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In the global economy there is a competition especially in the hospitality sector.

The customer satisfaction is a major driver for the organizational performance. The

important determinant for customer satisfaction in the hospitality sector is about

the employee attitude (Heskette et al., 2017). In the hospitality industry there

cannot be satisfied customers when served by unhappy employers (Heskette et al.,

2017). The organizational commitment of employees results in lower attrition rates

and improves customer satisfaction (Marshall et al., 2001). One of the key

determinants to employee attitude is attitude and leadership style of the immediate

supervisor. Some of the leadership styles prevail upon the employees resulting job

satisfaction and organizational commitment.


Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a vital role in all organization’s

management. The importance of Human Resource Management is to increase the

productivity form manpower resources day by day and it became a factor in the

organizational strategic management. It gradually increases the human capital and

organizational performance by managing them effectively (Delaney et al., 2014).

The HRM must attract the well trained and skilful employees, training; provide

guidelines to improve the efficiency of the work force and organization.

The title “human resource management” has been generally known from the past

ten or fifteen years. Even, the term is commonly used as “personnel management”.

Dessler (2012) defined that there is no discrimination among “personnel

management” and Human Resource Management and found that final as current

extended adaptation of “traditional personnel management” because of the

technological existence in work place changed social values.

Torrington and Hall (2008) argued that the personnel management and the Human

Resource Management are different because he divided the personnel management

based on workforce center and HRM based on manpower resources. Guest (2008)

concept on HRM is that human resource management is the alter not an alternative

to the personnel management but it particularly concentrated on some elements of

workers such as employee flexibility, commitment, integration and quality. But

here is no any exact define for human resource management and so many

definitions are existed.

Armstrong (2001) described HRM is a strategic and logical practice of the

organizational management and it’s a main valuable asset. And HRM is used as
employees participate as individual and also jointly to contribute their work to

achieve particular organizational goals.



Today, organizations considered that the human resources are the most valuable

assets for competitive advantage and to sustain in a long time in the business.

Many of work force assets are theoretically reviewed as “resource based view”

(RBV) by (Barney,2011). The (RBV) theory realized instead of build up a

competitive advantage, they should shift to generate resource such an approach

that the approach no one can imitate their style, rare, and no one can be substitute.

The organization’s RBV theoretical process is followed by the strategic

management field. RBV revealed that the attributes and resources of an

organization very essential for effective competitive advantage than organizational

formation and also competition from rival firm (Barney, 2011). Resources are

defined as “an organization search and implement its strategies by using tangible

as well intangible assets. (Barney, 2001). The above definition consists of all the

organizational, financial, physical, human resources. Pisano and Barney (2001)

and Teece have summarized that suppose a resource might measured a source to

continue competitive advantage. So this assumption required some factors such as

valuable resources, uncommon, incomparable and non replaceable. Organizations

can obtain value form, natural resources economies and technologies, But RBV

was not agreed because those resources are easily available to everyone and

everywhere so anyone can imitate from anyone, whilst defined human resources

are “the group of human resources under the organization’s direction in straight

employee relations” Initially this process adds value to the organization’s

productivity. The result would be positive by the contribution of the employees as

a pool. Generally the inputs of the all employee are not equal so the outputs in the

market are limited. So these kinds of resources cannot be easily imitated by the

other organizations. But it’s very difficult for firms to understand which is the

correct source to adopt their competitive – advantage. So, this resources are cannot

be simply replaceable.


Hemphill’s (1994) defined leadership in his simple way and in a very appropriate

way. For this he summarized the classical definitions as leadership is to directing

his group this one sentence he summed up the basic definition and dynamics of all

leadership–the directing of group achievements. He stated that the leader is the

superior and the followers are subordinates even roles are concerned. Therefore the

efficient leader delivers the effective process. Though, definitely the effective

leadership administers the organizational achievement and performance positively.

The leadership is one of important aspect human behaviours and well studied

subject in the recent times. There are several forms definitions in the literatures for

the leadership. The more accepted form of definition is influence theme. The

leaders who influence people are to achieve the goals and increases organisational

performance. It does not translate to that leader having control over his followers

to achieve the goals which leader wants to achieve. The followers emulate the

leader’s attitudes to achieving desired goals. The leader is expected to leader the

process of planning and execution of activities to achieve the organisational goals.

There is a difference between the management and leadership, the management is

concerned about the short-term issues in a company, where as leaders adopt and

look into broader prospective.

