Adrpg Power) Sorcery From 'All My Sins Remembered

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This is one path available with Sorcery, and Iím making it public to show the kinds

of cool things that can be done with Advanced Powers. You donít have to follow this
path to advance with Sorcery, but I think that itís kind of cool, and it tends to
make Sorcery more colourful and involving.
High Sorcery (15 points, plus Sorcery)

This ability with Sorcery removes the restriction tying oneís spells to the Shadow
in which they are cast. The Sorceror can now send the effects of spells out through
Shadow to a target. For this to be possible, the Sorceror must use a new Micro-
Spell in the construction of the spell, allowing this freedom. The new Micro-Spell
is Shadow Freedom, and it follows all the restrictions for Micro-Spells, including
casting time and lynchpins. Any Shadow that the spell passes into must allow magic,
or the spell fails. The target may be identified by name, or sighted through a
Trump or scrying device of some sort.
Deep Sorcery (variable cost, plus High Sorcery)

Deep Sorcery is not a single ability. Rather, it is a term used to refer to the
initiation of the Sorceror into any of a number of power sources that exist in
Shadow. Each power source is different, with varying requirements for initiation,
and different effects arising from them. To gain initiation, the Sorceror must
identify and locate one of these power sources and fulfill the initiatory
requirements. A link is thereby formed between the Sorceror and the power source,
granting certain benefits to the Sorceror. While the benefits tend to vary greatly,
one is constant. The Sorceror will learn a new Micro-Spell, Invoke (Name of Power
Source), which will allow the Sorceror to incorporate the energies of the power
source in their spells. Some examples of power sources and initiations follow.
The Secret Flame (10 points, plus High Sorcery)

The Secret Flame is a fire in the heart of the Temple of Salanor, in the Shadow of
Begma. It is in the Inner Sanctum, where none but the High Priests may enter.
Amongst themselves, the High Priests call each other Tenders of the Secret Flame.
Sorcerors seeking initiation to the Secret Flame must learn the correct form of
request, and then petition the High Priests for initiation. Depending on the
reputation of the supplicant, the request is either granted or refused. Successful
Sorcerors are led blindfolded into the presence of the Secret Flame, where they
must offer a sacrifice of an item dear to them. If they item is accepted by the
Flame, it strikes out at the Sorceror, branding the left hand with the symbol of a
tongue of fire in a circle. The Sorceror must then pledge never to act against the
Temple of Salanor and the Secret Flame, and must also pledge to render aid to other
initiated Sorcerors. The fully initiated Sorcerors are known as Servants of the
Secret Flame, gain the Micro-Spell Invoke Secret Flame, and also gain a mastery
over natural fires, becoming impervious to them and able to control their movement
and shape. The Invoke Secret Flame Micro-Spell lends fiery energy to any spell it
is a part of, increasing the efficacy of fire magics, and infusing other spells
with a vibrant, active power.
The Labyrinth (10 points, plus High Sorcery)

The Labyrinth is said to lie in a lost part of an abandoned Way in the Courts of
Chaos. It is in fact Daedelus' own Labyrinth, which contains the Minotaur. The
Sorceror wishing initiation to this power source must locate the Labyrinth, and
find their way through it, defeating the Minotaur in single combat. At the centre
of the Labyrinth is a plinth on which is etched the name of all those who have
found their way here. The Sorceror must carve his name on the stone, and then find
his way back out to complete the initiation. The power of the Labyrinth prevents
initiates from becoming lost normally, and makes it very difficult to lead them
astray, or misdirect them from a known destination. The Invoke Labyrinth Micro-
Spell increases the efficacy of any spells which deceive, conceal, mislead, or
Earthblood (20 points, plus High Sorcery)

Deep within a hidden cave under the tallest mountain in a Shadow known only as the
Land, there is a pool of water that bubbles up from the depth of the world,
carrying with it all the potency of the Earth, and all the imperative of Nature.
The Sorceror wishing to tap into this power source must journey to the pool, and
take a single sip of the waters; more than one sip will kill any being, no matter
how powerful. The power of the Earthblood infuses the Sorceror, who may make one
command which will be heard and obeyed by its subject, no matter where they are.
This command must be made at once, or the Sorceror loses the ability. The lasting
effects of the Earthblood initiation bring the Sorceror in tune with the natural
order of things in Shadow, allowing them to assess the health of natural things,
sense unnatural things, and control to a small degree the cycles of Nature. The
Invoke Earthblood Micro-Spell causes spells using it to mesh more closely with the
natural order of the Shadow, and can draw upon the deep powers of the Earth to
strengthen and enhance spells dealing with natural phenomena.
Grand Sorcery (20 points, plus at least one initiation in Deep Sorcery)

At this level of mastery, the Sorceror is tied to the ebb and flow of magic
throughout Shadow, not just within the Shadow they currently inhabit. They can
ignore the Magic of Shadow lynchpin, and may even use magic in Shadows which
normally do not allow it by drawing in the energy from other sources. Working magic
in no-magic Shadows does cause spells to be weaker and take longer to manifest, but
itís still a big step over not being able to cast magic at all.

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