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ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212

Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan


Dear Students,
THANK YOU for answering the mock examination question below.
Please see a few sample answers with comments :)

I am writing you because I think that it should not be a requirement
to get the Covid vaccine. It is a violation of my right as an
American, in the years before the pandemic many anti-vaxxers have
chosen not to get themselves vaccinated or their kids. Furthermore,
the Democrats defended their right to do so.
Their argument for many years is that it is unsafe or not studied long
This is the same argument that is being made by people that do not
want the covid19 vaccine today.
Now the big question is why Democrats are pushing so hard for
people to get the Covid19 vaccine. It is because they are making
money off the advertisement and the companies that made the
This is why people don’t want the vaccine because they don’t trust
the validity of the vaccine itself or the Democratic party.

With reference to the text above, write an essay in which you argue if
compulsory Covid-19 vaccinations are a violation of human rights. Your
essay should be 400 words in length. Use the sources below to support
your response.

**Please see the last page of this document for a report on students' responses**

Open Rubric
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 2021 2
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan

SAMPLE 1 (DIXON) You did not refer to text that you were provided with.
There has been much controversy regarding people who refuse to be vaccinated
reference? at odds
against Covid 19. Several doctors and nurses are fed up with groups of anti-vaxxers
protesting outside hospitals across the country thereby putting pressure on health-
care resources being used to save lives of those who refuse to protect themselves
Good! Where is your thesis statement?
against Covid-19 (Bains, 2021). Anti-vaccination sentiments have increased since
What is YOUR stance?
some provinces declared plans to require so-called proof of vaccination to access
places like restaurants, movie theatres and gyms (Bains, 2021). This essay argues
Great! What will this essay discuss?
that compulsory vaccination is not a violation of human rights.

Anti-vaxxers maintain that their right to choose whether or not to be vaccinated is

dismissed too often. They maintain that there are negative side effects to
vaccinations. However, we need to understand why sceptics tend to listen to rumours
no need for initials
instead of relying on scientific facts about vaccinations. According to Rosenbaum, L.
(2021: p2) ,"Less is known, however, about how to increase uptake by modifying the
beliefs of the hesitant. In one randomized trial targeting parents with children eligible
for the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, researchers tested various
messaging strategies that either corrected misinformation or had emotional
no need to repeat the in-text citation again You should discuss your view here
appeal". (Rosenbaum, 2021 : p2). One strategy refuted the claim that vaccines cause
or provide an explanation to link with your stance.
autism, while others featured pictures of children with the diseases the MMR vaccine
prevents or a dramatic narrative about an infant who nearly died of measles
(Rosenbaum 2021 : p2).You should end the paragraph with your stance/ view/voice.

According to President Cyril Ramaposa, no one should be compelled to be

punctuation sp.
vaccinated. Instead , we need to use the obtainable scientific evidence to motive
people to vaccinate in order to protect themselves as well as others (Felix, 2021). One
way of approaching the problem of persuading anti-vaxxers to change their opinion is
to discuss vaccination with a doctor or medical staff who can provide evident of the
Good use of your voice.
efficacy thereof or even perhaps have had the vaccination themselves.

The reasons for vaccinating far outweigh the reasons for not doing so. By vaccinating,
people not only protect themselves against Covid -19 but also their co-workers, family,
Do not include new information into the conclusion
friends and even strangers. Some employers are making it compulsory for employees
who are anti-vaccination to be tested before going to work so as to protect co-workers
against the virus. Although the scientific community's obligation will always begin with
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan

championing truth, the pandemic has shown that society's health also depends on
understanding why so many people reject it. (Rosenbaum, L. 2021).
(Rosenbaum, 2021).
Rosenbaum, L. 2021. Escaping Catch-22 - Overcoming Covid Vaccine
Hesitancy. New England Journal of Medicine, 384(14),: pp. 1367-1371.
Available at: [Accessed September 9, 2021]
Bains, C., 2021. The Ultimate selfishness: Doctors grow frustrated as anti-vaxxers
protest hospitals. Canadian Press, No.Available at:
coronavirus-doctors-frustrated-anti-vaccination/ [Accessed September 9, 2021]
Felix, J., 2021. Ramaposa says employees may refuse vaccinations on medical and
constitutional ground. News24, [online] Available
may-refuse-vaccination-on-medical-and-constitutional-grounds-202109 [Accessed 9
September 2021]. This is a great attempt! An interesting essay. Please see all comments in text.

