.

Password Modification Time For example: 2007-01-23 Displays the password

10:28:26 modification time.

Last Login Time For example: 2007-01-23 Displays the last login time of 
10:28:00 the NE user.

D.3 NE Time Synchronization

In this user interface, you can set NE time, to keep it synchronized with the T2000 server time.

Field Value Description

 NM Time For example: Displays the time of the

2006-11-04 20:30:00 T2000 server in real

 NE Name For example: NE1 Displays the name of the


 NE ID Format: Extended ID-ID Displays the ID of the


Synchronous Mode NM, NULL Displays the

synchronization mode of 
 NE Time.

Standard NTP Authentication Enabled, Disabled Displays or sets whether  

the standard NTP
authentication is

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-5

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D Parameter Reference Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Server Enabled ECC Server, Disabled Displays or sets whether  

to set it to the NTP server 
and the type of the NTP
When the ECC protocol
is used for 
communication between
 NEs, the gateway NE is
an ECC server. So, the
Server Enabled
 parameter is set to ECC
Server . While non-
gateway NEs are ECC
clients and the Server
Enabled parameter is set
to Disabled.
When the IP protocol is
used for communication
 between NEs, all NEs
are IP clients and the
Server Enabled
 parameter is set to
OptiX OSN 1800 series
do not support.

Client Enabled ECC Client, IP Client, Displays or sets whether 

Disabled to set it to the NTP client
and the type of the NTP
When the IP protocol is
used for communication
 between the NE and the
 NTP server, the NE is an
IP client and the Client
Enabled parameter are
set to IP Client.
OptiX OSN 1800 series
do not support.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

Field Value Description

Synchronous Server NE ID, IP address Displays or sets the IP

address or NE ID of the
 NTP synchronous
If the client type is ECC
Client, set it to the NE ID
of the synchronous
If the client type is IP
Client, set it to the IP
address of the
synchronous server.
OptiX OSN 1800 series
do not support.

Polling Period(min) 2 to 1440 Minutes Displays the period of  

synchronizing the NE
time with the NTP server 
OptiX OSN 1800 series
do not support.

The Number of Sampling 1 to 8 It indicates how many

times the NTP server 
time will be sampled in a
querying cycle. The NTP
server time is the average
of that sampled.
OptiX OSN 1800 series
do not support.

 NE Current Time For example: Displays the current time

2006-11-04 20:30:00 of the NE.

Recent NE Synchronization Time For example: The latest time when the
2006-11-04 20:30:00  NE was synchronized.
If the difference between
the current NE time and
the latest time when the
 NE was synchronized is
within two querying
cycles, it indicates the
 NTP server is running
normally. Otherwise, it
indicates the NTP server 
is not running normally,
and the color of the
 parameter box will
change to the one that is
for "Major Alarm".

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-7

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D Parameter Reference Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Synchronization Synchronizati For example: Sets the start time of 

Starting Time on Starting 2006-11-04 20:30:00 synchronizing the NE
Time time with the NM time.
Applied only when the
 NE time is synchronized
with the NM time.

Synchronizati 1 to 300 Sets the cycle of 

on Period Default: 1 automatically
(days) synchronizing the NE
time with the NM time.
Applied only when the
 NE time is synchronized
with the NM time.

D.4 WDM Cross-Connection Configuration

In this user interface, you can configure the cross-connections of various WDM services.


Table D-2 Descriptions of the WDM service parameters

Field Value Remarks

Level GE, Any, ODU1 Determines the service rate.

Service Type For example, FE, When Level of a new service is set to
STM-1, FICON Any, you can select a specific service type.

Direction Unidirectional, In the case of a bidirectional service, the

Bidirectional service takes the same route in the transmit
and receive directions. In the case of a
unidirectional service, the service takes
different routes in the transmit and receive

Source Slot Slot-board name When you create a service, select a source
 board for the service.

Source Optical Port Port number (port When you create a service, select a source
name)  port for the service.

Source Optical Channel ID When you create a service, select a source

Channel channel for the service.

Sink Slot Slot-board name When you create a service, select a sink  
 board for the service.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

Field Value Remarks

Sink Optical Port Port number (port When you create a service, select a sink 
name)  port for the service.

Sink Optical Channel Channel ID When you create a service, select a sink  
channel for the service.

