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Reasons to apply scholarship

Actually I have a dream to study abroad in computer science program. Therefore, this course would
help me a lot as a foundation and the transferable credit would be very precious for me when I apply
for university in foreign countries. I also need to apply for scholarship when I choose to study
abroad because of financial problems. Studying abroad is the only way for me to continue my
educational path. Actually, I was dismissed from University of Medical Technology Yangon since I
stopped going to university because of the military coup in Myanmar. Therefore I can only continue
my education when we gain democracy in Myanmar.
There are some private technological University in Yangon. But I can’t afford for all four academic
years. Therefore I need to apply scholarship to study computer science program in foreign countries
like the United States of America and United Kingdom. And this course is crucial for me to study
abroad since i can get credit for this program and it will help me a lot when I start to study that
program in foreign university. I will be privileged with that program if I can attend this course.

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