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School Year 2020 -2021

Objectives: During the School Year 2020-2021, the teachers shall be able to:

1. Upgrade the quality of virtual classroom instruction through regular monitoring and observation.
2. Equipped teachers with the necessary skills through conduct of trainings and workshops relevant to online distance learning.
3. Implement programs to help and support learners achieved in the flexible learning environment.
4. Assist the students to achieve a better quality of life through the provision of the needed knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and
resources in the flexible learning modality
5. Improve the administrative functions in finance, physical plant and instructional support and provisions to IT infrastructure.
Program Targets for Means of Strategies for School Time Frame Persons
Improvement Areas Program Verification Improvement Involved
1. Regular Quality classroom Monthly submission of Regular monitoring of Whole year round Principal,
monitoring of instruction through the classroom observation teachers’ attendance daily. Coordinators,
teachers’ ff: reports by the Academic Check the teachers’ Teachers
attendance and a. Monthly Pop-in Coordinator, School learning plans every
actual visits Principal. Tuesday.
synchronous and b. Monthly Observe the teachers in
asynchronous Synchronous Semestral and year-end their online classes
online teaching class review of the monthly.
observation implementation of this Conduct Pre- Observation
c. Monthly Pre- plan through submission and Post-Observation
observation of reports and evaluation Conferences with the
Conference of the activities against teachers monthly.
d. Monthly Post- this plan if it was Request for inputs from
Observation successful or not and the teachers about their
Conference with what made it great or work-related concerns that
the classroom what went wrong with it need to be addressed for
teachers and through the conduct incorporation into the
e. Use of the of a tracer study to track department’s work plan,
Teacher down what happened instructional supervisory
Observation with the students who plan and for the SSIP and
Guide graduated from the for implementation and
f. Dissemination school. evaluation.
of this plan to Dissemination of the
the teachers Submission of the TOS students’ least mastered
through the before administering the skills during the faculty
conduct of examination via GENYO meetings, department
faculty LMS. meetings and school-
meetings, based trainings.
department Submission of the item Conduct school-based
meetings and analysis by the teachers webinar and trainings
after the checking of the
school-based quarterly examinations. regarding the MELCS
trainings. Encourage teachers to
Communication of what Conduct of webinar, attend district, division,
teachers need to faculty meetings, regional, national and
maximize and improve department meetings and international webinars and
on during faculty school-based trainings trainings to help them in
meetings, post- and recording of what improving the students’
observation transpired during the level of academic
conferences, department said professional achievement.
meetings and school- development activities Develop the Continuous
based trainings. through the minutes of Improvement Program.
Identification of least the proceedings and
mastered skills after the through documentation.
administration of the
quarterly examinations. Monthly submission of
Dissemination of the classroom observation
MELCS to the teachers reports by Academic
during faculty meetings, Affairs Coordinator,
department meetings School Principal
and school-based

2. Improvement of Improvement of Submission of class Implement student Whole year round Principal,
student academic students’ performance records, students’ grades, development programs Coordinators,
achievement in in: students’ portfolio, and activities online. Teachers,
the flexible a. Synchronous teachers’ portfolio and DepEd, ,
Conduct school-based Seminarians
learning and item analysis reports and
modality . Asynchronous minutes/documentation trainings.
Classroom of the meetings.
activities Provide enough financial
b. Online and moral support to
examinations teachers for the
Documentation of development of teacher-
activities conducted and made instructional
Implementation/ financial reports materials and for the
execution of submitted. students’ participation in
educational activities the extra and co-curricular
and the provision of activities online
financial, moral and
material support to Encourage teachers to:
teachers and students in a. develop self-made
the flexible learning localized,
modality indigenized,
modules/ learning
guides/ learning
kits or activities
for classroom
b. Administer
summative tests
c. Interpret results of
summative tests
and analyze it and
disseminate its
findings to the
d. Develop
programs for
junior high school
students who are
challenged such as
free academic
online tutorial
programs and the

3. Teacher Provide teachers Documentation of Conduct classroom Whole Year round Principal,
Webinar/Training webinar, seminar and webinars, trainings, observations to check Coordinators,
/Workshop workshop on flexible faculty and department whether what they learned Teachers, PTBA
learning modality, meetings conducted, during these trainings Officers, DepEd
and PEAC,
online learning classroom observation were implemented in their
management, research reports, teachers’ classes. Publishing
and pedagogy in certificates of Conduct Post-Observation House
delivering the Most attendance/participation. Conferences with the
Essential Learning teachers.
Competencies. Submission of coaching
and mentoring form. Attend different trainings
and workshops on
teaching strategies,
classroom management,
research and the like.

4. Community Utilization of available Evidences of the use of Tap available school Whole year round Principal,
Support for community resources the community as a financial/ community Coordinators,
Classroom through laboratory for learning. resources for the Teachers, PTA
Instruction contextualization, procurement/ availment of Officers, DepEd
Donations received from and PEAC,
indigenization and the needed instructional
localization of the generous partners of the materials, tools, Publishing
curriculum. school were turned over equipment and other House,
Tap the support of the to the school’s property teachers’ needs for Stakeholders
school’s internal and custodian for the use of classroom teaching.
external stakeholders, the teachers for their Solicit support from the
the government, the classroom teaching. government, the private
private sector and non- sector and non-
government government organizations
organizations for the for the classroom teaching
classroom teaching needs of the teachers.
needs of the teachers. Establish linkages for the
classroom teaching and
professional advancement
needs of the teachers and
for the learning needs of
the students such as:
a. The different
subjects in the
Junior and Senior
High School.
b. The DepED Senior
High School
Voucher Program
c. Senior High
School Work
d. School to School
Partnership for
development for
both the Junior
and Senior High
Conversion of traditional
classrooms into 21st
Century Learning Spaces.

5. Physical Plant Improvement on Checking the Floor plan Coordination with the May 2019 - May 2020 Rector
Improvement Physical Plant through: and layout of the School Engineer and Architect Principal
a. Building of the Gym. In-charge of the project. Procurator
school gym.
Procurement Reports
b. Classroom Air Conduct a canvassing of May 2019
conditioning prices of air-conditioning
c. Expansion of
Science Purchase of air-
Laboratory conditioning units.
Hire people to repair the May 2019
comfort room Procurement reports

d. Procurement of the Site inspection

needed construction

Procurement report

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