Source Channel Slot No.-board name- Displays the source channel of the service
optical interface No.- after the creation is complete.
channel ID
For example, 3-

Sink Channel Slot No.-board name- Displays the source channel of the service
optical interface No.- after the creation is complete.
channel ID
For example, 3-

D.5 Port Protection Parameters

In this user interface, you can create, configure and modify the port protection group. Port
 protection is used to switch the service to the protection port when the working port becomes
faulty. It ensures service availability. A working port and the corresponding protection port are
regarded as a port protection group.


Table D-3 Protection Group Parameters

Field Value Description

Protection Group Name For example: NE811-52910 Displays the protection group

Protection Type Optical Line Protection, Displays the protection type

Intra-Board 1+1 Protection, of the protection group.
Client 1+1 Protection, Inter-
Subrack 1+1 Optical Channel

 NE with Working Channel For example: NE811 Sets the NE of the working

Board with Working Channel For example: 134-12OLP Sets the board of the working

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D Parameter Reference Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Working Channel For example: 1(RI1/TO1) Sets and queries the working

 NE with Protection Channel For example: NE811 Sets the NE of the protection

Board with Protection For example: 134-12OLP Sets the board of the
Channel  protection channel.

Protection Channel For example: 2(RI2/TO2) Sets and queries the

 protection channel.

 NE with Control Channel/ For example: NE811 Sets the NE of the control
Monitoring Channel channel/monitoring channel.

Board with Control Channel/ For example: 134-12OLP Sets the board of the control
Monitoring Channel channel/monitoring channel.

Restore Mode Revertive, Non-Revertive Indicates whether the service

Default: Non-Revertive is automatically switched
from the protection channel
to the working channel after 
the working channel
 becomes normal.
Revertive means that the
service can be automatically
switched. Non-Revertive
means that the service is not
switched to the working
channel after the working
channel becomes normal.
In the case of the intra-board 1
+1 protection configured by
using the OLP board, when the
Monitoring Channel is
configured, Revertive Mode
can be only Non-revertive and
cannot be configured.

WTR Time (s) 300-720 The WTR time (s) parameter 

Default: 600 indicates the waiting time
 before the services in the
 protection group switch back 
to the working channel if the
working channel is recovered
when the protection group
works in the revertive mode.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

Field Value Description

SD Trigger Flag Enable, Disable The SD Trigger Flag

Default: Disable  parameter determines if the
SD switching function of the
wavelength protection group
takes effect.

Switching Status Idle, WTR, Manual to Displays the current

Working channel, Manual to switching status of the
Protection channel, Force to  protection group.
Working channel, Force to
Protection channel, SD
Switched, SF Switched,
Locked, Unknown

Table D-4 Channel Status Parameters

Field Value Description

Protection Group Name For example: NE811-52910 Displays the protection

group name.

Current Channel Work, Protection, Unknown Displays the path of the

current service.

Working Channel NE name- Slot No.- Board Displays the working

name- Optical interface channel of the protection
number (Optical interface group.

Working Channel Status Normal, SD, SF, Unknown Displays the status of the
working channel.

Working Channel Hold-Off  0-100 The Working Channel

Time Default: 0 Hold-Off Time (100ms)
 parameter specifies the time
 period from the time that the
system detects the switching
condition in the working
channel to the time that the
switching is performed. This
is to prevent protection
switching from being
 performed repeatedly when
the service state is unstable.

Control Channel/Monitoring  NE name- Slot No.- Board Displays the channel
Channel name- Optical interface information of the Control
number (Optical interface Channel/Monitoring
name) Channel.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-11

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D Parameter Reference Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Control Channel/Monitoring 0 to 100 Displays the hold-off time of  

Channel Hold-Off Time (100 the control board.
ms) NOTE
This parameter can not be set in
optical line protection.

Protection Channel NE name- Slot No.- Board Displays the protection

name- Optical interface channel of the protection
number (Optical interface group.

Protection Channel Status Normal, SD, SF, Unknown Displays the status of the
 protection channel.

Protection Channel Hold-Off  0-100 The Protection Channel

Time Default: 0 Hold-Off Time (100ms)
 parameter specifies the time
 period from the time that the
system detects the switching
condition in the protection
channel to the time that the
switching is performed.

D.6 SNCP Service Control Parameters

In this user interface, you can query and modify the attributes and status of an SNCP service.

