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Field Test Rutus Alter 71

Adrian Gayler

Introduction Key Product Features Weight: 3.6lbs.

The Rutus Alter 71 has been around Operating Principle: VLF. Length: 54 inches full, 48.5 inches short.
for a couple of years now, but late last Frequency: Variable 4.4 kHz-18.4 kHz Battery: 6AA cells.
year Rutus announced the new V.2.0 (manual increment adjustments of 0.2 Headphone: 1/4inch.
software upgrade, based on feedback kHz). Wireless Ready: Yes.
from its users. I was really keen to see Tones: Variable and manually adjust- Extras: Finds bag, battery and control
if it would make an already capable able. box cover.
machine even better. Search Coils: 11inch DD and 8x9inch Display: Back lit LCD display.
I had heard many good things about CC. Warranty: Two years.
the Alter 71 from both social media and
within my detecting circles and was for-
tunate to try out the machine towards
the end of last year, running the original
1.1 software which I was very impressed
Recently there has been a lot of dis-
cussion about the software upgrade, so
I was very interested to see what all the
fuss was about. It is certainly impressive,
with Rutus being a relatively small com-
pany, to see that they have genuinely
listened to their customers’ feedback
after the initial launch of the machine
back in April 2017. As a result of this
feedback, version 2.0 was launched in
December 2018 and is now standard
with all new Alter 71 machines. It is also
available as an update from your near-
est Rutus dealer simply for the cost of
return postage.

July 2019 1

Field Test Rutus Alter 71 Adrian Gayler

11” DD
8x9” CC
that com
with the

six AA
Personal program. ID Gain. Iron Volume. batteries.

So, What’s New with the Ground Balance touch that someone has really thought give a phase reading of around -87.0. Ultra-Fast For use in heavy iron con-
Version 2.0 Software? When ground balancing the Alter 71, about, and really did help in keeping The poor ground balance is displayed by tamination. The Alter 71 is also able to
Four Personal Programs it will now indicate how confident it the coil cable secure and neatly finished the original message and warnings if an run two channels at once to give the
With the original 1.1 software you could is on the reading from your original off the assembly. I would be interested issue is found i.e. user maximum information in four pos-
only modify the original seven pro- ground balance. If you ground balance to see how these perform with use, as sible modes:
grams. Easy to do, but if you wanted over metal or poor soil conditions for we all know that Velcro can come loose -90 to -86 Correct ground balance.
to start over or go back to the original example, the machine will suggest that over time. Motion Mode with Discrimination
factory settings you lost the program you should ground balance again to The only little gripe I have is that -86 to -83 A possibility that ground bal- A conventional detector mode.
you created. Now you can make four optimise performance. the control box cover was a little tight ance has been completed over a metal
personal programs while still keeping in fitting but since using the machine I object or the ground has other conduc- All Metal Static Ideal for searching
the factory originals. Unpacking have realised this helps in not slipping tive properties (e.g. wet meadow). large deep items, a non-motion mode.
Upon opening the very compact pack- and covering the backlit display when
ID Gain aging, I saw the Alter 71 with its two detecting. Another minor gripe I could -83 to -65 followed by one to four All Metal Motion A mode that allows
Start-up message for ground balancing. Original users found that some targets coils was very neatly packed and possibly foresee concerned the plastic exclamation ‘!’ marks This indicates you to search for deep large items but
at an extreme depth did not give a VDI secured. Two coils is excellent, as I shaft lock: I can envisage that once sand the severity level of poor soil, either an still allows you to separate close targets
number but just a tone. With ID gain, do like changing regularly out in the enters this, it may cause slight issues to increasing probability of metal objects better than in all metal.
you are now able to get a VDI number. field and was interested to see how the thread over time. in the ground or an increasingly higher
Although I found this was not always as these would perform. In addition the conductivity of the ground because of
stable as the hodograph display. machine came with a very well made First Impressions the presence of high moisture levels.
finds pouch, control box and battery Inserting the six AA batteries, I did find
VDI Numbers 1-120 or -90 to + 90 pack cover (needed as the machine the opening of the battery cover a lit- Seven Factory Pre-Set Programs
The original 1.1 software only had the control box and battery compartment is tle fiddly but this may have been due The Alter 71 has seven very good fac-
1-120 range, which can take some get- not waterproof). The instructions sup- to the machine being new. The Alter tory pre-set search programs that I felt
ting used to, with most machines going plied were very informative and actually 71 was now ready to go. I turned the were well designed for various types of
to 100 and others much less. However, made enjoyable reading, with hints, tips machine on to hear the tones and view objects and search scenarios, especially
with the 1-120 range you really do get and even an area to write and record the hodograph display which looked for European and UK soil conditions. As
great separation of your targets. your personal settings. very interesting. Looking somewhat like well as the four personal modes avail-
I personally changed to -90 to +90 a ‘mad detectorist’, I could not wait until able with the new version 2.0 software.
Ground balance warning. VDI scale for this test, but you can Build Quality the weekend.
choose. I found the Alter 71 had one The build quality and balance of this Once turned on the machine dis- Ultra-Deep A program to search for
Iron on the hodograph display.
of the steadiest VDI’s on targets I’ve machine is very good and I feel not plays ‘Put search coil up then pull very large objects in a classic non-
ever seen. When I was detecting coins, often reflected in the photographs you trigger’ then the message ‘Preparing motion mode.
these always came in at the same VDI see online or in magazines. It might be Data and 5’, which is quickly replaced
number. me, but the stem felt a slightly thicker with an image of the coil with arrows Deep A program for smaller but deeper
gauge steel than I am used to on other above and below I – you now need to items – dual mode.
Iron Volume detectors, plus the powder coating fin- lower and raise the coil five times, then
Whatever you have discriminated out ish seemed to be of a more premium, you see ‘Detector ready pull trigger’. Big Silver Optimised to seek out large
you can set the Alter 71 volume to your tougher finish. The machine took less Once complete you are given the ‘Soil silver and copper coins – dual mode.
choice. With the Iron volume feature than 15 minutes to assemble and felt Conditions’ and then you can begin
you can run your machine wide open extremely strong. detecting if okay. The Alter 71 does not Basic A universal program. If you are
and turn down the volume for what you A small thing I noticed whilst assem- offer ground balance tracking – this is not sure which program to choose, this
would have discriminated out, making bling the detector, which I have not the only method of ground balancing is a good program to start with.
it much easier on your ears and also still seen before was the unique rubber lock- and has to be completed, otherwise you
letting you know precisely what’s going ing straps used to retain the coil wire to cannot start detecting accurately. The Coins For general coin shooting. Fast
Ground balance OK. on in the ground. the stem. This seems to be a nice little instructions state that most soil types for use in moderate iron contamination. Silver signal.

