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Before we get into all the terms and everything you will need to know, first let me
answer a few questions.

What is this?
This is a total walkthrough and explanation of everything you will need to know to
start scamming.

What will I learn?

You will learn basic terms and what they mean as well as what you will need to do
and steps you will need to take to become a scammer.

Why should I take the time to read this?

Included in this will be every safety precaution you will need to know to stay safe
and not get caught up.

Now...Let’s get started

This section is dedicated to all of the terms and slang you will here often
throughout this tutorial and while associating with other people that share the
same interests.

CVV/CC-These terms are used basically interchangeably. A CVV or CC is just a term

used for a card. The CVV is the 3-4 digit security code on the back of the card so
if somebody says they have a CVV it should be all of the information on the card
including this security code which will be needed.

Fullz-This is a slang term meaning full information. Included in a fullz is

typically a persons Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Phone Number, eMail, and
home address.

BIN-A bin is the bank identification number of a card which is the first 6 digits
of the number that tell you basic information such as the issuing organization,
issuing bank, type, and subtype of the card.

Socks-Short for SOCKS5 Protocol these are applications that allow you to change the
location of your device. Used instead of a VPN as they work much better and give a
higher success rate.

CPN-Credit Privacy Number (Don’t even worry about this until your comfortable with
what you’re doing and understand whats going on)

Dump-An electronic copy of the information held on the magnetic strip of a card.
Not bought unless the buyer is planning on rewriting a card and going in store.

Dump+Pin-Same thing as above with the pin used to access the funds on the original
card at an ATM. Also called D+P.

Drop-The drop address or shipping address used for a fraudulent order.

Method-A guide on how to hit a specific site or store.

Piece-Nickname people use for a CVV

DOB-Date of Birth
SSN-Social Security Number

VPN-Virtual Private Network

Acc/Log-Account or login

What will I need?

In this section I will tell you everything you will need to get started.

First, everything is done through cryptocurrency. This helps to make transactions

virtually untraceable. The most common is Bitcoin although there is other forms
such as Litecoin and Ethereum.
You can buy these cryptocurrencies at local bitcoin machines or on sites or apps
like coinbase.
(You will need a wallet or purse to send these funds to. I use bitwallet as it
doesn’t require an account to be made)

Next, you will NEED a VPN. If you are really trying to hit I recommend Socks
They cost $22 for 150 proxies but each proxy can be used for up to 24 hours. Using
socks will give you a much higher success rate than using a VPN. Socks can be paid
for through bitcoin which I recommend.

Extras (These aren’t completely necessary but definitely won’t hurt)

-TOR Browser
-Blockchain DNS (Firefox, TOR, and Chrome addon)
-Burner laptop factory reset and under a fake name

Now, assuming that your wallet of choice is loaded up and you have a VPN or
Socks(preferred) you are going to need to buy a CVV

Where do I buy CVVs?

Use my sites



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