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Spanish - also known as Español or Castillan

- is part of the Indo-European family of languages, spoken by more than a third of the
world’s population.
- The second most learned and spoken language in the United States.


Sign of the Cross/Signum Crucis:

En El Nombre De Padre, Y Del Hijos, Y Del Espiritu Santo. Amen

Our Father (The Lord’s Prayer):

Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo.

Santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino.

Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo.

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.

Perdona nuestras ofensas,

como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.

No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal.


Hail Mary:

Dios Te Salve, Maria. Llena Eres De Gracia:

El Señor Es Contigo. Bendita Tu Eres Entre Todas La Mujeres.

Y Bendito Es El Fruto De Tu Vientre: Jesus.

Santa Maria, Madre De Dios, Ruega Por Nosotros Pecadores,

Ahora Y En La Hora De Nuestra Muetre. Amen.

Glory Be/ Gloria al Padre / Gloria Patri:

Gloria Al Padre, Al Hiyo Y Al Espiritu Santo. Como Era En El Principio, Ahora Y

Siempre, Por Los Siglos De Los Siglos. Amen.


(The Spanish Alphabet)

A B C CH D E F G H I J K L LL M N Ñ O P Q R RR S T U V X Y Z (before year 2010)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (present)

The letters of the alphabet are pronounced in Spanish approximately as follows:

A as in father, task
B as in bell, bed, beckon
C as in thank
CH as in chess, chest, check
D as in dead, desk den
E as in element, emblem
F as in felt, fetter
G as in go
H ----- (silent in Spanish) as in Heir, honor, honest
I as in ill, index
J as in hotel, home, hermit, habit
K as in Kodak, kin, kit
L as in let, lemon, less
LL as in million, billion, trillion
M as in men, mess, met
N as in nest, never, neck
Ñ as in onion, union, opinion
O as in or, open, of
P as in pen, per, pest
Q as in quintuplets, conquest,
R as in red, rent, rest
RR as in deterrent, horror, terrible,
S as in set, service, sell
T as in tell, tepid, tent
U as in bull, full, pull
V as in vent, ever, very
X as in six, mix, fix
Y as in yen, yell,
Z as in zigzag, zone, zest

In Spanish, there are fourteen possible diphthongs:

Ai (ay) as in baile = dance

Au as in causa = cause
Ei (ey) as in reina = queen
Eu as in deuda = debt
Oi (oy) as in oigo = I hear
Ia as in viaje = trip
Ua as in cuatro = four
Ie as in bien = well
Io as in diosa = goddess
Uo as in cuota = quota
Ui as in buitre = vulture
Ou as in bou = fishing boat
Iu as in viuda = widow

A triphthong consists of a stressed strong vowel between two weak vowels. There are but four
possible combinations all of which end in “I” (written “y” in the final position.

Iai as in estudiais = you study

Uai (uay) as in fraguais = to forge
Iei as in principieis = may you begin
Uei (uey) as in continueis = may you continue


(Common Expressions)

1. BUENOS DIAS ………………………. Good morning.

2. BUENAS TARDES ………………………. Good afternoon.
3. BUENAS NOCHES ………………………. Good night or Good evening.
4. GRACIAS ………………………. Thank you.
5. DE NADA ………………………. You are welcome.
6. FELICIDADES ………………………. Congratulations!
7. ¿Como se llama usted? ………………………. What is your name?
- Me llamo Juan de la Cruz ………………………. My name is Juan de la Cruz.
8. ¿Cuantos años tiene usted? ………………………. How old are you?
- Tengo dieciseis años ………………………. I am sixteen years old.
9. ¿Como esta usted? ………………………. How are you?
- Estoy bien, gracias. ………………………. I am fine, thank you.
10. USTED DISPENSE ………………………. Excuse me.
11. PASE USTED ………………………. Come in.
12. RECUERDOS ………………………. Regards.
13. ADIOS ………………………. Goodbye.
14. ¿Que dia es hoy? ………………………. What day is today?
15. Hoy es lunes ………………………. Today is Monday.
16. ¿Que hora es? ………………………. What time is it?
17. Son las dos. ………………………. It is two o’clock.
18. ¿Donde vive usted? ………………………. Where do you live?
19. Yo vivo en la calle España ………………………. I live in España Street.
20. Sientese ………………………. Sit down.
21. Levantese ………………………. Stand up.

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