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CUS4408 Essay 2 Wong ka yee 4030730

I did not even have a good sleep during these days. I had been already predicted when
the clock will alarm in my dream. I woke up immediately once the minute hand
stopped on 7am. It was a tired Monday again. The clothes in the wardrobe were either
black or white, so I randomly selected a set and rushed to do make-up.

“Good morning everyone, the number of coronavirus cases identified in Hong Kong
rose to 100 on Monday, with health authorities confirming a new case and upgrading
another previously classified as ‘probable.’ The Centre for Health Protection (CHP)
said a 63-year-old man tested positive for Covid-19 despite not having any
symptoms……” The news recording was updating the coronavirus happened in Hong

“Remember to eat the breakfast before going out!” my mum said while coming out of
bed. “My darling, just go out later! The bus and train were crowded and full of people
during this time.” “My girl, the virus was severed, and you can see Hong Kong had
nearly come to 100 cases identified……” my mum added. “Yes, I know. However, my
company need me. I will take care of myself” Indeed, I tired of explain things.
Actually, I worked in a marketing company, which should collaborate with teamwork
and receiving visitors. To be honest, I don’t want to lose the job during this time. I
need money to carry my family. Even the virus was serious, nothing can stop me from
work, like most of the Hong Kong people do.

“There were 864 new coronavirus fatalities in Spain on Wednesday, as the number of
confirmed cases increased to more than 102,000. Spain, which has been in almost-
complete lockdown since March 14, and Italy are the epicenters of the outbreak in

The news recording was still hovering over my head, but I know we, Hongkonger had
been already got used to it. Then, I stepped out from home and went into the lobby I
put the lift bottom by a key instead of using hands. It was similar to the time during
SARS, my mum told me that people didn’t use their bare hands to touch everything
outside home. Meanwhile, all the people just left when I was in. I was curious and
didn’t know what was going on. “Oh!” I figured out that I forgot wear a mask then I
put on the facemask immediately.
Along the way to the bus stop, I switched on my phone and got some updates through
browsing on news’s app and social medias. The news recorded how many cases
identified on today and what new measures implemented by different parties. More
importantly, we all agree that social media would be the only source of entertainment.

Oh! I forgot the bus shift had changed and I should wait more 20 minutes. People like
me lined up the queue quietly and kept a 1 miter distance between each person. The
street was so peace where people paid attention to the law.

The street was so many students, workers because it was the most busy time and this
was also the transportation center. There was a street cleaner cleaning at the corner of
the street. She was responsible of this estate, and so many residents knew her. She
was already 70-year-old and service for the estate for already 20 years. The old lady
wore a sharp orange T-shirt on a 10 °c cold day, she bended over her body grabbing
the cans, leaf and cigarettes. The residents may throwed the rubbish in the trash bin to
show respect to this cleaning lady. In view of the coronavirus, people paid more
attention to hygiene conditions, people used to throw the rubbish directly into the
trash bin and did not placed it just next to the bin. Then, a few women who knew the
cleaning lady came in, giving facemasks and hand sanitizers to the lady. “I knew it
was hard in this time, I wish the equipment may help and wish you all the best!”
Although the lady was surprised, she replied with a smile and said, “Thank you!” She
was calmed and being peace with people surrounded. Last time, I was passing this
road as usual, one woman lost her bracelet on the street and called the police, which
made it all known in the estate. This cleaning lady who was not involved in the case,
however, she decided helping the lady to find the bracelet spontaneously. She had
looked up every rubbish bag in that day and finally she found it since the bracelet was
come into rubbish. The woman was so thankful and gave 1000hkd for reward. The
cleaning lady claimed that it was part of her responsibility and refused for the cash.

There were some noises disturbed a well beautiful morning. There were three high
school students playing around. I knew them and I sure people who lived here knew
them too. They were naughty and always late for school but by playing around. They
liked to make fun of people and not to mention to the pedestrian. Last time, they were
smoking and blown the smoke to the elderly who sit for rest. What’s more, they liked
to gather a night, shouted and played rock music. Their naughty woke up all the
people in the estate.
Everybody stared at them when they passed by the bus station. A mid-aged man
yelled “keep away from us, see what you have done to the people here, otherwise, I
will report to your school” while the boys hadn’t done everything yet. As clearly seen,
the residents hated the boys so much. The boys replied with giving middle finger to
the man. Other people started to blame the boys by their rule manner and condemned
that they were ruining the order of the estate. “You guys are young, do what you
should do but not playing around!” said by a pregnant woman. “It’s not your
business!” one of the boys shouted.

The cleaning lady heard the quarrel and came in front of the boys, wanting to take
charge of these little naughty guys. “What happen here?” “Just go back to school and
don’t play around here!” People who stood in the bus station also spoke in one voice
wanting to quit the naughty boys out. The boys were angry and whispered on their
own. It seemed that they were having a next action, but I didn’t worry much since
they were just kids and I think the others also felt the same way.

Then, the boys put off their facemasks, spitting on the cleaning lady’s face and forced
the cleaning lady to clean up the facemasks as they had just thrown. The cleaning lady
picked up the facemasks quietly as she known it was her responsibility ,or, perhaps
nothing can stop her from working like I do. People who stood in the bus station
bounced off immediately and ran away, just like my experience in the lift. The bus
station just left the cleaning lady, the boys and me who noticed the whole process.
The boys left with succeed and got away with it.

I came forward and asked the cleaning lady “why you admit defeat? The boys are in
no way doing with this to you!” “I also have no way, but this is my job” said by the
lady. She kept picking up the facemasks and clean up the ground with bleach, and
said “It’s normal, people scared of the virus and they ran away even the fight was first
aroused by them.” She kept doing her job from this street to another street until she
collected all the trash in the estate……Then, I wait for another bus again.

It was about six o’clock in the evening. I backed from work and took off from the bus
station again. There was another cleaning lady sweeping the floor at the corner of the
street. While I was leading back home, I walked through some convenient stores, the
wet market, and several buildings. Then, I stopped by the office where full of noises
and I saw the cleaning lady again. It was the break room offered for the cleaning
workers. The workers sit together sharing food and shared what they had experienced
today. Some were complaining the street people were of bad manner which they
smoked everywhere, and the cigarette fell in every corner of the estate which added
their workload. Some others were updating what was the naughty boys had done
today and which it had stirred up the conversation of all people…… The cleaning
lady kept silent and checked on her phone without any words……

It was another day, the orange T-shirt cleaning lady caught my eyes again, she worked
on the same street again. No more schoolboys, no more annoying people. She was
carrying the collected cans and cardboard by using a trolley, wanting to move to
another place. Accidently, the trolley was crushed with the staircase and she fell on
the street and her facemask fell out too. People bounced off immediately and no one
came up for helping. And she stood up and kept pulling the trolley……

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