Field Value Description

Service Source Source Slot Number-Source Displays the source optical

Board Name-Source Port channel of the service.
 Number-Source Optical
Channel Number 

Service Sink Sink Slot Number-Sink   Displays the sink optical

Board Name-Sink Port channel of the service.
 Number-Sink Optical
Channel Number 

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

Field Value Description

Protection Type SW SNCP, ODUk SNCP, The Protection Type

MS SNCP  parameter provides users an
Default: SW SNCP option for choosing a
required level for the newly
created SNCP protection.
The ODUk SNCP protection
and SW SNCP protection
 protect services of different
cross-connect granularities,
which are ODUk and GE/
ANY respectively. If the
 protection type is changed,
the relevant parameters must
also be changed accordingly.
OptiX OSN 1800 series support
SW SNCP protection type only.

Service Type For example: GE Sets the service type of the


SNCP Type SNC/I, SNC/S, SNC/N The SNCP Type parameter 

Default: SNC/I specifies the monitoring
mode of the ODUk SNCP
When you select Protection
Type as ODUK SNCP, you can
set this parameter.

OTN Level   l When SNCP Type is set Sets the OTN level.
to SNC/I, this parameter  NOTE
is invalid When you select SNCP Type is
SNC/N or SNC/S, you can set
l When SNCP Type is set
this parameter.
to SNC/N: PM, TCM1,
Default: PM
l When SNCP Type is set
to SNC/S: TCM1, TCM2,
Default: TCM1

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-13

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OptiX OSN 1800

D Parameter Reference Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Field Value Description

Current Status Normal State, WTR State, The Current Status

Manual (from Protection to  parameter displays the
Working) Switching State, switching status of a
Manual (from Working to  protection group.
Protection) Switching State,
Forced (from Protection to
Working) Switching State,
Forced (from Working to
Protection) Switching State,
SD Switching, SF Switching,
Default: None

Revertive Mode Revertive, Non-Revertive The Revertive Mode

Default: Non-Revertive  parameter provides users
with an option for whether to
switch back the services to
the working channel from the
 protection channel
automatically after the
working channel is

WTR Time (s) 300-720 The WTR time (s) parameter 

Default: 600 indicates the waiting time
 before the services in the
 protection group switch back 
to the working channel if the
working channel is recovered
when the protection group
works in the revertive mode.

Working Channel Hold-Off  0-100 The Working Channel

Time Default: 0 Hold-Off Time (100ms)
 parameter specifies the time
 period from the time that the
system detects the switching
condition in the working
channel to the time that the
switching is performed. This
is to prevent protection
switching from being
 performed repeatedly when
the service state is unstable.

D-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide D Parameter Reference

Field Value Description

Protection Channel Hold-Off  0-100 The Protection Channel

Time Default: 0 Hold-Off Time (100ms)
 parameter specifies the time
 period from the time that the
system detects the switching
condition in the protection
channel to the time that the
switching is performed.

SD Enable Status Enabled, Disabled Sets the SD enabling status.

Default: Disabled

Channel Status Normal, SF, SD, Unknown Displays the status of the
working service or the
 protection service in a
 protection group.

Current Channel Working Channel, Protection The Current Channel

Channel, Delay Start  parameter indicates the type
Default: / of the channel where the
service is currently located in
the SNCP protection group.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1800 E Using the Commissioning Tool of the Access WDM OTN
Commissioning and Configuration Guide for Deployment On Site

E  Using the Commissioning Tool of the

Access WDM OTN for Deployment On Site

E.1 Connecting the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool

Before logging in to the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool, perform a test to check whether 
the connection between the computer and the NE is established. This is to ensure that the data
configuration and other commissioning operations can be performed successfully by using the
OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool.

E.2 Logging in to the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool

Users can log in to either the English version or the Chinese version of the OTN Deployment
Commissioning Tool by using the default user name and password.

E.3 Checking the Self-Check Report of the Equipment

Before the software commissioning is performed, check the ATN self-check report to determine
and then rectify the faults in hardware and software. This improves the commissioning

E.4 Setting NE Attributes

The NE attributes need to be set during the software deployment to ensure that the system can
manage the NEs.

E.5 Checking and Adjusting the Optical Power 

Users can query the running status and optical power of each optical interface of a board to check 
whether the o ptical power meets the communication requirement. In addition, users can adjust
the optical power by increasing or decreasing the attenuation of the attenuator attached to the
optical interface.

