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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 9: Software Development Life Cycle

Date Received 1st

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Date Received 2nd

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Student Name Trần Văn Khởi Student ID BH00082

Class IT0501 Assessor name Nguyễn Thái Cường

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1 D2
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Table of Contents
A. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
B. Content........................................................................................................................... 6
I. Describe two iterative and two sequential software lifecycle models. ......................... 6
1. Software development life cycle: phases .................................................................. 6
2. SDLC moduls ........................................................................................................... 10
a. Waterfall SDLC Model ............................................................................................. 10
b. V Model .................................................................................................................. 13
c. Spiral model. ........................................................................................................... 16
d. RAD model.............................................................................................................. 18
e. Agile Model ............................................................................................................ 21
f. Incremental Model .................................................................................................. 22
g. Iterative Model ....................................................................................................... 23
II. Explain how risk is managed in the Spiral lifecycle model. (p2).................................. 25
III. Discuss the purpose of conducting a feasibility report (study) for the project (P3) ... 26
1. Definition of feasibility report................................................................................. 26
2. How to Conduct a Feasibility Study......................................................................... 30
IV. Discuss how the three feasibility criteria (technical, economic, organisational) are
applied to the project. Discuss whether the project is feasible (P4) .............................. 33
1. Discuss how the three feasibility criteria (technical, economic, organisational) are
applied to the project. ................................................................................................ 33
2. Discuss whether the project is feasible ...................................................................... 37
3. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each option................................... 42
4. Discuss alternative technical solutions using the alternative matrix. ...................... 45
V. Explain the components of a feasibility report (M2) .................................................. 47
1. Key components of a feasibility study..................................................................... 47
2. How to write a feasibility study .............................................................................. 50
C. Conclusion. ................................................................................................................... 52
D. References. .................................................................................................................. 52

Figure 1: Step...................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2: Waterfall SDLC Model ........................................................................................ 11
Figure 3: V Model ............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 4: Spiral model. ...................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5: RAD model ......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 6:Agile Model......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7: Incremental Model............................................................................................ 23
Figure 8: Iterative Model .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 9: Feasibility Study ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 10: How to conduct feasibility study ...................................................................... 32
Figure 11: What is the Feasibility study ............................................................................ 33
Figure 12: technical feasibility .......................................................................................... 35
Figure 13: Operational feasibility ...................................................................................... 36

A. Introduction
Hello teacher. My name is Tran Van Khoi, I am currently studying in class IT0501 and I am
a 2nd year student at BTEC FPT British College. Now I will present ASM1 exercise in SDLC
taught by teacher Nguyen Thai Cuong. My ASM1 post includes the following sections:

 Describe two iterative and two sequential software lifecycle models.

 Explain how risk is managed in the Spiral lifecycle model. (p2).
 Discuss the purpose of conducting a feasible report (study) for the project (P3)
 Definition of possible report
 How to Conduct a Feasibility Study
 Discuss how the three possible criteria (technical, economic, organizational) are
applied to the project. Discuss whether the project is feasible (P4)
 Discuss how the three possible criteria (technical, economic, organizational) are
applied to the project.
 Discuss whether the project is feasible
 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each option
 Discuss alternative technical solutions using the alternative matrix.
 Explain the components of a feasible report (M2)

B. Content

I. Describe two iterative and two sequential software lifecycle models.

1. Software development life cycle: phases
There are many different SDLC models in software engineering, and they vary according
to many factors. Still, the sequence of software life cycle phases usually remains the same,
with a few exceptions. Let’s see what software life cycle phases there are and what should
be done during each.

Figure 1: Step
* Stage 1. Planning And Requirement Analysis
- Requirement gathering and analysis are crucial for a software life cycle. There are many
people taking part in this stage and many processes going on. In short, specialists try to
look at the project from the business perspective and understand whether it’s worth the

- Each software development life cycle model starts with the analysis, in which the
stakeholders of the process discuss the requirements for the final product. The goal of this
stage is the detailed definition of the system requirements. Besides, it is necessary to
ensure that all the process participants clearly understand the tasks and how specialists will
implement every requirement. Often, the discussion involves the QA specialists who can
interrupt the process with the adjustments even during the development stage if it is
necessary. Also, a project manager defines the technologies used in the project, team load,
limitations, time frames, and budget. The most appropriate project decisions are made
according to the specified requirements.

- Business analysts perform the most crucial part of the work at this stage. They actively
communicate with a client, conduct meetings, and ask questions. The goal is to receive a
precise application’s concept, document it, and present it to the team to rely on during the
further stages.

- To be more specific, let’s name the deliverables of this stage. Along with the project
manager, the business analyst does the cost estimate and defines the scope of work.
Depending on the software development model, the requirements may be very strict or
just sufficient to start the work. The project manager, in turn, should form the initial
working plan and split all tasks correctly between the team members. Requirement analysis
should be approached seriously by the specialists because it is a foundation of all further

* Stage 2. System Design

- The system design stage is practically an extended version of the plan developed during
the first phase. So, all gathered info about the product is being analyzed and systematized.
The information received during the requirement analysis stage was primarily described in
words, and at the design stage, the plan is amended with the technical details.
- So, the developers are designing the architecture at this phase of the software life cycle.
All the different technical questions that may appear at this stage are discussed by all the
stakeholders, including the customer.

- Specialists who work actively at this phase are software engineers, system architects,
database specialists, designers. And of course, BA, PM, and tech leads remain a permanent
part of the software development process.

- So, to conclude, the deliverables of the system design stage include system and database
architecture, wireframes and mockups of the app’s screens, etc. Each time a system
component is created, it should be documented at once.

* Stage 3. Development

- After the requirements are approved, the process goes to the next stage – actual
development. It is the most lengthy stage of the SDLC. Up to this point, all necessary
information about the product is ready, and all details are thought out and designed.
Developers’ task is to assemble them into one working infrastructure by putting them into
code. So, they start to write the source code while keeping in mind previously defined
requirements. The system administrators adjust the software environment. Frontend
programmers develop the user interface of the program and the logic for its interaction
with the server.

