VF-747 RFID Fixed Reader: Development Manual

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RFID fixed reader

Development Manual

 Shenzhen Wanquan Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. has the right to arbitrarily modify the software, hardware and
manual of this product without a statement. This manual is subject to change without notice.
 The specifications and power supply of this machine are subject to the country of origin. Please confirm that the
voltage you use meets the requirements, read and understand the relevant safety precautions, especially for
outdoor installation.
revision history | VF-747 Development Manual

revision history

date revision describe author

201 3-4-9 _
1.0 first draft completed

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Table of contents | VF-747 Development Manual

Table of contents
1 One-way communication application development .........................................6
1.1 One-way communication application development .........................................6
1.2 Wiegand port protocol .......................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Wiegand26 format ........................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Wiegand34 format ........................................................................................... 7
1.3 RS485 port protocol .............................................................................................. 7
2 serial port two-way communication protocol .........................................9
2.1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Command packet format without address ..................................................9
2.1.2 Command packet format with address ......................................................10
2.1.3 Return packet format without address ......................................................10
2.1.4 Return packet format with address ............................................................10
2.1.5 Error code ........................................................................................................ 11
2.1.6 Example ........................................................................................................... 12
2.1.7 Checksum ........................................................................................................ 12
2.2 Serial port control command format ................................................................13
2.2.1 Set the baud rate ........................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Read version number ....................................................................................14
2.2.3 Set relay status .............................................................................................. 15
2.2.4 Set the output power of the reader ...........................................................15
2.2.5 Setting the working frequency ....................................................................16
2.2.6 Read the basic working parameters of the reader ..................................17
2.2.7 Set the basic working parameters of the reader .....................................18
2.2.8 Selecting Antenna .......................................................................................... 19
2.2.9 Get Reader Relay Status ..............................................................................20
2.2.10 Restoring the factory parameters of the reader ............................21
2.2.11 Reset Reader .........................................................................................21
2.2.12 Start / stop the automatic working mode of the reader ..............22
2.2.13 Clear memory .......................................................................................22
2.2.14 Set reader time ....................................................................................23
2.2.15 Get reader time ....................................................................................23
2.2.16 Set active working parameters .........................................................24
2.2.17 Obtain active working parameters ...................................................25
2.2.18 Set tag filter ..........................................................................................26
2.2.19 get tag filter ..........................................................................................27
2.2.20 Set the reader network address .......................................................28
2.2.21 Get the network address of the reader ...........................................29
2.2.22 Set reader network MAC .....................................................................29
2.2.23 Get the reader network MAC .............................................................30
2.2.24 Obtain tag record .................................................................................30
2.3 Serial read and write label command format .................................................31
2.3.1 Read and write ISO18000-6C command format .....................................31 Start listing tag ID ...............................................................................32

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Table of contents | VF-747 Development Manual Get Listed Tag ID .................................................................................33 Read a piece of data ............................................................................34 Write a piece of data ...........................................................................35 Set read and write protection status ...............................................36 Destruction of tags ..............................................................................37 Write EPC ...............................................................................................38 Read data while ...................................................................reading EPC number
2.4 Operation command summary ..........................................................................40
2.4.1 ISO18000-6C command ...............................................................................40
2.4.2 Other commands ........................................................................................... 40
2.5 Electronic label storage area and issues that need attention .....................41
3 SDK software development ...................................................................................44
3.1 SDK Composition ................................................................................................. 44
3.2 Design Description ............................................................................................... 44
3.2.1 Basic constants and structures ...................................................................44 Constant definition ...............................................................................44 API function return code .....................................................................44 Data type definition .............................................................................45
3.2.2 Control command function ...........................................................................45 Connecting the reader ........................................................................46 Disconnecting .......................................................................................47 Set the baud rate .................................................................................48 Read version number ..........................................................................48 Setting output power ..........................................................................49 Set the working frequency .................................................................50 Selecting Antenna ................................................................................51 Resetting the Reader ...........................................................................51 Read the working parameters of the reader ..................................52 Set the working parameters of the reader .....................................53 Clear memory .......................................................................................53 Set time .................................................................................................54 Obtaining Time .....................................................................................55 Get Reader ID .......................................................................................55
3.2.3 Active work instructions ...............................................................................56 Setting Tag Filters ................................................................................56 Get tag filter ..........................................................................................57 Stop the active work of the reader ...................................................58 Setting active working parameters ..................................................59 Obtain active working parameters ...................................................59 Restore parameter default value ......................................................60 Automatic mode ...................................................................................61 Obtain tag record .................................................................................62
3.2.4 I/O instructions ..............................................................................................63

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Table of contents | VF-747 Development Manual Set reader relay state .........................................................................63 Set the output state of the reader ....................................................63 Obtaining the state of the external output terminal .....................64 Obtain the state of the reader input terminal ................................65
3.2.5 Network commands .......................................................................................66 Set the reader IP address ..................................................................66 Get the ........................................................................................................IP address
of the reader 67
3.2.6 Read and write ISO18000-6C functions ....................................................68 Identify ISO18000-6C label EPC number ........................................68 Read a piece of data ............................................................................70 Write a piece of data ...........................................................................71 Set read and write protection status ...............................................73 Write EPC number ................................................................................74 EAS status operation command ........................................................75 EAS alarm command ...........................................................................76
4 Appendix - Output Format Description ................................................................78
4.1 Simplified data output format ...........................................................................78
4.2 Standard data output format ............................................................................78

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One-way communication application development | VF-747 Development Manual

1 One-way communication
application development
1.1 One-way communication application

Applied to software development in continuous and triggered working

modes, the host computer only needs to accept the tag ID number

transmitted by the reader, and does not need to send commands to the


1.2 Wiegand port protocol

The Wiegand port can only transmit in one direction, that is, it can only

send the card number read by the reader to the "controller", and the

"controller" cannot send signals to the reader. The transmission signal of

the Wiegand port is as follows:

At present, the output waveform of the Wiegand port has the following


A. The pulse width is 400us, and the pulse interval is 2.0ms

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B. The pulse width is 100us, and the pulse interval is 1.6ms

C. The pulse width is 50us, and the pulse interval is 1.0ms

The Wiegand port is divided into two types: Wiegand26 and Wiegand34.

1.2.1 Wiegand26 format

Wiegand26 only transmits 26 bits of data each time, and only 24 of these

26 bits are valid data. We stipulate that these 24 bits correspond to the

lower 24 bits of the ID number in the electronic tag or the user-defined

number. Its transmission format is as follows:

Even parity: The number of 1s in the data to be verified plus the parity bit

is an even number.

Odd parity: The number of 1s in the data to be verified plus the parity bit

is an odd number.

1.2.2 Wiegand34 format

Wiegand34 transmits 32 bits of valid data each time, and we stipulate

that these 32 bits correspond to the ID number in the electronic tag or

the lower 32 of the user-defined number. Its transmission format is as


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1.3 RS485 port protocol

When using the RS485 port to output data, it is necessary to set the

communication rate of the RS485 port in advance. The format of RS485

output data is:

天线编号(2 个字 ID 号或自定义编号(N 字节
02 03 校验码


A. Data start flag STX = 02H, data end flag ETX = 03H;

B. DATA is antenna number (2Byte) + tag ID number (NBytes), and the length is

N+2 bytes of ASCII code. The way to convert hexadecimal data to ASCII

representation is:

length illustrate
STX 1 Data start flag STX = 02H
Data N Antenna number (2-byte ASCII code)
ID number or custom number (N-byte ASCII
ETX 1 Data end flag ETX = 03H
check 1 check code

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Divide the data into groups of 4 bits in order from high to low, and then

express the value of the 4-bit binary number in ASCII code. Since the

value range of 4-bit binary numbers is 0H ~ FH, the converted ASCII

codes are 30H ~ 39H, 41H ~ 46H. For example: 32-bit serial number

data is 6A90F103H, after converting to 8-byte ASCII code, it will be "36H

41H 39H 30H 46H 31H 30H 33H". Antenna 1 number (ASCII code) is

"30H 31H", antenna 2 number (ASCII code) is "30H 32H".