Most of the leadership theories are emerged in organizations to achieve their

organizational objectives as well as their goals. The theories are focused on

behaviours, traits, controlling and circumstances(Mintzberg, 1973). However the

current theories are correlation centered. Where as the co operation between the

leader and followers. The trait theory and behavioral theory could not clarify the

effect of the leaders on followers. , behavioural can not explain the influence of

leaders on the followers not only that there is no understanding among the


The organizations realized that the effective leadership is required to lead and

survive their business in the market. The recent development in the leadership type

is transformational leadership which most suitable in the contemporary times. The

transformational leadership also integrates the trait, behavioral and situational

approaches. The transformational leadership recognizes that there are some traits

in the people and they can observe, developed and learnt. The leader influences the

followers behaving in certain ways. The relationship between the leader and

follower is dictated by various situational factors. The central them to

transformational leadership is that leader behavior is not solely based on the

tangible inducements, rather based on the development of followers in their

interest in resulting group productivity.

In specific areas like educational institutes, business, family, hospital and political

organization require an energetic leadership. The energetic and dynamic leadership

is ready to offer quality of service. These dynamic leaders find new ideas and

creativity get in to practice.

Leadership Styles


HR leaders are crucial for organizational growth. They help reach strategic goals

and objectives by providing sophisticated and innovative leadership techniques.

HR leaders are the mediators between upper management and employees and

champion causes on the employees’ behalf. They promote awareness and guide all

levels of the organization through the change and transition period. They also

coach both managers and employees on company culture and better methods of

coexisting and working together. 

Additionally, HR leaders develop metrics and other performance indicators and

make consistent changes based on overall performance. When there’s at least one

individual monitoring these activities within an organization, they ensure that

strategies remain effective and deliver on the return on investment (ROI) made for

the change.


The list below defines some of the best qualities of effective HR leaders:

 Forward-thinking

 Innovative

 Strategic

 Ethical

 Empathic

 Accountable

Forward-thinking human resource leaders consistently plan for the future. Their

goal involves getting ahead of trends and improving the workplace as soon as

possible. Some of their primary objectives include creating safe spaces for current

employees, convincing upper management on the benefits of diversity within the

workplace and introducing new technologies that streamline processes company-



Innovative human resource leaders design new and unique approaches for

attracting, training and managing talent. They understand that being competitive

means being different and trying something no other company has. Doing so helps

the company as a whole stand out from other employers and attract the best talent



Strategic human resource leaders align their creative approaches with the goals of

the business. They understand their organization’s goals and overall vision and

develop projects that work in tandem with these goals in creating a more efficient

and more effective environment.


Ethical human resource leaders are sensitive with the large amount of confidential

information they hold about employees. They’re trusted with everything from

medical conditions to performance issues. They manage employees not only by the

law’s standards but in a way that’s best for their organization and their people. 


Empathetic human resource leaders are necessary for connecting with employees

and understanding how to help them. These leaders form bonds and relationships

with their employees and listen to them before instating their own policies or

initiating their own solutions. Empathic leaders understand company problems

from an employee perspective. 


Accountable human resource leaders take responsibility for their actions,

especially when new changes perform below expectations. They choose against

pinning blame on other employees or the organization’s resources. Accountable

leaders accept circumstances as they are and work even harder in corrective efforts.

The most effective HR leaders pride themselves on building positive relationships

with their employees. HR teams are responsible for introducing diversity and

inclusion initiatives that show employees they care. Being a good role model is

also essential for HR leaders. If they plan on implementing change or altering

employee behavior, then these leaders must emulate what they seek. 

 The best HR leaders understand the needs and concerns of customers just as much

as their employees’. Creating real change includes altering the perception of the

company to the public. This means HR leaders work closely with marketing and

public relations departments ensuring that their new message of diversity, inclusion

or other initiative is known to the public. Many consumers support companies that

prove their forward-thinking nature and choose them over competitors. 



One of the biggest priorities all HR leaders must prepare for is the greater need for

talent in areas of organizational design and change management. These skills are

not often taught to all HR leaders but are becoming more crucial as executives roll

out new plans for development. The pressure of being forward-thinking and

attracting a diverse workforce is greater than ever and implementing these changes
takes time.


The most effective HR leaders pride themselves on building positive relationships

with their employees. HR teams are responsible for introducing diversity and

inclusion initiatives that show employees they care. Being a good role model is

also essential for HR leaders. If they plan on implementing change or altering

employee behavior, then these leaders must emulate what they seek. 

The best HR leaders understand the needs and concerns of customers just as much

as their employees’. Creating real change includes altering the perception of the

company to the public. This means HR leaders work closely with marketing and

public relations departments ensuring that their new message of diversity, inclusion

or other initiative is known to the public. Many consumers support companies that

prove their forward-thinking nature and choose them over competitors. 



One of the biggest priorities all HR leaders must prepare for is the greater need for

talent in areas of organizational design and change management. These skills are

not often taught to all HR leaders but are becoming more crucial as executives roll

out new plans for development. The pressure of being forward-thinking and
attracting a diverse workforce is greater than ever and implementing these changes

takes time.