- Programmers actively communicate with the designers because the functionality must be
consistent with the design. That’s why designers may change something in the mockups,
or devs may make minor changes to the features’ implementation.

- The programming itself assumes four stages:

+ Algorithm development

+ Source code writing

+ Compilation

+ Testing and debugging

- Apart from the developers, PM plays an essential role by controlling that the
documentation, system design, and other components fall under the relevant standards.
He is also responsible for managing teams and consistent product delivery.

- So, before moving on to the next phase, programmers need to code back-end, front-end,
databases, APIs, integrations, etc. After everything described is completed, the team
moves to the testing stage.

Stage 4. Testing

- The testing phase includes the debugging process. All the code flaws missed during the
development are detected here. QA specialists document them and pass them back to the
developers for fixing. The testing process repeats until all the critical issues are removed,
and the software workflow is stable.

- The activity during this phase may vary depending on the testing types adopted by the QA
engineers. They do manual testing with the help of such methods:

+ Acceptance testing

+ White-box testing

+ Grey-box testing

+ Black-box testing

+ Unit testing

+ Integration testing

- If QA specialists opt for automated testing, they use numerous frameworks and solutions
that ease the process.

- QA engineers can receive some testing results only after the demo version of an app is
published, and they can interact with it as users. The data based on it helps to understand
whether the product corresponds to business requirements as well as to the technical ones.

* Stage 5. Deployment
- When the program is finalized and has no critical issues, it is time to launch it for the end-
users. After the initial program version release, the tech support team joins. This
department gathers user feedback for further analysis. They also consult and support users
during the exploitation.

- A product manager is responsible for analyzing the data gathered based on the first
feedback from real users. So that a team can make conclusions about which practices were
successful and which ones they better replace.

- This information helps a business analyst or a product manager understand whether all
features are necessary or missing. It provides them with a clear picture of what people
want. So, the application adjustments are not uncommon after the initial release.

- Maintenance includes two types of work if we divide it roughly: supporting initially created
functionality and adding new features. Usually, it involves the maintenance agreement,
where the responsibilities of a software provider are strictly defined. It targets more the
support of the existing features and outlines how many online consultations and
departures to the client are included, what time is suitable for contacting the team, and
other details. However, this document also covers the frequency of software updates.

- So, if support and maintenance are entirely entrusted to the software development
provider, this process doesn’t have timeframes. However, customers may take
responsibility for the product maintenance themselves, and in this case, they contact a
service provider only in some critical cases they can’t manage on their own.

2. SDLC moduls
a. Waterfall SDLC Model
- The waterfall model is one of the oldest software development methods. It is widely used
in the software engineering industry. In this model, the software development process is
divided into different phases corresponding to different contents and tasks. The waterfall
model helps software development projects to be sequenced, the new phase is only started
when the previous phase has been completed.

* Stages of the waterfall model

In the waterfall model, a software development project will be divided into 6 different

- Requirements analysis: Discuss to understand requirements, test all requirements to

make sure they are verifiable or not.

-Design: As required to create designs, discuss hardware, software, create documents

about them.

- Development: From design create programs.

-Testing: Make sure the system is up and running in the respective environment. Make sure
nothing goes wrong when the system is deployed.

- Maintenance: In case the user encounters an error, it must be able to fix it. The system is
always updated with new features to improve efficiency.

Figure 2: Waterfall SDLC Model

* Strengths and weaknesses of the model

- The waterfall model is widely used in the effective management of software systems,
demonstrating its outstanding advantages.

- Clearly grasp the requirements to do:

In the waterfall model it is necessary to discuss with the client in advance what needs to be
done. Accurately and clearly convey the tasks to team members. Understanding each
requirement will help the software development process be smooth and accurate.

- Grasp the project status:

+ Software development project completed on schedule or not. What is the state of

the requirements? +The waterfall model will help capture the project situation
accurately to have a reasonable adjustment plan.

- Project quality assurance:

+ The input and output criteria are clearly defined, so it is easy and systematic to
conduct quality.

+ Besides the advantages, the waterfall model also has its disadvantages.

- Do not accept change requests:

+ Going back to the previous stage for change is difficult using this model.

- Potentially high risks:

+ Since testing is done at a later stage, it does not allow the challenges and risks to
be identified in the earlier phase, so risk mitigation strategies are difficult to prepare.

* When to use SDLC Waterfall model?

- The SDLC Waterfall Model is used when:

- Requirements are stable and do not change often.

- A small application.
- There are no requests that are not understood or are unclear.

- Stable environment

- The tools and technology used are stable

- Resources are trained and available.

b. V Model
- Basically V Model is quite similar to waterfall model in terms of sequential execution of
processes, each phase must also be fully completed before starting the next. The difference
from Waterfall is that testing is done in parallel with each stage.

* Step 1: BRS (business requirement Specification). BRS does a job specification reading to
see what type of work the project is written for.

- When this step is completed, it is entered into a test step

* Step 2: SRS (System requirement Specification)

SRS performs the process of reading and analyzing the quality of the work, learning about
the product system proposed by the project.

- The testing process that comes with SRS is the System Testing process

* Step 3: HLD (High Level Design)

- This phase of V Model is done on system engineering and design.

- It is considered a high level of design, because it must provide the overall processing
solution, building platform, product system and services. The testing phase for this step is
called: Integration Test.

* Step 4: LLD (Low Level Design)

This is the low level step of the design. This is the stage where the software product has
been actually designed, starting to determine the logical elements, class diagrams with all
methods, and the relationship between classes in the LLD.

- This stage may arise inconsistencies, conformity or non-conformity.

- After this step is done successfully, it is moved to the test stage called: Component Test.

* Step 5: Coding

- This is the beginning of the project implementation.

- Each member is responsible for his or her own task.

- Start using programming languages and algorithms to code out a piece of software

- This step is done, will proceed to put into a test stage, it is called the Unit Test stage

* Step 6: Code/Testing

- This step is essentially the review of step 4.

