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Tender for Provision of Utilities and Campus Hard Facility Management Services 2022-11-08

Book 4 - Appendix 3

Performance Management

King Abdulaziz International


(TENDER NO. WP3/2022)

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Tender for Provision of Utilities and Campus Hard Facility Management Services 2022-11-08

Performance Management System

King Abdulaziz International Airport Jeddah

(TENDER NO. WP3/2022)





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Tender for Provision of Utilities and Campus Hard Facility Management Services 2022-11-08
Performance Management System

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview and Key Objectives

1.1.1 The Contracting Authority recognizes modern business practices, including operation for profit,
and seeks to ensure that both the Contracting Authority and the Service Providers have a
mutually beneficial relationship. One of the features of this Contract is the use of an
incentivized performance mechanism to optimize the performance and the operation of the

1.1.2 These KPI/SLAs/Penalties are intended to be pragmatic, allowing the Service Provider to
operate, whilst acknowledging that performance in certain operational facilities is sufficiently
important to warrant fees being withheld, where no evidence can be provided that obligations
have been met.

1.1.3 It is vital that the Contracting Authority and their nominated Service Providers are aligned in
the delivery of world class services. It is therefore expected that the Service Provider will excel
in all its endeavours.

1.1.4 To ensure the key objectives of the Service Provider are being achieved, performance will be
measured through the following three key components, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Penalties

1.2 Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

1.2.1 These are the fundamentals that the Service Provider will deliver to demonstrate efficient
execution of the contract and the manner in which the services are delivered. The Service
Provider shall provide a 24-hour reactive service for the Project facility in response to
unforeseen circumstances. This is to include making safe, diagnosis and rectification within
the allowed maximum response times. As detailed in the following table:

Priority Scenario Response Time Resolution Time

Actual or potential threat to life and safety and/or /total 5 30

P1 Emergency
interruption of Airport operations minutes minutes

Actual or potential inconvenience/ partial interruption

15 2
P2 Urgent to Airport operations and or to the Employer or
minutes hour

Major routine rectifications as part of maintenance,

2 24
P3 Routine (R1) with no impact on Airport operations and or to the
hours hours
Employer Staff.

Medium routine rectifications as part of maintenance,

P4 Routine (R2) with no impact on Airport operations and or to the 2- Days
Employer Staff or Occupiers

Minor routine rectifications as part of maintenance,

P5 Routine (R3) with no impact on Airport operations and or to the 7-Days
Employer or Occupiers.

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1.2.2 The response times shall be calculated as the time between the repair being first reported and
the time of the repair. Providing an emergency call-out service for incidents and operational emergencies. An
“operational emergency” is an emergency where the circumstances place the lives,
security or safety of the Affected Property, staff, and members of the public at risk. The
following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of incidents that fall within this category: major leak that leads to severe damage to the fabric or render services unsafe and
unusable Major electrical fault or failure. Failure of a critical safety systems Emergency call-out service will fall as Priority 1

1.2.3 In addition to the above the Service Provider shall: For all emergency service requests a comprehensive escalation and notification process
must be presented to Contracting Authority as part of mobilization and strictly followed
through the duration of the agreement. This should align with JEDCO’s procedure. Following each reactive call-out; the Services Provider shall submit a documented report
to Contracting Authority and a summary included within each monthly report. In the case where call center communication is not possible, or the Services Provider is
unable to make the necessary contact to notify Contracting Authority of the issue and the
type of call-out. The Services Provider will make the necessary arrangements to have
the call-out service readily available on site. If the Services Provider attends to the call priority it will be the responsibility of the
Services Provider to communicate the reports to the call center at the earliest time. Justification should be provided by the Service Provider and approved by Contracting
Authority, in case the Service Provider are unable to rectify the incident/ Failure within
agreed SLAs table. The Service Provider shall receive and respond to JEDCO’s calls and repair requests, as
well as report any and all failures, breakdown and incidents to JEDCO’s call center, to
ensure all incidents, events and failures are registered and properly communicated with
both parties. An escalation process will be developed between the Services Provider and Contracting
Authority during the mobilization, such that communications and responsibility is
managed correctly and in an efficient manner, based on the severity of the priority. In the event that unscheduled maintenance or corrective action is required because of an
proven evidence of user negligence, misuse or damage, the Service Provider shall
respond and make good the repair. The unscheduled maintenance log shall be annotated
accordingly. This should be highlighted on the monthly report so that the costs may be
recouped from the individual or relevant company (as appropriate). Except for repairs involving the replacement of PPM consumables and light replacements
(e.g., fuses and light bulbs/tubes) the Service Provider shall warranty its repairs for a
minimum of 12 months.