E.6 Configuring ECC

The ECC is used to realize delivery of ECC packets through the Ethernet port on the SCC. This
is to ensure the normal communication between NEs.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential E-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

E Using the Commissioning Tool of the Access WDM OTN OptiX OSN 1800
for Deployment On Site Commissioning and Configuration Guide

E.1 Connecting the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool

Before logging in to the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool, perform a test to check whether 
the connection between the computer and the NE is established. This is to ensure that the data
configuration and other commissioning operations can be performed successfully by using the
OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool.

Background Information
If the IP address of the equipment cannot be obtained, press the LAMP button on the SCC board
to restore the default IP address of the OptiX OSN 1800. Then, connect the equipment to the
OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool for commissioning.

Method for restoring the default IP address:

Press the LAMP button on the SCC board and hold it for five to ten seconds. Then, release the
 button and wait for five to ten seconds.

Press the button again and hold it for five to ten seconds. Then, release the button and wait for 
five to ten seconds.

Press the button for the third time and hold it for more than five seconds, and then release the

In this manner, the IP address of the equipment can be restored.


The default IP address is


In the case of direct connection, do not configure a gateway if you configure IP Address (I).
Otherwise, any error in configuring the gateway may incur a connection failure. If the PC is
equipped with multiple network adapters, adopt the local connection corresponding to the
network adapter connected to the chassis.


You can connect the PC to the Optix OSN 1800 series in the following ways:
l Direction connection
l Connection through a LAN
The following procedures for connecting the PC to the NE are based on the Windows XP operating system.

l Direction connection
1. Connect the network interface of the PC to the ETH1 or ETH2&OAM network 
interface on the front panel of the SCC housed in the Optix OSN 1800 series chassis.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide for Deployment On Site

2. Click Start and choose Settings > Control Panel to display the Control Panel
3. Double-click Network Connection to display the Network Connection window.
4. Right-click Local Connection and select Properties  to display the Local Connection
Properties window.
5. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties  to display the Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window.
6. Select Use the following IP address. In the IP Address (I) field, enter an IP address
in the same network section as that of the NE, such as 129.9.0.N. "N" ranges from 1
to 255, but must be different from that in the IP address of the NE. In the Subnet
Mask  field, enter

7. Click OK  to finish the setting.

l Connection through a LAN
1. When you connect the PC to the NE through a LAN, set the IP address in the same
way as you set it for the direction connection scenario.
2. The IP address of the Optix OSN 1800 series must be in the same network section as
that of the LAN.
3. Connect the NE to a hub, router, or Ethernet switch through a network cable.


E.2 Logging in to the OTN Deployment Commissioning 

Users can log in to either the English version or the Chinese version of the OTN Deployment
Commissioning Tool by using the default user name and password.

Call off the IE proxy.

Set the internet security level of IE to low.


l For the sake of security, the system automatically exits after a period of inactivity. To operate the OTN
Deployment Commissioning Tool, you need to log in again.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential E-3

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E Using the Commissioning Tool of the Access WDM OTN OptiX OSN 1800
for Deployment On Site Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Step 1 Start Internet Explorer.
Step 2 In the address bar, enter the IP address of the OptiX OSN 1800 NE. For example, enter


By default, the login user interface language is English. You can click Chinese or English to choose a
language after logging in the tool.

Step 3 Enter a valid user name and password.


user is "lct" and the password is "password".

Step 4 Press Enter or click Login.


E.3 Checking the Self-Check Report of the Equipment

Before the software commissioning is performed, check the ATN self-check report to determine
and then rectify the faults in hardware and software. This improves the commissioning

Step 1 Log in to the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool. Enter a valid user name and password.
Then, the OTN Deployment Commissioning Tool automatically queries the power-on self-check 
report of the equipment that is stored in the Flash of the SCC board.

l After the equipment is powered on, the equipment itself checks the equipment type, basic information
of the NEs, the position information of every board, and the connecting status between the Local Bus
and the chip of the board.
l In the slot assignment diagram, green indicates that the board is installed, and yellow indicates that the
 board is not installed.

Step 2 In the Tree View, choose Homepage and query the self-check result. The self-check result is
displayed on the interface of the Web commissioning tool in lists.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide for Deployment On Site

Step 3 Click Print to save the self-check result. Click Refresh to perform the operation again.


