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Test Administration

The best test may give unreliable and invalid results if it is not well administered. The key to successful test administration is careful advance
preparation. ~A. Hughes

If assessments are to have any meaning, they

must be gathered under uniform and optimal conditions. ~D. Payne Subject variables that affect test scores: motivation fatigue physical discomfort test anxiety

Materials and Equipment 7. Print test booklets and answer sheets ahead of time. Check for errors. There should be one for each student and examiner. 8. Number all test materials consecutively. This offers greater security before, during, and after test administration. 9. Ensure that answer/scoring keys are free of error. 10. Check that all equipment is in good working order. Checklist o o o test papers answer sheets clock o o pencils, erasers, sharpeners ________

Before Testing 1. Decide the exact time of testing. NOT during lunch or playground hour. NOT immediately after holidays or exciting events. NOT longer than one hour for young children. NOT longer than 90 minutes for secondary school children. 2. Decide the number of examinees to be tested.

Examiners and Proctors 11. Prepare detailed directions for administering, covering all eventualities. Go through instructions at least one day before the test with examiners. 12. Examiners should practice directions which they will have to read out to candidates. 13. Examiners should be familiar with the test, and should take the test themselves. 14. Examiners should be familiar with equipment operation. 15. Prepare detailed directions for scoring. 16. Examiners who have to read aloud for a listening test should practice preferably with a model tape recording. Examinees (Candidates) 17. Inform examinees when and where the test will be given. 18. Inform examinees what subject material will be covered, what type of test questions will be asked and how much time will be allowed to answer the test. 19. Give full instructions to every examinee regarding what to bring, and what to do if late. 20. Each examinee should have an examination number.

Administration 21. ID may be requested for certain tests. 22. Do not admit late examinees to the room. Redirect them to another room where late comers (up to a certain time) can be tested. 23. See that desks are cleared. 24. Give clear instructions about how to attract proctor attention and what to do if the examinee finishes early. 25. Warn about the consequences of irregular behavior including cheating. 26. Emphasize the need to maintain silence. 27. Caution examinees not to begin until you tell them to do so. 28. Distribute test materials individually. Examinees should not be allowed to distribute materials. 29. Instruct examinees to provide required details/identifying information such as name, exam number and date. 30. Read directions exactly as given. 31. Give signal to start. 32. Time test precisely.

Rooms 3. Select a quiet and large enough room that can accommodate the intended number of examinees. 4. Decide the seating arrangements (room layout). There should be sufficient space between seats. Accommodate for left-handed examinees. 5. There should be a clock visible to all candidates. 6. Check lighting, ventilation, ambient noise level, and other sources of distractions.

33. Permit no interruptions. 34. Monitor examinees unobtrusively. a. Make sure students are marking answers correctly b. Make sure there is no copying 35. Allow examinees to leave the room only once, ideally with one proctor. 36. Stop at the proper time.
References: Hughes, Arthur. (1989). Testing for language teachers. Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge. p.152-154 Payne, D. A. (2003). Applied educational assessment (2nd ed.). USA: Wadsworth Group. Aiken, L. R. (2003). Psychological testing and assessment (11th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Prepared by: Susan Anne A. Quirante for EDL 141

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