The question states, "With reference to the text above..."

Covid-19 (Fedder, 2021; Rosenbaum, 2021)
The covid19 pandemic has resulted in millions of lives lost worldwide. Vaccines are
available to prevent the fatality resulting from this virus. However, the government is
who argue that
challenged by anti-vax protectors, stating taking the vaccine should not be a
you should be referncing the text here You should mention this the first time (line 1)
requirement as it's a violation of their human rights.Coronavirus disease (Covid19) is
There is no need to this information. Move on to your thesis statement
an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (World Health
Organisation).Covid19 vaccination can prevent severe illness, deaths and help
unnecessary information Yes, this is your thesis statement and be the second or third line of your intro
achieve herd immunity.Compulsory vaccination is a necessity and not violation of
human rights. This essay will discuss the importance of vaccination and conclude on
approaches for vaccination .
Covid-19 the (citation?)
The covid19 antivax protests violate human rights of others. These anti-vax protests
disrupt patients and staff from entering hospitals. Patients suffering from other serious
illnesses are affected when the healthcare systems drown from influx of unvaccinated
patients being hospitalized- (Fedder.S 2021).This indicates anti-vax protests pose
threat to the lives of others and results in healthcare resource depletion. Prohibiting
good use of your own use Incomplete sentence
anti-vax protests will aid access to health facilities and services. Which is our human
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan
Nice topic sentences It is
Anti-vaccination will affect the economy and wont suppress covid19. It’s estimated 80
to 85% of Americans should vaccinate ( Rosenbaum.L , 2021), for their country to
achieve herd immunity. Occupational health and safety is a requirement and
employers will need to consider anti-vaccination employees while this poses threat to
A sentence should not begin like this
their lives and people around them. Which is a delicate balance for efficient operation
This was not one of the references given to you
of businesses(President Ramapohsa,2021). It's clear, achieving herd immunity and
good argumentative voice Yes...
returning to normality requires us to vaccinate.This will help contain the virus and
protect us from new variants that will less likely to rise and attack us.
Use the citations from the reference links ONLY good point
Anti-vax is based on speculation and not facts. Covid19 vaccines are rigorously tested
based on science not opinions (Fedder.S,2021)Scientific evidence is available to
educate people about vaccination (President Ramaphosa 2021).It's evident that
the virus.The government should
people still need to educate themselves about this
good voice
provide more information and be more transparent for people to trust the vaccine.

Compulsory vaccination is not a violation of human rights. A right shouldn’t harm the
excellent point
rights of others.Covid19 vaccines can be trusted, they are rigorously tested based on
science and to prevent severe illness and deaths resulting to covid19 including helping
us protect ourselves and those around us.Therefore , the Government needs to
respond to the questions related to the vaccine and further mobilise and grant free
access of covid19 sites for people to educate themselves about the vaccines and
focus on achieving herd immunity so our lives can return to normality. Great conclusion

I did not see this reference cited in the body of your essay????
Bains,C.2021. The ultimate selfishness: Doctors grow frustrated as anti-vaxxers
protest hospitals. Avaible at :
[Accessed September 3, 2021]
doctor-frustrated-anti-vaccination/, Accessed:2021 September 3
I did not see this reference cited in the body of your essay????
Felix,J.2021. Ramaphosa says employees may refuse vaccination on medical and
constitutional grounds. Available at :
see format above
refuse-vaccination-on-medical-and-constitutional-grounds-20210903, Accessed:2021

Rosenbaum, L. 2021. Medicine and Society: Escaping catch-22-overcoming covid 19

good :
Vaccine Hesitancy. The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 384(14).pp.1367-1371
journal names should be italicised
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan