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Performance Management System The Service Provider shall use the original spare parts from the manufacturer for all PPM
and reactive maintenance activities, unless otherwise approved by the Contracting
Authority. The Service Provider shall submit audit reports monthly along with the monthly report, or
as the Contracting Authority may require.

1.2.4 The Service Provider shall facilitate a 24/7 on-site contact who will be able to manage reactive

1.3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1.3.1 These are the performance and outputs of the service providers endeavors. These are
generally hard measures, reflecting performance & availability, workflow management.

1.3.2 As the FM Services are largely output based, the SLAs and KPIs associated with this Services
Contract shall form an integral part of the Services Agreement. The primary objective of the
Performance Management System (PMS) is to develop a performance driven relationship,
drive and embed a culture of continuous improvement. The process shall be underpinned by
robust, transparent and equitable monitoring and audit programs that will objectively track
service performance against agreed SLA’s and KPI’s.

1.3.3 The KPIs will be calculated and evaluated monthly and will drive the monthly payment of the
services Fee to the Service Provider.

1.3.4 The Penalties is an additional performance measure, which will be applied separately on a
monthly basis, if any, in the event of non-compliance or breach of the contract as mentioned in
the penalties table.

1.3.5 The Service Contract is performance-based, meaning that the calculated monthly Fee payment
shall be subject to adjustments based on reaching specified performance targets, poor
performance will lead to a deduction from the monthly payment of the service provider, as
mentioned in the payment table.

1.4 Performance Monitoring System

1.4.1 It is expected all of the elements within the KPIs will be fully met and that the daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly and annual deliverables making up the KPIs will be measured on a monthly
basis. Performance will firstly be self-reported by the Service Provider and then reviewed and
verified by the Contracting Authority to check the adherence to the required performance.

1.4.2 The Contracting Authority will undertake a review of the Services delivered reports as submitted
and will undertake their own quantitative and qualitative assessment including, but not limited
to; Desktop study of periodic reports, maintenance reports, CAFM data (SLA performance),
data on complaints received. Field study to assess service standards, levels of customer satisfaction Continuous audits against the Service Provider assessments and their work

1.4.3 Representatives of the two parties will meet to discuss and finalize the Performance score
for the target month, presenting supporting documentation, data and evidence as required.

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In the event of dispute or disagreement, the opinion and decision of the Contracting
Authority is final.

1.4.4 Based upon the final score determined, where appropriate, the Contracting Authority shall
calculate the appropriate deductions in line with the payment table. Where a financial
deduction has been imposed, within 3 working days, the Service Provider will undertake a
root cause analysis and produce a Service Improvement Plan (SIP) demonstrating what
actions will be taken to achieve a score of ‘Good performance’ in future periods. As a
minimum the Service Provider must detail the additional resources and/or training and or
increased levels of supervision which will be introduced to ensure that service levels will
improve thus mitigating the risk of further service failings.

1.4.5 The Contracting Authority may suggest on an annual basis a review and modification to
the performance regime to improve the clarity of application, and it will be agreed with
service provider. Contract performance review meetings will be held monthly at a local level
and Quarterly at an executive level, or additionally as required.

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Performance Management System

2 Performance Management Criteria (KPIs, SLAs and Penalties)

2.1 Performance Management Criteria

2.1.1 The purpose of this section is to describe the performance management criteria, KPI’s, SLA’s
and penalties for non-compliance in the delivery of the Service Provider’s Contract with the
Contracting Authority.