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Serial port two-way communication protocol | VF-747 Development Manual

2 Serial port two-way communication


There are two approaches to application development:

1) Use the control code of the serial port communication protocol to

directly operate the reader.

2) Use the supporting SDK software of the reader to call the API function

to operate the reader.

2.1 overview

In the RFID application system, the reader is connected to the

communication controller (or PC) in the application system through the

RS232 port, receives the commands sent by the controller, and returns

the command execution results to the controller. Therefore, we call the

data communication packet (packet) sent from the controller to the

reader as a command packet , and the data communication packet sent

from the reader to the controller as a return packet .

2.1.1 Command packet format without address

Boot Code Length command Command Param CheckSum

As shown in the above table, the command package consists of 5 parts:

Boot Code 1 Fixed to 40H
The effective length of the package, which is the
Length 1
total number of bytes in the last 3 parts
command 1 command code

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Command Command arguments, whose length varies with the

Param command
The checksum is the sum of all bytes from the boot
code (BootCode) to the command parameter
CheckSum 1
(Command Param), and the byte complement after
discarding the carry

2.1.2 Command packet format with address

Boot Code Length command address Command Param CheckSum

As shown in the above table, the command package consists of 6 parts:

length illustrate
Boot Code 1 Fixed to 40H
The effective length of the package, which is
Length 1
the total number of bytes in the last 4 parts
command 1 command code
Reader address, 1~254, 0 and 255 are
address 1
broadcast addresses
Command Command arguments, whose length varies
Param with the command
The checksum is the sum of all bytes from the
boot code (BootCode) to the command
CheckSum 1
parameter (Command Param), and the byte
complement after discarding the carry

2.1.3 Return packet format without address

Boot Code Length command Return Data CheckSum

As shown in the above table, the return package also consists of 5 parts:

length illustrate
Boot code, when the command is executed
correctly, the boot code of the returned
Boot Code 1 package is F0H, and when the command
execution fails, the boot code of the returned
package is F4H

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The effective length of the package, which is

Length 1
the total number of bytes in the last 3 parts
The command code is the same as the
command 1 received command code, indicating that the
return packet is the response to the command
Return data, return command execution result,
Return Data indefinite
its length varies with the command
Checksum, which is the sum of all bytes from
the boot code (BootCode) to the return data
CheckSum 1
(ReturnData), and the byte complement after
discarding the carry

2.1.4 Return packet format with address

Boot Code Length command address Return Data CheckSum

As shown in the above table, the return package also consists of 6 parts:

length illustrate
Boot code, when the command is executed
correctly, the boot code of the returned
Boot Code 1 package is F0H, and when the command
execution fails, the boot code of the returned
package is F4H
The effective length of the packet, which is the
Length 1
total bytes of the last 4 parts.
The command code is the same as the
command 1 received command code, indicating that the
return packet is the response to the command
Reader address, 1~254, 0 and 255 are
address 1
broadcast addresses
Return data, return command execution result,
Return Data indefinite
its length varies with the command
Checksum, which is the sum of all bytes from
the boot code (BootCode) to the return data
CheckSum 1
(ReturnData), and the byte complement after
discarding the carry

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2.1.5 error code

When the command execution fails, the boot code of the return packet is

F4H, and the return data part (ReturnData) is an error code of 1 byte.

Commonly used error codes are:

Command succeeded or detected

01(01H) Antenna connection failed
02(02H) Tag not detected
03(03H) illegal label
Insufficient reading and writing
05(05H) This area is write protected
06(06H) checksum error
07(07H) Parameter error
08(08H) data area does not exist
09(09H) Incorrect password
10(0AH) Destroy password cannot be zero
When the reader is actively
11(0BH) working, this command is an illegal
Illegal User with Mismatched
External radio frequency
14(0EH) Tag read protection
Invalid commands, such as
30(1EH) commands with incorrect
31(1FH) unknown command
32(20H) other errors

Note: Since the error return packet format of all commands is the

same, when describing the commands later, the error return will

not be discussed again.

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2.1.6 example

Example: To set the baud rate of the reader to 9600bps, the command

packet is: 『40H 03H 01H 04H B8H』


40H boot code

The effective length
03H of the packet is 3
The command code
01H of "Setting the baud
rate of the reader"
04H Represents 9600bps
B8H checksum

It is the complement code of 40H+03H+01H+04H=48H (inverted plus 1)

If executed correctly , the returned package is: 『F0H 02H 01H 0DH』

If the execution is wrong, the return packet may be: 『F4H 03H 01H 1FH

2.1.7 checksum

A Check Sum calculation program in C language is given below for


unsigned char CheckSum(unsigned char *uBuff, unsigned char uBuffLen)

unsigned char i,uSum=0;


uSum = uSum + uBuff[i];

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uSum = (~uSum) + 1;

return uSum;

2.2 Serial port control command format

2.2.1 set baud rate

Function: Set the working baud rate of RS232 port.

After the reader downloads a new program each time, the initial

communication rate of the RS232 port is 9600bps. When the reader

receives the command, reset the serial port baud rate of the reader

according to the command parameters. Regardless of whether the power

of the reader is turned off or not, the working rate will remain until the

next reset.

Command code: 01H

Command parameters: 1 byte BPS, value: 04H~08H, representing:

04H 9600bps
05H 19200bps
06H 38400bps
07H 57600bps
08H 115200bps

Command package: 『40H 03H 01H BPS CheckSum』

Return data: If the command is executed correctly, the data part of the

return packet (Return Data) is empty.

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"F0H 02H 01H 0DH"

2.2.2 read version number

Function: Read the hardware and software version numbers of the reader

Command code: 02H

Command parameters: none

Command package: 『40H 02H 02H BBH』

Return data: If the command is executed correctly, the data part in the

return packet is a 4-byte version number:

hardware major
Hardware minor
version (use the
Byte1 hardware version
number to indicate
the reader model)
software major
software minor

Example: If the model of the reader is Reader1102 and the software

version number is V1.5, the returned package is:

"F0H 06H 02H 0BH 02H 01H 05H F5H"

2.2.3 Set relay state

Function: Set the state of the reader relay.

Command code: 03H

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Command parameter: 1 byte, K means relay state

Command package: 『40H 03H 03H K Check』

Bit0=1 Relay No. 1 is closed

Bit0=0 Relay No. 1 is disconnected
Bit1=1 Relay No. 2 closed
Bit1=0 No. 2 relay is disconnected

And so on.

Return data: If the command is executed correctly, the data part of the

return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 03H 0BH"

2.2.4 Set the output power of the reader

Function: Set the transmit power coefficient of the reader. After the

reader sets a new output power, it will take effect immediately and will

remain until it is reset, no matter whether the power is turned off or not.

Command code: 04H

Command parameters: 1 byte P, indicating the power value, the value

ranges from 20dBm to 30dBm, and the default value is 25dBm.

Command package: 『40H 03H 04H P CheckSum』

Return data: If the command is executed correctly, the data part of the

return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 04H 0AH"

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2.2.5 set working frequency

Function: Set the frequency channel number for the reader to send out

microwave signals. Once the operating frequency is set, it will take effect

immediately, and will remain until the next reset, no matter whether the

power of the reader is turned off or not.

