Optional Test

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Walter Sisulu University

Name and Surname : Boitumelo Kortjass

Student Number : 220632405

Module : Crop pests of Southern Africa

Task : Optional Test

Question 1

Food security refers to having consistent access to an adequate supply of affordable, nutritious food
and that means that the food preferences and dietary needs for all people are met. The importance
of food security is basic nutrition, long-term health and economic stability.

There are four important pillars of food security :

-Food availability: This refers to the supply of food through production, distribution, water and soil
management, and exchange.

-Food access: This relates to affording and allocation of food and in this regard the preferences of
individual households is included.

- Food utilization : This refers to when food is utlilized through adequate diet, clean water,
sanitization and healthcare to reach a state of nutritional well-being where all physiological needs
are met

-Food stability : This refers to the security of food where a population must have access to adequate
food at all times.

Question 2

2.1 –Leaf surface reduction

-Plant growth stunting, distortion and retardation

-The shoots and branches bend

-The decline in plant growth and also the strength of plants

-Transmission fungal, bacterial and viral contaminations.

2.2 – The head, thorax, and abdomen are the three parts of the body

- They have three pairs of appendages on their bodies

- They take a breather through their giils and trachea

-Complete and incomplete metamorphosis are examples of development

-Three segements make up the thorax (pro-, meso-, and meta-)

-One or two pairs of wings are found on the thorax. Winged or wingless

- Each of the 7-11 segments of the abdomen possesses spiracles

-The excretory organ of the Malpighian tubules is the head, which contains the brain, labium (with
palps), mandibles, and maxillae (with palps)

-Compound eyes, antennae, and ocelli are all present

Question 3

3.1 -Endemic pests: A pest that rarely in a few places and is confined to a certain area

-Epidemic pest : Pest outbreak in a severe form that occurs suddenly in a territory at a specific

3.2- The body of aracnhids is segmented into two section, the cephalothax in front and the abdomen

-Arachnids have 8 legs.

-Arachnids are spiders, mites and ticks.

3.3 Class crustacea includes (barnacles, copepods, crabs, prawns, lobsters, and wood lice)

- It constitutes of a segmented body with a hard exterior

- Two pairs of antennae

- constitutes of gills for respiration

-Has jointed limbs

Question 4


Apterygota : A subclass of small, agile insects, unique from other insects by their lack of wings, no
conspicuous metamorphosis examples include silverfish, the firebrat, and the jumping bristletails.

Palaeoptera : a subclass of winged insects that lack the ability to fold wings over their abdomen .
Examples include Mayflies, dragon flies and damselfies.

Polyneoptera: A subclass of winged insects, with a broad fan-like extension to their hind wings, and
incomplete metamorphosis. Examples include earwigs, cockroaches, termites and mantids.

Paraneoptera : A suborder of insects of which its insects have wings that develop on the outside in
the young stages . Examples include true bugs, sucking and biting lice, thrips and barklice

Endopterygota : A suborder of insects within infraclass neoptera that develops wings inside the body
and show complete metamorphosis. Examples include beetles, true flies, and and bees

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