Reclamation and Revegetation of Mine Spoil Dumps Through Integrated Biotechnological Approach - A Case Study

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Reclamation and Revegetation of Mine Spoil Dumps through Integrated

Biotechnological Approach – A case study


Opencast mining drastically disturbs the physical and socio-economical features of the
area. The mines which are located in forest, threaten the ecological balance of the region by
disturbing flora & fauna to a great extent. To extract valuable mineral underneath the surface,
rock overlying the valuable mineral is removed and stored separately , creating waste rock
dumps. These dumps not only occupy valuable land but also creates environmental problems.
Sustainable development requires reclamation of the dumps created by mining of valuable
minerals which can be achieved by revegetation using integrated biotechnological approach
(IBA) The method evolves study of soil parameters, choosing proper organic compounds,
fungus and bacteria’s along with plant species. Successful implementation of IBA results in
forestation of waste rock dumps thus ensuring sustainable development. This paper present
case study of Dongri opencast mine of MOIL Ltd where scientific studies have resulted in
achieving revegetation of dumps successfully.

Key words
Rock dumps, sustainable development, reclamation, integrated biotechnology approach,
organic compounds, bacteria, plant species

1.0 Introduction
Development requires energy, minerals and metals. To mine valuable minerals beneath the
surface of the earth, the waste rock overlying the minerals is to be removed first and stored
separately. The quantum of these waste rocks is huge and it creates huge dumps of rocks.
These dumps not only cover the valuable land but also create environmental problems.
Erosion of dumps creates silting of water bodies, increases in heavy metal concentration and
disturbs the aesthetics of the region.(9).

Therefore, soil restoration of abandoned mining lands became a very important part of
sustainable development strategies and also prescribed by law in several countries.(11)The
overburden dumps created during the process of opencast mining are devoid of good
structure, texture, useful nutrients, organic matter and microbial activities which operate
various ecological cycles. Poor physical conditions do not encourage plant establishment on
such lands resulted in severe erosion problems.(12) The restoration of productivity and
fertility of such lands is a major environmental concern and a systematic and scientific
approach is needed for rejuvenation of such lands by planning economically, ecologically
important and stress tolerant plant species. Mining waste is generated in huge quantities, and
its potential to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere should be encouraged for its application at
an industrial scale. (5)

2.0 MOIL Limited – A Brief:

Manganese ore is vital for steel & steel related industries. This mineral is produced on
large scale from different parts of the world. Indian manganese mining industries shares 6%
of the world’s production. MOIL Limited is the largest producers of manganese ore & its
value added products in India. It produces more than around 1.3 million tonnes of manganese
ore per year from 11 mines, which are located in the state of Maharashtra & Madhya Pradesh.
Out of this, 7 mines are underground & 4 mines are opencast. The underground mines are
accessed by inclines/shafts. Opencast are worked with shovel dumper combination. There are
two integrated mineral beneficiation plants, located at Balaghat & Dongri Buzurg Mine & two
processing plant for value addition i.e. Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide plant at Dongri
Buzurg & Ferro Manganese Plant at Balaghat mine.(13)

2.1 Dongri Buzurg Mine:

The mine is located 120 km from Nagpur in Bhandara district of Maharashtra state.
Total lease hold area of the mine is 174.860 ha, out of which at present mining area are about
92 ha. It produces around 3 Lakh tonnes of manganese ore per year that includes around
10000 -15000 tonnes of dioxide ore which is being used for making dry battery and
chemicals. Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD) plant of 1000 TPA capacity and
Integrated Mineral Beneficiation plant of 400000 TPA capacity is operated at mine head.

Manganese ore of the mine consisted secondary oxide minerals such as Psilomelane,
Crptomelane and primary silicate minerals in the form of Braunite and Jacobsite. The gauge
consist Quartz, Iron minerals and Apatite. The waste rock is mainly mica schist which is
lighter and very friable in nature. Top soil generated is stored separately. Total area covered
by dumps in Dongri mine is 32 Ha and 107375 m³ of top soil is preserved separately.(13)

3.0 Integrated Biotechnological Approach (IBA)

The fertile top soil was removed and used in mixture for application in IBA to fill the
pits constructed for plantation of saplings. A layer of about 30 cm was laid over spoil dumps
for increasing vegetation. An approach plan for rejuvenation of land productivity and
reclamation of spoil dumps was prepared, based on the physio-chemical-microbiological
properties of mine land and mine spoil dumps.(10)
The integrated biotechnological approach (IBA) envisages the use of industrial wastes
like pressmud from sugar mill industry as an organic amendment for the spoil & use of
nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium and Azotobacter which can tolerate high manganese
concentration and VFM fungi. The use of bio-fertilizers reduces the environmental risk of
using chemical fertilizers.(8).