Command code: 05H

Command parameters: 2 bytes, byte 1 represents the start frequency

fmin, the value is 0~59; byte 2 represents the end frequency fmax, the

value is 0~59. If the stop frequency is greater than the start frequency, it

means that the reader works in frequency hopping mode, and the

frequency hopping range is fmin~fmax. If the end frequency is equal to

the start frequency, it means that the reader works in a fixed frequency

mode, and the frequency is fmax .

Command package: 『40H 04H 05H fmin fmax CheckSum』

Return data: If the command is executed correctly, the data part of the

return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 05H 09H"

Table. Relationship between frequency channel and transmit frequency

frequenc transmit frequen transmit transmit

y frequency cy frequency frequency
channel MHz channel MHz MHz
0 865.00 20 908.50 40 918.50
1 twenty 41
865.50 one 909.00 919.00
2 twenty 42
866.00 two 909.50 919.50
3 866.50 twenty 910.00 43 920.00

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frequenc transmit frequen transmit transmit

y frequency cy frequency frequency
channel MHz channel MHz MHz
4 twenty 44
867.00 four 910.50 920.50
5 867.50 25 911.00 45 921.00
6 868.00 26 911.50 46 921.50
7 902.00 27 912.00 47 922.00
8 902.50 28 912.50 48 922.50
9 903.00 29 913.00 49 923.00
10 903.50 30 913.50 50 923.50
11 904.00 31 914.00 51 924.00
12 904.50 32 914.50 52 924.50
13 905.00 33 915.00 53 925.00
14 905.50 34 915.50 54 925.50
15 906.00 35 916.00 55 926.00
16 906.50 36 916.50 56 926.50
17 907.00 37 917.00 57 927.00
18 907.50 38 917.50 58 927.50
19 908.00 39 918.00 59 928.00

2.2.6 Read the basic working parameters of the reader

Function: Read the working parameters written in the last command from

the reader to the reader

Command code: 06H

Command parameters: None

Command package: 『40H 02H 06H B8H』

Return data: If successful, the data part of the return packet is the 32-

byte parameter PAM written by the setting command.

『F0H 22H 06H PAM CheckSum』

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2.2.7 Set the basic working parameters of the reader

Function: Set the basic working parameters such as the serial port baud

rate, transmission frequency and output power of the reader.

Command code: 09H

Command parameters: 32-byte parameter PAM

Command package: 『40H 22H 09H PAM CheckSum』

Return data: If the command is executed correctly, the data part of the

return packet is empty. If successful, the data part of the return packet

for reading the working parameters of the reader is the 32-byte

parameters read in the following order

"F0H 02H 09H 05H"

32 byte parameters (one byte per parameter):

1 Communication rate of the serial port, value: 04H~08H,
Transmission power value, value: 20~30dbm. The value is
The starting point of microwave signal frequency, value
(default value is 7): 1~59.
The end point of the transmitted microwave signal frequency,
value (default value is 59): 1~59.
5 modulation depth
6 Reader working mode: 0-active mode, 1-command mode
RS485 address of the reader: 0 and 255 are broadcast
8 Maximum number of cards read
Label types: 01H-ISO18000-6B, 02H-EPCC1, 04H-EPCC1G2,
10 Card reading duration: RF emission duration, only valid for

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EM tags; 0-10ms, 1-20ms, 2-30ms, 3-40ms.
Card reading times M: After receiving the card reading
11 command from the host computer, the reader executes the
command M times.
12 1: Enable the buzzer 0: Disable the buzzer
13 Reader IP address 1
14 Reader IP address 2
15 Reader IP address 3
16 Reader IP address 4
17 reader port high position
18 reader port low
19 Reader Mask 1
20 Reader Mask 2
twenty one Reader Mask 3
twenty two Reader Mask 4
twenty Reader address gateway 1
twenty Reader address gateway 2
25 Reader address gateway 3
26 Reader address gateway 4
27 Reader MAC1
28 Reader MAC2
29 Reader MAC3
30 Reader MAC4
31 Reader MAC5
32 Reader MAC6

2.2.8 select antenna

Function: Choose which antenna to send and receive signals from

Command code: 0AH

Command parameters: 1 byte selected antenna number No.

1 Select Antenna 1
2 Select Antenna 2

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4 Select Antenna 3
8 Select Antenna No. 4

Command package: 『40H 03H 0AH No. CheckSum』

Return data: If the command is executed correctly, the data part of the

return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 0AH 04H"

2.2.9 Get the reader relay status

Function: Get the reader relay status.

Command code: 0BH

Command parameters: none

Command package: 『40H 02H 0BH Check』

Return data: 『F0H 03H 0BH K Check』

If successful, the K in the return packet indicates the relay status as


Bit0=1 Relay No. 1 is closed

Bit0=0 Relay No. 1 is disconnected
Bit1=1 Relay No. 2 closed
Bit1=0 No. 2 relay is disconnected

2.2.10 Restore the factory parameters of the reader

Function: It is to restore the parameters of the reader to the factory


Command code: 0DH

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Command parameters: none

Command package: 『40H 02H 0DH Check』

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

『F0H 02H 0DH Check』

2.2.11 reset reader

Function: Reader reset, which is equivalent to power on again after power


Command code: 0EH

Command parameters: None

Command package: 『40H 02H 0EH B0H』

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 0EH 00H"

2.2.12 Start/stop the automatic working mode of the reader

Function: Set the working mode of the reader.

Command code: 0FH

Command parameters: 1 byte, Mode indicates the automatic working

mode of the reader

Command package: 『40H 03H 0FH Mode Check 』

When Mode is 0, it means stop working automatically

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When Mode is 1, it means to start automatic work

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 0FH 00H"

2.2.13 clear memory

Function: Clear the tag list memory.

Command code: 10H

Command parameters: none

Command package: 『40H 02H 10H AEH』

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 10H FEH"

2.2.14 Set reader time

Function: Set the time of the reader.

Command code: 11H

Command parameters: 6 bytes (hexadecimal representation), YY MM DD

hh mm ss

Command package: 『40H 08H 11H YY MM DD hh mm ss Check』

YY Year, the last 2 digits of the AD year,

such as 2012, YY=12
MM moon
DD day
hh hour
mm point
ss Second

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Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 11H FDH"

2.2.15 get reader time

Function: Get the time of the reader.

Command code: 12H

Command parameters: none

Command package: 『40H 02H 12H ACH』

Return data:『F0H 08H 12H yy mm dd hh ff ss Check』

YY Year, the last 2 digits of the AD year,

such as 2012, YY=12
MM moon
DD day
hh hour
mm point
ss Second

2.2.16 Set Active Work Parameters

Function: Set parameters related to active work.

Command code: 13H

Command parameters: 32 byte parameters, see automatic work

parameter table

Command package: 『40H 26H 13H PAM Check』

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

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『F0H 02H 13H BEH』

2.2.17 Get Active Work Parameters

Function: Get parameters related to active work.

Command code: 14H

Command parameters: none

Command package: 『40H 02H 14H 6DH』

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

"F0H 24H 14H PAM Check".