E.4 Setting NE Attributes

The NE attributes need to be set during the software deployment to ensure that the system can
manage the NEs.

Step 1 In the Tree View, choose NE Commissioning > NE Attributes, the NE Attributes interface
is displayed in the operation area.

Step 2 Click Refresh  to view the basic attributes of the current NE.

Step 3 Change the values of NE Name, NE IP, NE Submask , and NE Time(UTC) according to actual

The value of NE Name consists of a maximum of 64 characters.

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E Using the Commissioning Tool of the Access WDM OTN OptiX OSN 1800
for Deployment On Site Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Step 4 Click Apply to activate the configuration. Then, a prompt information is displayed.

After modifying the IP, re-log the NE.

If the IP subnet segment of the computer is not as same as the NE IP subnet segment, you should set a new IP
address for the computer. Ensure that it is in the same IP subnet segment as the NE IP, then re-log the NE.

Step 5 Modify the NE ID.

1. Click Modify ID.
2. Input new ID in the Modify NEID dialog box and then click Apply.
The value of the ID is in hexadecimal.
3. Click Close to return to the login interface.
4. Log in to the NE again.


E.5 Checking and Adjusting the Optical Power

Users can query the running status and optical power of each optical interface of a board to check 
whether the optical power meets the communication requirement. In addition, users can adjust
the optical power by increasing or decreasing the attenuation of the attenuator attached to the
optical interface.

Step 1 In the Tree View, choose NE Commissioning > Optical power detecting, Select the detection
object  interface displayed in the operation area.

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l The Power (dBm) parameter indicates the current optical power of the optical interface of the board. The
Suggestion Range of Power(dBm)  parameter indicates the the suggested optical power for the optical
l When specific values are displayed for Power (dBm) and Suggestion Range of Power(dBm), it indicates
that the board is in service; if - is displayed, it indicates that the board is not installed.

Step 2 Select the optical interface of a board you want to set from the Select  check box.

To select all boards or deselect all boards, click Select All or Unselect All.

Step 3 Click Add Board or Delete Board to add or delete a logical board.


This step is only applicable to optical power detection, and the physical board to be added must have optical

Step 4 Click Start detecting and the optical power detection is performed on the selected board. After 
the optical power of a certain interface is queried out, the value is compared with the threshold.
If the optical power is within Suggestion Range of Power(dBm), The Abnormity Type of 
Optical Power and Handling Suggestions and Measures columns list the details.

Step 5 Click print to print out the detection result. The maintenance engineer adjusts the optical power 
according to the detection result.


E.6 Configuring ECC

The ECC is used to realize delivery of ECC packets through the Ethernet port on the SCC. This
is to ensure the normal communication between NEs.

Step 1 In the Tree View, choose ECC Configure, the ECC Configure interface is displayed in the
operation area.

The default tab for Extend Mode of ECC is Auto Configure.

Step 2 Choose Auto Configure, Manual Configure of Client, or Manual Configure of Server to set
the ECC parameters according to the actual situation. The detailed procedure is as follows:
1. When Extend Mode of ECC  is set to Auto Configure, you can set Auto Configure
Switch, which defaults to open. Click Apply to finish the configuration or click Query to
display the current configuration.

2. When Extend Mode of ECC  is set to Manual Configure of Client, IP and Port can be
set. The IP and port of the client must be consistent with the NE IP and port of the server.

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E Using the Commissioning Tool of the Access WDM OTN OptiX OSN 1800
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Click Apply to finish the configuration, click Query to display the current configuration, or 
click delete  to delete the configuration.

3. When Extend Mode of ECC is set to Manual Configure of Server, IP cannot be modified.
Only Port can be set.


l Auto Configure conflicts with Manual Configure of Client and Manual Configure of 

Server. If you select Manual Configure of Client or Manual Configure of Server, make sure
that Auto Configure is set to Close.
l Auto Configure is applicable to the network that consists of a maximum of eight NEs. In the
auto mode, the ECC is configured automatically Manual Configure of Client and Manual
Configure of Server are applicable to the network that consists of more than eight NEs. In the
manual mode, the ECC needs to be configured manually.

Step 3 When the configuration of the ECC parameters takes effect, List of ECC Link Layer
Management  lists the specific information for the current state.


