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1st house: virgo

2nd house: libra (moon)

3rd house: scorpio
4th house: sagittarius (mars, pluto, chiron)
5th house: capricorn (s. node)
6th house: aquarius (uranus, neptune, lilith)
7th house: pisces
8th house: aries
9th house: taurus (venus)
10th house: gemini (mercury, jupiter, saturn)
11th house: cancer (sun, n. node)
12th house: leo

1st house in virgo (empty):

 Self image is critical, efficient, modest and conscientious

1. You go for simple, put-toghether look :

I. There is an inherent desire within you to look and act appropriately. You also
have the 7th house in pisces, making you quite devoted in your partnerships.
2. Don’t be too hard on yourself:
I. Your judgemental attitude towards how you look is not out of vanity, but the
desire to appear appropriate. This is because, as mutable sign, having virgo asc
means you aren’t afraid to change up your look depending on the occasion.
II. But while you appear nervous to others, virgo risings, as with any mercurial
placement, typically look younger than their age. It’s likely you have a small
face and a little figure.
3. You hide your interests from others:
I. Having a virgo in the 1st house means your 12th house is in leo the sign of
creative pursuits.
II. It is difficulut and feels unnatural for you to ,, just have fun‘‘, especially in the
limelight (leo is ruled by sun).
III. As a virgo rising, you are self-effacing and often downplay your talents.
IV. Your first instinct is to nitpick and analyze. A distinct eye for detail for your
appereance and identity also translates to someone who will not leave a hair
out of place. This attitude makes you someone who is observant and attentive.
But others see you as judgmental.
4. You také your health seriously:
I. You notice the slightest changes in your body, in and out. It stems not from
insecurity, but rather the innate comfort they find in perfect apperance and
5. You have a talent for creating order:
I. Virgo 1st house will find it beneficial for them to develop virgo qualities in
order to become their true selves.

Empty 1st house:

 When the 1st house in astrology is empty, it means that the natives will not be popular,
theri family will not have prominent status in society, and they will struggle to get

2nd house in libra (moon):

 It means that money provide you with a lot of personal confidence.You may spend a
lot of money on your relationships and the people that you love. You enjoy having
beatiful possesions. You value your peace.

1. You value your relationships:

I. Spending time with people is important to you and you may be a very social
person. Your self-worth might be dependent on the other people and what they
think of you. Your relationships may impact your overal wellbeing and self-
2. You may spend money on beautiful things
I. You may spend money on art or invest in art an any form of creative work.
3. You may experience financial luck
I. Venus may protect you from any major financial difficulities and even if you
experience them, you may always manage to find a way out of a bad financial
II. You may recieve a positive return on any investments you make and you are
likely to benefit from a passive income.
4. You are prone to overspending
5. You experience luck in personal relationships
I. You may have a lot of people who are there to fulfill your needs and provide
you with support.
II. You may recieve a lot of love from others and your relationships may provide
you with confidence and higher self-worth. You may benefit from your close
relationships and you may be surrounded by people who always seek the best
for you.

Moon in the 2nd house:

Strengths: generous, objective and resourceful
Challenges: detachment and stubborness
 Can spend a lot of their money on making gifts to those they love the most. It can be
normal for them to put other people’s needs above their own, which is not necessarily
the healthies thing to do.
 Very materialistic and need financial security more than anything. Their emotional
happiness is strongly related to how stable their future seems. The more they are
surrounded by high-quality possessions and comfort, the more secure and happy they
get to feel.
 The ladies having moon in second house may be very preoccupied with how much
money they are making, being also possible for them to také care of all the inheritanes
in their family.
 People having moon in the second house are reserved and deep. They would do a great
job putting all of their thoughts and impressions into art pieces and being really
appreciated as people of culture. They are eloquent and smart, but they simply don’t
want to express themselves because they are focusing on something else.
 Never mean to hurt anyon, but they do because honesty often bothers people.
 When sexually frustrated, they may be cold and very mean with their partner.
 Because the moon is involved here, it makes them good at care taking, cooking and
even nursing. So not all of them will be business people, some will make living by
being nurses, teachers or chefs.
 But no matter what they do for living, expect them to be emotional when it comes to
money and to have a very emotional point about it in the moon’s position in their
 It’s possible they will never know how much they are actually worth and be very
possesive with their other half.