32 byte parameters (one byte per parameter):

byte definition
1 Read tag mode: 0-timing mode, 1-trigger mode.
Label retention time: unit: seconds. The default value is 1.
high position
Label retention time: unit: seconds. The default value is 1.
0-10ms, 1-20ms, 2-30ms, 3-50ms, 4-100ms.
The default value is 2. Actively read tags at set intervals.
Number of tags to keep: The default value is 1. The number
of read tag IDs kept in the reader memory. High bit
Number of tags to keep: The default value is 1. The number
6 of tag IDs that have been read in the memory of the reader.
Low bit
Data output format: 0-simplified format, 1-standard format,
2-XML format. The default value is 0.
Output interface: 0-RS232 port, 1-RS485 port, 2-RJ45 port.
The default value is 0. 3- Wiegand26 4- Wiegand34
9 Wiegand output pulse width, the default value is 40.
10 Wiegand output pulse interval, the default value is 200.
11 Set the start digit of the output card number, ranging from 0

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byte definition
to 4. The default value is 0. (Wiegand)
Set the storage address of the card number on the electronic
12 label (the default value is 0): 0-the ID number of the label
itself 1-User-defined card number (Wiegand)
Notification interval: in seconds. Actively notify the host
13 computer once every set time. The default value is 120
seconds, 1~255.
Notification condition: the default value is 1. 0-immediate
14 notification, 1-scheduled notification, 2-add new label, 3-
decrease label, 4-change of label number
Notify the output terminal, (if the card has not been read for
a long time, send a 0-length EPC number to the output
15 terminal)
0—do not use 1—use The time is determined by
("Notification Interval")
16 Antenna selection. 1-ant1, 2-ant2, 4-ant4, 8-ant8
17 Set trigger mode (default value is 0): 0-low level 1-high level
18 Host computer IP address 1
19 PC IP address 2
20 PC IP address 3
twenty Host computer IP address 4
twenty PC port high position
twenty PC port low
0-no alarm, 1-alarm. Whether to detect alarm in timing and
trigger mode.
Whether to control the relay in the automatic state 0-no
control 1-Control

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2.2.18 Set tag filter

Function: The read tags are put into the output list only after the tags

selected by the set filter.

Command code: 15H

Command parameter 1: 2 byte mask address ADDR, the high bit comes

first, and the low bit comes after. Refers to the bit address.

Command parameter 2: 2 byte mask length LEN, the high bit comes first,

and the low bit comes after. Refers to the bit length.

Command parameter 3: M bytes of data, the high bit comes first, and the

low bit comes after. If LEN/8 is an integer, then M=LEN/8; if LEN/8 is not

an integer, then M=LEN/8+1, and the last byte data is placed in the

highest bit, and the lower bit is filled with zeros.

Command package: 『40H 4+M 15H ADDR LEN M CheckSum』

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 15H F9H"


1. When LEN=0, it means that the filter is not used, and the

command parameter 3 is not used either.

Command package:『40H 04H 15H 00 A7H』

2. filter object:

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ISO18000-6B 64 bit ID
EPCC1 EPC number
EPCC1G2 EPC number
EM label 64 bit ID

2.2.19 get tag filter

Function: Get filter parameters.

Command code: 16H

Command parameters: None.

Command package:『40H 02H 16H A8H』

Return data: if successful, the data part of the return packet is (2 byte

mask address ADDR+2 byte mask length LEN+M byte data). If LEN/8 is

an integer, then M=LEN/8; if LEN/8 is not an integer, then M=LEN/8+1,

and the last byte data is placed in the highest bit, and the lower bit is

filled with zeros.

『F0H 4+M 16H ADDR LEN M CheckSum』

2.2.20 Set the reader network address

Function: Set the network address of the reader.

Command code: 30H

Command parameters: 14 byte parameters. IP (4Bytes) + port number

PORT (2Bytes) + mask MASK (4Bytes) + gateway Gateway (4Bytes).

Command package: "40H 10H 30H IP PORT MASK Gateway CheckSum"

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

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"F0H 02H 30H DEH"

2.2.21 Obtain the reader network address

Function: Get the network address of the reader.

Command code: 31H

Command parameters: none

Command package:『40H 02H 31H 8DH』

Return data: If successful, the data part of the return packet is IP

(4Bytes) + port number PORT (2Bytes) + mask MASK (4Bytes) +

gateway Gateway (4Bytes)).

"F0H 10H 31H IP PORT MASK Gateway CheckSum"

2.2.22 Set the reader network MAC

Function: Set the reader network MAC.

Command code: 32H

Command parameter: 6-byte parameter MAC

Command package:『40H 08H 32H MAC CheckSum』

Return Data: If successful, the data portion of the return packet is empty.

"F0H 02H 32H DBH"

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2.2.23 Obtain the reader network MAC

Function: Get the network MAC address of the reader.

Command code: 33H

Command parameters: None

Command package:『40H 02H 33H 8BH』

Return data: If successful, the data part of the return packet is a 6-byte


『F0H 08H 33H MAC CheckSum』

2.2.24 get tag record

Function: After receiving this command, the reader will immediately send

the tag information stored in the memory of the reader to the host


Command code: 57H

Command parameter 1: 2 bytes starting record address ADDR, the high

bit comes first, and the low bit comes after.

Command parameter 2: 1 byte record number LEN(<=5).

Command package:『40H 05H 57H ADDR LEN CheckSum』

Return data: If successful, the return package is defined as follows:

『F0H 4+N*(17+L) 57H NN *RECORD CheckSum』

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N(<=5) is the number of records returned by the reader. RECORD record

format is hexadecimal code: 6-byte start time + 6-byte end time + 2-

byte read times + 1-byte antenna number + 1-byte label type + 1-byte

EPC length L + L-byte EPC. The record sequence is arranged in ascending

order of EPC value.

If the record specified by the parameter does not exist, the return

package is defined as follows:

"F0H 04H 57H 00H 00H B5H"

2.3 Serial port read and write tag command format

2.3.1 Read and write ISO18000-6C command format

The memory of the ISO18000-6C tag is divided into four areas (Memory


A. EPC area (EPC): The area for storing EPC codes, currently the

maximum can store 96Bits EPC codes. Readable and writable.

B. TID area (TID): Store the ID number set by the label manufacturer.

Currently, there are two ID numbers of 32 and 64Bits.

Readable, not writable.

C. User area (User): This area is different for different manufacturers.

Inpinj's G2 tags have no user area. Philips has 96Bits. Readable and


D. Password area (Password): There are 32Bits access (access)

password and 32Bits destruction (kill) password. Readable and


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Function: Identify the identifiable tag ID that exists in the antenna

radiation field range according to the mask condition.

Command code: EEH

Command parameter 1: a byte mem, select the data area;

0 password area
1 EPC number
2 TID tag ID
3 User area User

Command parameter 2: two bytes, indicating the mask start address

addr (unit: bit).

Command parameter 3: a byte, indicating the mask length LEN (unit:


Command parameter 4: m bytes, mask Mask; If LEN%8=0, then

m=LEN/8. If LEN% 8  0, then m =  LEN/8  +1.

Command package: 『40H m+6 EEH mem addr LEN Mask CheckSum』

Return data: If successful, the number of bytes in the returned data = list

the number of all tags read this time M (1byte) + (the number of tags

sent this time N (<=8)*L (EPC digits + EPC)) The data.

Note: LEN=0 means to identify all identifiable tag IDs that exist in

the antenna radiation field range.

EPC digits: 00H-0Word, 01H-1Word, 02H-2Word, ..., FFH-256Word

『F0H 3+L*N EEH ML*N CheckSum』

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Function: Obtain the electronic tag IDs listed by the rfs_ListTagID

command from the reader memory.

Command code: EDH

Command parameters: 2 bytes. The first byte is the start number no; the

second byte is the label number m (<=8)

Command package: 『40H 04H EDH no m CheckSum』

Return data: If successful, return the data with the number of bytes in

the data part = (1 Byte tag number M*L Bytes (EPC digits + EPC)).