You should start with a line or 2 of background on your topic before you provide your thesis statement
I personally disagree with the article above that says vaccination is violation of human
rights because vaccine serve a good purpose of saving lives from language needs
the pandemic
deseas (covid 19).It actually is the fulfillment of human right that says every one has
What are you going to do in this essay?
the right to live.
Quote the line, we do not know what line 3 says
Line 3 of the above article states that in the years before the pandemic many anti-
vaxxer have chosen not to get them selves vaccinated or their kids but we don't know
what they were facing, the kind of virus or if they lived or survived hence we can not
where is your citation? very long sentence You are not engaging with what you
compare our selves with the anti-vaxxers from the past.We live in the present and we mentioned
experience what covid 19 is doing to our communities.
Ramaphosa said no one should be forced to get the vaccine so if this was some kind
of a conspiracy or a plan to destroy people's lives the government/ president was never
going to give us a choice or negotiate with us.It is the matter of life and death and the
choice is ours.Ramaphosa is the President of South Africa he would not give a go
ahead of the vaccine if it was not tested and verified.Why would he risk the lives of his
Without a citation, this parag. lacks credibility
people? Try not to use rhetorical questions
What is your argument here? Do not use emotion in your writing. Be objective
Covid-19 is real and it attacks without a warning or signal hence it's of paramount
importance that we protect ourselves by taking the vaccine and follow all the
requirements ie wearing musks , sanitise and maintain the social distance.Covid-19
takes lives every time and daily.We don't know how long will this enemy (covid-19) be
pay attention to your use of spaces after your punctuation
amongst us.We live in fear every day, the country's economy has been affected
negatively,loss of income has become a nightmare, schools are continuously
interrupted and churches are closed.The cost of living is high with lack of opportunities
but if we can stand as a country,be united and work together we can overcome this
No citation in this paragraph?
pandemic deseas.
No need to say this The
I'm concluding by saying getting the vaccine is not detrimental to any one nor is it a
danger to any one's life.Hence, if any person has a question or concern they should
ask relevant people ie the dDoctors, nurses and professionals other than asking
spelling do not this is not necessary
illeterate people who don't know what they are talking about.Doctors and nurses were
shocked to see people protesting against the vaccine.(covid 19-corona virus doctors)
because they knew, studied, tested and verified that vaccine can be helpful in fighting
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan
We it is
covid-19.So we should not listen to unproved rumours and get the vaccine it's for our
own benefit.

Not sure what this is?

Reference: covid 19 coronavirus.doctors frustrated anti vaccine.

:News24Ramaphosasays A reference list was not provided and no in-text citations were used.


You need to start with referring to text you were given
A little over ten million people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in South Africa,
estimated to be around 11.5% of the total population. Consistent messaging through
various media sources tells us that the only way to minimise the effects of this virus is
good thesis statement
to achieve herd immunity, which requires vaccinating a large percentage of the
, I will consider the opinions of a few influential people,
population. In this essay we
constitutional rights of people, attitudes on anti-vaccinations and the wider impact of
What is your topic sentence? Do not start with a quote. The quote should be used to support your argument.
“The implementation of any mandatory vaccination policies must, in the end, be based
on mutual respect, which is the respect of the rights of the people which achieve the
This quote is too long
balance between public health imperatives, the Constitutional rights of employees, and
the efficient operation of the employer's business,” was the response from President
You did not engage with the quote at all
Cyril Ramaphosa at The National Assembly (Felix, 2021).

At what point does the right of an individual to remain unvaccinated infringe on the
Do not start with a question. We need to see a topic sentence
rights of the public at large? The scientific data tells us that the virus is highly
contagious. Dr. S. Fedder says, “I think it’s the ultimate selfishness that individuals
good use of in-text citation
choose not to vaccinate themselves,” (Bains, 2021). Engage with the quote and link back to thesis
Rosenbaum (2021) statement
Dr. L. Rosenbaum, cited from The New England Journal of Medicine (2021), adds that
vaccines are typically only approved for usage after two years of data gathering.
Furthermore, there is no long-term data available as yet on the ill effects of the
vaccines, the longevity is unknown, emergence of variants requires boosters. There
are too many unknown variables for people to have certainty. She recommends
teaching the public to ‘understand the science’ as well as scientists understanding the
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan
Where is your voice here?
concerns of the public and displaying more empathy and compassion for concerns
and fears.