- After the coding and unit testing done in step 4 is successful, then step 5 performs a code
review on the code style.

- Ensure optimization of code, algorithms, algorithms.

- After this step is done, it is possible to modify the inefficient, suboptimal code.

- The algorithms are not really good, the code is not standard according to the convention.

- Therefore, Unit testing will be performed again.

- When the Unit test step is done again, it is also the time when the code and finished
product reach the highest level of accuracy.

- Then, in turn, the above test steps will be performed again, to ensure that the product is
exactly as required.
Figure 3: V Model
* Advantages and Disadvantages of V Model

+ Advantages.

- Simple, easy to use.

There are specific activities and plans for the testing process.

– Save time, and have a higher chance of success than waterfall.

– Be proactive in detecting bugs, finding bugs early from the very beginning.

+ Disadvantages.

– Little flexibility, there is still rigidity. It shows that after every step, there must be a test

- If the project requirements are not too complicated and easy to understand, then it is
time consuming to perform many testing stages.
– Like the water fall, the product of the project is only released when all the steps are
completed, there is no prototype from the beginning. Failing to meet the service
requirements of developing and selling products at the same time.

– If there is a technical change halfway through, it will have to go back to the first steps,
re-execute, update the document.

* How to apply V Model to projects?

+ The project is small in size, and on average, the project requirements are clear, fixed.

When the development team has a good technical team, there are rich resources,
available to ensure requirements, fast reading, fast testing and fast coding.

+ If customers have high confidence in design requirements (ie less change, less
fluctuation), then V model is the necessary choice.

c. Spiral model.
- Spiral model can be seen as a combination of waterfall model and Prototype model and
also adds risk analysis

* In the spiral model, the software development process is represented as a spiral. The
phases in the spiral development process include:

- Set goals: define goals for each phase of the project.

- Risk assessment and mitigation: risks are assessed and actions are taken to reduce them.

- Development and evaluation: after the risk assessment, a system building model will be
selected from the general models.

- Planning: evaluate the project and the next phase of the spiral model will be planned.
Figure 4: Spiral model.
Improved spiral model:

- The spiral model is an improvement of the sequential and prototyping models in

addition to the risk analysis.

- It is an iterative process of expanding and improving gradually.

- Planning: defining problems, resources, deadlines

- Risk analysis: consider risks, find solutions

- Engineering: develop a version of the software (choose the appropriate model)

- Guest reviews: customers rate the development version.

* Advantages
- Project risk analysis has been added as an essential part of the spiral process to increase
project reliability.

- Building projects that combine other models into development (Waterfall, model

- Allow to change as required for each spiral.

- It is considered as a composite model of other models.

- Not only for software but also for hardware.

-If a risk is not resolved, the project will be terminated.

-The circles are iterated to respond to user changes

- Risk control at each stage of development.

-Cost assessment is more accurate than other methods

* Disadvantages:

- Complex and not suitable for small and low-risk projects.

- Must have good skills in risk analysis.

- Frequent change requirements lead to infinite iteration

- Not widely used as waterfall model or model.

- Requires management capacity

d. RAD model
- RAD is a popular software development method that uses various tools and techniques
to quickly create software applications with minimal code. RAD nature is prototyping -
creating predefined components, structures and methods for rapidly developing software

- RAD is a linear sequential software development process model that emphasizes a

concise development cycle using an element based construction approach. If the
requirements are well understood and described, and the project scope is a constraint,
the RAD process enables a development team to create a fully functional system within a
concise time period.

- RAD is a concept that products can be developed faster and of higher quality through:

+ Gathering requirements using workshops or focus groups

+ Prototyping and early, reiterative user testing of designs

+ The re-use of software components

+ A rigidly paced schedule that refers design improvements to the next product version

+Less formality in reviews and other team communication

Figure 5: RAD model

The various phases of RAD are as follows:
* Business Modelling: The information flow among business functions is defined by
answering questions like what data drives the business process, what data is generated,
who generates it, where does the information go, who process it and so on.

* Data Modelling: The data collected from business modeling is refined into a set of data
objects (entities) that are needed to support the business. The attributes (character of
each entity) are identified, and the relation between these data objects (entities) is

* Process Modelling: The information object defined in the data modeling phase are
transformed to achieve the data flow necessary to implement a business function.
Processing descriptions are created for adding, modifying, deleting, or retrieving a data

* Application Generation: Automated tools are used to facilitate construction of the

software; even they use the 4th GL techniques.

* Testing & Turnover: Many of the programming components have already been tested
since RAD emphasis reuse. This reduces the overall testing time. But the new part must
be tested, and all interfaces must be fully exercised.

- When to use RAD Model?

+ When the system should need to create the project that modularizes in a short span
time (2-3 months).

+ When the requirements are well-known.

+ When the technical risk is limited.

+ When there's a necessity to make a system, which modularized in 2-3 months of period.

+ It should be used only if the budget allows the use of automatic code generating tools.

* Advantage of RAD Model

- This model is flexible for change.

- In this model, changes are adoptable.

- Each phase in RAD brings highest priority functionality to the customer.

- It reduced development time.

- It increases the reusability of features.

* Disadvantage of RAD Model

- It required highly skilled designers.

- All application is not compatible with RAD.

- For smaller projects, we cannot use the RAD model.

- On the high technical risk, it's not suitable.

- Required user involvement.

e. Agile Model
- Describe

+ Based on iterative and incremental model

+ Development requirements and solutions based on the combination of functions

- Apply

+ It can be used with any type of project, but it needs customer engagement and
interactivity. In addition, it can be used when the customer requires the functionality to
be ready for a short period of time (3 weeks).

* Characteristics

- Advantages:

+ Reduces the time it takes to take advantage of some system features

+ The end result is high quality software in the least possible time and customer

- Defect:
+ Depends on the skill of the software developer Scalability

- Documentation is done at a later stage

- Need an experienced team Needs special skills for the team.

Figure 6:Agile Model

f. Incremental Model
- Describe

+ In this model, the spec is divided into several parts.

