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RESTRICTED wwp-334 2 CHAPTER 2 Responsibilities and Duties of the Platoon Z Section 2-1. Leadership “When times are bad...... There will come a sudden pause when your men stop and look at you and expect leadership. Their ‘courage is ebbing; you must force it to flow back and it is not easy. You will never have felt more alone in your life.” Field Marshal Sir William Slim 2A The outcome of most battles depends upon leadership ~ notably the leadership of Platoon and Section Commanders, ‘The foundations of leadership in war should be laid well before operations begin. The leader who has trained his men well will be rewarded with the trust and confidence of his men under any conditions. A Platoon Commander must be meticulous in training his platoon. A Platoon Commander should not only fully prepare his soldiers for the tactical side of war, but take time to ensure his platoon is efficiently administered. It is often the administrative side of war that is not trained for and therefore can be the undoing of a unit. A seemingly simple operation of ammunition resupply or casualty evacuation can be, potentially, tactically devastating if carried out inefficiently and ineffectively. stand his commander's intent. In doing so he facilitates directive control and rather than a liability. 2.3. The purpose of ‘chapter two is to provide doctrinal guidance to the platoon on the responsibilities and duties of the rifle platoon, Section 2-2. The Platoon Commander 24 The Platoon Commander is responsible to his Company Commander for the training, operation, discipline, administration and welfare of his platoon both in the barracks and in the field, He must understand his Company Commander's aims and intentions, and be prepared to implement them even in the absence of given orders. ‘The Rite Pratoon, 2000 RESTRICTED Dipindai dengan CamScanner q RESTRICTED Lwp-63.34 ee ‘The Platoon Commander On Operations 2.5 On operations, the Platoon Commander must ensure that: 2. the security of his platoon is maintained; ». all asks allocated to his platoon are properly carried out; he has a thorough knowledge of platoon tactics, techniques, procedures and administration; he develops and delivers effective orders to his subordinates and that his subordinates deliver the same to theirs; ©. he has a thorough knowledge of platoon battle procedure; {he ensures that a high standard of discipline and morale is maintained; he knows all of his men well, particularly their individual strengths and weaknesses, and has an understanding of their personal problems; he ensures that an up-to-date field Platoon Commander's Notebook is maintained; i. he and his men keep physically fit; j. regular FFIs are conducted k. high standard of both collective and personal hygiene is maintain¢ 1. he inspects his men regularly to see that they are properly clothed and ‘equipped, their weapons and equipment are kept clean and in good working order; m. he checks his men regularly to ensure that they are not suffering from injuries (eg blisters, chafing); and 1. a proper balance is maintained between work and rest periods. The Platoon Commander in Barracks 26 The main tool that the Platoon Commander uses to manage the platoon is the Platoon Commander's Notebook (PCN). The PCN should contain as a minimum: a, regimental particulars; b, residential information; «next of kin (NOK) details; 4. additional NOK details; ©. qualifications; reporting history; The Rite Fstoon, 2000 RESTRICTED Dipindai dengan CamScanner RESTRICTED LwP-6394 2 ee & Counselling undertaken; and 4. career guidance given. 2.17 The Platoon Commander's administrative responsibilities in the barracks include: 4. maintaining an up to date PCN; . maintaining platoon members’ Competency Log Books (CLB); knowing the strengths and weaknesses of individuals within his platoon; assessing and developing the potential for advancement being aware of specialist skills within his platoon; regularly counselling and being aware ofthe personal situation of all soldiers in his platoon including the drafting of Interim and Annual Reports for the NCOs and qualified PTEs in his platoon; g. identifying soldier’s posting and course preferences; ensuring that DPI checklists are maintained; and ensuring a proper balance between work and rest periods. Platoon Training 2.8 The Platoon Commander must be aware that the training year is based around directives that are disseminated from the highest level of command to his Company Commander. From the Battalion and Company Commander's Directives, the platoon commander must be able to interpret his commander’s aim and intentions. The Platoon Commander must be able to implement a training program that falls within the guidelines of his commander's intent. The Platoon Commander must, wherever possible, conduct training that is operationally focused. In barracks, it is the responsibility of the Platoon Commander to ensure that his platoon is ‘operationally and administratively prepared for deployment. 