『F0H 2+L*8 EDH L*M CheckSum』 read a piece of data

Function: Read a block of data at the beginning of the specified address in

the specified data area on the specified label. The data block length is in

words (16bits).

Command code: ECH

Command parameter 1: a byte EPC digit L, indicating the word number of

the EPC number;

Command parameter 2: L*2 bytes EPC number, indicating which tag data

to read;

Command parameter 3: a byte mem, select the data area;

0 password area
1 EPC number

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2 TID tag ID
3 User area User

Command parameter 4: a byte start address addr (unit: Word);

Command parameter 5: a byte data length len (unit: Word).

Command parameter 6: four bytes AccessPassword, password;

Command package: 『40H 10+L*2 ECH L EPC mem addr len

AccessPassword CheckSum』

Return package: if successful, the returned data part is the data xx of

len*2 bytes.

"F0H len*2+2 ECH xx...xx CheckSum"

Note: AccessPassword only works when the password area is

under password lock. write a piece of data

Function: Write data to the specified address unit in the specified data
area on the specified label. The write data length is in word unit.

Command Code: EBH

Command parameter 1: a byte EPC digit L, indicating the word number of

the EPC number;

Command parameter 2: L*2 bytes EPC number, indicating which tag to

write data to;

Command parameter 3: a byte mem, select the data area MemBank;

0 password area
2 TID (not

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3 User area User

Command parameter 4: a byte start address addr (unit: Word);

Command parameter 5: a byte data length len (unit: Word);

Command parameter 6: data written in len*2 bytes.

Command parameter 7: four bytes AccessPassword, password;

Command package: 『40H 10+L*2+len*2 EBH L EPC mem addr len data

AccessPassword CheckSum』

Return Packet: If successful, the returned data section is empty.

『F0H 02H EBH 23H』

Note: AccessPassword only works when the data area is under

password lock. When the data area is unlocked, it can be written

without a password; when the data is permanently locked, the

password is useless. Set read and write protection status

Function: Set the specified data area on the specified label as write-

Command code:EAH

Command parameter 1: a byte EPC digit L, indicating the word number of

the EPC number;

Command parameter 2: L*2 bytes EPC number, indicating which tag to

set read and write protection to;

Command parameter 3: a byte mem, select the protected data area


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0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPC number
3 TID tag ID
4 User area User

Command parameter 4: a byte control word Lock,

0 writable
1 permanently
2 Write with
3 never write
4 readable and
5 Permanently
readable and
6 Read and write
with password
7 never read or

0 to 3 are only applicable to the three data areas of EPC, TID and User; 4

to 7 are only applicable to Kill Password and Access Password.

Command parameter 5: four bytes AccessPassword, password;

Command package: 『40H 9+L*2 EAH L EPC mem Lock AccessPassword


Return data: If successful, the return packet boot code is F0H, and the

data part is empty.

『F0H 02H EAH 24H』

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Serial port two-way communication protocol | VF-747 Development Manual destruction label

Function: permanent dormancy label

Command code: E8H

Command parameter 1: a byte EPC digit L, indicating the word number of

the EPC number;

Command parameter 2: L*2 bytes EPC number, indicating which tag to

set read and write protection to;

Command parameter 3: KillPassword, 4 bytes, the password of the

permanently dormant label;

Command packet without address:『40H L*2+7 E8H L EPC KillPassword


Command package with address:『40H L*2+8 E8H Address L EPC

KillPassword Check』

head Len cmd address Data check

40H L*2+7/L*2+8 E8H L EPC KillPassword 1Byte

See the table below for the definition of specific command package


L 1 byte, the length of EPC (unit Word)

EPC L*2 bytes EPC number
KillPassword 4 bytes, password for permanently dormant tag

Return Packet: If successful, the returned data section is empty.

『F0H 02H E8H Check』

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Function: Write EPC data to the label EPC unit. The write data length is in

word unit.

Command Code: E7H

Command parameter 1: a byte EPC digit L, indicating the word number of

the EPC number;

Command parameter 2: L*2 bytes EPC number;

Command parameter 3: four bytes AccessPassword, password;

Command package: 『40H 7+L*2 E7H L EPC AccessPassword


Return Packet: If successful, the returned data section is empty.

"F0H 02H E7H 27H"

Note: AccessPassword only works when the data area is under

password lock. When the data area is unlocked, it can be written

without a password; when the data is permanently locked, the

password is useless. Read data while reading EPC number

Function: Read the EPC number of the label and a piece of data at the

beginning of the specified address in the specified data area on the label.

The data block length is in words (16bits).

Command code: E0H

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Command parameters: Mem Addr Len, see the following table for specific

parameter definitions:

0--password area
1--EPC number
2-- TID tag ID number
3--User area User
The start address of 1 byte read data (unit:
Len 1 byte read data length (unit: Word)

Command packet without address: 『40H 05H E0H Mem Addr Len


Command packet with address: "40H 06H ECH Address L EPC Mem Addr

Len Check"

Return packet without address:『F0H L E0H L EPC Data Check』

Return packet with address: "F0H L E0H Address L EPC Data Check"

Data represents the read data.

2.4 Summary of operation commands

2.4.1 ISO18000-6C command

numb Order Function
Identify the identifiable tag ID that exists in the antenna
radiation field range according to the mask condition
Obtain the electronic tag IDs listed by the rfs_ListTagID
command from the reader memory
Read a block of data at the beginning of the specified
address in the specified data area on the specified label
4 EBH Write data to the specified address unit in the specified

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numb Order Function
data area on the specified label
Set the specified data area on the specified label as
6 E8H dormant label forever
7 E7H Write EPC data to tag EPC unit
Read the EPC number of the label and a block of data at
the beginning of the specified address in the specified
8 E0H
data area on the label. The data block length is in word

2.4.2 other commands

numb Order Function
1 01H Set the working baud rate of RS232 port
2 02H Get the hardware and software version number of the
3 03H Set reader relay state
4 04H Set the transmit power coefficient of the reader
5 05H Set the frequency channel number for the reader to emit
microwave signals
6 06H Read the working parameters written by the last
command from the reader to the reader
7 09H Set the basic working parameters such as serial port
baud rate, transmission frequency and output power of
the reader
8 0AH Choose which antenna to send and receive signals from
9 0BH Get the reader relay status
10 0DH Restore the factory parameters of the reader
11 0EH reset reader
12 0FH Start/stop the automatic working mode of the reader
13 10H clear memory
14 11H Set reader time
15 12H get reader time
16 13H Set parameters related to active work
17 14H Get parameters related to active work
18 15H Set filter parameters
19 16H Get filter parameters

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numb Order Function
20 30H Set the reader network address
twent 31H Obtain the reader network address
y one
twent 32H Set the reader network MAC
y two
twent 33H Obtain the reader network MAC
twent 57H get tag record
y four

2.5 Electronic label storage area and problems that

need attention

(1) The memory of the ISO18000-6C tag is divided into four areas

(Memory Bank):

 EPC area (EPC): The area for storing EPC codes, currently the

maximum can store 96Bits EPC codes. Readable and writable.

 TID area (TID): Store the ID number set by the label manufacturer.

Currently, there are two ID numbers of 32 and 64Bits.

Readable, not writable.

 User area (User): This area is different for different manufacturers. .

 Password area (Password): There are 32Bits access (access)

password and 32Bits destruction (kill) password. It can be read and

written, and different protection modes can be implemented for the

two areas.

