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[ QUESTIONS ASKED IN PREVIOUS SSC EXAMS TYPE-I 1. Two pipes Aand B can fill tank in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. If both pipes are opened together, the time taken. ‘0 fill the tank is: (1) 50 minutes (2) 12 minutes (3) 25 minutes (4) 15 minutes (SSC OGL Prelim Exam. 04.07.1999 Tst Sitting & (SSC CPO SI. Exam, (07.08.2003) 2. A tap can empty a tank in one hhour. A second tap can empty it in 30 minutes. If both the taps operate simuitaneously, how much time is needed to empty the tank? (2) 20 minutes (2) 30 minutes (3) 40 minutes (4) 45 minutes {SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 27.02.2000 (Fist Siting) 3 Acistern can be filled with water by a pipe in 5 hours and it can bbe emptied by a second pipe in 4 hours. If both the pipes are opened when the cistern is full, the time in which it wll be emptied is: ()9hours (2) 18 hours i (3)20hours (4) 205 hours (SSCCOL Prelim Exam. 24.02.2002 (First Siting) 4. Two pipes A and B can separately fill a cistern in 60 minutes and 75 minutes res , There 1s a third pipe in the bottom of the ‘cistern to empty it If all the three pipes are simultaneously opened, {hen the cistern is full in 50 min- tutes. In how muuch time the third pipe alone can empty the cistern? (2) 110 minutes (2) 100 minutes (3) 120 minutes (4) 90 minutes (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 11.05.2003 (First Siang) 5. Apipe can filla tank in’ hours ‘and another pipe can empty itin'y iy> a hours. If both the pipes are open, in how many hours will the tank be filled ? (1) &—y) hours @) (y-Ahours xy O@yy hours, =m (8) Fox hours {SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 04.02.2007 (First: 6. 12 puinps working 6 hours aday can empty a completely filled reservolr in 15 days. How many such pumps working 9 hours a day will empty the same reser- voir in 12 days? ais @Q9 (3) 10 (12 (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 04.02.2007 (Second sitting) 7. Three pipes P.Q and R can sep, arately fll a cistern in 4,8 and 12 hours respectively. Another pipe Scan empty the completely fled cistern in10 hours. Which of the following arrangements will fill the empty cistern in less time than others? () Q alone is open. (2) PandS are open. (9) P, Rand S are open. (@ P,Q andS are open. (SSC CPOS.. Exam. 09.11.2008) ‘Three taps A.B and C together can fill an empty cistern in 10 min- utes. The tap A alone can flit in ‘30 minutes and the tap Balone in 40 minutes.How long will the tap Calone take to fill it? (2) 16 minutes (2)24 minutes (@) 32minutes (4) 40 minutes (GSC CHSLDEO &LDC Exam. 28.11.2010 st Siting) ®. Atank can be filled by pipe A in 2 hours and pipe B in 6 hours. At 10 A.M. pipe A was opened. ‘At what time will the tank be filied if pipe B is opened at 11 AM? () 12.45 AM. @) 5PM (@ 11.45 AM. (4) 12 PM. (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I ‘Bxam.16,09.2012) 10. If two pipes function simulta- neously, a tank is filled in 12 hours. One pipe fills the tank 10 hours faster than the other. How many hours does the faster pipe alone take to fil the tank? () 20hrs (2) 18 hrs ( 1Shrs (4) 12 hrs (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. 