2.1.2 The Service Provider’s compliance with the Requirements is a pre-requisite to compliance with
the overall contract. If the Service Provider is non-compliant with the KPIs/SLA, the Service
Provider will be deemed in breach of contract. Severe penalties shall be applied in conjunction
with the actions related to breaches of contract.

2.1.3 The KPIs will measure and evaluate the monthly performance of delivering the required
services and therefore will be linked to the monthly payment of the service provider. Delivering
Poor performance, lead to a deduction from the monthly payment based on the payment table.

2.1.4 Penalties are an additional performance measure criteria, that will be used and applied
whenever a breach of the contract and services occurs, as per the penalties table.

2.1.5 KPIs/SLAs may be reviewed, amended or removed at least annually, based on the Service
Provider’s performance or at the discretion of the Contracting Authority.

2.1.6 In the event that circumstances arise that are not specifically stated in this section then the
Contracting Authority will select the nearest equivalent item and apply those performance
standards and/or/penalties/deductions. The decision of the Contracting Authority will be final.

2.1.7 The Service Provider will be audited either at regular intervals, any time or a combination of
both. The Service Provider may be issued with Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs) or
notifications during these audits and will be allowed sufficient time to respond and rectify
findings, at the discretion of the Contracting Authority, which may affect payment or reflect on
contract performance.

2.2 General Notes

2.2.1 The Service Provider shall provide management information with credible compliance
statements and objective metric data in order to prove that the KPIs/SLAs have been met on a
monthly basis (unless otherwise stated).

2.2.2 KPI’s are highlighted and will be measured, scored and used as a basis for the Service
Provider's performance assessment within the scorecard. KPI’s should be continually assessed
for relevance and importance. This flexibility allows the Contract to be measured accurately
against revised objectives and changing business priorities.

2.2.3 Asset availability measures will generally exclude non-system impacting faults (e.g. an elevator
door making noise on open and close that is not impeding system function). These faults will
be captured by other KPIs .

2.2.4 Other scheduled and unscheduled activities completed by third parties (e.g., an elevator out of
service due to structural works carried out under a capital works program) are excluded from
the asset availability measures.

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2.2.5 For assets that are deemed to be obsolete, such assets require a replacement. The asset
condition will be taken into consideration when reviewing the KPI targets in such

2.2.6 For identified and agreed operational misuse the relevant Remedial Maintenance will be
removed from the point of measure. This operational misuse refers to third parties (for example,
handling agents, airline staff and the general public)

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Performance Management System

3 Key Performance Identifiers (KPIs)

3.1 General KPI Table (All Packages)

Target Trigger
KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Measurement Frequency Weighting
Value Type
Annual PPM plans along with activities is provided with a
Availability of updated and monthly confirmation lookahead, to ensure all assets are
approved by JEDCO PPM maintained as per JEDCO requirements, and to provide the
To be
G-M-01 schedule with defined required levels of availability. Moreover, the plan shall be as Yes Minimum Binary Monthly 5.00%
frequency for all per operation and maintenance manual, manufacturer
equipment/system. recommendation, best per JEDCO's timeframe,
template, information, and procedure required.
Completion of PPM as per
The completion of all planned maintenance as per JEDCO's To be
G-M-02 the schedule and within the 95.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 14.00%
timeframe, standards, procedure, information, and approval. defined
time period.
P1: Reactive/Breakdown
As per the associated SLA Response Times, and JEDCO's To be
G-M-03 maintenance Highly Critical 100.00% Minimum Binary Monthly 5.00%
standards and procedure, information, and approval. defined
P2: Reactive/breakdown
As per the associated SLA Response Times, and JEDCO's To be
G-M-04 maintenance Critical 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 5.00%
standards and procedure, information, and approval. defined
P3-5: Reactive/breakdown As per the associated SLA Response Times, and JEDCO's To be
G-M-05 95.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 10.00%
maintenance Routine standards and procedure, information, and approval. defined
Preventive to Corrective Preventive Maintenance Shall be 80% from overall To be
G-M-06 80% Minimum Binary Monthly 3.00%
Maintenance Ratio maintenance Activities defined
Reactive maintenance Reactive maintenance reported by the service provider shall To be
G-M-07 YES Minimum Binary Monthly 3.00%
reported by service provider be grater than the one reported and registered by other defined