2 July 2019 July 2019 3

Field Test Rutus Alter 71 Adrian Gayler

The 1943 Elizabeth I

dated Our finds. halfgroat
sixpence found on
located in the first
my garden field trip.
– my first
attempt at
using the
Rutus Alter
almost instantly if the target is trash or
something worthwhile, which has saved
me a lot of time digging rubbish. I also
found it to be accurate at good depth,
Out in the unlike some VDI systems.
fields. After speaking with the farmer, he
told us the cans were from the 80s when
air shows had been held here. People
had clearly picnicked in this area, hence
the high levels of rubbish in the middle
of a field. With this in mind we moved
Dual Mode This combines the all metal operation speed. onto the far side of the field where the
channel with the motion discrimina- The channels can soil contained large amounts of broken
tion channel. Once I got used to the be used individu- flint and stone. Within minutes, I saw
machine, I found this mode to be the ally or at the same James look up at the electricity pylons
most informative. time when using lawn, so I gathered my digging tool and First Field Trip and shrug his shoulders. I walked over
dual mode. The pinpointer and dug down about five It was a cold and damp morning with whilst swinging to see how the Alter
Along with the VDI of up to 120 Ultra Deep is an inches. I removed the very perfect plug the vast majority of land being sodden 71 would be with this interference and
and now the option of -90 to +90 with all metal program, Deep and Big Silver in my lawn and to ground balance on – it was my lawn after all! Intrigued as and hard to walk on, let alone detect. did notice a slight hum. I stopped and
version 2.0 and customizable tones, the are dual channel programs, Basic, Coin, a new area – a great feature in V.2. to what I would find, I turned on my Getting out of a warm car into the cold moved the frequency down by .200 kHz
Alter provides a hodograph plotting Fast and Ultra-Fast are motion with After ground balancing successfully, I pinpointer on only to hear my wife we both quickly put all our standard and it stopped. “Got a signal?” James
view of what the coil reads during its discrimination programs by default. swung the Alter 71 over my lawn using shouting “You have your work trousers detectorist issue clothing on and headed said. “No just getting rid of the interfer-
sweep. The more horizontal or para- With Dual Mode it is important to the variable illuminated back lit LCD on, you will get them muddy.” Unfor- onto the mid 1800s farmland at the ence” I replied, feeling bad as he had to
bolic the graph, the more likely the set it correctly and understand what display to check out the visual ID and tunately, I suffer with selective hearing end of a fenced off disused World War walk 100 feet away to get his machine
target is mixed metal. The more vertical, settings you have used. If you have a hodograph, balance and weight. A nice like many men in the UK over 40, so Two runway in Essex. Upon turning the into a usable state. Furthermore, he had
the more likely the target is of a single favourite motion program just change clear and simple informative display carried on. machine on and carrying out the ground also been near to some lovely old oak
metal. As with all new machines I dug the settings to dual mode by adding with excellent balance I thought, plus Prodding the pinpointer around the balance, the machine displayed a good trees that looked a good place to detect.
almost every target to learn how well threshold sensitivity from 20 to 30. A lot great being able to adjust the bright- soil I eventually located the target. reading of -87. We started detecting on After an hour I found six coins of
this works and was very impressed on of users set it on 0 or 1 (this I found too ness of the screen with up to 9 levels. Excited about what was there I cleared an old footpath, shown on a map that varying dates from 1802-1944, 0.303
how the hodograph reads the target. noisy). Set the machine between 10 and Within a couple of minutes, I hit a solid the corner wall of the hole to find a we had used to research the permission. shells, a few lead weights, lots of musket