+ The cycle is divided into small, easy-to-manage modules.

+ Each module will go through the requirements of design, implementation, ... like a
normal development life cycle.

- Apply

Apply to projects where requirements are clearly described, defined and understood

+ There is a demand for the product soon

* Characteristics

- Advantages:

Software works quickly throughout the development lifecycle

+ This model is more flexible, less expensive to change scope and requirements

+ Easier to test and fix with smaller repetitions

- Defect:

+ Need good planning and design

A clear and complete definition of the entire system is needed before it can be broken
down and built step by step.

+ Total cost is higher than waterfall.

Figure 7: Incremental Model

g. Iterative Model
- Describe

+ A model is iterative from start to full spec

+ Instead of developing software from the specification and then starting to execute, this
model can be reviewed gradually to arrive at the final requirements.

The development process is iterative for each version of the product in each cycle.

- Apply

+ System requirements are complete, clearly defined and easy to understand

+ Key requirements need to be defined, and some details may be updated over time

* Characteristics

- Advantages:

+ Build and perfect the product step by step

+Get user feedback from sketches

+ Documentation time will be less than design time

- Defect:

+ Each repeated stage is rigid

+ Costs system architecture or design problems that may arise, but not all, during the
entire lifecycle.

Figure 8: Iterative Model

II. Explain how risk is managed in the Spiral lifecycle model. (p2).
- For any project (e.g. needs analysis, design, prototyping, testing), the project team must
determine how many resources are needed. In the actual spiral process cycle, these
decisions are made by minimizing the overall risk.

-For example, increasing the time to test a part product

- Software will reduce the risk from the market rejecting a poor quality product.
However, this additional testing time leads to another risk that is the entry of
competitors. From a spiral model perspective, tests should be carried out until the risks
are minimized and do not arise in the future.

- Considering requirements specification is also an example, precision projects should

define what features reduce risk through precise parameters (e.g. interface between
hardware and software). software, the interface between the main contractor and the
- The scope of this risk includes evolutionary processes that ignore the risk from scalability
issues, as well as increased investment in a process engineering architecture that must be
redesigned or alternative to accommodate future product development.

- Risk analysis: Analyze risks and potential solutions (usually prototyping). To determine
the risk of each stage in each spiral, Boehm uses the "Spiral Model Template"

III. Discuss the purpose of conducting a feasibility report (study) for the project (P3)
1. Definition of feasibility report
- A feasibility study is simply an assessment of the practicality of a proposed project plan
or method. This is done by analyzing technical, economic, legal, operational and time
feasibility factors. Just as the name implies, you’re asking, “Is this feasible?” For example,
do you have or can you create the technology to do what you propose? Do you have the
people, tools and the resources necessary? And, will the project get you the ROI you

- As you’re researching the feasibility study, project management software can help you
keep track of all that information. ProjectManager does more than just collect items as
with most to-do lists. Assign a team member to get the feasibility analysis data you need.
See their progress in real time. They can attach supporting documents. You can even
comment on the task any time, anywhere. If you need an answer to a question, tag
anyone on the team and they’re alerted to the message by email and in-app notifications.
Streamline the feasibility analysis process with ProjectManager. Try it free today.
Figure 9: Feasibility Study
- The findings of your project feasibility study are compiled in a feasibility report that
usually includes the following elements.

 Executive summary
 Description of product/service
 Technology considerations
 Product/service marketplace
 Marketing strategy
 Organization/staffing
 Schedule
 Financial projections
 Findings and recommendations

- Types of Feasibility Study

 Technical Feasibility: Consists in determining if your organization has the

technical resources and expertise to meet the project requirements.
 Economic Feasibility: You’ll need to do an assessment of the economic factors of
your project to determine its financial viability. You can use a cost-benefit
analysis to compare its financial costs against its projected benefits.
 Legal Feasibility: Your project must meet legal requirements. That includes laws
and regulations that apply to all activities and deliverables in your project scope.
 Operational Feasibility: Operational feasibility refers to how well your project
matches your organization’s capacity planning, resources, strategic goals and
business objectives.
 Time Feasibility: Estimate the time that will take to execute the project and set
deadlines. Then think how your project timeline fits with your current
operations, such as your demand planning, production schedule, among many
other things.

* 7 Steps To Do a Feasibility Study

a) Conduct a Preliminary Analysis

Begin by outlining your project plan. You should focus on an unserved need, a market
where the demand is greater than the supply, and whether the product or service has a
distinct advantage. Then you need to determine if the feasibility factors are too high to
clear (i.e. too expensive, unable to effectively market, etc.).

b) Prepare a Projected Income Statement

This step requires you to work backward. Start with what you expect the income from the
project to be and then what project funding is needed to achieve that goal. This is the
foundation of an income statement. Things to take into account here include what
services are required and how much they’ll cost, any adjustments to revenues, such as
reimbursements, etc.

Related: Free Project Management Templates

c) Conduct a Market Survey, or Perform Market Research

This step is key to the success of your feasibility study, so make your market analysis as
thorough as possible. It’s so important that if your organization doesn’t have the
resources to do a proper one, then it is advantageous to hire an outside firm to do so.

The market research is going to give you the clearest picture of the revenues and return
on investment you can realistically expect from the project. Some things to consider are
the geographic influence on the market, demographics, analyzing competitors, the value
of the market and what your share will be and if the market is open to expansion (that is,
response to your offer).

d) Plan Business Organization and Operations

Once the groundwork of the previous steps has been laid, it’s time to set up the
organization and operations of the planned project to meet its technical, operational,
economic and legal feasibility factors. This is not a superficial, broad-stroke endeavor. It
should be thorough and include start-up costs, fixed investments and operating costs.

These costs address things such as equipment, merchandising methods, real estate,
personnel, supply availability, overhead, etc.

e) Prepare an Opening Day Balance Sheet

This includes an estimate of the assets and liabilities, one that should be as accurate as
possible. To do this, create a list that includes items, sources, costs and available
financing. Liabilities to consider are such things as leasing or purchasing of land, buildings
and equipment, financing for assets and accounts receivables.

f) Review and Analyze All Data

All these steps are important, but the review and analysis are especially important to
make sure that everything is as it should be and that nothing requires changing or
tweaking. So, take a moment to look over your work one last time.