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Performance Management System

Target Trigger Weightin

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Measurement Frequency
Value Type g
Spare Parts
The Service Provider must comply with the spare parts and
Adequate stock of
consumables management processes, and Stock holding is
Consumables and Spares in To be
G-S-01 not below agreed levels, as per operation and maintenance 100.00% Minimum Binary Monthly 10.00%
line with the agreed stock defined
manual, manufacturer recommendation, and JEDCO's
timeframe, standards, and procedure.

Target Trigger Weightin

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Measurement Frequency
Value Type g
Compliance to submitted
documentation (RAMS, Compliance procedure, documentation and regulatory
To be
G-C-01 Method statements, compliance is complete and in practical use, as per JEDCO's 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 3.00%
Licenses, SOPs, etc), standards and procedure, information, and approval.
Procedure and appropriate
The service provider shall takeover existing reports, schedule
and analytical documents, root cause analysis and reports that
Reporting and Documents To be
G-C-02 required by JEDCO. In addition shall comply to provide all 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 6.00%
submitting Compliance defined
required reports as per JEDCO's Timeframe, template,
procedure, standards and requirements.
Compliance with
Management processes for
Spare parts/ Consumables
The Service Provider must comply with the spare parts,
(Predefined and non To be
G-C-03 consumables, inventory, asset, CAFM management processes 95.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 3.00%
predefined), Inventory defined
as per JEDCO requirement
Management, Asset
Management, CAFM
Management, etc.

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Performance Management System

Target Trigger Measureme

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Frequency Weighting
Value Type nt
Business and Service Continuity
Disaster Emergency
Number of disaster emergency exercises actually carried out/ To be
G-B-01 Exercises successfully 4 Minimum Binary Quarterly 1.00%
Participated as per JEDCO requirements. defined

Target Trigger Measure Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type ment y
Cybersecurity Measures
Security Tests successfully Number of security tests and trainings carried out/ Participated To be
G-I-01 2 Minimum Binary Quarterly 1.00%
completed as per JEDCO requirements. defined


3.2 Aerodrome Specific KPI Table

Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

# Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y
Cleaning, Pest control and
Cleaning, Pest control and Waste/ FOD management To be
A-C-01 Waste/ FOD management 98.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 5.00%
standards are being achieved as per JEDCO requirements. defined
Wildlife management standards are being achieved as per To be
A-C-02 Wildlife Management 100% Minimum % Factor Monthly 3.00%
Regulations and JEDCO requirements. defined

Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y
Systems Availability
Automation and
Ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability To be
A-S-01 Instrumentation systems 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 6.00%
as per JEDCO requirements defined
Life and Safety Systems ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability as To be
A-S-02 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 6.00%
Availability per JEDCO requirements defined

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Performance Management System

Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y
Systems Availability
Ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability To be
A-S-03 ICT systems Availability 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 5.00%
as per JEDCO requirements defined
Aerodrome Lighting System All Aerodrome lighting systems Availability shall be as per all To be
A-S-04 98% Minimum % Factor Monthly 6.00%
Availability aviation regulation /standards and JEDCO requirements. defined


3.3 Terminals Specific KPI Table:

Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y

Cleaning, Pest control and
Cleaning, Pest control and Waste management standards are To be
T-C-01 Waste management 95.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 3.00%
being achieved as per JEDCO requirements. defined

Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y

Systems Availability
Automation and
ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability To be
T-S-01 Instrumentation systems 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 5.00%
as per JEDCO requirements defined
Life and Safety Systems ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability To be
T-S-02 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 5.00%
Availability as per JEDCO requirements defined
Ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability To be
T-S-03 VHTS Availability 99.80% Minimum Binary Monthly 5.00%
as per JEDCO requirements agreed

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Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y