E-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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OptiX OSN 1800

Commissioning and Configuration Guide F Glossary

F  Glossary

Alarm A visible or an audible indication to notify the person concerned that a

failure or an emergency has occurred. See also Event.

APD Avalanche Photodiode. A semiconductor photo detector with integral

detection and amplification stages. Electrons generated at a p/n junction
are accelerated in a region where they free an avalanche of other electrons.
APDs can detect faint signals but require higher voltages than other 
semiconductor electronics.

Attenuation Reduction of signal magnitude or signal loss, usually expressed in


Attenuator A passive component that attenuates an electrical or optical signal.

Back up A method to copy the important data into a backing storage in case that
the original is damaged or corrupted.

Cabling ladder The ladder between the cabinet and the cabling rack, which is used for 
cable routing.

Cabling The methods to route the cables or fibers.

Channel The smallest subdivision of a circuit that provides a type of 

communication service; usually a path with only one direction.

Client A kind of terminal (PC or workstation) connected to a network that can

send instructions to a server and get results through a user interface. See
also server.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-1

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F Glossary Commissioning and Configuration Guide

Configuration The data that configures the NE hardware for coordination between this
data  NE and other NEs in the entire network, and for operation of specified
services. Configuration data is the instruction file of NEs, and it is a key
element to ensure that the network runs efficiently. The typical
configuration data includes board configuration, clock configuration and
 protection relationship.

Connection A "transport entity" which consists of an associated pair of "unidirectional

connections" capable of simultaneously transferring information in
opposite directions between their respective inputs and outputs.

CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing. The technology for 

transmitting signals at multiple wavelengths through the same fiber with
wide spacing between optical channels. Typical spacing is several
nanometers or more.

Drop The port on a network element where the service to an end customer may
 be connected, e.g., a tributary card on a SONET ADM. For example, a
drop for a DS1 customer service may be provided by a VT1.5 card
terminating a VT1.5 trail.

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing. The technology utilizes the

characteristics of broad bandwidth and low attenuation of single mode
optical fiber, employs multiple wavelengths with specific frequency
spacing as carriers, and allows multiple channels to transmit
simultaneously in the same fiber.

Ethernet A data link level protocol comprising the OSI model's bottom two layers.
It is a broadcast networking technology that can use several different
 physical media, including twisted pair cable and coaxial cable. Ethernet
usually uses CSMA/CD. TCP/IP is commonly used with Ethernet

Fault A fault is the inability of a function to perform a required action. This

does not include an inability due to preventive maintenance, lack of 
external resources, or planned actions.

Fiber connector A device mounted on the end of a fiber-optic cable, light source, receiver,
or housing that mates to a similar device to couple light into and out of 
optical fibers. A connector joins two fiber ends, or one fiber end and a
light source or detector.

Fiber jumper The fiber which is used to connect the subrack with the ODF.

F-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide F Glossary

Hardware A method to use a fiber to connect the receiving optical interface with the
loopback  transmitting one on a board. It performs transmission tests, which method
usually does not require the assistance of personnel at the served terminal.

Label A mark on a cable, a subrack, or a cabinet for identification.

Laser The device that generates the directional light covering a narrow range of 
wavelengths. Laser light is more coherent than ordinary light.
Semiconductor diode lasers are the used light source in fiber-optic system.

Link A "topological component" that provides transport capacity between two

endpoints in different subnetworks via a fixed (i.e., inflexible routing)
relationship. The endpoints are "subnetwork termination point pools" for 
SONET, and link termination points for ATM. Multiple links may exist
 between a pair of subnetworks. A link also represents a set of "link 

Loopback The fault of each path on the optical fibre can be located by setting
loopback for each path of the line. There are three kinds of loopback 
modes: No loopback, Outloop, Inloop.

Multiplexer An equipment which combines a number of tributary channels onto a

fewer number of aggregate bearer channels, the relationship between the
tributary and aggregate channels being fixed.


 NE database The database that is saved in the SCC board. There are three types of 
databases on the SCC board as follows: (1) DRDB: a dynamic database
in a dynamic RAM, powered by battery; (2) SDB: a static database in a
 power-down RAM; (3) FDB0, FDB1: permanently saved databases in a
Flash ROM. In efficient operation, the NE configuration data is saved in
DRDB and SDB at the same time. Backing up an NE database means
 backing up the NE configuration data from SDB to FDB0 and FDB1.