Reexamine your previous steps, such as the income statement, and compare it with your
expenses and liabilities. Is it still realistic? This is also the time to think about risk, analyze
and manage, and come up with any contingency plans.

g) Make a Go/No-Go Decision

You’re now at the point to make a decision about whether the project is feasible or not.
That sounds simple, but all the previous steps lead to this decision-making moment. A
couple of other things to consider before making that binary choice is whether the
commitment is worth the time, effort and money and is it aligned with the organization’s
strategic goals and long-term aspirations.

* Best Practices for a Feasibility Study

 Use project management software like ProjectManager to organize your data and
work efficiently and effectively
 Use templates or any data and technology that gives you leverage
 Involve the appropriate stakeholders to get their feedback
 Use market research to further your data collection
 Do your homework and ask questions to make sure your data is solid

* Feasibility Analysis Definition

Basically, it’s an assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan or method. Basically,

we’ll want to want to know, is this feasible? Some of the questions that may generate this
or we can hear people asking are, “Do we have or can we create the technology to do
this? Do we have the people resource who can produce this and will we get our ROI, our
Return On Investment?”

* When to Do a Feasibility Study

So when do we do the feasibility study? So it’s done during a project lifecycle and it’s
done after the business case because the business case outlines what we’re proposing. Is
it a product or service that we’re proposing?

So why do we do this? The reason we do this is because we need to determine the factors
that will make the business opportunity a success.

2. How to Conduct a Feasibility Study

- Well, first of all, we conduct a preliminary analysis of what all’s involved in the business
case and what we’re analyzing and what we’re trying to determine is feasible.
- Then we prepare a projected income statement. We need to know what are the income
streams, how are we gonna make money on this? Where’s the revenue coming from? We
also need to conduct a market survey.

- We need to know, is this a demand? Is there a market for this? Are customers willing to
use this product or use this service?

- The fourth one is, plan the business organization and the operations. Like, what is the
structure, what kind of resources do we need? What kind of staffing requirements do we

- We also want to prepare an opening day balance sheet. What are the…how again, what
are the expenses, what’s the revenue and to ensure that being able to determine if we’re
gonna make our ROI.

- So we want to review and analyze all of the data that we have and with that, we’re going
to determine, we’re going to make a go, no-go decision. Meaning, are we going to do this
project or this business opportunity or not.

- Well, here’s some of the best practices to use during your feasibility study.

- One is, use templates, tools and surveys that exist today. The great news is, data is
becoming more and more prevalent. There are all kinds of technologies. There are groups
that they do nothing but research. Things that we can leverage today.

- We want to involve the appropriate stakeholders to ensure that input is being

considered from the different people involved.

- We also want to use again the market research to ensure we’re bringing in good, reliable

- We also…I mean do your homework, meaning act like is if this is your project, if it’s your
money. So do your homework and do it well and make sure you give credible data.
Figure 10: How to conduct feasibility study

c. What Is a Feasibility Report?

- So ultimately in the end what we’re doing is, we’re producing and we’re providing a
feasibility report. So in that report, think of this is like a template.

- So what you’re gonna do is give it an executive summary of the business opportunity

that you’re evaluating and the description of the product or the service.

- You want to look at different technology considerations. Is it technology that you’re

going to use? Are you going to build the technology?

- What kind of product and service marketplace and being able again, to identify the
specific market you’re going to be targeting. Also, what is the marketing strategy you’re
going to use to target the marketplace?

- And also what’s the organizational structure? What are the staffing requirements? What
people do you need to deliver the product or service and even support it?

- So also we want to know the schedule to be able to have the milestones to ensure that
as we’re building things, that as we’re spending money that we’re beginning to bring in
income to pay and knowing when we’re going to start recuperating some of the funding.
Again, which also ties into the financial projections.

- Ultimately in this report, you’re going to provide the findings and the recommendations.

- Again, we’ll probably talk about technology. Are you going to build it? Are you going to
buy it? What’s the marketing strategies for the specific marketplace organization? You
may have some recommendations for whether you’re going to insource the staff, maybe
you are going to outsource some staff and what that looks like and also financial

Figure 11: What is the Feasibility study

IV. Discuss how the three feasibility criteria (technical, economic, organisational) are
applied to the project. Discuss whether the project is feasible (P4)
1. Discuss how the three feasibility criteria (technical, economic, organisational) are
applied to the project.
Feasibility Study in Software Engineering is a study to evaluate feasibility of proposed
project or system. Feasibility study is one of stage among important four stages of
Software Project Management Process. As name suggests feasibility study is the feasibility
analysis or it is a measure of the software product in terms of how much beneficial
product development will be for the organization in a practical point of view. Feasibility
study is carried out based on many purposes to analyze whether software product will be
right in terms of development, implantation, contribution of project to the organization

Types of Feasibility Study :

The feasibility study mainly concentrates on below five mentioned areas. Among these
Economic Feasibility Study is most important part of the feasibility analysis and Legal
Feasibility Study is less considered feasibility analysis.

* Technical Feasibility
Figure 12: technical feasibility

In Technical Feasibility current resources both hardware software along with required
technology are analyzed/assessed to develop project. This technical feasibility study gives
report whether there exists correct required resources and technologies which will be
used for project development. Along with this, feasibility study also analyzes technical
skills and capabilities of technical team, existing technology can be used or not,
maintenance and up-gradation is easy or not for chosen technology etc.

* Operational Feasibility
In Operational Feasibility degree of providing service to requirements is analyzed along
with how much easy product will be to operate and maintenance after deployment. Along
with this other operational scopes are determining usability of product, Determining
suggested solution by software development team is acceptable or not etc.