Old, rusty bottle tops that gave a high 20 (depending on iron contamination) signal reading at 48-53 and almost lovely 1943 silver sixpence! I ran into I decided to start in Coin Mode for balls and one small Elizabeth I half-
tone always had a bad looking plot. plus turning on VCO. The threshold I vertical line in the hodograph display. the house to show the ‘screenagers’ and now. After an hour detecting it was groat. The Alter 71 seemed to hoover
Unfortunately, aluminium is a single kept as quiet as possible so as to know With it being dark, the dog constantly my wife. “What’s it worth” my son said; clear a lot of trash had been dumped up musket balls in varying sizes from
metal and I was fooled by old alu- when to reset non-motion mode. throwing its ball at me and my son “I told you to change your work trou- in this field over the years with many as far as 12 inches down. I was becom-
minium drinks cans that gave a high asking “Why can’t you wait until the sers” my wife said. The dog managed aluminium drinks cans and ring pulls. ing very impressed with this machine,
tone, especially where they had been First Attempts weekend? The neighbours are looking what looked very like a smile, I think. Watching my friend getting frustrated including the discrimination speed, the
crushed vertically. However, using the Keen to get going with the new version Dad and it’s embarrassing.” I ignored This find revealed something that I digging this trash, I began to under- superb visual display and great standard
hodograph with the VDI and the tone 2.0 software on the Alter 71, I started my son and marked the spot with a peg would later discover about the Alter 71: stand and appreciate the signals on the tone sounds that you can also custom-
an object gives can provide the user with the standard coin mode and then off the washing line and went in for tea. it would find many coins and artefacts Alter 71. The hodograph display and ise. Suddenly the weather turned so we
with a lot of information to help to sort created my own personal mode with That night and like any other detec- that apparently my other machines had superbly clear tones easily determined both headed back to the car to discuss
good targets from the bad. Of course, the following slight adjustments: torist I laid there wishing I had dug the not. a good from a bad signal. The hodo- our finds and how I managed to detect
it takes some time to get used to it, Frequency to 8.8 kHz. signal there and then. I had rigorously Saturday came and as usual and I graph display in my opinion is probably where James couldn’t.
but it saved me from digging a lot of Sensitivity to 78. gone over that part of my lawn with had prepared my back pack with all the one of the best features on the Alter
trash. Discrimination to 30 taking out iron all my detectors in the past and would usual snacks for a long day ahead with 71 – for identifying targets, it’s actually The Horse Meadow
and just below foil. have dug a signal like that for sure. As the Alter 71. I picked up my mate James better than the sound. I have noticed For the last two searches with the Alter
Two Channels VCO set to on (off as standard). soon as I got home from work the next and relayed the story of the sixpence that these kind of systems are the most 71, I have been fortunate to try out the
The Alter 71 also works in two chan- I then went out in the dark into evening, I said a quick “Hello” to every- and we discussed why my other detec- accurate – if it says it’s a sixpence, it’s a machine in an area now used for horses
nels: a motion channel with object my back garden. My first ground bal- one and then ventured straight out into tors had not picked this signal up. Was sixpence, if it says its foil it is foil. It will that was also regularly used for fairs at
identification and discrimination and ance the display showed -79 which the garden, followed by the dog. The it the soil conditions, correct ground never display a straight line for example the turn of the century. This had a mix
an all metal channel with adjustable clearly indicated I had a metal object peg was still marking the spot on my balance? Or purely just luck? on a trash target, and you get an idea of high trash areas, combined with an