3rd house in scorpio (empty):

 It means that you can be very private about your thoughts and opinions, but when you
do decide to share them, it could be seen as something provocative and controversial.
 You may enjoy talking to people who stimulate you mind, peoplo with whom
converstations are passionate and intriguing.

1. You are good at doing research:

I. Scorpio tend to have obsessive tendendcies. Once something intrigues you,
you are likely to be curious about it and research it. You enjoy finding out
information about things that you are intrested in.
II. At times, you can become obsessive and you may spend a lot of time learning
more about the topics you are curious about. This can become unhealthy if it is
not controlled.
III. You might be curious about other people and their secrets. You may seek ways
to find information you aren’t supposed to know, which can lead you to
potential trouble.
2. You are private about your plans and ideas:
I. Your private nature may prevent you from confiding in others about your
plans, thoughts or ideas. You are likely to keep a lot to yourself, even in front
of people you trust nad you know you can rely on..
II. You may enjoy the mystery surroundings your plans – you may enjoy the
curiosity of other people and the questions they may have for you.
III. In other cases, you may not trust people with your plans and you might be
afraid of the information leaking and things going in the wrong direction.
3. Once you set your mind, you are unlikely to change it
I. This stubborness can be great in situations where commitment is required.
Once the set their mind on something, they can do anything to plan it and
pursue it. They are passionate about the things they believe in and no other
person can change that.
4. You have a hard time trusting others:
I. You may enjoy discussing private topics, but you may have a hard time fully
confiding in others and trusting them about personal matters. This can happen
wiht people you fully trust as well.
II. You may prefer to keep important information and opinions to yourself, no
matter how much you may want to share them.
5. You are obsessive about topics that intrigue you:
I. Once something truly picks your interest, you may become very obsessed by it
to the point where it can consume a large part of your time.
II. You are likely to make the certain topic a priority in your schedule – you may
discuss it with others often or you are likely to spend a lot of time thinking
about it. This can happen with topics that intrigue the topics you are passionate
about regardless, of the area of life they are connected to.

Empty 3rd house:

 The colleagues might be evil
 The natives wont have allies at work
 The work life will be stressful
 Controversies at the workplace are also possibility

4th house in sagittarius (mars, pluto, chiron):

 It shows thath your parents valued your educating growin up.
 You are an optimistic and you may have a very healthy emotional enviromnent.
 You easily deal with any emotinal hardships

1. You are likely to move a lot throughout your life

I. You enjoy changing your environment, you easily adapt to new places which
allows you to find it easy to change your location trhoughout your life.
II. You enjoy going out of your comfort zone and you may easily connect to
places that are foreign and unfamiliar to you.
2. Your family and home is your source of happiness:
3. You may start your family in a foreign country
4. You gain a lot of knowledge from your parents
5. You are good at dealing with negative emotions:
I. You are easy going and hold no attachement to anything thath has caused you
to feel bad. You have a very healthy and abundant emotional environemnt and
you are very optimistic. You easily cut off people who put you down.
Mars in the 4th house:
You are fiercely protective of your close friends and family. Anger may be deeply felt and
possibly deeply burried, and it can be very hard for others to uncover your true motives. You
might be passive-aggressive in your approach, which could lead to resentments if you are not
careful or confident enough to make a more direct approach to getting what you want.

Pluto in the 4th house:

Early experiences may have led you to feel self-protective or to be secretive about yourself. A
parent might have been secretive or ashamed, for example, and this pattern is deeply
ingrained in your psyché. You might feel a sense of guilt about where you came from, even if
you mostly feel proud of your roots. Alternitively, you might have absorbed the strong fears
or obsessions of a parent/parental figure.

Chiron in 4th house:

Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early in our lives. The sign chiron
is in will dominate but the house placing will show in which area the personality is motivated
and into which they will put their efforts. In the fourth house, it may indicate an insecure early
family life, so much so that feeligns of abandonment or being the ‚black sheep‘ persist. A lack
of self-confidence may make you think doing anything with your life is a waste of time. You
probabbly have a lot of time for other people and have great empathy. Try to bring out the
unique you by using this feeling of being ‘‘different‘‘.