Figure 13: Operational feasibility

* Economic Feasibility

In Economic Feasibility study cost and benefit of the project is analyzed. Means under
this feasibility study a detail analysis is carried out what will be cost of the project for
development which includes all required cost for final development like hardware and
software resource required, design and development cost and operational cost and so on.
After that it is analyzed whether project will be beneficial in terms of finance for
organization or not.

2. Discuss whether the project is feasible

Data for the feasibility study can be gathered through interviews, which are covered in
detail in Chapter “Information Gathering: Interactive Methods“. The kind of interview
required is directly related to the problem or opportunity being suggested. The systems
analyst typically interviews those requesting help and those directly concerned with the
decision-making process, typically management. Although it is important to address the
correct problem, the systems analyst should not spend too much time doing feasibility
studies, because many projects will be requested and only a few can or should be
executed. The feasibility study must be highly time compressed, encompassing several
activities in a short span of time.

After an analyst determines reasonable objectives for a project, the analyst needs to
determine if it is possible for the organization and its members to see the project through
to completion. Generally, the process of feasibility assessment is effective in screening
out projects that are inconsistent with the business’s objectives, technically impossible, or
economically without merit.

Although it is painstaking, studying feasibility is worthwhile because it saves businesses

and systems analysts time and money. In order for an analyst to recommend further
development, a project must show that it is feasible in all three of the following ways:
technically, economically, and operationally, as shown in the illustration below.

* The Three Key Elements of Feasibility

- Technical Feasibility

 Add on to present system

 Technology available to meet users’ needs

- Economic Feasibility

 Systems analysts’ time

 Cost of systems study

 Cost of employees’ time for study

 Estimated cost of hardware

 Cost of packaged software or software development

- Operational Feasibility

 Whether the system will operate when installed

 Whether the system will be used

* Technical Feasibility

The analyst must find out whether it is possible to develop the new system given the
current technical resources. If not, can the system be upgraded or added to in a manner
that fulfills the request under consideration? If existing systems cannot be added onto or
upgraded, the next question becomes whether there is technology in existence that
meets the specifications.

At the same time, the analyst can ask whether the organization has the staff who are
technically proficient enough to accomplish the objectives. If not, the question becomes
whether they can hire additional programmers, testers, experts, or others who may have
different programming skills from theirs, or maybe outsource the project completely. Still
another question is whether there are software packages available that can accomplish
their objectives, or does the software need to be customized for the organization?

* Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility is the second part of resource determination. The basic resources
to consider are your time and that of the systems analysis team, the cost of doing a full
systems study (including the time of employees you will be working with), the cost of the
business employee time, the estimated cost of hardware, and the estimated cost of
software or software development.
The concerned business must be able to see the value of the investment it is pondering
before committing to an entire systems study. If short-term costs are not overshadowed
by long-term gains or produce no immediate reduction in operating costs, the system is
not economically feasible and the project should not proceed any further.

* Operational Feasibility

Suppose for a moment that technical and economic resources are both judged
adequate. The systems analyst must still consider the operational feasibility of the
requested project. Operational feasibility is dependent on the human resources available
for the project and involves projecting whether the system will operate and be used once
it is installed. If users are virtually wed to the present system, see no problems with it,
and generally are not involved in requesting a new system, resistance to implementing
the new system will be strong. Chances for it ever becoming operational are low.

Alternatively, if users themselves have expressed a need for a system that is

operational more of the time, in a more efficient and accessible manner, chances are
better that the requested system will eventually be used. Much of the art of determining
operational feasibility rests with the user interfaces that are chosen, as we see in Chapter
“Human–Computer Interaction“.

* Organizational Feasibility

How well the system ultimately will be accepted by its users and incorporated into the
ongoing operations of the organization. There are many organizational factors that can
have an impact on the project, and seasoned developers know that organizational
feasibility can be the most difficult feasibility dimension to assess.Strategic alignment is
the fit between the project and business strategy — the greater the alignment, the less
risky the project will be, from an organizational feasibility perspective

A second way to assess organizational feasibility is to conduct a stakeholder analysis. A

stakeholder is a person, group, or organization that can affect (or can be affected by) a
new system.The champion is a high-level executive and is usually, but not always, the
project sponsor who created the system request. The champion supports the project by
providing time and resources.
The final feasibility study helps organizations make wiser investments regarding IS
because it forces project teams to consider technical, economic, and organizational
factors that can affect their projects.

a. Featured

Although organizations are very different in their reasons of existence and operating
methods, they all have basic characteristics as a type of organization. That is:

- Every organization has a very clear purpose. Unlike individuals, communities or societies,
organizations rarely carry an end in themselves, but rather an organization created by
certain actors as a tool to accomplish certain goals. This is the most basic element of any

- All organizations are organizations of many people working for a common goal in a
stable organizational structure. When we join an organization, we commit to act together
with others for a common goal, not just towards our own.

- Every organization shares a big goal - to provide products and services of value to
customers. A clear sense of purpose associated with "quality products and services" and
"customer satisfaction" is an important source of strength and advantage for an

- Every organization is an open organization. The organization interacts with the

environment in the process of continuously attracting input resources to convert into
outputs, which are products and services provided to customers.

- Ultimately, every organization is managed. The image of managers is always associated

with certain organizations.

b. Classify

There are many different views on the classification of organizations and the following are
some of the basic classifications.

- Public and private organizations

According to different approaches, the concept of public and private organizations is very

+ Under ownership mode

A public organization is an organization owned by the State or without an owner. These

are state agencies, state-owned enterprises, public schools and hospitals, political, social,
unions, and professional organizations.

A private organization is an organization that is privately owned (by one or a group of

people). These can be private businesses, limited liability companies, partnerships,
cooperatives, farms, individual business households, farmer households, private schools,
private hospitals...

+ According to the products and services that the organization creates

A public organization is an organization that creates public products and services -

products and services that users do not have to compete with and exclude each other for
the right to use.

A private organization is an organization that creates private products and services.

- For-profit and non-profit organizations

According to the basic objective, organizations are divided into for-profit organizations
and non-profit organizations.

A for-profit organization is an organization that exists primarily for profit purposes.