27.10.2018 Hind Sitting) 11. Two pipes X and ¥ can fill a cls- tem in 24 minutes and 32 min- tutes respectively. If both the pipes are opened together, then after how much time (in minutes) should Y be closed so that the tanks full in 18 minutes ? @) 10 Qs @6 @s (SSC CHSLDEO & LDC Exam. 10.11.2013 fst Sitting) A clster 1s provided with two pipes A and B. A can fill it in 20 minutes and B can empty it in 30 minutes. If A and B be kept open alternately for one minute each, how soon will the cistern be filied ? (1) 121 minutes @ 110 minutes (3) 125 minutes (4) 120 minutes (SSC CGLTler-1 Re-Exam. (2013) 20.07.2014 find Sitting) 13. A water tank can be filled by a tap in 30 minutes and another tap can fill it in 60 minutes. If both the taps are kept open for 5 minutes and then the first tap 4s closed, how long will it take for the tank to be full ? (1) 20 minutes 2) 25 minutes (3) 30 minutes (4) 45 minutes (GSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delt Police SI Exam. 22.06.2014) 14, Two pipes A and B can fill atank in 36 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. Another pipe,C can empty the tank in 30 minutes, First A and B are opened. After 7 minutes, C is also opened. The tank is filled up in (1)39 minutes (2)46 minutes (3)40minutes (4)45 minutes (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC ‘Exam.9.11.2014) 16, Two inlet pipes can fill a cistern in 10 and 12 hours respectively and an outlet pipe can empty 80 gallons of water per hour. All the three pipes working together can fill the empty cistern in 20 hours. ‘What is the Capacity (in gallons) of the tank? ) 360 (2) 300 (@) 600 (4) 900 (SSC CAPFs ASI & Delhi Police SI Online Exam, 01.07.2017 (ist Sitting) 16. Pipe ‘A’ can empty a full tank in 20 minutes. The diameter of another pipe ‘B’ Is twice the diameter of pipe A. If both pipes ‘Nand B are joined to the tank, the time taken by both pipes to empty the tank is. (0) 62 minutes (2 10 minutes (8) 25 minutes (4) 15 minutes (Constable (GD) in CAPFs, NIA, SSF & "Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles Exam, (01.08.2019 (Shift-D} | | PIPE AND CISTERN, 1 1. If Fofa tank holds 80 litres of water, then the quantity of water 1 that 3 tank holds ts : (1) 240 litres (2) 120 itres: 80 (3) J ltres_ (4) 100 ttres (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 04.07.1999 (Second sitting) 2. Acistemn has two pipes. One can fill t with water in 8 hours and other can empty it in 5 hours. In how many hours will the cistern be emptied if both the pipes are opened together when 4 ofthe ‘cistern fs already full of water ? ) 19} hours 2) 10hours (@Chours 435 hours (8c CGL Pretin Exam, 19.11.2008 (first Sitting) 3 3. J part of a tank is full of water. ‘When 30 litres of water is taken out, the tank becomes einpty. The capacity of the tank Is (1) 36 litres (2) 42 tres (3) 40 ltres (4) 38 litres {SSC COL Prelim Exam. 13.11.2005 ‘(Second Sitting) 6 4. 5 th part ofa tank is filed with oll. After taking out 60 litres of 4 ol, the tank ts th part full. ‘What Is the capacity (in litres) of the tank? (1) 350 (2) 700 (3) 360 (4) 1050 {SSC CAPFs ASI & Delhi Police St Exam, 05.07.2017 (Ist Sitting) 5. Pipes P and Q can fill a tank in 10 and 12 hours respectively and C can empty it in 6 hours. If all the three are opened at 7 a.m., at what time will one-fourth of the tank be filled ? @) 10am. 2) 10pm. @lpm @) 1am (SSC CPO (SI, AST & Intelligence Officer) Exam. 26.08.2011 (Paper) 3 6. If 5 th ofa cistern Is filled in 1 minute, the time needed to fill the rest is (1)40 sec (2) 30 see (8)36 sec (4) 24 sec ($8¢ CHSLDEO & LDc Exam, 28.10.2012 lst Sitting) ‘There are two pumps tofilla tank ‘with water. First pump can fillthe empty tank in 8 hours, while the second in 10 hours. If both the pumps are opened at the same {me and kept open for 4 hours, the part of tank that will be filled ups: »& 4 a) To io 92 1 Os @s (590 Mutt-asking tat Exam, 10.03.2013) 8. Three pipes A, B and C can filla tankin 6 hours, 9 hours and 12, hours respectively. B and C are ‘opened for half an hour, then A 1s also opened. The time taken by the three pipes together to