3.1 Field and laboratory study:

Extensive laboratory and field studies were undertaken to evaluate the physico-
chemical and biological properties of mine spoil and selection of appropriate blend of spoil
and pressmud. Laboratory and field studies were also undertaken to select the most suitable
plant species for the dumps. On the basis of these studies different plant species like teak
(Tectona grandis), shishum (Dalbergia sissoo), shiwan (Gmelina arborea), neem (Azadirachta
indica), karanj (Pongamia pinnata), cassia (Cassia seamea), awala (Emblica officinalis) and
bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) were selected. (6, 7). Plantation of these species was carried
out by pitting method and plants were inoculated with specific bio-fertilizer cultures and

Co-recycling of mine spoil, with a sugar mill waste known as pressmud was undertaken as
some sugar mills were located nearby. The sugarcane bagasse can be used to improve the
geotechnical properties of the soil even the moisture retaining capacity, which makes useful
for the growth of plants in the arid region. (1). Bagasse has a property of moisture retention
and is rich in nitrogen and helps in the yield of growth of soyabean. A mix of sugar bagasse
with organic compost can lead to better growth of the crop It also helps resolve waste disposal
problems and the organic waste provides suitable substance for proliferation of soil
microflora. (2). Reclamation by using phytoremediation, increases soil organic carbon which
is helping the spoil dump to act as carbon sink for the area.(3).

Besides, it involves inoculation of plants with specialised cultures of endomycorrhizal fungi

of Glomus spp and bio-fertilizers like Rhizobium and Azotobacter for improving nodule
formation, solubilization of phosphate, profuse root development. There is no ground water
pollution due to nutrient leaching. Further, micro organisms also secrete hormones, auxins
etc., which helps improve plant establishment and growth.(8) Ecological cycles in rhizosphere
are restored in just 18 to 20 months time, which otherwise takes decades. IBA also helps
establish fruit trees like mango, sapota and pomegranate etc.

Table 1 - Soil Quality at Dongri Mine

Available Available Available

Organic Soil
nitrogen phosphorous potassium
Location carbon quality
(as N) (as P) (as K)
% index
lbs/acre lbs/acre lbs/acre
566.471 17.73 62.011 1.496 647.71
(15 cm)
394.744 20.60 60.677 1.510 477.53
(30 cm)
Kurmuda (15 cm) 456.872 18.17 58.660 1.469 535.17
Kurmuda (30 cm) 428.998 18.66 55.863 1.442 504.96
359.632 20.37 60.691 1.361 442.05
(15 cm)
399.284 23.20 58.007 1.469 481.96
(30 cm)

3.2 Methodology used for plantation at different sites:

Pitting technique was adapted for plantation on slopes of mine spoil dumps. Pits at
slope of dump were 0.6 m x 0.6 m x 0.6 m dimension and at elevated level were 1 m x 1 m x
1 m size dimension. Each pit was filled with 4 parts of spoil + 1 part of soil. The most
responsive treatment selected for plantation at Dongri Buzurg Mine was 4 parts of spoil + 1
part of soil + pressmud @ 100 t/ha. The VAM spores (10g) having approximately 30 spores
were applied to each pit by mixing with blending material to enhance the nitrogen fixation,
development of profuse root system in plants, solubilization and mobilization of nutrients.
Improvement in various physico-chemical properties of mine spoil and microbial population
such as Bacteria, Fungi. Actinomycete, Rhizobium, Azotobactor and VAM spores were
determined from suitable method by NEERI scientist.

3.3 Reclamation & revegetation of mine spoil dump:

Application of IBA, not only improved survival rate, but helped plant growth 7 to 9 fold,
developing large leaves, as compared to plant grown without IBA. Amendment of mine spoil
with press-mud- sugar mill waste around 100 tonnes per hectare increased water holding
capacity from 10.8% to 46.4% helping root proliferation. Being rich in organic matter (40% -
45%), press-mud increased spoil nutritive capacity for nitrogen, phosphate, potash and

Table 2: Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Soil Profile Samples from

Revegetated Manganese Mine Spoil Dump at Dongri Mine

Parameters Profile A Profil B

Bulk Density, g/cc 1.25 1.24
Maximum Water Holding Capacity, % 56.40 58.20
Porosity,% 63.60 65.95
Sand,% 40 42
Silt,% 33 37
Clay,% 27 21
Physical 7.72 7.69
EC,mS/cm 1.29 1.30
Organic carbon,% 1.72 1.64
Nitrogen(Total),% 0.062 0.048
Nitrogen (Available),% 0.045 0.03
Phosphorous (Total),% 0.065 0.041
Phosphorous(Available),% 0.045 0.029
Potassium (Total),% 0.082 0.045
Potassium (Available),% 0.05 0.031

3.4 Role of Biofertilizers & Endomycorrhizal Fungi in root development and nodulation:

To tolerate high manganese concentration, Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) of

Glomus spp was used. The presence of silicate minerals such as chlorite, pyroxene, mica, and
amphiboles at the waste dump and stockpile are the potential feedstocks for carbon
sequestration because these minerals are rich in calcium and magnesium that are essential for
mineral carbonation processes. (4). Simultaneously, specialised cultures of Rhizobium for
leguminous trees and Azotobacter for non-leguminous trees which can tolerate manganese
concentration upto 150 ppm were developed for various plant species by scientist from
National Environmental and Engineering Research Institute.