29 2.40 The Platoon Commander has the following training responsibilities: 8, ensuring that his platoon is well trained, ensuring that individual and collective skills are practiced; ensuring that the NCOs within his platoon are trained and capable of performing the duties of their next command position; supervising the training done within the platoon; 4. ensuring that he and his men are physically fit, with an emphasis on battle fitness. 2.44 Further detail on the conduct of training at platoon level is contained in Chapter 14 of this pamphlet. The Rite Platoon, 2000 RESTRICTED Dipindai dengan CamScanner ewpE 4 e) \ Se Section 2-3. The Platoon Sergeant 242The Platoon Sergeant is the Platoon 21C and he must be conversant duties of the Platoon Commander. In the absence of the Platoon Comm te “the Will command the platoon, He is also responsible 0 the Platoon Comment implementing the day to day administration of the platoon. His peng.) ue = ies include: 4 _understudying the Platoon Commander; . assisting the Platoon Commander in maintaining 2 high standard of gg: r ‘and morale within the platoon; ™ assisting with the supervision of training done by Section Commanders, and 4 collecting and distributing ammunition, rations, water and other stores ang supplies. The Platoon Sergeant on Operations 2.3 The Platoon Sergeant has the following duties on operations: 4. be conversant with platoon tactics, techniques and procedures; ». advise the Platoon Commander when appropriate; «. maintain a high standard of discipline and morale within the platoon; 4. ensure the Platoon Commander's field notebook is maintained with the following basic information; (1) regimental particulars, 2) blood group, @) clothing sizes, (4) weapon ARN, and (9) NOK, «conduct regular FIs; and f. beaware of the role and duties of the CSM, Assisting the Platoon Commander 2.14 The platoon sergeant assists the Platoon Commander by: 4. Maintaining Regimental standards and traditions; briefing all new march-ins tothe platoon; The Rie Paton Ba "RESTRICTED Dipindai dengan CamScanner RESTRICTED 2-5 selecting and nominating soldiers for schools and courses; 4. maintaining the DP1 chart; Counselling soldiers when required; assisting with the supervision and training of junior NCOs and potential NCOs. ‘The Platoon Sergeant in Barracks 2.15 The Platoon Sergeant has the following duties in barracks: ‘a. conduct platoon parades; conduct inspections of barracks, dress and equipment; €. prepare soldiers and junior NCO for military courses; 4. submit names to CHQ for inclusion in RO Pt 1 as members qualify in: (1) PT tests, 2) TOETs, G) range practice results, and (® markmanship qualifications etc, ensure all soldiers have been issued their ID card (and passport if required); {submit administrative requests, eg: (1) transport @) ammunition @) tations & ensure platoon Q issues are up to date; secure and make an accurate inventory of soldier’s clothing and equipment When away from the platoon, eg if the member is: (1). hospitalised, @) AWOL, or G3) onemergency leave. i, maintain up to date platoon training publications; J. lecture on military and non-military subjects; k. instruct and supervise platoon drill; ‘The Rifle Patoon, 2000 RESTRICTED IR pT Dipindai dengan CamScanner Lwe.o 334 RESTRICTED 2-6 1 _ supervis ipervise TOET and supervise weapon handling training. m. act as an OIC or safe is theca wee cay serie on the range and carry out any other duty a. train the platoon for parades and guards. ©. umpire training activities. Section 2-4. The Section Commander 10 his section are similar to those the 2.16 The Section Commander's responsibilities 4 Meee i oredr has to is platoon. He must understand his Plato een caren and intentions and be prepared to implement them even jx he absence of given orders. ie ‘The Section Commander on Operations 2.47 On operations, the Section Commander must ensure thal a. the security of his section is maintained; all tasks allocated to his section are carried out efficiently; he has a thorough knowledge of section battle procedure and infantry skills; 4. his section is well trained; ‘e._ the highest standard of discipline is maintained within his section; che knows he strength and weaknesses of all of his men; g. he has an understanding of his soldier’s personal problems; h. his section maintains its weapons, ammunition, clothing and equipment in good order; «._ ahigh standard of personal hygiene is maintained; j, the seetion duty roster is properly kept and