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ISO18000-6C tags can set different protection modes for different storage

areas, and there are four protection modes for each storage area:

 EPC area, TID area and user area of G2 label

The EPC area, TID area and user area of the G2 tag are not protected for

reading, and the write protection function:

Writeable from any state--you can write without an access password, and

you can set it as a password lock or permanent write or permanent lock

in the future;

Permanently Writable (Permanently Writable)--you can write without

access password, and you can't password lock and permanent lock in the


Password lock (Writable from secured state)--Writable only when the

access password is known; it can also be set to permanent lock or

arbitrary writing or permanent writing in the future;

Permanent lock (Never Writeable)--you can't write even if you know the

access password, that is, you can't write forever.

 Password field of G2 label

The password area of the G2 tag can be protected both for reading and

writing. The read-write protection status of the password area does not

affect the use of the password, and the two areas can be protected

separately. Protective function:

Readable and Writeable from any state - can read and write without

access password, and can be password locked or permanently read and

write or permanently locked in the future;

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Permanently Readable and Writable - can read and write without access

password, and cannot be password locked or permanently locked in the


Password lock (Readable and Writable from secured state)--Only when

the access password is known, the password can be read and changed; it

can also be set as a permanent lock or arbitrary read and write or

permanent read and write in the future;

Permanent lock (Never Readable and Writeable)--you cannot read and

write even if you know the access password, that is, you can never read

the password or modify the password.

Note: To set the label read and write protection, you must know

the access password of the label in advance.

(2) The memory of the ISO-18000-6B label is divided into two areas

(Memory Bank), The internal storage capacity is 2048bits, which is

divided into 256 bytes. Each byte has an address corresponding to

0~255. in:

 Address 0~7 eight words (total 64bits): for the tag ID number. It is

solidified when the product leaves the factory and cannot be modified.

 Addresses 8~233 are user information storage areas, which can be

allocated according to specific applications. It can be rewritten or

locked, but once locked, it cannot be rewritten or unlocked.

 Address 224~255 write protection bytes.

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3 SDK software development

3.1 SDK composition

The VF-747 module product package provides an application software

development kit (SDK), which mainly consists of the following files:

A. Reader2100DLL.dll file —— dynamic link library

B. Reader2100DLL.lib file —— static link library

C. Reader2100API.h file —— Declaration file of API function

D. Reader2100SDK directory —— Contains sample programs for

learning API function applications

3.2 Design Notes

3.2.1 Basic Constants and Structures constant definition

describe illustrate
#define ID_MAX_SIZE_96BIT 13 //The ID number of the electronic
tag is 128bit
#define MAX_LABELS 100 // A read and write operation does
not exceed 100 tags at most API function return code

#define_OK 0x00 // Successful operation

//communication error message
#define _init_rs232_err 0x81 //communication port
initialization failed
#define _no_scanner 0x82 // can't find reader
#define _comm_error 0x83 //Error sending and
receiving communication

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#define _baudrate_error 0x84 // set the baud rate error
#define _init_rs232_err 0x85 //Serial port initialization
#define _comm_error 0x86 //Serial port send and
receive communication
data error
// The reader returns an error message
#define _no_antenna 0x01 // Antenna connection
#define _no_label 0x02 // tag not detected
#define _invalid_label 0x03 //Illegal label
#define _less_power 0x04 // read and write power is
not enough
#define _write_prot_error 0x05 //This area is write
#define _check_sum_error 0x06 // checksum error
#define _parameter_error 0x07 //Parameter error
#define _memory_error 0x08 //Data field does not exist
#define _password_error 0x09 //Incorrect password
#define _killpassword_error 0x0a //G2 label destruction
password is all zeros
#define 0x0b //Illegal command
#define _nonlicet_user 0x0c //Illegal user whose
password does not match
#define _invalid_command 0x1e // Indicates an invalid
instruction, such as an
instruction with incorrect
#define _other_error 0x1f //unknown command
//Function input error
#define _no_cardID_input 0x20 //Other errors data type definition

typedef USHORT apiReturn; // function return value type

All API functions return a value of type apiReturn after execution. From

this value (function return code), you can judge whether the function

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execution is successful, and if it fails, what is the reason for the failure

and other information.

3.2.2 control command function

Note: The following functions marked in red are serial port communication

functions, and those marked in blue are network port communication

functions. Connect the reader

Connect with serial port:

apiReturn _stdcall ConnectScanner(HANDLE *hScanner, char *szPort, int


Function: Establish a communication connection with the reader-writer

connected to the communication port, and set its communication rate.

Entry parameters:

szPort: A character pointer pointing to the name of the communication

port, such as: serial port "COM1", "COM2"...

nBaudRate: The baud rate of the serial port communication, the effective

communication rates are: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

Export parameters:

Judging whether the connection is successful or the cause of failure

according to the apiReturn value returned by the function

hScanner : the handle of the reader

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Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the

connection is successful, otherwise the connection fails.

Connect with network port:

apiReturn _stdcall Net_ConnectScanner(SOCKET *hSocket, CString

nTargetAddress, UINT nTargetPort, CString nHostAddress, UINT


Function: Establish a communication connection with the reader-writer

connected to the communication port, and set its communication rate.

Entry parameters:

nTargetAddress: Target address, such as: ""...

nTargetPort: Target communication port, such as "1969"

nHostAddress: local address, such as: ""...

nHostPort: local communication port, such as "5000"

Export parameters:

hSocket: reader communication handle

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the

connection is successful, otherwise the connection fails.

Note: This instruction must be executed for each reader to obtain

the corresponding reader communication handle hSocket. Disconnect

apiReturn _stdcall DisconnectScanner(HANDLE hScanner);

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apiReturn _stdcall Net_DisconnectScanner();

Function: Close the connection with the reader and release the serial port


Entry parameters:

hSacnner : reader communication handle set baud rate

apiReturn _stdcall SetBaudRate(HANDLE hScanner, int nBaudRate)

Function: Set the working baud rate of RS232 port.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner : reader communication handle

nBaudRate: Value: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

setting is successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. read version number

apiReturn _stdcall GetReaderVersion(HANDLE hScanner, WORD

*wHardVer, WORD *wSoftVer);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetReaderVersion(SOCKET hSocket, WORD

*wHardVer, WORD *wSoftVer);

Function: Read the hardware and software version number of the reader.

Entry parameters:

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hSacnner / hSocket : reader communication handle

Export parameters:

wHardVer: Reader hardware version number.

WSoftVer: Reader software version number.

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. Set output power

apiReturn _stdcall SetOutputPower(HANDLE hScanner, int nPower);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetOutputPower(SOCKET hSocket, int nPower);

Function: Set the output power of the reader.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : reader communication handle

nPower: output power value

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise the setting fails. set working frequency

apiReturn _stdcall SetFrequency(HANDLE hScanner, int Min_Frequency,

int Max_Frequency);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetFrequency(SOCKET hSocket, int

Min_Frequency, int Max_Frequency);

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Function: Set the current working frequency of the reader.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : reader communication handle

Min_Frequency: The starting frequency of the reader, the frequency value

is 0-59.

Max_Frequency: Reader termination frequency, the frequency value is 0-


When Min_Frequency=Max_Frequency, the reader works at a fixed


Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise the setting fails. select antenna

apiReturn _stdcall SetAntenna(HANDLE hScanner, int Antenna);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetAntenna(SOCKET hSocket, int Antenna);

Function: Choose which antenna to send and receive signals from

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Antenna: Antenna number, Antenna 1-1, Antenna 2-2, Antenna 4-3,

Antenna 8-4

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure.