Chiron in sagittarius:
You have an intense craving for meaning adn belief in something greater than yoursellf, and
you champion free thinkers and encourage others to find their own personal philosophies.
You believe in the power of positive thinking and manifestation. You help others to find their
truths, to follow their inner guide, and to gain life experience. Still, you can often feel
somewhat lost on these levels, and while you likely have many brilliant and original ideas
about life’s meaning and purpose, you might also hold a sense of disconnection with your
ideas and beliefs, feeling some insecurity about them. Learning how to trust in your unique
vision of the world is empowering.

5th house in capricorn (south node):

 It means that you are comitted to improving at the things you enjoy doing.
 You might be very passionate about your interests and you are likely to profesionally
pursue something you love.
 You might be quite reserved in your romantic life.

1. You have high standarts

I. Capricorn is ruled by saturn, so you might be very picky of which person you
date and you may have high expectations for your romantic interest.
II. This can show potentional struggles in your love life as you may have
difficulities meeting people who fulfill your romantic expectations.
III. You may not have an active dating life and you may cut people off
immediately after seeing that they do not meet your requirements.
2. You may pursue a hobby obssesively
3. You are drawn to earth signs:
I. These signs might bet he ones who are rational and are going to value your
hard work and effort. You may be naturally drawn to them and you may have a
lot of romantic chemistry with them.
II. You value loyalty and people who are willing to put in a lot of work into your
relationship with them, which is something earth signs can provide.
4. You are picky of your social circle
I. You may prefer to be around people who are productive even in their free time.
You enjoy people who bring value into your life. This shows that you may
have a smaller social circle but the people in it might be people who bring
worth into your life.
5. You are good at perfecting your talents

South node in capricorn:

You’ve spent many lifetimes enjoying high positions of power and leadership roles that carry
immense magnitude and clout. Your s. node in capricorn idicates thath you could have been a
chief, a military general or a CEO of a major company. You could have been the coach for a
legendary sports team or even the president of the United states. The experiences have made
you naturally gifted when it comes to getting ahead and furthering your career. There’s a
strong chance you’re in chargé of something important, as caprirocn south nodes are always
ready to take on responsibility.

However, you may be realizing that career succes doesn’t necessarily bring the fulfillment
you desire. Your cancer south node is encouraging you to divert your attention away from
your public standing and redirect it back to your personal life. During this incarnation, you are
meant to spend more time nurturing a strong family dynamic and a healthy relationship with
your home.

South node in 5th house:

The default pattern or the past life pattern of the soul is concentrated on its own self-
expression, risk-taking, and whatever brings it joy-including just plain fun. Nothing wrong
with that, except that the soul now desires to move from the excesses and judgment of the
past, and toward the north nodie in the eleventh house.

6th house in aquarius (uranus, neptune, lilith):

 It means that you like to work in a place where you can break pre-established norms.
Helping other people will also be satisfying to you. You like to work as a team,
especially with people who have values you share. You are excellent with technology
and science, and like flexible routines.

1. Look for jobs where you feel free:

I. As aquarius governs your 6th house, the best thing for you is to work with
something that gives you a feeling of freedom. You will desire flexibility and
you want a space where you can be creative.
II. Additionally, you may also have difficulties performing a task when asked, as
you prefer to do things when you want to, not when someone tells you to.
2. Social work makes you feel fulfilled
3. You can leave projects behind when boredom takes over
4. Keep an eye on your health and well-being:
I. As aquarius is a sign that deals with the mind, it can end up putting aside your
physical health and well-being.
II. To help you with this, you need to do physical activities regularly thath
stimulate your intellect and our body.
III. The mind is always working and focused on something, and sometimes you
can forget about simple things like eating.
IV. Similarly, you need to remember to get a good night’s sleep. You are an
overthinker and sometimes fotget about your own welfare.

Uranus in 6th house:

You are likely to enjoy work associated with science and technology. Working, especially day
to day stuff may be more of a chore to you than most. Your freedom loving instincts propel
you to seek out work that allows you the most personal freedom. On matters of health, you are
the kind of person who keeps up with the ever-changing views of your own that differ from
what the ‚‘‘experts‘‘ are saying.

Neptune in 6th house:

You may easily gloss over the details of managing day-to-day affairs. Perhaps you have
adopted a personal philosophy that life means more than just sticking to routines, making
lists, and organizing bills to pay. With health, you might have mysterious health complaints
that are hard to diagnose, sensitivity to drugs, or allergies. These might be related to the
aforementioned guilt. You might have a strong interest in alternative health methods. Some of
you might be especially compassionate with animals and pets.

