Week 3

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Venture deals week 3 answer key

Exercise 1:


A higher valuation cap is better, but only until it exceeds the pre-money valuation, after which the
valuation cap has no effect.

See detailed instrument conversion calculations below.

Exercise 2:

7% more ownership than what you would have if you went with the “standard” terms.

3% more ownership than “standard” terms but 4% lesser than your counter offer.

Lowest possible pool size based on hiring plans is ideal. Common stockholders pay for the option pool
completely, so every bit matters.

Exercise 3:


Preferred stock in this case is always more valuable than common stock.


We assume that the reserved option pool will be completely unused at the time of exit.
If all shares reserved in the (20%) option pool are unissued at exit, the option pool collapses and all
shareholders benefit from it pro rata. The investor's ownership increases to 25% (Before, investor
owned 20 per 100 shares. After option pool collapses, investor owns 20 per 80 shares = 25%). Thus, they
get a better deal by converting to Common at any exit higher that $20M (Eg. 25% of $21M = $5.25M,
which is greater than the investor's preference proceeds $5M).


Instrument conversion math

Price per share for instrument conversion is calculated by:

Share price = effective valuation / instrument conversion capitalization

Here, effective valuation is the lowest value between the pre-money valuation or the valuation cap. And
instrument conversion capitalization is calculated as below:

capitalization (pre-money conversion) = Sum of all issued stock, options and warrants pre-money +
Unissued shares reserved in the newly allocated option pool + sum of all shares from converting


capitalization (post-money conversion) = Sum of all issued stock, options and warrants pre-money +
Unissued shares reserved in the newly allocated option pool
In our example:

Share price (pre-money conversion) = $5M / (8000000 + 3076923 + 1230769) = $0.40625

Share price (post-money conversion) = $5M / (8000000 + 2958904) = $0.45625

The shares are calculated based on this share price:

Converted shares (pre-money conversion) = $500,000 / 0.40625 = 1,230,769

Converted shares (post-money conversion) = $500,000 / 0.45625 = 1,095,890

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