The factor of most interest in these institutions is how much profit is generated from
the investments and how the interests of the owners are satisfied. Those are businesses,
cooperatives, individual business households...

A non-profit organization is an organization that exists to provide products and services

to the community.
They are state agencies, public-interest organizations, political organizations, religious
organizations, charity organizations, museums... The most important criteria for
evaluating operational results The activities of these organizations are not profit.

- Formal and informal organization

According to the nature of the relationships, organizations are divided into formal
organizations and informal organizations.

Formal organization is usually understood with some basic characteristics.

First, an organization in which all its members have clearly defined functions, duties,
authority and responsibilities.

Second, is an organization whose structure can be shown through a structure diagram

with clear relationships.

Third, an organization that can provide specific products and services to its customers
within the legal framework.

Typical examples of formal organizations include businesses, government agencies,

schools, hospitals, social and mass organizations, religious organizations, etc.

Informal organizations do not have the above characteristics. Typical of informal

organizations can include groups formed through personal relationships, existing in
formal organizations due to common aspirations, interests, views, and ideas.

- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each option

3. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each option

a. Functional organizational structure

* The advantages of functional organization model are

- Simple, clear and highly logical

-Can promote the advantages of specialization because functional divisions focus on

similar jobs, promote scale advantages, reduce duplication in operations, simplify
chemical training
- Retain the power and credibility of the basic functions

- Pay more attention to professional standards and employee behavior

- Facilitating close inspection of the top level

* The disadvantage of this model is

- Often leads to conflicts between functional units when setting goals and operating

- Lack of coordination of actions between departments

- Excessive specialization can create a narrow view of managers

Can reduce the organization's sensitivity to products, services and customers

- Limit the development of a team of general managers

- Shift responsibility for achieving the overall goals of the organization to the top

b. Functional organization
* The advantages of the functional organization are as follows-

 The highly-efficient linear structure helps to give clear instructions to every

employee within the department. The execution of the said instructions also
becomes easier.

 Employees are highly skilled, and as they are proficient in a particular type of work,
it is easy to perform above par because all their energies are focussed on a single

 All the individuals or workers are grouped on the basis of their similar know-how
and skills. It results in optimal performance.

 The responsibility of every worker and all the departments are fixed those results in
exact accountability of their work. The chain of command is very explicit and clear,
and everyone knows which decisions are theirs to make and which to defer to
other authorities.

 It becomes easier to monitor the growth and update the training of the employees.

 The organization can easily cultivate the skills of several individuals to create an
extraordinary group of specialists.

 Employees do not have to report to multiple heads.

 Every department and every individual in that department has a specific job. Hence
the chance of duplication is zero.

 There is a sense of security in the functional organization structure that results in

loyal employees who can work without the fear of termination from the

 As communication is clear and open within the department, it results in the further
career growth of all the employees.

* The disadvantages of the functional organization are as follows-

 When nearly similar skilled people are working together, conflicts may arise when
one employee is promoted whereas others are not.

 As the company starts growing, the departments also become larger. Each one of
them becomes a small company in itself because of the number of people working
in it. This can result in mismanagement and discord.

 There is a very low level of communication between the two departments, and it
results in poor coordination between them.

 The repetitive kind of work can become monotonous and lead to low energy levels.

 In most cases, the employees of one department have little knowledge about the
happenings of other departments, and this causes obstacles if any sort of
cooperation is needed by one department from another department.
 The department system gives rise to selfish mentality as the heads of every
department are only concerned about theirs and are least bothered about the

 There is a lack of teamwork between different departments, and this decreases the
level of flexibility between them.

 As the functional organization structure is rigid and fixed any sort of change
becomes very slow and extremely difficult.

 There is a lack of instant decision making because of the hierarchy in the system.

 As the functional manager has full authority over his department, he can easily
make decisions in an autocratic manner. He may consider consulting the team
members beneath him, and this sometimes works against the organization.

 The most important disadvantage of functional organization structure is that the

departments become too engrossed in their personal goals, and at the end of the
day, they start ignoring the goals set up by the organization.


4. Discuss alternative technical solutions using the alternative matrix.

- A matrix organizational structure is a combination of two or more organizational
structure types. The matrix organization is the structure uniting these other
organizational structures to give them balance.

Usually, there are two chains of command, where project team members have two
bosses or managers, a functional manager and a project manager. These roles are fluid
and not fixed, as the hierarchical structure between these two kinds of managers isn’t
organizationally defined.

This two-boss matrix will employ the best of both organizational charts and management
styles to strengthen strengths and make up for weaknesses. This way, if an organization is
working on producing two products or services at the same time, they can organize both
and use that duality to their advantage through the matrix organizational structure.
Managing multiple projects requires robust project management software.
ProjectManager has an overview section that includes portfolio roadmaps. This Gantt
chart view lets you see all the projects in your portfolio on one page to better strategize
resource planning. Get better organized today by trying our tool for free.

* Types of Matrix Organizational Structures

+ The main difference between these matrix structure types is the balance of power
between the functional manager and the project manager. Let’s see how they differ.

+ Weak Matrix Organization : In a weak matrix organization, the functional manager

oversees all project management areas and is the highest authority in the decision-
making process throughout the project. The project manager on the other hand has a
much lower authority and has to answer to the functional manager.

+ Balanced Matrix Organization: In this type of matrix structure, the project manager has
more authority than in a weak matrix organization. The functional manager still acts as
the primary managerial authority in the decision-making process.

+ Strong Matrix Organization : In a strong matrix organization, the project manager has
equal or more power than the functional manager. The project manager has control over
resource planning and task management.

+ ProjectManager Can Help you Run a Matrix Organizational Structure: Given the
complexity of a matrix organizational structure, it’s critical to have the right project
management tools to make sure team members are receiving their tasks in a clear and
orderly fashion. Two bosses can create a muddle, so having all project communication
housed in one software is essential.

