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Now Jr* I. t ben*=0.

S inc *

mwimm for X c=\in whic h mw y-6,T hai m M reqnind mb«r=2

ine me valws of× for whic h e ach of he bllowing Hmjon M
1I) relative mimum (b) re lative m inim um

(iii) f (X) =12 xs_ 451+40×3+6 (iv) 1 (X)

2 Find thc m lative mreme value s of thc hilo wing hnctions in the
intervals sho w' n ag ait t s t lllcm

3. £ ramine thc following h lllc liou tbr C. ure me V aluc S

(iii) f(.r) =asin. R+ b co s. [(iv) 1 (I) =3 sinz x+4 co s] r

Find the winls of inflection of the cunes dchned

by lhc hllowing

¢) y-x5+21+ x3 (ii) y-I-(iii) y-3×2+\




the g *

Find the

m: perwwwr

inwribe d in

A box with
r* n ir ils rm is

Using first derivative

dhnmsim of


thc dim m sions of thc box whic h



c irc le of radius

te sh


of a re c t=ngular gHdcn b loom . Find the dMmions


mtanglc of m arim um

sq uare b a se and op e n top is

will require

to have

area that c an b e

volum e of 4 m ). r' ind

the le ast m ate rial.

following func tions for e rtrc m e


(I) f (X) =x3_ 7×2 +&r+32 Ans Rc l m in n l. r-4; Min V ntuc 16

Re l. Mar. Atx« §.... value-6]

(ih f(xp.. f LReI m in. At.'-1: Min. V aluc-2

Rc l. Mar_at. r--I 1at . \alue-_: J

9. se co nd
Using d e ri alive le sl, e ram ine the ing
fo ll[1 w func tions tbr
mrcmc value s:

\n , Rd mm a. r-1. I· 3. Mm vlhc-_a.-&. R cl mw at x· 2 Mu aluc: _7

(ii) /(X) =sin. r r
co s. Ans Re l m in,
atx-? : Min alue-O

nel m & r. At. T--. Mar. value-1

(iih/(. r) =e'. CO s (X-a) Am Rcl mm« x-. <?. Min*
Rel. Mar, al X-u+m Mar value-, n
m. Aj APPUCATION8 op DrFFmmTlbTt ON aas

1& Dm» m mmm lnt l m * nm um v* lm of the folbwlnr mm

AnL M«. val-O

(iii) l{×}-.R$_ 51+51 Ans. Rel. Mar. Ax=l &Mar. v* lu¢=1:

R¢ l, m in. it,T-4 & m in, value-_ 27: Point of innection l\(0,0)

ll. S how that rhc func titm de fine d byl (r) =(t y has m axim um v=luc· 1

]2. S how that thc c ur cs d chlle d b) thc following c quatrons l10 vc inhnit ¢
Il tinrbe r o(. ina X lllr u n l and I I lil l i¢\1ull\\a I U C S

( y=sint (ii) y=Cus, r

13. S how that

y-In y has a 11rlrrimul\1\' al I ic al, r-e.

14. lt rrd t w 0 p{silivc rc lll ntlmher+\\ht! sc S un 1 i\4 0 and whose pr()& uc t I S

marirlruin, [Airs, 20.20]

I5. I: tnd the nlim bc r whiGh witc n atldc d to ils reciprtwat gives thc le ast

p)ssihlc stlm ,

16. I ind thc point on the graph ol' y-X: +1 which is c ltrse st ttl dn poim

Find the rhomhrp of le ast pcnmctcr lhat c ail b c circmwribcd to n circle

of radius r, [Ans. Br]

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