Your conclusion should some up the main arguments of your essay.

This is not necessary
A month ago, my cousin aged fifty-eight years old was vaccinated. He was healthy
without any comorbidities, a week later he passed away due to developing a blood clot
in his lungs. A one in one million chance is what the doctor in charge had told us. A
0.0001% chance versus a 1% chance of dying if your contract the virus unvaccinated.
Would I still choose to be vaccinated? Absolutely yes! Compulsory vaccinations is not
a violation of human rights. Yielding to the virus is not an option, watching people die
without intervening by imposing compulsory vaccinations, is a violation of human
rights! Please go through the introduction, body and conclusion notes in the PPT
document we have uploaded for the examination preparation.
Pay attention to structure.

Bains. C. 2021. The ultimate selfishness’: Doctors grow frustrated as anti-vaxxers

protest hospitals. The Canadian Press. [Online]. Available at
anti-vaccination Accessed on 09 September 2021.

Felix. J. 2021. Ramaphosa says employees may refuse vaccination on medical and
constitutional grounds. News 24. Available at
20210903 Accessed on 09 September 2021.

Rosenbaum. L. 2021. Escaping Catch-22 — Overcoming Covid Vaccine Hesitancy.

The New England Journal of Medicine. Available at Accessed on 09
September 2021. Good use of referencing

ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan


Revise sentence structure
In the year 2019 has an unknown enemy developed in Wuhan, China called Covid-19
which is a virus. It has effects that is unpleasent and unimaginable to human beings.
It was found that the symptyms of this virus is flu, soar throat and sore body. To combat
This is unnecessary information
these symptyms and prevent getting this symptoms was a booster advised with
ingredients of lemon, ginger and garlic. Did these booster help preventing getting the
Do not use questions in your introduction. It is not clear what your argument is
and what direction this essay will take?

No need for background information here? Where is your first topic sentence?
Since the start of this Virus in China has countries worldwide prepared for this virus. It
has spread like a bush fire in news channels and newspapers about the danger of this
virus, but never did they inform people about possible vaccines that was in their
preparedness plans for this virus Why not? Although it take 2 years to scientifically
prove a vaccine effective, can they surely inform the citizens and could have prevented
the hesitancy from happening. The reason why people is hestitant is beacause of
uncertanty and lack of trust in information about the vaccines. There has been two
vaccines made available and used on people why not only one?
No topic sentence, no evidence from citations and no engagement.

The Virus Called Covid-19 was diagnosed as Covid-19 in 2019. The virus has gain
several varients since it was diagnosed it went from Covid-19 to Alpha Variant, the
Beta Variant, the Gamma Variant and the Delta Variant. This Virus stemmed from one
source and that is Wuhan. China. Before there was a vaccine made available was
China's active cases in hospitals zero , yet they continued wearing mask. The vaccine
should have generated from China Wuhan since it started there, so that they can
evaluate the causes and it's originate. The vaccine were tested on volunteers, what
was the results? Unnecessary information. See comment above.

The first vaccine was developed called Johnson and Johnson. This vaccine had side
effects like creating bloodclots , yet they continued ordering them and said some
human immune systems react different to the vaccine. This is what makes citizens
afraid and be hesitant about taking the vaccine which put them in a Constitutional
standpoint of not taking the vaccine nor be forced to take the vaccine. The President
We never include new information in the conclusion
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan

said clearly in his statement that taking the vaccine is ''willingly'' and should be
encouraged by scientific proof to be vaccinated. Taking the vaccine is not a must and
statistics has proven that majority humans are cautious about the vaccine. In my
opinion is it a violation of human rights to force citizens into taking the vaccine.

No reference list? No citations? Essay lacks credibility and validity.