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SDK software development | VF-747 Development Manual reset reader

apiReturn _stdcall Reboot(HANDLE hScanner);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_Reboot(SOCKET hSocket);

Function: Reset the reader, which is equivalent to re-powering the reader.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. Read the working parameters of the reader

apiReturn _stdcall ReadParam(HANDLE hScanner, Reader1200Param *


apiReturn _stdcall Net_ReadParam(SOCKET hSocket, Reader1200Param *


Function: Read the working parameters in the reader from the reader

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : reader communication handle

Export parameters:

pParam: return the working parameters of the reader, 32 bytes

Return: If the function return value is _OK, it means that the read has

been successful, otherwise it is the reason for failure.

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SDK software development | VF-747 Development Manual Set the working parameters of the reader

apiReturn _stdcall WriteParam(HANDLE hScanner, Reader1200Param *

pParam, BYTE *Password);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_WriteParam(SOCKET hSocket, Reader1200Param

* pParam, BYTE *Password);

Function: Set the working parameters of the reader.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : reader communication handle

pParam: the working parameters of the reader, 32 bytes

Password: no

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

setting is successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. clear memory

apiReturn _stdcall ClearTagMemory(HANDLE hScanner);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_ClearTagMemory(SOCKET hSocket);

Function: When the reader receives this command, it immediately clears

the tag information saved by the reader.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Export parameters:

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Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. set time

apiReturn _stdcall SetReaderTime(HANDLE hScanner, ReaderDate time);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetReaderTime(SOCKET hSocket, ReaderDate


Function: Use the time of the host computer to set the time of the reader.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

time: the time of the upper computer, 6 bytes

Returns: If the function return value is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. Get time

apiReturn _stdcall GetReaderTime(HANDLE hScanner, ReaderDate


apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetReaderTime(SOCKET hSocket, ReaderDate


Function: read the time of the reader

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : reader communication handle

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Export parameters:

time: return the time of the reader, 6 bytes

Return: If the function return value is _OK, it means that the read has

been successful, otherwise it is the reason for failure. Get reader ID

apiReturn _stdcall GetReaderID(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *ReaderID);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetReaderID(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *ReaderID);

Function: After receiving this command, the reader will immediately send

the ID of the reader to the host computer.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Export parameters:

ReaderID: ID of the reader

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails.

3.2.3 active work instructions Set tag filter

apiReturn _stdcall SetReportFilter(HANDLE hScanner, int ptr, int len,

BYTE *mask);

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apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetReportFilter(SOCKET hSocket, int ptr, int len,

BYTE *mask);

Function: After the reader receives this command, the reader will save

the filter parameters and selectively read tags according to the filter.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

ptr: start address of characteristic data. refers to the bit address

len: feature data length. Refers to bit length

mask: feature data

Export parameters:

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. get tag filter

apiReturn _stdcall GetReportFilter(HANDLE hScanner, int *ptr, int *len,

BYTE *mask);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetReportFilter(SOCKET hSocket, int *ptr, int

*len, BYTE *mask);

Function: After the reader receives this command, it will immediately

send the tag filter parameters of the reader to the host computer.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

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Export parameters:

ptr: start address of characteristic data. refers to the bit address

len: feature data length. Refers to bit length

mask: feature data

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. Stop the active work of the reader

apiReturn _stdcall StopAuto(HANDLE hScanner);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_StopAuto(SOCKET hSocket);

Function: When the reader receives this command, the reader stops

active work and waits for the command from the host computer.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Export parameters:

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. Set Active Work Parameters

apiReturn _stdcall SetAutoParameters(HANDLE hScanner,

Reader1200AutoParam *pParam, BYTE *Password);

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apiReturn _stdcall Net_ SetAutoParameters(SOCKET hSocket,

Reader1200AutoParam *pParam, BYTE *Password);

Function: The reader receives the command, saves it, and works

according to these parameters.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

pParam: active working parameters

Password: no

Export parameters:

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. Get Active Work Parameters

apiReturn _stdcall GetAutoParameters(HANDLE hScanner,

Reader1200AutoParam *pParam);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetAutoParameters(SOCKET hSocket,

Reader1200AutoParam *pParam);

Function: The reader/writer receives this command and sends the active

working parameters to the host computer.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Export parameters:

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pParam: active working parameters

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. Restore parameter default value

apiReturn _stdcall ResetAutoDefault(HANDLE hScanner);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_ResetAutoDefault(SOCKET hSocket);

Function: The reader/writer receives this command and takes the default

working parameters as official working parameters.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Export parameters:

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. automatic mode

apiReturn _stdcall AutoMode(HANDLE hScanner,int Mode);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_AutoMode(SOCKET hSocket,int Mode);

Function: When the reader receives this command, it will set the working

mode of the reader according to the parameter Mode.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

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0 passive work
1 active work

Export parameters:

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails. get tag record

apiReturn _stdcall GetTagInfo(HANDLE hScanner, int straddr, BYTE

Counter, BYTE* len, BYTE* Data);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetTagInfo(SOCKET hSocket, int straddr, BYTE

Counter, BYTE* len, BYTE* Data);

Function: After receiving this command, the reader will immediately send

the tag information stored in the memory of the reader to the host


Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

straddr: 2 bytes starting record address ADDR, the high bit comes first,

and the low bit comes after.

Counter: 1 byte record number LEN (<=5).

Export parameters:

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len: the actual number of records returned

Data: the record read

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

reading is successful, otherwise the reading fails.

3.2.4 I/O instructions Set reader relay state

apiReturn _stdcall SetRelay(HANDLE hScanner, int Relay);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetRelay(SOCKET hSocket, int Relay);

Function: Set the state of the reader relay

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Relay: 1 byte.

Bit0=1 Relay No. 1 is

Bit0=0 Relay No. 1 is
Bit1=1 Relay No. 2 closed
Bit1=0 No. 2 relay is

And so on.

Returns: If the function return value is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure.

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apiReturn _stdcall SetOutputPin(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE state);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetOutputPin(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE state);

Function: Set the status of the output port of the reader

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader


Bit0 set output port 1

Bit1 set output port 2
Bit2 set output port 3
Bit3 set output port 4
Bit4 set output port 5
Bit5 set output port 6
Bit6 set output port 7
Bit7 set output port 8

Bit*=0, set the output port as low level. Bit*=1, set the output port as

high level.

Returns: If the function return value is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. Get the state of the external output terminal

apiReturn _stdcall GetOutputPin(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *state);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetOutputPin(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *state);

Function: Get the status of the output port of the reader

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Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Export parameters:


Bit0 Output port 1

Bit1 Output port 2
Bit2 Output port 3
Bit3 Output port 4
Bit4 Output Port 5
Bit5 Output port 6
Bit6 Output port 7
Bit7 Output Port 8

Bit*=0, it means the input port is low level. Bit*=1, it means the output

port is high level.

Returns: If the function return value is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. Obtain the state of the input terminal of the reader

apiReturn _stdcall GetInputPin(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *state);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetInputPin(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *state);

Function: Get the status of the input port of the reader

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Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : handle of the reader

Export parameters:


Bit0 Input port 1 state

Bit1 Input port 2 state
Bit2 Input Port 3
Bit3 Input Port 4
Bit4 Input Port 5
Bit5 Input Port 6
Bit6 Input Port 7
Bit7 Input Port 8

Bit*=0, it means the input port is low level. Bit*=1, it means the output

port is high level.

Returns: If the function return value is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure.

3.2.5 network command Set reader IP address

apiReturn _stdcall SetNetwork(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE IP_Address[4],

int Port, BYTE Mask[4], BYTE Gateway[4]);

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apiReturn _stdcall Net_SetNetwork(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE

IP_Address[4], int Port, BYTE Mask[4], BYTE Gateway[4]);

Function: Set the reader network IP address.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

IP_Address[4]: Reader IP address

Port: Reader network port number

Mask[4]: Reader network IP address mask

Gateway[4]: Reader gateway.

