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Name: Villalobos, Rein Carlo V.

Date: February 9, 2023

Section: BS PSY 2201 Activity 1: Tata Selo

1. Summary
- Tata Selo is a story about an elderly farmer who only wanted to be able to farm on his land,
which he sold because his wife became ill. Tata Selo wanted their land returned to them, but due
to financial problems, he simply begged Cabeza Tano to farm his land. One day, while Tata Selo
was farming, Cabeza Tano told him to leave the land he was farming because it was being given
to someone else. Tata Selo begged, but Cabeza Tano did not listen, so Tata Selo was able to
summon Cabeza Tano, who murdered him. Unfortunately, Tata Selo was put into jail and

The story begins in Istaked, where people are confused about Tata Selo because he killed
Kabesang Tano, who owns the land that Tata Selo is farming, which he claims used to belong to
him but that he mortgaged and embargoed. Tata Selo felt sorry for him when he thought of
sending Saling home because there was nothing they could do. Two days later, his daughter
Saling, who used to live and serve in Cabesa, came to visit, but he returned home because he
fell ill two days before the incident. Mayor called his responsibility, and he went there and did not
listen to his father Saling came again to visit him and was ordered to go to the mayor's
responsibility, but the statement of the children would not let him in, No. Tata Selo ignored this
and said that "everything was stolen from him".

2. Setting
- Municipal of San Roque
- Istaked
- Farm

3. Characters and Characterization

- Tata Selo- the protagonist of the story, as simple farmer that commit a murder to Cabesa due to
an argument and result to his imprisonment.
- Mayor- the leader of their place and the one who helped in interrogating Tata Selo in the story.
- Cabesa- the person who got killed by Tata Selo and the one who raped Saling.
- Saling- daughter of Tata Selo

4. Point of View
- Third person perspective since the narrator of the story is the described the whole story using the
elements of the third person perspective which for example of using, he, she, etc. Using the third
person narrator, which tells the whole story of Tata Selo and not affected by the story being

5. Plot Devices
- Story within a Story – In this story the protagonist takes time to narrate the whole situation using
the conversation to the other characters. In this plot device the whole story has been narrated to
the audiences in a unique way and by the story that has been stated by the protagonist to other

- Cliffhanger – The story of Tata Selo, the protagonist leaves with the situation that puts him into a
worst situation because of the act of murdering Cabesa. Tata Selo ended up being imprisoned up
to the end of the whole story and leaves with no resolution to his own problem.

6. Conflict
- Man vs. Society- The protagonist of the story Tata Selo was oppressed by Cabesa and forced to
move out in his farmland. This situation put him of feelings despair to the Cabesa, because of the
discrimination to his status as farmer.

7. Theme
- Inferiority- It was shown to the situation of Tata Selo wherein he was old and poor farmer and
forced to moved out of his farmland because of the discriminatory acted by Cabesa. This
situation put him into hopelessness because of he is weak, helpless, low status in life and old age
that result into social injustices and inequalities.
- Revenge- As a result of oppression of Kabesang Tano, Tata Selo’s anger lead him into his desire
of putting revenge into Cabesa and result into a murder.

8. Message
- In my perspective the message of the story depicts the real situation of the being poor and rich,
that embodies the situation of inferiority and superiority. The story told us that the bitter truth of
being poor is always experienced by many in the hands of the opportunistic who has the power,
and the story possessed the social injustice happening in our society.

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