Covid-19 vaccination has become a threat and violation of rights to anti-vaxxers,
because people are becoming forced to take the vaccine. While the president of South
incomplete sentence
Africa Ramaphosa said “no one should be forced to be vaccinated”. Covid-19 vaccine
sentence needs restructuring Is this the thesis statement? If so, it is not clear.
it helps our body’s immune system to fight against the virus that causes Covid-19.
Moreover, the quick availability of the covid-19 vaccine has left many people
s have
questioning themselves whether the vaccine is safe or not. Yet, scientist has proven
this is not clear
that the vaccine is tested. This essay will focus on the argument of violation of human
rights against the Covid-19 vaccine, with suggestionson how people can be persuaded
to see the importance of taking the vaccine.
First, it is not everyone who believe in the Covid-19 vaccine as the only prevention to
this sentence is not clear and sounds muddled stated that
the pandemic, as much as some nurses are against the vaccine. Ramaphosa said
workers who do not want to take the vaccine should be accommodated based on
precaution measures. On the other hand, Michael Villeneuve, CEO of the nurses’
ONLY use the sources we provide you with. This is not needed
association, tweeted that “we base our decisions on science. Nursing as a science is
not a collection of opinions. If we adapted care based on what (my) opinion is today
versus someone else’s, it would be a complete chaos out there”. Situations like this
will really take time for everyone to come to terms with the Covid-19 vaccine as the
only solution to the pandemic. People must be given time to adapt and adjust to this
good use of your own voice
situation, eventually as time goes on they will be part of the stats of the millions of
vaccinated people.
This sentence needs editing
Secondly, it is individuals’ rights if they want to be vaccinated or not. Ramaphosa said,
“this situation poses challenges for employers who want to keep their workers safe
from Covid-19, while respecting the rights of those who don’t want to be vaccinated”.
As well as, Phaahla said taking a vaccine is voluntary. This situation clearly shows
good argument voice
that it is not compulsory for everyone to take the vaccine. Employers and other
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan

emerging dictators should stop forcing their employers and other people to take the
vaccine against their rights.
the Covid-19
In conclusion, in this essay has argued that taking a vaccine is not compulsory since
it is not everyone who believe in the vaccine. Doctors and nurses in workplaces should
not judge their colleague and patients who are against the vaccine. Ramaphosa has
made it clear that people should not be forced to take the vaccine, as it is not
compulsory and people’s right must be respected. It is therefore a recommendation
that there must be ways in which people can be convinced and also given time to
adjust to be able to take the vaccine in the near future.

Incorrectly referenced sources
vaccination/ You were given three sources and ALL three need to be utilised.

Your background should be about the vaccine. In 1 or 2 lines.
The Covid –19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic,is an ongoing
global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov2). The novel virus was first identified
in Wuhan, China, In December 2019. (“Effect of changing case definitions for COVID-
19 on the ...”) I am totally against the mandatory vaccinations as researchers state,
the typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years and sometimes longer.
Do not use questions
How does one trust this Vaccine which certainly was not examined over 5 years or
more. To assess whether the vaccine is safe and effective in clinical trials and to
manufacture safe and reliable enough vaccine doses for a widespread distribution.
You have not mentioned what direction this essay will take?

The violation of vaccination being forced on a human is illegal it Is a self-made decision
which should never bring an individual to a no other way situation. Like a stage where
You should be citing from one of the sources you were provided with.
if you are not vaccinated you will not gain access to the following: job, school, place of
Rephrase this to make it sound more academic
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan

interest, moving out or into another country, just a few serious things we always need
in our daily lives. Firstly, know your rights! You will never let Government, or anyone
walk over you. This act of violation is from “HUMAN RIGHT” this also influences your
freedom of thought and expression, which is a violation and it one of your human
rights. This paragraph lacks credibility. We need a topic sentence, evidence and justification

Do not assume/ generalise

We all know COVID-19 vaccine intend to provide acquired immunity against COVID-
19. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, work to develop a vaccine against the
Evidence? justification? Link back to thesis?
The first line should always be a new idea/ topic you are bringing in
There is a case where people are protesting this very same topic as it is an issue, that
is needs to be addressed. A nationwide protest vaccine mandates and other rules in
France drew 240,000 people (about half the population of Wyoming) earlier this month,
businesses have sued to overturn New York City’s vaccine mandate for public places
like restaurants, and a debunked video purporting to show Australian police forcing
vaccinations on people has circulated on social media. Some argue COVID-19
vaccine mandates are human rights violations. Not really, say experts believe being
protected by the vaccine Is a fundamental right. structure is incorrect

This is not considered a paragraph.