Returns: If the function return value is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. Obtain the IP address of the reader

apiReturn _stdcall GetNetwork(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE *IP_Address, int

*Port, BYTE *Mask, BYTE *Gateway);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_GetNetwork(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE *IP_Address,

int *Port, BYTE *Mask, BYTE *Gateway);

Function: Obtain the network IP address of the reader.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

Export parameters:

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IP_Address[4]: Reader IP address

Port: Reader network port number

Mask[4]: Reader network IP address mask

Gateway[4]: Reader gateway.

Returns: If the function return value is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure.

3.2.6 Read and write EPC C1G2 functions Identify the EPC number of the EPC1G2 label

apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_ReadLabelID(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE mem,

int ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *mask, BYTE *IDBuffer, int *nCounter);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_EPC1G2_ReadLabelID(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE

mem, int ptr, BYTE len, BYTE *mask, BYTE *IDBuffer, int *nCounter);

Function: Read the EPC numbers of all eligible identifiable electronic tags

within the radiation range of the antenna

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

mem: select the data area;

0 password area
2 TID tag ID
3 User area User

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ptr: mask start address (unit: Bit)

len: mask length (unit: Bit)

mask: mask (unit: Byte), if len/8 is an integer, the length of the mask is

len/8; if len/8 is not an integer, the length of the mask is len/8+1, and

the last byte data of the mask is as high as possible Put, fill the low bit

with zero.

Export parameters:

IDBuffer: the tag EPC number read

NCounter: the number of tags read

Return: If the function return value is _OK, it means the recognition is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure.

Note: LEN=0 means to identify all identifiable tag IDs that exist in

the antenna radiation field range. read a piece of data

apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_ReadWordBlock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE

EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE

*Data, BYTE *AccessPassword);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_EPC1G2_ReadWordBlock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE

EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE

*Data, BYTE *AccessPassword);

Function: Read the data in a continuous address memory on the

electronic label

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Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

EPC_WORD: EPC length L (unit: Word); such as 96BitsEPC length L=6


IDBuffer: the selected tag EPC number

mem: select the data area;

0 password area
2 TID tag ID
3 User area User

ptr: read start address (unit: WORD)

len: read length (unit: WORD)

AccessPassword: four-byte AccessPassword password

Export parameters:

Data: read data

Return: If the function return value is _OK, it means that the read has

been successful, otherwise it is the reason for failure.

Note: AccessPassword only works when the password area is

under password lock.

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apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_WriteWordBlock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE

EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE

*Data, BYTE *AccessPassword);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_EPC1G2_WriteWordBlock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE

EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE ptr, BYTE len, BYTE

*Data, BYTE *AccessPassword);

Function: Write data to the specified address unit of the label

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

EPC_WORD: EPC length L (unit: Word); such as 96BitsEPC length L=6


IDBuffer: the selected tag EPC number

mem: select the data area;

0 password area
2 TID tag ID
3 User area User

ptr: the starting address to be written (unit: WORD)

len: length to be written (unit: WORD)

Data: the data to write

AccessPassword: four-byte AccessPassword password

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Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the writing is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure.

Note: AccessPassword only works when the data area is under

password lock. When the data area is unlocked, it can be written

without a password; when the data is permanently locked, the

password is useless. Set read and write protection status

apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_SetLock(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE EPC_WORD,

BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE mem, BYTE Lock, BYTE *AccessPassword);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_EPC1G2_SetLock(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE



Function: Set the specified data area on the specified label as write-


Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

EPC_WORD: EPC length L (unit: Word); such as 96BitsEPC length L=6


IDBuffer: the selected tag EPC number

mem: select the data area;

0 Kill Password
1 Access Password
2 EPC number

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3 TID tag ID number

4 User area User

Lock: Control word Lock.

0 writable
1 permanently writable
2 Write with encryption
3 never write
4 readable and writable
5 Permanently readable
and writable
6 Read and write with
7 never read or write

Note: 0~3 are only applicable to three data areas of EPC, TID and

User; 4~7 are only applicable to Kill Password and Access


AccessPassword: four-byte AccessPassword password

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that the

setting is successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. Write EPC number

apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_WriteEPC(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE len, BYTE

*Data, BYTE *AccessPassword);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_EPC1G2_WriteEPC(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE len,

BYTE *Data, BYTE *AccessPassword);

Function: Write EPC data to the label EPC unit

Entry parameters:

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hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

len: EPC length L (unit: Word); such as 96BitsEPC length L=6 (Words);

Data: EPC data to be written

AccessPassword: four-byte AccessPassword password

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the writing is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure.

Note: AccessPassword only works when the data area is under

password lock. When the data area is unlocked, it can be written

without a password; when the data is permanently locked, the

password is useless. EAS status operation command

apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_ChangeEas(HANDLE hScanner, BYTE

EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE State, BYTE *AccessPassword);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_EPC1G2_ChangeEas(SOCKET hSocket, BYTE

EPC_WORD, BYTE *IDBuffer, BYTE State, BYTE *AccessPassword);

Function: Reset or set the Eas status bit of the tag. Valid for Philips

UCODE EPC G2 tags only.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

EPC_WORD: EPC length L (unit: Word); such as 96BitsEPC length L=6


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IDBuffer: the selected tag EPC number

State: Alarm state.

0 do not
call the
1 Call the

AccessPassword: four-byte AccessPassword password, no matter whether

the label access password is zero or not, it must be filled.

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means the setting is

successful, otherwise it is the cause of failure. EAS alarm command

apiReturn _stdcall EPC1G2_EasAlarm(HANDLE hScanner);

apiReturn _stdcall Net_EPC1G2_EasAlarm(SOCKET hSocket);

Function: The tag whose EAS has been set responds to the alarm

detection command. Valid for Philips UCODE EPC G2 tags only.

Entry parameters:

hSacnner / hSocket : the handle of the communication port of the reader

Return: If the return value of the function is _OK, it means that there is a

label alarm, otherwise there is no alarm.

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4 Appendix - Output Format


4.1 Simplified data output format

in text format. The data consists of "reading times, antenna number, tag
type, ID number". like:

4, 1, 4, 1115 F268 81C3 C012

6, 1, 4, 0100 0100 0002 0709

2, 1, 4, 1054 A334 54E1 7409

Antenna number: 1-means read by antenna 1, 2-means read by antenna

2, 4-means read by antenna 3, 8-means read by antenna 4, 6-means 2
and 3 No. antennas have been read, and other values are deduced by
analogy. The following definitions are the same.

Label type: 01H; 01H-ISO18000-6B, 02H-EPCC1, 04H-EPCC1G2, 08H-

EM4442. 03H means reading ISO18000-6B and EPCC1 labels at the same
time, and so on.

4.2 Standard Data Output Format

in text format. The data consists of "time of first reading, time of last
reading, number of times of reading, antenna number, tag type, ID
number". like:

Disc: 2003/01/21 09:00:51, Last: 2003/01/21 09:00:51, Count: 4, Ant:

1, Type: 4, Tag: 1115 F268 81C3 C012

Disc: 2003/01/21 11:00:10, Last: 2003/01/21 11:00:10, Count: 6, Ant:

1, Type: 4, Tag: 0100 0100 0002 0709

Disc: 2003/01/21 11:50:03, Last: 2003/01/21 11:50:03, Count: 2, Ant:

1, Type: 4, Tag: 1054 A334 54E1 7409

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