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The article that I read speaks of how it is known that doctors and nurses do not always

collaboratively work with one another but there was little study on the new doctors and nurses
and the collaboration. In these articles they interviewed theses new doctors and nurses in order
to try to understand what barriers and issues were keeping doctors and nurses from properly
and continually using interpersonal collaboration. In this article they interviewed 25 junior
doctors and nurses. They found that both parties had a mutual respect and a willingness to
collaborate with one another but they biggest barrier or obstacle was the working environment
and differing perspective made it hard to achieve. Through their interview they realized that in
order to achieve interpersonal collaboration there needs to be an achieve leadership.
Leadership is what helps new doctors and nurses become oriented to the team. This
information was useful to me in a way in which I can help implement the recommendations
they were given at the end of theses interviews in other to increase interpersonal collaboration
to my own medical unit. Some of the recommendations were to develop strategies for
introducing new members to the team and making sure everyone is familiar and comfortable
with the new team member and to make sure leadership is well establish in order to help keep
everyone communicated with one another. 


WELLER, J. M.; BARROW, M.; GASQUOINE, S. Interprofessional collaboration among junior

doctors and nurses in the hospital setting. Medical Education, [s. l.], v. 45, n. 5, p. 478–487, 2011.
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03919.x. Disponível em:
direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=a9h&AN=59934696&site=eds-live&scope=site. Acesso em: 26
jan. 2023.

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