 Network  The range of IP addresses in which the gateway NE will operate.


OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer. A device that can be used to add the
optical signals of various wavelengths to one channel and drop the optical
signals of various wavelengths from one channel.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-3

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F Glossary Commissioning and Configuration Guide

ODF Optical Distribution Frame. A frame which is used to transfer and spool

ONE Optical Network Element. A stand-alone physical entity in an optical

transmission network that supports at least network element functions.

Optical interface A device to allow two or more corresponding optical transmitting units
to be connected.

Optical spectrum An instrument that scans the spectrum to record power, measures the
analyzer  value of loss insertion and tests the performance of the wavelength and
optical signal noise ratio (OSNR) of each channel.

OSC Optical Supervisory Channel. A technology realizes communication

among nodes in optical transmission network and transmits the
monitoring data in a certain channel (the wavelength of the working
channel for it is 1510 nm and that of the corresponding protection one is
1625 nm).

OSNR Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio. Ratio of the optical power of the

transmitted optical signal to the noise on the received signal.

OTM Optical Terminal Multiplexer. A device that multiplex or demultiplex

optical signals into a transmission link or into the client side.

OTU Optical Transponder Unit. A device that access service signals compliant
with standards at the client side and convert them into standard DWDM
or CWDM wavelengths.

Output optical The ranger of optical energy level of output signals.


Pane A major separate area of a window or dialog box, usually used for display
rather than data entry.

Path A logical connection between the point at which a standard frame format
for the signal at the given rate is assembled, and the point at which the
standard frame format for the signal is disassembled.

PIN Photodiode. A semiconductor detector with an intrinsic (i) region

separating the p- and n-doped regions. It has fast linear response and is
used in fiber-optic receivers.

Pointer An indicator whose value defines the frame offset of a virtual container 
with respect to the frame reference of the transport entity on which it is

Power box A direct current power distribution box at the upper part of a cabinet,
which supplies power for the subracks in the cabinet.

Procedure A generic term for an action.

Process A generic term for a collection of actions.

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide F Glossary

Receiver  Receiver overload is the maximum acceptable value of the received

overload average power at point R.

Receiver  Receiver sensitivity is defined as the minimum acceptable value of 

sensitivity average received power at point R.

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. A hierarchical set of digital transport

structures, standardized for the transport of suitably adapted payloads
over physical transmission networks.

SONET Synchronous Optical Network. A North American standard for 

Synchronous Data Transfer over Optical Networks.

Service The measures to make sure the service transmitting not to be damaged or 
 protection corrupted.

Side panel The panel on the side of the cabinet.

Support The frame on the bottom of a cabinet, when installing the cabinet on the
antistatic floor.

VLAN Virtual local area network. A subset of the active topology of a Bridged
Local Area Network. Associated with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier 

Washer A washer which is used to level the cabinet.

WDM Wavelength-Division Multiplexing. WDM technology utilizes the

characteristics of broad bandwidth and low attenuation of single mode
optical fiber, employs multiple wavelengths as carriers, and allows
multiple channels to transmit simultaneously in a single fiber.

WTR Wait to Restore. This command is issued when working channels meet
the restoral threshold after an SD or SF condition. It is used to maintain
the state during the WTR period unless it is pre-empted by a higher 
 priority bridge request.

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-5

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Commissioning and Configuration Guide G Acronyms and Abbreviations

G  Acronyms and Abbreviations

APD Avalanche Photo Diode

DWDM Dense Wave Division Multiplexer  

FEC Forward error correction

FOADM Fixed Optical add/drop Multiplexer  

IC Integrated Circuit

ID Identity

IP Internet Protocol

LAN Local Area Network  

LCT Local Craft Terminal


 NE Network Element

 NM Network Management

Issue 02 (2010-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

OptiX OSN 1800

G Acronyms and Abbreviations Commissioning and Configuration Guide

OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer  

OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance

ODF Optical Distribution Frame

ODUk Optical Channel Data Unit-k  

OSC Optical Supervisory Channel

OSN Optical Switch Node

OSNR Optical Signal-to-noise Ratio

OTN Optical Transmission Network  

OTM Optical Transport Module

OTU Optical Transponder Unit

PGND Protection Ground

PIN Positive Intrinsic Negative

SCC System Control & Communication

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SNCP Subnetwork Connection Protection

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network  

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplex

G-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2010-09-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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