fill the remaining part of the tank is () Shours (2) Zhours 1 1 () 25 hours (4) 35 hours (SSc Mult-Tasking Staff Exam, 17.08.2018 (Kolkata Region) 4 ) 9, = th part ofa tank is filled with oll. After taking out 42 litres of 3 oll the tank is th part full. What is the capacity (in litres) of the tank? (1) 420 (2) 630 (3) 840 (4) 1680 (SSC CAPFs ASI & Delhi Police St Exam, Paper-I(Shift-M) 04.07.2017) TYPE-I 1. Three taps A, B and C can fla tank in 12, 16 and 20 hours re- spectively. If A 19 open all the time and B and C are open for ‘one hour each alternatively, the tank will be full in : ()6hours” @) 6 hours (3)7hours (4) 75 hours (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 04.07,1999 (Gecond sitting) 2. A pump can filla tank with wa- ter in 2 hours. Because of a leak 1 {n the tank it was taking 23 hours to fill the tank: The leak can drain all the water off the tank in: Q) Bhours (2) 7 hours 1 (9) 43 hours (4) 14 hours _ {SSC COL Prelim Exam. 24,02.2002 {ind Sitting) & (SSC CPO Si. Exam. 03.09.2006) 3. A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, three more similar taps are opened. ‘Whatis the total time taken tofill the tank completely? (0) 4hours: (2) 4 hours 15 minutes (8)3 hours 15 minutes (4) 3 hours 45 minutes (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 11.05.2003 (Second Sitting) + 4. ‘Two pipes A and B can fill a cls- 1 tern in 87> minutes and 45 minutes respectively. Both pipes are opened. The cistern will be filled just in half an hour, ifthe pipe B is tumed off after (1) 15 minutes (2) 10 minutes, (9)5 minutes (4)9 minutes (8SC COL Prelim Exam. 08.02.2004 (Second Sitting) 5."Atankis fitted with two taps. The , first tap can fill the tank com- pletely in 45 minutes and the second tap can empty the full tank in one hour. Ifboth the taps are opened alternately for one minute, then in how many hours the empty tank will be filed com- pletely? (1)2 hours 55 minutes, (2)3 hours 40 minutes, (9) 4 hours 48 minutes, (@) 5 hours 53 minutes (SSC Section Officer (Commercial ‘Audt) Exam. 25.09.2005), * 6. A tank can befllled by two pipes in 20 minutes and 30 minutes. respectively. Wheri the tank was empty, the two’ pipes were opened. After some time, the frst pipe was stopped and the —_—_—_————> PIPE AND CISTERN tank was filled in 18 minutes. ‘After how much time of the start was the first pipe stopped? (1) S minutes (2) 8 minutes (3) 10 minutes (4) 12 minutes (SSC Section Officer (Commercial “Audit) Exam. 26.11.2006 (lind Sitting) & (SSC MTS Exam. 17.08.2018) st Siting) 7. A tap takes 36 hours extra to fll atank due toa leakage equivalent to half of Its inflow. The inflow can fill the tank in how many hours? Q)36hrs @)24hre (3) 30hrs (4) 18 hrs (SSC CGL Prelim Exam, 04.02.2007 (Gecond Sitting) 8. A tank can be filled with water by two pipes A and B together in. 36 minutes. If the pipe B was stopped after 30 minutes, the tank is filled in 40 minutes. The plpe'B can alone fill the tank in (2) 45 minutes @) 60 minutes () 75minutes (4) 90 minutes (SSC Section Officer (Commercial ‘Audit) Exam, 30.09.2007 (Second Sitting) 8. Atank has a leak which would empty the completely filled tank in 10 hours. If the tank is full of ‘water and a taps opened which admits 4 litres of water per minute in the tank, the leak takes 15, hours to empty the tank. How ‘many litres of water does the tank hold? (24001 (245001 (3)12001 (4) 72001 {SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 27.07.2008 (First Sitting) 10. Three pipes A, B and Ccan fill a cistern in 6 hours. After working at it together for 2. hours, C 1s closed and A and B fil it in 7 hours more. The time taken by alone toll the cistern ts () 14hours (2) 15 hours @ 16hours (4) 17hours {SSC CPOS1L Exam. 06.09.2008) 11. Atap can fila cistern in 40 min- utes and a second tap can emp- ty the filled cistern in 60 min- utes. By mistake without clos- {ing the second tap, the first tap was opened. In how many min- tutes will the empty cistern be filled ? a) 72 (2) 84 () 108. (4) 120 (SSC CISF ASI Exam. 29108.2010 : (Paper-1) 12 MpeAcan fl acistem in 6 hours and pipe B can fill it in 8 hours. Both the pipes are opened simul taneously, but after two hours, Pipe As closed. How many hours will B take to fill the remaining art of the cistern ? () 2h @) 32 bre 2 @ 23hrs (4)4 hrs (ssc CHSL DEO & Loc ‘Exam. 27.11.2010) 18. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 6 hours. After working together for 2 hours, Cs closed and A and B fill the tank in 8 hours. The time (in hours) in which the tank can be filled by pipe C alone is (a) 10 @12 @s ao (SSC CHSL DEO & LDC Exam. 10.11.2013, Tind Sitting) 14. Pipe A can filla tank in 4 hours and pipe B can fillit in 6 hours. If they are opened on alternate hours and if pipe A ts opened first, in how many hours, the tank shall be full ? 1 1 m4y a 85 1 2 ai a2 @37 w4y (SSC CGLTier-1 Exam, 09.08.2015 {ind Sitting) TF No. 4239378) 115. Two pipes A and B can filla tank with water in 30 minutes and 45, minutes respectively. The water pipe C can empty the tank in 36 ‘opened. After 12 minutes C is opened. Total time (in minutes) in which the tank will be filled up is: a) 30 (12 (3) 36 (a) 24 (§SC COL Tier-1Exam, 16.08.2015 {nd Sitting) TF No. 2176783) 16. A leak in the bottom of a tank ‘can empty the fulltankin6 hours. An inlet pipe fils water atthe rate of 4 litres a minute. When the tank is full, the inlet is opened and due to the leak the tank 1s empty in 8 hours. Find the ca- ppaclty of the tank. (1) 5760 Utres (2) 96 utres @) 10litres (4) 24 litres (ssc ca Tier-t Re-Bxam, 30.08.2015) minutes. First A and B are | 17. A pipe can fil a tank in 24 hrs. Due to a leakage in the bottom, itis filled in 36 hrs. Ifthe tank is half full, how much time will the leak take to empty the tank? (@) 48hrs@) 72 hrs (@) 36hrs (4) 24 hrs (SSC CHSL (10.2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA Exam, 01.11.2016, ind Sitting) 18. Awater tap fils a tub in‘p' hours anda sinkat the bottom empties itin'g hours. if p< q and both tap and sink are open, the tank {s filled in'‘r hours; then ale ale 1 ws r le ole @t r (@)r=p+q (@r=p-q (SSC COL Ter-I1 Online ‘Exam.01.12.2016) 19. Two taps A and B can fill a tank. in 10 hours and 12 hours respec- tively. Ifthe two taps are opened at 10a.m., then at what time (in p.m) should the tap A be closed to completely fill the tank at ex- actly 4 p.m.? a2 @3 @1 (4) 1:30 (SSC CAPFs ASI & Delhi Police St ‘Exam, 02.07.2017 (Ist Siting) 20. Pipe X can fill tank in 20 hours and Pipe ¥ can fill the tank in 35 hours. Both the pipes are opened on alternate hours. Pipe ¥ 1s opened first, then in how much ‘ime (in hours) the tank wall be full? 269, 286 OF @4r 179g 12 oF IF (6SC CHSL (1042) Ter-t CBE (Exam) 04.03.2018 (First Siting) 21. Two pipes A and B can fll a tank in 20 hours and 24 hours respec- tively. Ifthe two pipes are opened atin the morning, then at what ‘me the pipe A should be closed to completely ll the tank exactly at 5 in the evening? @) 3pm 2) 2pm @ 1pm @) tam (SSC CAPFp ASI & Detht Police SI Online ‘Exam, (Shift) 03.07.2017) TT PPE AND CISTERN 22. Two inlet pipes can fill a cistern in 20 and 24 hours respectively and an outlet pipecan empty 160 gallons of water per hour. All the three pipes working together can fill the empty cistern in 40 hours. ‘What is the capacity (in gallons) ofthe tank? (@) 1200 (2) 2400 (3) 3600 (4) 1800 (SSC CAPFs ASI & Detht Police St Exam, Paper-I (Shif-m) 04.07.2017) 23. Two pipes A and B can fill an empty tank in 10 hours and 15 hours respectively. Pipe C alone can empty the completely filled tank in 12 hours. First both pipes Aand B are opened and after 5 hours pipe C is also opened. What is the total time (in hours) in which the tank will be filled? a7 @5 @ 9 48 (SSC CAPIs ASI & Dethi Police SI Exam, (Shuft-t 07.07.2017) 24. Three taps P, Q and R ean fila tank in 20, 30 and 40 minutes Fespectively. Ifall the three taps fare opened, then how much time (in minutes) it will take to com- pletely fll the tank? M92 aie 3) ak (@) 15 (SSC Multt Tasking Staff Exam, (Shuif-I 03.10.2017) 28. Two pipes U and V can fill a cis- term in 12 hours and 20 hours Tespectively. Pipe W can empty the tank in 8 hours. If all the three pipes are opened, then in ‘how many hours the cistern will be full? 1) 60 2) 120 (3) 150 (4) 100 (SSC Mult Tasking Staff Exam, (Shuft-t) 03.10.2017) 26.A pipe can fill a tank in 10 hours. Due to the leak in its bottom, the tank is filled in 12 hours. If the tank ts full, then that leak can empty the tank in how many hours? (1) 30 2) 45 (60 (a) 42 (SSC Multi Taskang Staff Exam, (Shuft-0) 21.10.2017) 27. Two pipes N and Q can fill a water tank in 90 and 10 hours fespectively. If they are opened together, then in how many ‘hours will the tank be filled? ae @) 18 (9120 a6 (SSC Mull Tasking Staff Exam, (Shit) 22.10.2017) 28. Two taps P and Q can filla tank in 24 hours and 18 hours respec- ively. Ifthe two taps are opened at 11 a.m., then at what time (in P.m, should the tap P be closed. to completely fill the tank at ex- actly 2a.m.? as 22 @ 3 (a4 {SSC CHSL (10 +2) MERA CBE Exam, (Shit-) 10.03.2018) 29. Two pipes P and Q can fill an ‘empty tank in 25 hours and 20 hours respectively. Pipe R alone can empty the completely filled tank in 50 hours. Firstly both the Pipes P and Q are opened and after 8 hours, pipe Ris also opened. What will be the total {time (in hours) taken to complete- ly ll the tank? a) 12 1 CBE Exam, (Shift-M) 19.03.2018) 80. Two pipes A.and B can fill a tank in 6 hours and 9 hours Tespectively. They are opened alternately for 1 hour each, starting with pipe A first. In how many hours will the tank be filled? as aa @6 a7 (SSC SI Detht Police, CAPFs & ASI (CISF) Exam, 12.03.2019 (Shift-N) 91. Two pipes A and B can fill an empty tank in 10 hours and 16 hours respectively. They are opened alternately for 1 hour each, starting with pipe A first. In how many hours, the empty tank will be fled? 1 1 7 2d a 125 (2) 125 1 1 @ 125 125 (SSC SUIn Detht Police, CAPFs & AST (CISF) Exam, 13.03.2019 (Shift-) 82. Pipes A and B can separately fill tank in 12 hours and 16 hours respectively and pipe C can emp- ty the full tank in 24 hours. All * her, hy ‘are opened toget but after 4 hours pipe 4 18 closed. In how many hours from the beginning the tank will be filled ? () 24 (2) 28 (3) 30 (4) 32 (SSC SI In Detht Police, CAPFs & ASL (CISA Exam, 19.03.2019 (Shift-) 83. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in one hour and two hours respec- ively while pipe C can empty the filled up tank in one hour and fifteen minutes. A and C are tured on together at 9 a.m, Af- ter2 hours, only As closed and B ts turned on. When will the tank be emptied ? Q) 12: 10 pm. @) 11:30am, (@) 10:30am. (4) 12: 20 pm, (SSC CGLTHer-1 CDE Exam, 06.06.2019 (sii One pipe can fll a tank three times as fast as another pipe. If together the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, the slower pipe alone will be able to fll the tank in. (1) 81 minutes (2)108 minutes (3) 144 minutes(4)192 minutes (ssc CPO Si. Exam, 