4 July 2019 July 2019 5

Field Test Rutus Alter 71 Adrian Gayler

down an impressive 12+ inches I found tive: the Alter 71 has so many features out a doubt. Still a great machine with
my first Roman bracelet! I shouted over that you could probably write a book to the original software but I really do feel
to James, who wandered over looking encompass them all. I do feel though, the additional features are well worth
gobsmacked. Cleaning off the clay and that to make the right adjustments to the upgrade.
peat we both then felt the sturdiness get the most out of this machine, you do I found that the battery life was very
and noted the poor-quality silvery coat- need to have some understanding of the impressive when using quality batteries.
ing. Once back home, James posted it basics of how a detector works. Being I obtained around 50 hours using vary-
online only to discover that it was pos- able to run two channels at once, to give ing frequencies (the higher using more
sibly a modern serviette ring! Oh well, maximum information in four possible power) with no noticeable difference to
The serviette ring at first at least it looks good from a distance modes could be somewhat overwhelm- the machine when the power was on its
Sunday school cap badge. thought to be a Roman bracelet. when people come round. ing to a newcomer to this hobby. On the last legs. I
There really are so many settings other hand, you can just turn it on and did not have a chance to try out the
and 8x9-inch CC. I found mode as the area had lots of heavy iron to play with to over time if you wish detect and it does the job. Or if you are wireless headphones option, although I
the 11-inch DD coil gave contamination. After searching for half to. I felt with this machine ‘that once I up for a challenge and want a machine do personally prefer wired headphones.
excellent depth, was a an hour and struggling with digging know it’ it would be a similar situation to grow and develop with you then I am I have yet to try the Alter 71 on the
really good all-rounder, through the old tree roots, I had a great to how my wardrobe has evolved over confident it won’t take long to get the beach and feel that this would be very
well balanced for the signal ranging from 67-78. Digging five the years: Comfy jogging bottoms for grasp of it. This is a machine with which interesting based on the way it per-
machine and loved pick- inches down, I found what I thought lounging around, ripped jeans for deco- you can definitely see a difference after forms on land. Overall my only slight
ing up coins. With the was a bishop’s badge of some kind. rating, dinner suit for work events and adjusting the settings once you learn concern was that of the control box
machine on the standard However, after a quick Google it was baggy shorts for the summer – it really them. When you make adjustments that not being waterproof, but then again
coin mode and playing identified as being a Sunday school cap is that customisable. are just right for the conditions, I found you can’t have everything. For more
with the frequencies, I badge from the 1940s. I then turned the that you really do have a very powerful information on the Alter 71 and users’
Area of woodland we searched. managed to dig over 30 Alter 71 back to basic mode to see how Conclusion detector to work with and enjoy. thoughts visit the Rutus members Face-
coins in two hours. These were mainly the machine handled the wooded area. As I began writing this review, I realised Would I get my machine upgraded book page: Rutus Metal Detectors (U.K.
already acidic sandy soil site with plenty Victoria pennies, probably lost from This turned out to be a great setting that it is impossible for it to be exhaus- to the Version 2.0 software? Yes, with- users group)
of ancient animal urine in the ground. I fairs in the early to mid-1900s. It actu- and anything but basic. I found another
was rather intrigued too see if anything ally became tedious in the end and I sat sixpence at just four inches down and
found would be too corroded to be of down and had my lunch to let James many more musket balls. The thing that
note. search for the remainder. impressed me most was a faint signal
On this site I was able to really I found the 8x9inch CC coil was flickering between 68-79 and an almost
have a play with all the settings on ideal for a small wooded area close straight line on the hodograph display.

Competition here
the Alter 71 and use the two coils that to where the horses were kept. Here “It must be deep,” I thought as the VDI
came with the machine: the 11-inch DD I switched the Alter 71 to Ultra-Fast was disappearing off and on. Digging

The horse meadow.

130mm high

182.5mm wide

6 July 2019 July 2019 7

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