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How to add customer-specific fields into MB52


It is the common requirement to extend standard reporting programs with additional information.

Here is the example of extending Transaction MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand ( Program
RM07MLBS; Component MM-IM Inventory Management ) by a new field Supplier batch. The field is used as
a unique identification number for tracking purposes and is usually received from a supplier before the Goods
receipt step).

Important note: Based on the customizing the batch number can be unique at Client, Plant or Material level.
Dependent on it, the source table to retrieve batch master attributes will be different.

To fulfill the requirement we can use the predefined enhancements spots inside the program RM07MLBS:

 Extend the field structure ( type structure bestand, RM07MLBS) with the new columns:
ENHANCEMENT–POINT ehp604_rm07mlbs_03 SPOTS es_rm07mlbs STATIC .

 Extend the routing by adding a field into the field catalog and filling the newly added fields. Progam
RM07MLBS, routine list_output. Use the ENHANCEMENT-SECTION rm07mlbs_09 SPOTS

* Adding a field into the Field catalog
INSERT VALUE #( fieldname = 'LICHA'
tabname = 'BESTAND'
ref_fieldname = 'LICHA'
ref_tabname = 'MCH1'
col_pos = fieldcat[ fieldname = 'CHARG' ]-col_pos ) INTO
TABLE fieldcat.

* Selecting materials with batches

DATA(lt_batches_query) = CORRESPONDING tt_mcha( bestand[] ).

* Getting batch attributes

SELECT matnr, charg, licha
INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_batch_master)
FROM mch1 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @lt_batches_query
WHERE matnr = @lt_batches_query-matnr AND
charg = @lt_batches_query-charg and
lvorm = ''.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
LOOP AT bestand[] ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lfs_output>) WHERE charg IS NOT
* Assign the value to a an output line
<lfs_output>-licha = lt_batch_master[ matnr = <lfs_output>-matnr
charg = <lfs_output>-charg ]-
CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.
CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.
" No exception handling

 Check the result by running the transaction MB52:

The new column is added and filled with a value ( Supplier batch for an internal batch number ).

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