carried out, ‘The Section Commander In Barracks der has the following duties in barracks: 2.18 The Section Comman' understand the training techniques, tactics and procedures of his platoon; lop and implement section SOP; well trained in all individual skills; b. deve ensure that his section is a. ensure that his section is well rehearsed in section collective skills; ————— ea RESTRICTED Dipindai dengan CamScanner ™ RESTRICTED Lwr.6334 7 | ensue that his Section 21C is able to command the section; ‘ensure that he understands the duties and responsibilities of the Platoon Sergeant; assist the Platoon Sergeant as ordered; h. supervise section responsibilities, i. supervise all tasks allocated to his section; i. assist the Platoon Sergeant in daily parades; and k. ensure the Section 21C is aware of his administrative responsibilities in barracks. ‘The Section 21C 2.49 The Section 2IC understudies the Section Commander and commands Fire Team One. In the absence of the Section Commander he will command the section. His duties include: 2. collecting and distributing ammunition, rations, water, stores and other supplies; ». assisting the Section Commander in maintaining a high standard of discipline within the section; and «controlling the fire and movement of the Fire Team. Section 2-5. Platoon Members 2.20 All members of the rifle section must be proficient in all their duties. These are: handling all platoon weapons and equipment, >. maintain all platoon weapons and equipment, «. fielderaft, 4. basic navigation, marksmanship, f first aid, orders for opening fire and rules of engagement, and h. keeping physically fit and healthy. 2.21 Additional duties for fividual members of the section are detailed in the following paragraphs. 2.22Radio Operator. The radio operator is a signals-trained rifleman whose duties include: “The Rite Platoon, 2000 RESTRICTED: Dipindai dengan CamScanner a. maintaining communications with other stations on the Company net, ._transmition and receiving messages, . encoding and decoding messages, |. _ maintenance of the platoon radio set in operational order at all times, ¢. acting as a runner when required, and {. carrying out the duties of a rifleman. Responsibilities and Duties of Personnel Within the Rifle Section. 2.23Scouts. The two scouts are in the lead of the section during patrolling operations and the advance. Scouts should be alternated regularly and should always be employed in pairs. Their tasks include: 2. provide early waming to the section, by working in pairs (scouting techniques can be found in LIVP-G 3-3-5, Patrolling and Tracking), b. form part of a Fire Team, ¢. oncontact the lead scout gives covering fire and relays information about the enemy back to the section commander, and 4. on contact the second scout covers the lead scout, looking for other enemy locations including snipers. 2.24 LSW Operator, The operator is to; a. ensure that his LSW is maintained in operational order, b. carry the LSW, spare barrel and ammunition; and ¢. fire the LSW as ordered. 2.25 Rifleman, The rifleman is to: a. assist the LSW operator by observing and correcting fire, b. assist the LSW operator in target location, including looking for snipers, carrying additional ammunition for the LSW, and ¢. be prepared to take over the LSW if the operator becomes a casualty, 2.26 The number one rifleman has the following additional responsibilities: 2. commanding a fire team, ». controlling the fire and movement of the fire team; and c. be prepared to take up the position of Section 21C at any time. 2.27 Grenadier/Riemen. Members within the section will be allocated weapons with the in-service grenade launching system (GLS). The allocation will be as per unit Dipindai dengan CamScanner RESTRICTED 9 LnP-6234 SOP but witl normally be allocated to either the No. 2 scout, No. 1 rifleman or No. 2rifleman, The additional duties for members allocated these weapons include: ensuring that the grenade launcher is kept in operational order; . carrying the grenade launcher and ammunition; and © firing the grenade launcher as ordered. Fire Team Prineiple 226The concept of forming two fire teams per section provides the Section Commander a degree of flexability when controling both fire and movement at section level. The section normally patrols as three groups (command group, fire team one and fire team two), however when in contact or in an attack, the section forms two fire teams. This leaves the Section Commander to control two fire teams rather than three groups. 2.29 Further information on the use of fire teams in the assault is contained in Chapter 8 ~The Attack. ‘The Rite Piatoon, 2000 RESTRICTED Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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