Inoculation of Teak and Shiwan with VAM – Azotobacter and amendment of mine spoil with
press-mud at the rate of 100 tonne/hectare resulted in higher root length and more root
biomass. Further, use of VAM – Rhizobium inoculum for Shishum increased root length,
roots biomass and nodulation by 3.9,170 and 7.7 fold respectively compared to plants grown
in general spoil. Thus for better root development and nodulation in plants it was vital to use
specialised cultures of VAM and bio-fertilizers.

Table 3 - Effect of IBA on Plantation in Spoil Dumps

VAM - Azotobacter VAM - Rhizobium

Root Weight of Root Weight of Root Nodules Weight of
length roots length roots length Per roots
TREATMENT cms gms cms gms cms Plant gms
Spoil as such,
without inoculation 7 3.2 8 3 9 2 3.4
Spoil as such,
with inoculation 8 4 9 4.5 10 3 4
4 Spoil + 1 Soil +
100 T/ha Pressmud 14 8 17 10 20 83 12
without inoculation
4 Spoil + 1 Soil +
100 T/ha Pressmud 32.5 24.2 34.2 22.5 35 330 26.2
with inoculation

3.5 Growth performance of plant:

Plants of high timber value like Teak, Shishum, Neem, industrial plants like Bamboo and
others of ecological importance like Cassia, Karanj, Shiwan etc were planted on spoil dumps.
IBA significantly improved plant growth 7 to 9 fold, while survival rate for plants like Teak,
Neem, Shishum, Shiwan, Bamboo etc., ranged from 84 to 92 percent as depicted below in
fig.1 & fig.2. Further, use of IBA helped plants like Teak, Shiwan, Bamboo develop large

Survival Rate of Plants Grown on Growth Performance of Plants Grown on

Manganese Mine Spoil Dump
Managnese Mine Spoil Dump

800 100
400 50
200 Without IBA Without IBA
0 0 With IBA
With IBA

Without IBA

Without IBA





Fig.1 Fig.2
3.6 Major Achievement of IBA:
• Plant survival rate increased from 15 to 87%.
• Plants of Teak, Shishum, Neem, Shiwan etc. developed luxuriant green cover.
• Growth rate 7 – 9 fold higher due to IBA
• Excellent nodulation (250-370) in leguminous plants.

Table 4- Details of afforestation at Dongri buzurg mine

Sl. Year of No. of Location of Planted Species Survival

No. Plantation Plantation plantation Rate
within the (%)
lease area
1 2011-12 5000 Dump top, slopes Teakwood, Su- 95
and road-side Babool&Karanji

2 2012-13 5000 Dump top slopes Teakwood, 95

and road-side Karanji, Jatropha&
3 2013-14 5000 Dump top, slopes Teakwood, 80
and road-side Jatropha, Karanji&
4 2014-15 5000 Dump top, slopes Jatropha, 85
and road-side Teakwood, Sun-
ghass, Acacia
5 2015-16 5000 Dump top, slopes Teakwood, Su- 90
and road-side Babool&Karanji
6 2016-17 - - - -
7 2017-18 4000 Dump top Teakwood, 75
&slopes Jatropha, Karanji,
Sun-ghass, Su-
8 2018-19 21600 Dump top&slopes Teakwood, Sun- 70
ghass, Jatropha,
9 2019-20 10000 Dump top Teakwood, sun- 90
&slopes ghass, Jatropha,
10 2020-21 3500 Dump top Teakwood, sun- 85
&slopes ghass, Jatropha,
Karanji, Acacia,

4 - Conclusion and Discussion

The mine waste dumps hardly support growth of vegetation as they lack required nutritive
elements. Vegetation in such condition is only possible by using scientific methods. The IBT
method evolves study of soil parameters, choosing proper organic waste substance for
proliferation of soil microflora, bacteria and fungus to enhance the nitrogen fixation,
development of profuse root system in plants, solubilization and mobilization of nutrients
along with selection of proper of plant species. At Dongri mine of MOIL Ltd successful
plantation of various plant species having higher plant survival rate, higher growth rate,
increased root length, roots biomass and nodulation could be achieved with introduction of
IBA along with expert support from National Environmental and Engineering Research
Institute. The methodology can be used in other mine waste dumps of steel ores also thus
achieving major goals of plantation and simultaneously improving forest cover in mining


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