Maintain temperatures and internal environmental conditions
Terminal temperatures,
as per internal space environmental criteria (Temperature, To be
T-T-01 relative humidity and internal 99.00% Minimum %Factor Monthly 4.00%
Relative humidity, light lux levels readings within tolerance defined
environmental conditions
Potable water test results are Test results received from water testing as per JEDCO's To be
T-T-02 100.00% Minimum Binary Monthly 4.00%
pass Timeframe, procedure, standards and requirements. agreed
To be
T-T-03 Key Control Management Comply to all JEDCO's processes, requirements, 100.00% Minimum %Factor Monthly 1.00%
Ensure all front of house (FOH) Washrooms and cubicle
Availability of Front of House To be
T-T-04 including all associated equipment available as per JEDCO 98.00% Minimum Binary Monthly 4.00%
(FOH) Washrooms defined


3.1 Utilities and Campus Specific KPI Table

Target Trigger Measure Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type ment y
Cleaning, Pest control and
Cleaning, Pest control and Waste management standards are To be
U-C-01 Waste management 95.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 5.00%
being achieved as per JEDCO requirements. defined

Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y
Systems Availability
Automation and
ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability To be
U-S-01 Instrumentation systems 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 6.00%
as per JEDCO requirements defined
Life and Safety Systems ensure all Systems and its associated equipment availability To be
U-S-02 100.00% Minimum % Factor Monthly 6.00%
Availability as per JEDCO requirements defined

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Target Trigger Measureme Frequenc

KPI ID Key Performance Indicator Definition Type Weighting
Value Type nt y
Campus & Utilities
Maintain temperatures and internal environmental conditions
Temperatures, relative
as per internal space environmental criteria (Temperature, To be
U-U-01 humidity and internal 99.00% Minimum %Factor Monthly 5.00%
Relative humidity, light lux levels readings within tolerance defined
environmental conditions
Potable water test results Test results received from water testing as per JEDCO's To be
U-U-02 100.00% Minimum Binary Monthly 5.00%
are pass Timeframe, procedure, standards and requirements. agreed
Availability of Utilities Maximu To be
U-U-03 Number of interruptions per facility (All facilities under scope). 3 Binary Monthly 4.00%
(Electrical, Water) m agreed


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4 Penalties

Deduction Deduction
Penalty Description Definition Application (Failure)
Id (SAR)
System Service Availability - Electricity Utility provision is constant with zero interruption, including After SLA temporary fix, applicable
DED1 5,000.00
and Water redundancy equipment every 10mins until restoration
Immediate after it is known that all
Complete failure of all electric provision options, i.e.
DED2 Complete system failure - Electricity systems, including redundancy, have 100,000.00
failed. Applicable every 30mins.
Major failure of one of the system/ Service, such as;
Lighting Systems
HVAC Systems
Key Control Management
DED3 Major Failures Auto Doors/ Sliding Doors Per case of Major failure 5,000.00
Escalators & Travellators & Elevators
Toilets & Washrooms
And any system/ Services under the responsibility of the
service provider
100% of carry forward PPM from one
month to the next to be completed.
DED4 PPM Backlog Carry forward PPM not completed in the following month Remaining PPM balance at the end of 500.00
subsequent month will have daily
penalty applied per PPM
After the SLA resolution time is failed
DED5 Reactive Backlog Service requests that exceed the SLA rectification time the penalty is applied each day until 500.00
The Service Provider’s on-site management team to attend
Failure to attend scheduled management
DED6 all planned and unplanned/urgent meetings when requested Per meeting that was not attended 500.00
Failure to issue and submit any required Per report that is not issued in agreed
DED7 and agreed reports by the agreed date or Any failure to submit reports in agreed time and format. time and agreed format, and 1,000.00
agreed format continuously per day until received.