Lilith in 6th house:

There could be issues with coworkers and bosses because of unconscious struggle about the
idea of work and discipline. This placement shows that you are prone to chronice illnesses or
disabillities. Without self-care and introspection, your mental struggles can affect your
physical health.

You are more susceptible to developing stress-related disorders. Knowing this particular
aspect of your chart reminds you to pay special attention to your mental health and improve
your work-life balance.

1. Temptation to escape daily routines

I. This placement suggests that this person has an innate urge to seek out
unnusual experiences, often at the expense of their day-to-day tasks. These
natives find 9-5 jobs unappealing and prefer careers where they will not be
II. Lilith here yearns for freedom and has a strong sense of rebellion towards
authority figures or oppressive social norms. She is wild and untamed,
unconcrned with that others think or expect of her.
III. This placement can cause individual to be restless, always searching for
something more stimulating than just their regular jo bor everyday obligations.
2. Psychosomatic problems
I. It can manifest as an unconscious fear of diseases or death, leading to self-
destructive behaviours. They may overwork themselves or become obsessed
with their body image to compensate for their fears.
3. Complicated relationships with pets
I. Pets can become a source of comfort and solace, yet at the same time, they
become a source of stress if not cared for properly.
II. The responsibility associated with pet ownership may be difficult to handle due
to love self-esteem or even fear of taking on the task. You may have a pet that i
stoo aggtessive or too anxious.
III. Pets can provide companionship and unconditional love and often reflect their
owner’s feelings. A pet’s behaviour can be an idication of how its owner is
feeling emotionally and can even provide insight into the owner’s mental
4. Ethical issues at work
5. Unhealthy life style and habits

7th house in pisces (empty):

 This means that these people tend to idealize their romantic partners. Intheir close
partnerships, these relationships arebroadly described by sacrificial love from their
side and are frequently prone to disillusion. They seek an otherwordly type of love,
which is so strong that can transcend the barriers of space and time.

1. You are a hopeless romantic

I. Most people are not able to experience love and romacne as deep as a pisces
descendant is able to. However, these people have hard time accepting reality
and most of the times they will project their kindness on their partner.
II. They need to feel connected to someone at a very deep level to feel understood
at every level of consciousness. Because they miss a realistic approach of love
and in life in general, they are often disappointed by the hard reality they must
face. For this reason, they suffer frequent heartbreak, but they sill do not give
up on love, neither on their romantic vision of love.
III. Even if they usually experience a lot of pain when it comes to romantic
partnerships, they do not give up, nor do they change the intenstity of their
feelings. Eventually, they close to spend long periods of their life alone, until
they find someone whom they think can feel the same magical and sacrificial
2. You’re in a search of prince charming
I. Typically play a passive stance in partnerships. When interest in the physical
declines after the initial rush of sexual closeness, romance typically takes over
for these people.
II. Because they tend to project a lot upon their partners, disillusion is a frequent
experience in their love life. If they can perserve their idealisic and innocent
outlook about the relationship, everything works well. If however, reality sets
in and they realize their spouse has any flaws, their disappointment may be
3. You have trouble with boundaries
I. They wish to attract partners which are romantic and gentle as they are. If these
people are not very much in tune with their self-worth, they risk attracting the
opposite type of people, which are abusive and use pisces descendants for their
own egocentric benefit.
II. These people have also the tendency to confuse their own personality and
preferences with the ones of thir partners. For this reason, people with the
seventh house in pisces must learn to protect their boundaries and take time for
themselves for grounding, to avoid confusion and loss of their own personality.
4. You self-sacrifice in the name of love
I. They cannot bear to seem them suffer, so they tend to sacrifice themselves in
order for their partner to have an easier lfie.
II. For this reason, is highly important for them to have someone who i salso
empathetic and kind. This way, these people shall be able to protect themselves
from the abuse they are often prone to suffer because they love too much.
5. They seek a lifetime commitment
I. Other water signs, such as cancer and scorpio, make suitable partners for some
people. Earth signs, which are usually grounded personalities, are also a good
match for pisces descendants.
II. They are highly imaginative when it comes to their vision of the perfect love
story. Superficial romantic connection are not the love choices of these people,
who desire a love relationship to last until the end of time.

