Unit-1 Notes

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Data science: Data science can be defined as managing the

process that can transform hypotheses and data into actionable
Data Science is about data gathering, analysis and decision-making.

Data Science is about finding patterns in data, through analysis, and make
future predictions.

Data Science, enables to make:

 Better decisions (should we choose A or B)

 Predictive analysis (what will happen next?)
 Pattern discoveries (find pattern, or maybe hidden information in the

Gather data –>analyze(process)predict

Different mathematical operation And algorithms are


Linear Algebra
inear Algebra is the branch of mathematics that concerns linear equations (and
linear maps) and their representations in vector spaces and through matrices.

Machine Learning experts cannot live without Linear Algebra:

 ML make heavy use of Scalars

 ML make heavy use of Vectors
 ML make heavy use of Matrices
 ML make heavy use of Tensors

The purpose of this chapter is to highlight the parts of linear algebra that is
used in data science projects like machine learning and deep learning.

Scalar Vector(s)
1 1   1 2 3

Matrix Tensor

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 5 6 4 5 6 1 2 3

Vectors and Matrices

Vectors and Matrices are the languages of data.

With ML, most things are done with vectors and matrices.

With vectors and matrices, you can Discover Secrets.

In linear algebra, a scalar is a single number.

In JavaScript it can be written like a constant or a variable:

const myScalar = 1;
let x = 1;
var y = 1;
In linear algebra, a vector is an array of numbers.

In JavaScript, it can be written as an array:

const myArray = [50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150];
myArray.length;   // the length of myArray is 11

Try it Yourself »

An array can have multiple dimensions, but a vector is a 1-dimensional array.

A vector can be written in many ways. The most common are:

A Tensor is a N-dimensional Matrix:

 A Scalar is a 0-dimensional tensor

 A Vector is a 1-dimensional tensor
 A Matrix is a 2-dimensional tensor
A Tensor is a generalization of Vectors and Matrices to higher dimensions.

Tensor Ranks
The number of directions a tensor can have in a N-dimensional space, is called
the Rank of the tensor.

The rank is denoted R.

A Scalar is a single number.

 It has 0 Axes
 It has a Rank of 0
 It is a 0-dimensional Tensor

A Vector is an array of numbers.

 It has 1 Axis
 It has a Rank of 1
 It is a 1-dimensional Tensor

A Matrix is a 2-dimensional array.

 It has 2 Axis
 It has a Rank of 2
 It is a 2-dimensional Tenso
A linear equation is an equation in which the highest power of the variable is always 1
 Linear means straight
 A linear function is a straight line
 A linear graph represents a linear function

Linear Functions
A Function is special relationship where each input has an output.

A function is often written as f(x) where x is the input:

Non-Linear Equations
A Linear Equation can NOT contain exponents or square roots:

 y = x**2
 y = Math.sqrt(x)
 y = Math.sin(x)

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