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Deduction Deduction
Penalty Description Definition Application (Failure)
Id (SAR)
Fail in complying with any of the following mobilization
requirements, but not limited to Mobilization plan, Reports,
content and submission period, Shadowing of existing
service providers, Mobilisation schedule development and
DED8 Mobilization - Overall implementation, Transition Program Induction, Asset Per case, report, event, etc. 10,000.00
condition assessment. To ensure a seamless transition from
outgoing contractors to the Service Provider that prevents
service interruption, integration gaps, breakdowns and
unplanned outages.
1,000 Level
Per resource per day after the
Minimum manpower within the technical proposal to be on A&B
DED9 Mobilization - Manpower mobilization period and until they are
the project by the end of the mobilization period 300 Other
approved and physically on the project
3,000 Heavy
Per equipment per day after the
Equipment within the technical proposal to be on the project 1,500
DED10 Mobilization - Equipment mobilization period and until it is on the
by the end of the mobilization period Medium
500 Other
Per day after the mobilization period
Client access is available and has the required information in
DED11 Mobilization - CAFM/CMMS and until access and information is 1,000.00
a dashboard format
Staff wearing the agreed uniform and to present a Per employee per day where they are
DED12 Adherence to dress code, PPEs professional, friendly and dignified appearance to airport found not to be wearing the approved 500.00
users and passengers and instil confidence. dress code and PPE.
Per inspection per employee where tool
All technicians have a tool box as per the agreed
DED13 Hand tools box is found not to meet the agreed 500.00
Per individual event where inadequate
information is demonstrated to be
DED14 Inadequate information Reporting is inadequate 5,000.00
provided by the Service Provider to the

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Deduction Deduction
Penalty Description Definition Application (Failure)
Id (SAR)
Service execution is strictly compliant with all relevant Laws,
Decrees & Regulations issued by KSA Government
departments, Statutory Bodies and entities including JEDCO.
Failure to follow, submit, update any of the required Laws,
Breach Laws, Decree, Regulation and Decree, Regulation, license Equivalent to one event. That
DED15 Per Case 5,000.00
Approvals required include the following, but not limited Trade license valid, Tax
compliance, Labour Law / Saudization, Demonstrating
continual compliance to KSA Laws, decrees, statutory,
regulatory requirements and obligations, Any other
professional certifications and decrees as arise post-award
Service Provider shall comply with all Safety, Health and
Welfare Legislation, whether statutory or deriving from
JEDCO or other bodies having power in relation to safety
DED16 Health & Safety Daily per case until compliance 1,500.00
Failure to Demonstrate and submit and follow any of the
following: HS policy statement, which confirms compliance
with ISO 45001 and OSHAS 18001 as well as a
comprehensive health and safety plan. Provide proper BCP
and shall be implemented effectively when required.
Prevention of security incidents or breaches. It is paramount
that the Service Provider complies with all airport security
DED17 Airport Security Compliance Per Case of non-compliance 1,500.00
systems, procedures and policies, including access control,
cards and permits whilst carrying out their duties
Failure of the Service Provider’s to consistently provide
services, Reports, and evidence that meet all relevant quality
requirements for the following standards of:
QHSE, Energy, Facility Management, Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001)
DED18 and Asset Management Standards Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001) Weekly per case until comply 1,500.00
Compliance Environmental management Systems (ISO 14001)
Energy Management (ISO 50001)
Facilities Management Systems (ISO 41001)
Asset Management (ISO 55001)

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Deduction Deduction
Penalty Description Definition Application (Failure)
Id (SAR)
Ensure that the Services Providers are suitably qualified and
trained staff.
Applicable when failure to submit
Failed to be responsible for all Staff being appropriately
DED19 Staff training competency & development training reports, Training completion per 1,000.00
trained in all aspects of the provision of the Services and use
person per month.
of equipment required for the Services, in line with
legislation, industry standards, national and international
regulations and where applicable.
The Service Provider will assist JEDCO in participation in
national and international service quality benchmarking audit
and reporting programs ensuring service quality targets are
achieved on an annual basis.
Failure to support JEDCO to ensure
DED20 Failure to support JEDCO per case 5,000.00
quality targets are achieved
The Service Provider will ensure that the management of
terminal facilities contributes to the continuous improvement
of the airport performance in the Skytrax World Airports
Awards survey and report program.
per any incident or case effect JEDCO's
DED21 Major Reputation The service provider must ensure good reputation to JEDCO 50,000.00
Breach to any of the mandatory regulation, standard, or
ICAO, IATA, and all other aviation
DED22 requirement of ICAO, IATA, GACAR, and all other aviation Per Case 25,000.00
Failure to comply to any of the contract deliverables and
DED23 Non-Compliance of Contract Obligations Daily per case until compliance 2,000.00
obligation, not mentioned in the KPIs and Penalties table
Failure to comply and follow JEDCO's requirements to any of
DED24 Asset register Per week until compliance 30,000.00
the related deliverables for the Asset Register