The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent;
should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the
intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other
ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and
comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to
make an understanding and enlightened decision. No new information needed in the conclusion

PLEASE go through the PowerPoint Exam Prep slides that we uploaded onto the site.
We have detailed how your essay should be structured.
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan

Link to question?
In today’s life everything is about money. Nowhere is anything for free no matter what
they say, they will always find a way to make money out of it and the same goes for
What is your thesis statement? What direction will this essay take?
the vaccines.
ONLY the references given to you may be used
Stating from the United Nations Offices on Drugs and Crime UNODC, they claim the
following: "During the pre-bidding phase, corruption risks include inaccurately
estimating the demand for a particular product or service, circumventing tender
procedures, and deliberately tailoring tender documents to favour a particular bidder.
During the bidding phase, there is the risk of government officials receiving bribes or
kickbacks from suppliers, as well as the risk of collusion and market division between
bidders themselves. Such networks thrive by virtue of their exclusion and even more
so when oversight is traded for speed and rapid impact. Lastly, in the post-bidding
phase, corruption risks include false invoicing, changing contract agreements, and the
This quote is way too long. There is no engagement with
failure to deliver produced vaccines." the quote and a justification for/against it?
They want everybody to take these vaccines only to make money out of it and they
do not use questions
just keep on saying that this will keep you safe, yet you can still get the virus? This
feels like that it is not only to "keep the people safe" but only to fill their pockets as they

Most businesses will start to make this a mandatory vaccine, meaning that if you are
evidence from references???
not vaccinated, you will not be able to work there anymore. This is inhumane and goes
against human rights. It is your body and you decide what and what not to do with it.
Do not use subjective language in academic writing
Nobody, not even the president can go against your wishes just to get what they want!

A lot of healthy people died because of this vaccine and neither the parliament nor the
EVIDENCE? No questions please
president had anything to say about this. Now, they still want us to take this vaccine?
I am no one's Ginny pig and I refuse to take this vaccine because it is my fullest right,
and the Bill of Rights can prove my statement because " According to the Bill of Rights
section 12 (2) of the Constitution, every person has the right to bodily and
psychological integrity, which includes the right to make decisions concerning
reproduction, security and control consent." According to this section of the
Constitution every person has the right to make decisions on health and medical
interventions and treatment, including the acceptance or rejection of this vaccine.
Only use the sources that you were given
This is not how a conclusion should be written
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 20212
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan


United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

You were not given these sources

Pay attention to the instructions
Bill of Rights
ENG1503 MOCK EXAM 2021
Dr Kershnee Sevnarayan


 Thank you for writing in paragraphs. I liked that each body paragraph expressed
a different idea in most responses. Well done!!!
 Some of the introductions are well formulated with a brief background, thesis
statement and a line or two guiding the reader on what to expect in the essay.
 Some you used in-text citations. This is great and what we want to see!
 Some of you referenced correctly at the end of the essay. Well done!
 Most of you stuck to the word count.
 Well done for using ONLY the references allocated in the question.
 Students used their own ‘voices’ and provided examples and explanations. This
is brilliant. Keep it up.
 It was great to see students using discourse markers in their essays, for
example, first, second, finally, however, therefore, in contrast, for this reason,


 One or two line introductions are not acceptable. This cannot be considered a
 Do not number and bullet point your paragraphs.
 Do not use subheadings.
 Many students copied and pasted web links as references. This will marked
incorrectly in the examination. Each reference has to be referenced correctly.
 Some students included a reference list, but we did not see any in text citations
in the essay itself. You will be marked down for this.
 MOST STUDENTS did not use in-text citations. You will be marked down for
 Many students did not follow instructions and cited other sources instead of the
ones that were provided to you. PLEASE NOTE that this will not be considered
for marks. DO NOT do this in the exam. PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS.
 Do not end a paragraph with a quote. You should use your voice to interrogate
the quote/ explain or provide examples to show us your understanding.

Thank you to all the students who have participated in the mock exam :)

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