Understanding and managing your own emotions, and recognizing your team’s
emotional state, can help you build strong relationships and interact with a diverse
team. It’s not an easy trait to learn, but taking the time to understand that everyone
has different reactions to situations and responding empathetically is an important
quality in future leaders.

Modeling by example

Staff look to leaders for cues on how to behave. Effective leaders model company
values and behaviors that they want to see in their team. Leading by example might
include things like listening to your team, helping out, delivering on your promises,
and being inclusive.

Showing vulnerability and visibility

Some leaders think by showing weakness they’ll lose the respect of their team, but
this couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone has vulnerabilities and
weaknesses, and your team will respect you more if you share yours.

We all respond to passionate people. As a leader, it’s important to show passion for
your company’s mission and a drive to succeed. When you do, you’ll inspire
enthusiasm in others and create a positive and productive workforce.

Leadership is personal

No two leaders are the same, and your leadership journey is unique and personal to
who you are. The best leaders use their personal background, experiences and
qualifications to bring something special to the role. Be an authentic leader and
lean into the unique skills and experiences you have.

Which leadership skills are important in the tourism and hospitality industry?

Successfully leading a team in a tourism or hospitality setting requires a varied

skill set. Here are some of the key skills you’ll need to be an effective leader:


In effective leadership, there’s no such thing as too much communication. Being

clear, honest and enthusiastic in your communication is vital to instill confidence
and make sure everyone is clear in their responsibilities. Make sure you
communicate often and through various channels to be as inclusive as possible.

Attention to detail

By observing and paying attention to the details you’ll be a much more effective
leader. When you understand small but critical details, you’ll better understand
how things work, and can make well-informed decisions. The same goes for
paying attention to personal details. Remembering employee’s names, if they have
children, pets, birthdays and life events makes a huge difference in creating more
personal connections and keeping teams engaged.

People skills

As with any role in the hospitality sector, having first-rate people skills is a must
for any successful leader. Being able to listen, collaborate, give feedback, and
communicate honestly are all critical in building a strong team and getting the best
out of your people.

Establishing shared beliefs, values, and goals

A really effective leader will be able to outline a vision for the company and
inspire their team to follow in making that vision a reality. Being able to
incorporate your vision into a mission statement and set clear company goals is
critical to the success of your hospitality business. Bring people with you and
embed an uplifting workplace culture by celebrating when your team achieves its
goals or demonstrates company values.

Balancing accountability and autonomy

We all want to feel supported by our managers, but we also want to be given the
responsibility and freedom to do our jobs. According to the US Office of Personnel
Management, workplace accountability is linked to higher performance, better
morale and greater work commitment. Great leaders don’t micromanage but let
their staff manage their own work while still providing support.

There’s no doubt that the hospitality industry can be a challenging and
unpredictable environment to work in; so being adaptable is a must. It’s essential
to be flexible to changing demands, show resilience when things don’t quite go to
plan and see mistakes as an opportunity for everyone to learn.

Creativity breeds adaptability

Creativity is the most crucial factor for success in business. Successful leaders
understand that hospitality businesses have to adapt and change to be able to grow,
and give space for everyone to contribute ideas, insights and imaginative solutions.


Present study of proposing a conceptual framework about the role of leadership in

Human Resource Management deals with the responsibilities, functions, behaviors

and importance of leadership. Previously managers used to be understood as

leaders, but with the passage of time need were felt to change this terminology

because words play role in all scenarios and situations. Therefore organizations

throughout the world has felt the difference and agreed to incorporate the

leadership concepts in their working environment and in HRM philosophy in

A number of different models on Leadership are floating all around the globe in

the organizations. For development and assessment context, multiple

questionnaires / tools and instrumentation are available in the market. The

researcher of the present study (Author of this paper) attempted to bring a new

model on “Leadership” on surface which appears to be Economical, Adaptable and

Applicable to assess and develop leadership among the personnel working at

corporate sector as well as public sector organization.


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Darleney L. (2014). Economic development priorities at the city-

administrator level. American Politics Research, 32(6), 698.
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Balancing Economics, Ethics and Ecology. Blackwill Publishers, Berry, H.
(2003). Leader laggard and the Pursuit of Foreign Knowledge.
SMJ03-5291 Revision 2, Heather Berry; Department of
Management, The Wharton School 2022 Steinberg Hall-
Dietrich Hall University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia
M.D Tamunomiebi PhD (2017) Managing Human Resources: Basic
Principles,(2 nd Edition), (D-Kings Press, Port-Harcourt
Essays, UK. (November 2013). Human Resource Management:
Leadership Styles. Retrieved from

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