12.01.2003) & (SSC CGLTher-t Exam. 16.05.2010) (tnd Sitting) 2.A pipe can enipty a tank in 40 minutes. A second pipe with di- ameter twice as much as that of the firstis also attached with the tank to empty it. The two together. can empty the tank in : 1 Q)8minutes (2) 13-5 minutes (3)30 minutes (4) 38 minutes (SSC CPO S.1. Exam, 26.05.2005) ‘8. Two pipes can independeritly fill ‘a bucket in 20 minutes and 25 minutes. Both are opened togeth- er for 5 minutes after which the ‘second pipe 1s turned off. What 4s the time taken by the first pipe alone to fill the remaining por- tion of the bucket? (@)11 minutes (2) 16 minutes (3)20 minutes (4) 15 minutes (SSC CAPFs (CPO) SI & ASI, Delhi Police Exam. 05.06.2016) {st Sitting) SSS GS) _—_— PIPE AND CISTERN ‘A Boy and girl together fill a cis- * fem with water. The boy pours 4 Iures of water every 3 minutes dnd the girl pours 3 litres every minutes. How much time will it take to fill 100 litres of water in the cistern ? (1) 36 minutes (2) 42 minutes (g)48minutes (4) 44 minutes (SSC CGL Prelim Exam. 27.07.2008 (Second Sitting) 5. Two pipes A and B can fill a wa- ter tak in 20 and 24 minutes respectively and a third pipe C fan emply at the rate of 3 gal- Tons per minute. If A, B and C are opened together to fill the tank in 15 minutes, the capacity (in gallons) of the tank is : (@) 180 (2)150 () 120 (60 (SSC CPO Si. Exam. 16.12.2007) 6. A swimming pool has 3 drain pipes. The first two pipes A and B, operating simultaneously, can ‘empty the pool in half the time that C, the 3rd pipe, alone takes to empty It, Pipe A. working alone, takes half the time taken by pipe B. Together they take 6 hours 40 minutes to empty the pool. Time taken by pipe A to empiy the pool, {in hours) is 15 @) 10 @ 30 a7, (SSC Graduate Level Tler-It ‘Exam. 16.09.2012) 7. Atap drips at arate of one drop/ ‘sec. 600 drops make 100ml. The number of litres wasted in 300 days is a) 4320000 (2) 432000 (@) 43200 (4) 4320 | (SSC CGL Ter ‘Bxamn_19,10.2014 (ist Situng) 8. Atapcan empty atank in 30 min- utes. A second tap can empty it in 45 minutes. If both the taps operate simultaneously, how much time is needed to empty thetank? (1) 30minutes_ (@) 18 minutes (3) 14minutes (4) 15 minutes (SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam, 09.08.2015 ‘st Sitting) TF No. 1443088) ®. Pipes A.and B can fill a tank in 6 hours and 9 hours respectivel and pipe C-can empty the full in 12 hours. Ifall three pipes are opened together when a tank is empty, in how many hours will 35% of the tank be filled? @ 19 @) 15 @ 16 @) 1.8 (SSC Si Delht Police, CAPFs & ASI (CIS) ‘Exam, 12.03.2019 (Shif-) SHORT ANSWERS ra] 2o0][ so] 4a 5@| 6@| 7a] 62 9.) | 10.0) | 12. | 12.8 13. @ [14 @) [ 15. [16.0 TYPE-I 1@| 2@] s@| 4a 52a] ea] 7M] so Exo) 1@] 2@| s@] 41) 5 | 6@| 7] 814 9. (4) | 10.0) | 12.14) | 12.2) 33. @) | 14. | 15.4 | 16.0) 17.13) | 18.2) | 19. (2) | 20.2) aa.) | 22.) | 23.0) | 24.0) 28. (2) | 26.(9 | 27.(0) | 28.3) 29.) | 30.4 | 31. | 32.14 33. (4) Crew) 1@| 2a] 3a] 40 3@| em] za] se 8.) EXPLANATIONS 1, (2) Using Rule 1, Here, x = 20, ¥ Required time pa am te = (sepy) minutes 20x30 = (20480, = 12minutes. Aer: Total work 60 (LCA) Time: 29 BD sitaeney: $3 0 (A+BY’s efficiency = 3 +2=5 ‘Total time taken 60 3B 7 12 minutes 2, (1) Using Rule 6, Here, x = 60, y = 30 Required time ay = [sexy] minutes 60x30 « (22222) mins = 20 minutes. im Total work 60 (L.C.M.) Time: 60 30 CAD cs 60 60, Bimctency: §O=! 30 (Asbys effctency = 1+2=3 60 ‘Time taken to empty = 3 = 20 minutes 3. (3) Using Rule 7, Here, x=5,y=4 reine ( Total work 20 (L.C.M.) : 5 4 C5 cB> 20 20, Bietency » 3p 2 ‘-ve sign shows it emptles)

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