Empty 7th house:

1. Delayed marriage is always possibility
2. The relationship with a spouse will be estranged
3. No trust with business partners

8th house in aries (empty):

 It means the way you act in the world is dangerous and risk oriented. You are dreawn
to getting engaged in extreme activities and you feel a strong need to live at the edge.
 You are drawn to the occult, and you are curious and impulsive about exploring taboos
and death related subjects.
 You might be prone often to undertake risky decisions which may affect your financial

1. You are a risk taker

2. You want an explosive and passionate sexual life
I. You seek passionate partners who make you feel you are the best in their
intimate life.
II. You have a powerful libido and your energy levels are very strong. It often
happens for you to have sexual experience which have profound
transformative effect upon your identity. Without intimacy you might feel
drained or undesirable.
III. Because of this your self-esteem might also be linked to your sexual
performance. You easily get bored if your relationship lack the passion you are
looking for.
3. You undertake financial risk
4. Possible trauma related to one’s individuality
5. Your will is your higher power:
I. Your will is your higher power in a strong spiritual way. If something comes
up to your mind, you will not stop until you get it.
II. You might have the experience that the power of your will is supported by
deep forces within you which transcend the materiál world.
III. With this position in your natal chart, it is likely that you were a shaman or a
wizadrd during a previous life. You might also be drawn to the occult and exert
your will through magical manifesting rituals.

Empty 8th house:

 Won’t face accidents
 It also means that the natives will be artistic

9th house in taurus (venus):

 It means that you may be very commited to your education.
 You might be drawn to education connected to beatuy or finance. On the negative
side, you might be quite fearful of going out of your comfort zone and doing new

1. You may feel reluctant to leave your comfort zone

2. You are commited to your education
3. You might not be very adventurous
4. Your education might be connected to art or finance
5. You are unlikely to change your beliefes once they are set

Venus in 9th house:

You are attracted to, or you tend to attract, people of different cultural backgrounds. A sense
of adventure is appealing to you. You are not especially clingy, and you expect a certain
amount of freedom in a partnership. You want to feel like you are growing as an individual,
and you won’t be happy in a relationship that is restrictive of confining. In fact, you have a
great love for the feeling of freedom or limitlessness. Your hips and thighs may be especially

You appreciate a lover who is enthusiastic and not afraid to have a good time. You aspire to
high ideals in love, but some of you might pursue sensations in love other than true or deep
feelings and attachement. Beware of tendency for dissatisfaction with what you have, as the
tendency to think that the ‘‘grass is greener‘‘ elswhere can keep you from enjoying or
developing what you have.
10th house in gemini (mercury, jupiter, saturn):
1. Your career
2. Your public reputation and social status:
I. It can influence you into being friendly, curious, and chatty.
3. Your ambition:
I. Freedom is one of the greatest personal values of this signs, and with this
placement on the birht chart, their ambition is simple: to be free, spontaneous,
and to have no authority figure to tell them who they should be or how they
should behave.
4. How you relate with authorities:
I. Good listeners and také what older people say seriously, understanding that
they have a lot to teach.

Midheaven challenges in gemini:

As they are people who like to do several things at the same time, a big challenge for those
who have a midheaven in gemini is their inability to focus and be persistent.

It is not difficult to see they suffering from anxiety. As they are receiving new information all
the time this can cause anxiety, stress and mental exhaustion.

Mercury in 10th house

 You are very conscious of your reputation. You always plan your actions and you are
keen on being seen in the particular light.
 You are known as someone who is very intelligent, someone who is educated and

1. You are conscious of your reputation

a. Your sociable nature makes you likeable and you are likely to have a lot of
different friends in both your personal and proffesional life. Making the right
connections will build up your reputation and help you manage it.
2. You turn your ideas into action
a. You know how to make the right move and do the right thing in order to
b. You are very ambitious and future-oriented. You can be opportunistic and are
not afraid of making connections with the right crowd in order to get ahead in
life. You can be quite strategic and you don’t fear using the right people for
your own advantage. This can help you create the right path for going after
your proffesional goals.
3. You are seen as someone intelligent
4. You might neglect the opinions and advice from people close to you

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