+ ProjectManager has a “My Work” section that enables team members to see all of their
tasks in one place, regardless of whether a project or functional manager assigned it to
them. This enables them to manage their workflow more efficiently, marking their
progress and adding comments along the way for managers. They can also work on tasks
by projects too if they want to stay in one mindset before moving on to another project.
V. Explain the components of a feasibility report (M2)
* What Is A Feasibility Report?

A feasibility report is a report that evaluates a set of proposed project paths or solutions
to determine if they are viable. The person who prepares a feasibility report evaluates the
feasibility of different solutions and then chooses their recommendation for the best
solution. They then present the feasibility report to their company and make their

1. Key components of a feasibility study

- A feasibility study gathers essential company information and encourages investors,
company officials or other company employees to support a project. Here are some key
components of a feasibility study to consider including in your own:

 Title page

 Table of contents

 Executive summary

 Market feasibility

 Technical feasibility

 Financial feasibility

 Organizational feasibility

 Conclusion

 Appendix and reference pages

* Title page

- The title page is the first part of the feasibility study that your reader sees. You should
use a clear title that provides some insights into your project. A good example is
"Feasibility Study for Cultivating Unified Goals Across Departments."
- Your title page should also include the names of the project leader and project
members along with their job titles. You might consider including the date the project is
set to start and the estimated date for completion to provide more context about your
time frame to the reader.

* Table of contents

- The table of contents aims to provide the reader with easy access to any section within
the report. Complete your table of contents after you finish the report to make sure the
page numbers coincide with the section titles. Usually, your word processor has a table of
contents feature that makes creating this component quick and efficient.

* Executive summary

- The executive summary should be the first major component of your feasibility study. In
this section, you should include an introduction to the project, its purpose, desired
solutions and an overview of the sources you used to support the legitimacy of the report.

* Market feasibility

- The market feasibility portion of your report provides the reader with insightful
information about company statistics, market research and the future outlook for the
company. Start by summarizing your company's industry. Discuss its history, current
practices and trends along with future projections for the industry as a whole.

- Then you can start narrowing your focus to discuss how your company fits within this
industry. List your top competitors, your primary sources of revenue, sales figures and
potential niche areas you could pursue to expand your customer base.

- The market feasibility section helps your reader gain more of an understanding of your
company, what it has to offer and how your feasibility project could benefit its growth.

* Technical feasibility

- The technical feasibility section outlines several operational factors that influence the
success of your business. Discuss your company's location, materials needed to create the
products or services you offer, the manufacturing process, quality assurance facilities and
necessary transportation to ship your products to retail locations.
- The technical feasibility section provides your reader with a detailed understanding of
which factors maintain your business so you can continue delivering top-tier products and
services to your customer base. Additionally, this section helps support the credibility of
your financial feasibility section.

* Organizational feasibility

- The organizational feasibility section demonstrates your company's legal and ethical
practices to the reader. This section should include an outline of the general structure of
your company, such as branch locations or departments.

- You might want to include a small bio for each of your founders or board members. You
can also benefit from highlighting the HR procedures that your company uses to maintain
ethical and legal responsibility toward employees, as well as motivational methods you
use to instill productivity in the workplace.

- The organizational feasibility section helps the reader determine whether your
company's current practices complement or support the proposed project.

* Conclusion

- The conclusion is the last written section of your report before your appendix and
reference pages. This section summarizes each of the previous sections. You should end
the conclusion by highlighting one or more recommendations to motivate further action
on the topic. You can make a separate section for these recommendations if they require
more than a few sentences of explanation

* Appendix and reference pages

- An appendix is an optional section, but it's usually beneficial for the reader of the report.
This section includes any information that the reader might find useful but which is not
directly relevant to the other topics discussed in your report. Regardless of whether or
not you choose to include an appendix section, you should include references.

- A reference section can have one or more pages depending on the number of sources
you used to create your report. You can use company documents, scholarly articles
related to your industry, or any additional documents you wrote during the project's
completion. Be sure to use citations that adhere to the style guide you are using.

2. How to write a feasibility study

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you write your own feasibility study:

 Describe the project.

 Outline the potential solutions resulting from the project.

 List the criteria for evaluating these solutions.

 State which solution is most feasible for the project.

 Make a conclusion statement.

a) Describe the project

The first part of a feasibility study includes a description of the project you want to
complete. You should highlight its purpose and main components that influence its
success. For example, "This project aims to use department education and best HR
practices to ensure the successful integration of new employees with the upcoming

b) Outline the potential solutions resulting from the project

Secondly, talk with your team to create some possible solutions that could result from the
project. This can help you later on in the process when you try to determine which
solution provides the most benefits.

For example:

 "Enhanced company productivity"

 "Positive workplace culture"

 "Satisfaction of new and existing employees alike"

 "Improved HR strategies and overall department"

c) List the criteria for evaluating these solutions

Thirdly, write out a list of rules for you and your team to accurately assess these solutions.
Consider criteria such as the potential for revenue, increased productivity, better
communication across departments, expansion of a product line or customer satisfaction.

For example:

 "Number of new employees joining the branch during the merger"

 "Current state of the HR department and practices used"

 "Current workplace culture and employee optimism"

 "Projected revenue gained as a result of the merger"

d) State which solution is most feasible for the project

Fourthly, after deliberating with your team, make a statement about the solution to
which you want to guide your project. Make sure you include an explanation for why you
want to achieve this solution above the other options you discussed.

For example, "Based on the potential solutions offered by this merger project, we have
decided that the most feasible solution for both the project and the future of our
company is improved HR strategies and overall department. This is because the basis of
our success now and in the future relies on the talented onboarding efforts of our HR

e) Make a conclusion statement

Lastly, the concluding statement helps you summarize your main points. You should start
by reiterating the statement made in your project description that defines it and your
reasoning for starting the project. Then, restate which solution you primarily want to
achieve through the project's completion and explain why you want this solution to hold
more significance than the other solutions.
C. Conclusion.
In this ASM 1 lesson, I have presented the necessary content to complete the ASM lesson.
which talks about the software development lifecycle and format model and ways to
manage risk. Carry out a feasibility study for the project

D. References.
Below are some materials that I have found to complete the ASM

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