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5 Payments

5.1 Performance-Based Remuneration Model

5.1.1 Fee Performance Adjustment

Total Weighted KPI Score Fee Adjustment

1 95%-100% 100%

2 90%-94.9% 95%

3 85%-89.9% 90%

4 75%-84.9% 85%

5 Below 75% 80%

The Service Contract is performance-based. This means that the calculated monthly Fee payment
shall be subject to adjustments based on reaching specified performance targets.

The Fee shall be calculated at the end of each month based on the Price Breakdown Table provided
below. Once calculated, the final Fee payment, shall be adjusted according to the model.

5.1.2 Sample Calculation

Actual Monthly
KPI Target Value Trigger Type Monthly Factored Weighting
Score Value
KPI 1 95% Binary 93% 0% 10% 0%
KPI 2 5 Days Conversion 4 50% 10% 5%
KPI 3 95% % Factor 80% 84% 10% 8%
KPI 4 100% % Factor 100% 100% 10% 10%
KPI 5 100% Binary 100% 100% 10% 10%
KPI 6 95% Binary 98% 100% 10% 10%
KPI 7 95% Binary 97% 100% 10% 10%
KPI 8 100% Binary 100% 100% 10% 10%
KPI 9 100% Binary 100% 100% 10% 10%
100% Binary 100% 100% 10% 10%
Weighted Monthly Score 83%
Table 1 - Sample Performance-Based Renumeration Table

5.1.3 KPI Assessment

Each KPI is assessed based on the type of trigger and the Target value The Monthly Factored Value illustrated above (example KPI1) is based on the Trigger
Type for the achievement of the individual KPI. The resulting Monthly Factored Value is
the percentage that is calculated based on the Actual Monthly Score based on trigger
types and weighting.
1 Trigger Types

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Tender for Provision of Utilities and Campus Hard Facility Management Services 2022-11-08
Performance Management System

a) Binary Factor

• A Score of 100% is given if the target is reached or exceeded.

• A Score of 0% is given if the target is not reached.

b) Conversion Factor
These scores are based on non-percentual values (days as in example KPI2). A
conversion table is applied to convert the non-percentual value into an equivalent
percentage. In this example, the conversion factors are as follows:

• A score of 5 days is equivalent to 100% (e.g., KPI SLA achieved).

• A score of 4 days is equivalent to 50% (e.g., somewhat acceptable performance).
• A score of 3 days is equivalent to 0% (e.g., unacceptable performance)

c) Percentage Factor
The percentage factor calculates an allowable negative deviance from the target KPI
percentage value. A multiplier factor can be added to increase sensitivity. If the KPI
is achieved or surpassed, the Monthly Factored Value is 100%.
The Monthly Factored value in example KPI3 is the Actual Monthly Score / Target
Value and there is no multiplier. In this case (KPI3), the target rate is 80% / 95% =
2 Weighting
The Weighting rates the importance of the particular factor towards the overall
performance level for that individual KPI. The total of the weights always equal 100%
but can vary from category to category. The Monthly Factored Values are multiplied by the Weights to obtain the Weighted Score.
The sum of all Weighted Scores indicates applicable percentage to be converted using
the performance linked payment table, as illustrated below. In the above example a score
of 83% would permit an invoice of 85% of the agreed fixed contract fee for the respective

KPI Percentage Result Achieved Performance Linked Payment

95% -100% 100%
90% - 94.9% 95%
85% - 89.9% 90%
75% - 84.9% 85%
Below 75% 80%
All calculations are recalculated for every monthly period.

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